Oct 17, 2016
If you’ve ever wanted more time, more money, less stress, less distraction, and more freedom, then do we have the Becoming Minimalist Show for You.
Today I’ll be talking with Joshua Becker, creator of BecomingMinimalist.com and the author of an incredible book we could almost all benefit from, the More of Less.
Oct 16, 2016
If you’ve ever wanted to connect with your higher self for greater guidance, peace, and direction in life, then do we have the Spiritual Telepathy show for you!
Today I’ll be talking with Colleen Mauro founder of Intuition Magazine and author of one of the most incredibly researched books ever on intuition,...
Oct 15, 2016
If you’ve ever felt angry, afraid, or don’t understand why in the world you act, or re-act the way you do, then do we have the It Didn’t Start With You, show for you!
Today I’ll be talking with mark Wolynn, Founder and director of the Family Constellation Institute, and the author of what I consider a MUST READ...
Oct 14, 2016
Today I’ll be talking with Dondi Dahlin, author, internationally acclaimed dancer, member of the Screen Actors Guild and the award winning speaker and co-author of The Little Book of Energy Medicine with her mother Donna Eden and a fantastic new book, The Five Elements.
And that’s just what we’ll be talking about...
Oct 13, 2016
If you’ve ever been anxious, afraid, or concerned, then do we have the fear-reducing show for you!
Today we’ll be talking about all things fear, where it comes from, why it’s hiding, and what to do when it’s about to strike.
That plus we’ll talk about instant manifestation swimming, a gut gone mad, iHeart...