Dec 31, 2016
If you’ve ever wondered why we’re truly here, the purpose of life, and what eastern traditions can teach us about our existence, then do we have the Secret Doctrine Show for you.
Today I’ll be talking with Mitch Horowitz, PEN award winning writer and vice-president and editor in chief at Tarcher Perigee about one...
Dec 30, 2016
If you’ve ever wanted to know why you are as you are and what you’re here for in life, then do we have the book of destinies show for you.
Today I’m talking with Chetan Parkyn and Carola Eastwood, Human Design consultants, teachers and coaches, and authors of a fascinating new read, the Book of Destinies.
Dec 29, 2016
If you ever feel berated, pushed around, down-trodden, guilted, shamed, or run-over, and all by the voices in your mind, then do we have the compassionate, life-changing show for you!
Today I’ll be talking with Dr. Kristin Neff, psychologist, researcher, and pioneer in the field of self-compassion. She’s also the...
Dec 28, 2016
If you’ve ever wanted an epic life and greater freedom, then do we have the Now or Never show for you!
Today I’ll be talking with Preston Smiles, and Alexi Panos, personal development authors including Love Louder and 50 Ways to Yay, social media superstars and the authors of an empowering new read Now or Never,...
Dec 27, 2016
If you’ve ever wanted do more, be more, reach for your dreams, or simply feel better about your job, then do we have the go-giver show for you!
Today I’ll be speaking with John David Mann, entrepreneur and award-winning co-author of numerous NYT best-sellers including Flash Foresight and The Red Circle, and a...