
Inspire Nation Show with Michael Sandler

Our Goal’s to Help Change the World by Helping YOU to Shine Bright! Now one of the top self-help & spirituality shows in 193 countries w/a new inspirational, motivational, spiritual, law of attraction or health-oriented guest DAILY! Plus guided meditations! After overcoming 2 near-death accidents, Host Michael Sandler felt a calling to start a life-changing show to help you live the life of your dreams! Guests Include John Gray, Bob Proctor, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Dr. Bernie Siegel, Anthony William, Arielle Ford, and countless more! Our goal is to leave you an ear-to-ear grin and an actionable plan to achieve your goals! Get ready to live your greatest life and to Shine Bright!
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Inspire Nation Show with Michael Sandler











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Now displaying: 2016
Aug 3, 2016

If you’ve ever wanted greater happiness, peace, or better relationships in your life, then do we have the compassionate show for you!

Today we’ll be talking about compassion, what it is, how to cultivate it, why in the world you want more of it, and why it’s so powerful for ourselves.

That plus we’ll talk about car horn compassion, kitty compassion, family compassion customer service compassion, and even compassion at your department of motor vehicles.

Compassionate Self-Help and Self-Improvement Topics Include:

  1. What is Kitty Compassion
  2. Why have a show on compassion?
  3. Who is AI researcher Clark Elliot, author of The Ghost in My Brain
  4. Why there are so many more people with head injuries than we can imagine
  5. Why people who are struggling in line, or look strange, may actually have a head-injury
  6. Why it’s important to have compassion with people acting oddly
  7. What happens when we get to a place of overwhelm, and why we want to treat everyone in overwhelm with compassion
  8. Why you want to have compassion for someone, even, if not especially during a fight
  9. Why compassion is important
  10. How does one have the energy to be compassionate toward someone else, especially a complete stranger
  11. How compassion can be contagious and the instant karma you get from being compassionate
  12. What’s a bank account of compassion
  13. What’s the importance of presence?
  14. What’s the importance of sending someone love?
  15. What Ajahn Brahm has to say about self-gratitude
  16. What we can do to shift and be more empathetic toward others
  17. What is syncing and how can we use it to help ourselves and others
  18. What self-compassion really looks like
  19. What’s the importance of the I Love Myself exercise, and do it right before going to sleep
  20. Where kindness and compassion comes into play for learning
  21. What kindness and compassion has to do with grit.

Jessica Lee Shares How Compassion Helps Make Life Easier, More Enjoyable & Improves Relationships! Karma | Happiness | Spiritual | Spirituality | Career || Meditation | Inspiration | Motivation | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

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Aug 2, 2016

If you’ve ever had a head injury, concussion, learning disability such as ADHD, or no someone who does, then do we have the concussive show for you.

Today I’ll be talking with Clark Elliott, PhD, brilliant artificial intelligence researcher and professor, and the author of an incredibly powerful book, and perhaps one of my most important reads of the last year, maybe of ever…The Ghost in My Brain, How a concussion stole my life, and how the new science of brain plasticity helped me get it back.

And that’s just what we’ll talk about today, about head injuries and what that really means, and how we can get our lives back, or our minds back, after we’ve suffered one…even many years or misdiagnosis later.

That plus we’ll talk about the dangers of follow mode, the importance of knowing you don’t have a dog, why a toddler’s first words may have been do it myself, do it myself, Clark is the man who never gives up, ever, ever, ever, ever, the danger of scanner beeps, and when you should never ever ride a roller coaster

Self-Help and Self-Improvement Brain Health Topics Include

  1. How running has helped his healing.
  2. What were things looking like prior to September 1999
  3. How he taught Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Sciences at DePaul University in Chicago
  4. What was the accident that injured his brain
  5. Why he had such difficulty getting a proper diagnosis
  6. What happens when his brain fatigues.
  7. What are the three main batteries for the brain
  8. Why he put his head injury notes of brain thoughts into the book.
  9. How Clark Elliott had become spiritual, and what happened once he had a head injury
  10. What does The Ghost in My Brain mean, and who or what was the ghost?
  11. A big shout out to Donna Lee and Deborah Zelinsky for Clark Elliot’s healing
  12. Where did self-love fall into the equation
  13. How did Clark Elliott keep from being depressed?
  14. How he managed to accept things, and let go, just as it was
  15. What was Clark Elliott’s secret weapon?
  16. What happened on a surprise trip to a Thai monastery?
  17. How Donalee Markus understood him and knew what to do to help Clark Elliott
  18. How Donalee helped retrain Clark Elliott’s brain.
  19. What a brain injury means or looks like
  20. What brain injuries and traumatic brain injuries have to do with balance issues
  21. What may learning disabilities have to do with learning disabilities such as ADHD
  22. Go see a neurodevelopmental optometrist, - website go to Nora
  23. Why there are so many hidden concussions in school sports

Clark Elliott, PhD, shares his journey from traumatic brain injury to perfect brain health! Concussion | Inspiration | Motivation | Inspirational | Motivational | Spiritual | Spirituality | Meditation | Fitness | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info Visit:

Aug 1, 2016

If you’ve ever wanted less stress, greater happiness, and MORE success in your life, no matter what that looks like, then do we have the happiness producing show for you. 

Today we’ll be talking with Dr. Emma Sepalla, Associate Director of the Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education Center at Stanford University, founder of Fulfillment Daily, a TEDx talk speaker who’s work has been featured in the Documentary Free The Mind and the author of a fascinating new look at the science of Happiness, The Happiness Track.

And that’s just what we’ll be talking about today, how to apply the science of happiness, to accelerate your success!

That plus we’ll talk about the danger of strengths, morning morality, the Stanford Duck syndrome, successaholics, the power of a hug, why we might want to stop paying attention, and start daydreaming, and why taking a take a 2 day silent retreat before surgery, just may be the greatest gift in the world.

Self-Improvement and Self-Help Happiness Topics Include:

  1. How did she teach returning veterans yoga breathing techniques (to help with injuries, anxiety and PTSD)
  2. What happened to veterans who did a one week breathing program
  3. What are the incredible benefits of the breath
  4. What she learned while interning for an international newspaper in Paris
  5. What’s the Myth of Success and why’d she write The Happiness Track
  6. What are the 6 myths with success?
  7. What was it like first attending Stanford?
  8. Who was Antonio Horta Osorio and what happened with him?
  9. What’s an amazing benefit of showering?
  10. Why we want to take time off from work
  11. Why psychic yourself up by stressing yourself out is not the answer
  12. What’s the importance of self-compassion
  13. What’s wrong with checking our inbox?
  14. Why we want to ‘Eat Your Frog’ (Brian Tracy)
  15. Why you don’t want your email to invade your life
  16. What’s the hangover effect
  17. Why mindfulness is so important but we are never happier than being in the present moment
  18. Why the answer may not be willpower or grit
  19. What does calmness have to do with energy management?
  20. Where does play fit into things?
  21. Why life shouldn’t be so serious?
  22. What we can learn from Dwight D. Eisenhower about play.
  23. Why it’s so important to completely disconnect when you’re at home.
  24. What we can learn from Salvador Dali
  25. What we can learn from Pico Iyer and the Art of Silence
  26. When stress is good
  27. Why mindfulness may not be the best, but how meditation from the Art of Living may help.
  28. What we can learn from Jack Ma and Alibaba
  29. What’s the danger of self-focus?
  30. What we can learn from congressman Tim Ryan
  31. and have infrequent newsletter and facebook page and twitter on the science of happiness

Emma Seppala PhD, Stanford on The Science of Happiness To Accelerate Your Success! + Guided Meditation | Mindfulness | Career | Inspiration | Motivation | Inspirational | Motivational | Spiritual | Spirituality | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

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Jul 31, 2016

If you’ve ever wondered if there’s more to your dreams than meets the eye, and if you could wake up and explore your dream world to benefit your days, then do we have the lucid dreaming show for you.

Today we’ll be talking with Andrew Holecek, author of The Power and the Pain, Preparing to Die, Meditation in the iGeneration, and an incredible book I think will make a huge difference in our lives, Dream Yoga.

And that’s just what we’ll be talking about today, how to wake up in your dreams and illuminate your life through lucid dreaming and the Tibetan Yogas of sleep.

That plus we’ll talk about and what in the world is an onighronaut, learning to sleep sitting up and what you can learn when taking your dog to the dog park, why you might want to fly in your dreams, and put your hands through walls, and the spiritual benefit to giving yourself the finger?

Self-Improvement and Self-Help Lucid Dreaming Topics Include:

  1. What happened with Andrew that changed his perspective on dreams, and life
  2. How large quantities of beer and skiing saved him
  3. How he drank and skied his way back from reality
  4. Why the Buddha is the ‘awakened’ one
  5. What Buddhism and Tibetan Buddhism teaches about dream yoga
  6. What does Buddhism have to do with our dream world?
  7. What is lucid dreaming
  8. What is nocturnal yoga?
  9. How to train in your dreams
  10. How are our dreams truth-tellers?
  11. What are dreams can tell us?
  12. What Steven Labierge shows with nightmare theory
  13. What we can learn from our nightmares
  14. What you should do with your nightmares
  15. How to become lucid in our dreams to face, and reframe our dreams and unwanted dreams
  16. Where there’s nothing to fear in our nightmares
  17. Why our nightmares and fears are really spiritual detox’s
  18. How you can use the nighttime for your meditation practice
  19. What mindfulness has to do with Lucid Dreaming
  20. Why advanced meditators have more lucid dreams
  21. Why every dream is lucid for a Buddha
  22. Key ingredients for lucid dreaming and dream yoga
  23. What a sense of humor has to do with lucid dreaming and dream yoga
  24. What’s prime-time dream time?
  25. How Salvador Dali was a ‘bardo artist’ and tapped into inspiration into this intermediate hypnogogic dream world.
  26. How we can nurture and cultivate our creativity through our dream world
  27. What’s a state check?
  28. Why do we want to give ourselves the finger?
  29. What it means that ‘life is but a dream’
  30. What we can learn from the Senoi in Malaysia and their relationship with their dreams
  31. or google Dream Yoga
  32. Brief guided meditation to un-wind or unwind…to settle the winds and settle the mind

Andrew Holecek Shares How to do Lucid Dream, Tibetan Buddhist / Buddhism Dream Yoga, and to Wake in Your Dreams! + Guided Meditation! Inspiration | Spiritual | Spirituality | Inspirational | Motivational | Health | Fitness | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

Jul 30, 2016

If you’ve ever wanted better vision, less eye-strain, no need for reading glasses, or to keep your kids OUT of glasses and contacts forever, then do we have the eye-opening show for you!

Today I’ll be talking with Meir Schneider, PhD, a brilliant visionary when it comes to the eyes, once legally blind himself, and now glasses free.

So today we’ll talk about improving your vision and strengthening your eyes, no matter the condition, the severity or what you’ve been told by the pro’s, whther you’re near-sighted, far-sighted, have cataracts, glaucoma, astigmitism, or anything else, plus how to reduce eye fatigue, at your computer, when you read, and for your kids as well!

That plus we’ll talk about the danger of sunglasses, looking at the sun, waving your hands in your face…or to the sides for that matter, funky pinhole glasses, the benefits of walking in the dark, and why you don’t want to go into a bank, while doing the Melissa exercise?

Self-Improvement and Self-Help Health Topics Include:

  1. What Meir means in Hebrew
  2. How you can roll back your prescription
  3. Why do we want to work on our vision?
  4. Why glasses are so commonly overprescribed
  5. What’s the main reason for blindness and what can be done
  6. What happens with glaucoma
  7. How Meir Schneider was born with cataracts and legally blind and how he taught himself to see
  8. How he retaught his brain to see, and how he retrained the eye
  9. How little time does it take to strengthen your eyes?
  10. Why you need to take six minutes 2 x 3 times a day to rest your eyes
  11. What’s a great technique for eye recovery
  12. What’s an infinity technique for the eyes
  13. How you can use blue to recover the eyes
  14. What in the world is sunning and how does it help the eyes
  15. What’s wrong with taking melatonin?
  16. What UV really means for the eyes and body
  17. How to do the sunning exercise
  18. What’s the benefit of walking in the dark?
  19. What’s the long swing exercise
  20. What is the Melissa exercise
  21. What he does with glasses to block off one eye (to strengthen your weekend eye)
  22. What’s the peripheral exercise
  23. What’s the Melissina exercise?
  24. What exercises help sew the hemispheres of the brain together
  25. How we start getting the periphery to start working again
  26. What we want to do with smart phones to keep our eyes safe
  27. Why you want to stand and look far away – and what it does for your eyes
  28. Does size matter with smart phones?
  29. What’s the benefit of pinhole glasses
  30. What’s the benefit of different strength glasses
  31. How do we protect our children’s eyes
  32. What do we do with people with glaucoma
  33. Where to get ‘Vision for Life’
  34. 415-665-9574 or website
  35. Also come to the Vision for Life training course from School for Self-Healing in San Francisco
    1. August Course
    2. Labor Day Retreat
  36. Plus upcoming events in Atlantic City – World Massage Festival – August 7th to the 10th
  37. Can you help heal the mind

Meir Schneider Shares DIY Techniques to Strengthen Your Eyes & Eliminate Glasses! Health | Meditation | Visualization | Inspiration | Motivation | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Spirituality | Spiritual | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info Visit:

Jul 29, 2016

If you’ve ever wanted to feel better, have more happiness joy, and inspiration in your life, then do we have the flower-power show for you!

Today I’ll be talking with Robert Reeves, best-selling author and naturopath who holds a strong connection to angels and the natural world. And along with Doreen Virtue he’s the co-author of flower therapy oracle cards and a beautiful book on flowers, Flower Therapy.

And that’s just what we’ll be talking about today, how flowers can help us feel better, overcome challenges, heal from illness, and even be law of attraction magnets for our desires.

That plus we’ll talk about roses, eucalyptus, the power of sweet pea, why you want to be careful with grevillia, what in the world is pig face, why we all want to try aura stroking…no, it’s not what you think.

Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. Robert Reeves and Doreen Virtue Flower Therapy and Flower Cards
  2. What’s going on with the weather down-under right now.
  3. How the fairies and angels help him with our gardening
  4. How 10 minutes outside can make a big difference
  5. How Pine helps us
  6. How flowers can get your back
  7. Is it okay to work with cut flowers?
  8. Why tulips are so good for us
  9. Why it’s so powerful to ask for help and guidance from nature
  10. What to do to protect your energy from others
  11. How parents can benefit from this, people in office environments, and even our friends.
  12. How flower photos can help
  13. What is aura stroking
  14. Why Robert is obsessed with white roses
  15. Why lavender may or may not be the answer
  16. Why german chamomile is such a powerful, calming oil
  17. How do we choose flowers (or let them choose us)
  18. How to ask if you can cut a flower
  19. How to cut the flower without harming the plant
  20. What is flower-cutting 101
  21. How do we keep the flowers from wilting?
  22. Why you don’t want to use the sugar that comes from the florist on your flowers
  23. Healing methods with flowers
  24. What’s the single flower method?
  25. How we can use the law of attraction for manifestation with our flowers
  26. Why you can use the law of attraction with seeds (by setting intention)
  27. What’s the power of a flower therapy garden?
  28. How to use flowers for a house chakra cleansing
  29. Different flowers and how they can help
  30. Why a white rose is great for stuck energy
  31. What is calendula and how it can help
  32. How marigold can help
  33. What flower can help us have more energy
  34. How the sunflower can help
  35. What flower helps with anxiety
  36. How lavender and daisies can help
  37. What flowers can help with our pets
  38. What flower helps with keeping pets calm
  39. Why you want to be careful with grevilia
  40. What flower helps with pregnancy
  41. A flower that brings families together
  42. What flower is best for confidence
  43. What flower for abundance and manifestation
  44. What’s the benefit of clover
  45. What flower is great for romance
  46. What carnations are great for (and what’s the added benefit of carnations!)
  47. What flower is best for happiness and positivity?
  48. What flowers can help with the third eye
  49. What the lotus can help with?
  50. What the bird of paradise can help with?
  51. What’s the benefit of cactus and cactus flowers?
  52. Flower Therapy and Flower Therapy Oracle Cards – can connect and Robert Reeves on Facebook
  53. A flower power guided meditation and prayer

Robert Reeves Shares Flower Power Guidance to Increase Health, Happiness & Abundance! + Guided Meditation! Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Law of Attraction | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info Visit:

Jul 28, 2016

If you’ve ever struggled with sleep, getting enough sleep, falling asleep, or the incredible desire to sleep, anytime of the day, then do we have the slumbery show for you.

Today we’ll talk about all things sleep, how to get more of it, how to get higher quality sleep, and habits you want to include to help you wake up more refreshed and ready to go in the mornings.

That plus we’ll talk about lake towns, the power of peaceful beaches, synching with the art, and one very good reason you might run like hell, if you’re in the Adirondacks.

Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. What it means to have a career that you love
  2. How difficult it is to do sales when it’s not you’re calling
  3. What do you do when something is not quite in alignment for yourself?
  4. Why we want balloons and flowers in the study
  5. Why it’s important to shake things up and get out of our comfort zones
  6. Joe Dispenza – why you want to get out of the ordinary into the extra-ordinary
  7. What it means to die before you die
  8. Why it’s important to experience difference stuff
  9. How balancing our lives can help us sleep better
  10. Why you want to get your circadian rhythm in sync – and how to do so
  11. What you need to do to calm down the ‘monkey mind’.
  12. How to move your foreground thoughts to the background
  13. Why it’s so important to building a sleep routine
  14. What’s the importance of a sleep-nest, and what in the world is one?
  15. How to shut down the mind before you go to bed
  16. What’s the importance of talking to your unconscious mind before you sleep (hypnotic suggestion)
  17. How to use a mantra or hypnotic plant to feel rested and refreshed
  18. How Anthony William, Medical Medium has helped both Jessica and Michael
  19. How to turn down the volume on your stress
  20. How to shut down to recover your mind
  21. What is pixel-time, and why it’s so important to step away from the screen
  22. What’s the importance of a fitness tracker – and taking 10,000 steps a chair
  23. What’s a wobble chair?
  24. What’s the benefit of a stand-up desk and a treadmill desk
    1. Why Stephen Sashen, Dr. Michael Greger and Ben Greenfield (Ben Greenfield Fitness) all have treadmill disks
  25. How mindfulness can help you sleep
  26. What’s the power of meditation and mindfulness for sleep
  27. What’s the meditation benefit of knowing your mind is running amuck

CJ Liu & Michael Sandler Share Sleep Strategies for Better Rest & Less Fatigue | Inspiration | Motivation | Meditation | Mindfulness | Career | Spiritual | Spirituality | Fitness | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Health | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Information Visit:

Jul 27, 2016

If you’ve ever wanted more happiness, satisfaction, and contentment in your life, not to mention greater health, then do we have the decision-making show for you!

Today we’ll be talking about the decisions in your life, not the big decisions, such as where you’re moving, something Jessica and I have been playing with, but the day to day decisions that make you who you are, help you get out of a rut, and to help you get living, and find happiness and success.

That plus we’ll talk about kayaking Beverly Hills, jumping into lakes, going raspberry crazy, and why a kitty sanctuary, is probably not where we should go tomorrow.

Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. When asking for help is so important
  2. What’s the importance of vulnerability
  3. What’s the importance of knowing when your wiring is sending you down the wrong path
  4. How EFT/Tapping works and how it can help you think more clearly
  5. How little small decisions can make a big difference in your life
  6. How each small decision really involves courage
  7. Why everything in life is affected by very small shifts
  8. What’s the runaway bride situation with getting Jessica on the mic.
  9. What are the challenges in school and work for an introvert?
  10. What’s the power of many woo-hoo’s
  11. Why we guard against our own happiness
  12. What’s the power of the decision?
  13. How we shift our energy levels around
  14. How can you help yourself to make this shift
  15. How you can feel the emotion without letting it get you down
  16. How to have self-compassion when things are going rough
  17. How to let go of control from the ego self and let your higher self take control
  18. How on top of courage, you can have faith to let the little kid’s temper-tantrum go.
  19. What’s the importance of doing what your heart wants
  20. How do you feel what your heart wants?

Jessica Lee On the Power of Little Decision to Give Courage & Shift Your Life! Happiness | Inspiration | Motivation | Inspirational | Motivational | Spiritual | Spirituality | Meditation | Mindfulness | Self-Improvement | Career | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info Visit:

Jul 26, 2016

If you’ve ever thought one person couldn’t make a difference, or that you can’t make a difference in the world around you, then do we have the difference-making show for you!

Today I’ll be talking with one of the most heroic people I’ve ever met, even if she wouldn’t call herself one. Her name’s Sally Becker, aka the Angel of Mostar also occasionally known as ‘The Daughter of Mother Theresa’. She’s a true hero of the Balkan conflicts and kids of war everywhere and has rescued and saved the lives of hundreds if not thousands of childen and victims of the tragic wars. She’s also the author of an amazing book, Sunflowers and Snipers:Saving Children in the Balkan War

Today we’ll talk about what it means to step forward, take chances, and to work to make a difference. That plus we’ll talk about the plight of children in warzones, and what we can do to help.

That plus we’ll talk about Selma and Mizra, Maja Kajazic, Elmir and Lela, Marigona,

Why if you think your are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito, what is maybe airlines, and what would happen if an arms manufacturer blew up next to a marmelade factory.

Self-Help and Self-Improvement Notes Include:

  1. How Sally Becker carried the Olympic Torch into the stadium to Muhamad Ali
  2. What happened when Sally lived on a Kibbutz in Israel
  3. What happened in May of 1993
  4. What happened in the Balkans and in parts of Yugoslavia after the fall of the Berlin Wall?
  5. How a small Jewish community in Mostar found out she was there
  6. How she helped save a UN convoy while helping Bosnian Muslim kids
  7. How she ended up saving the lives of children in Bosnia
  8. How she came under sniper fire while driving an ambulance
  9. How she began a long career in Humanitarian Aid
  10. What it means to suffer from ‘Jewish guilt’ and how that’s helped her save children’s lives
  11. How she rescued 98 sick and wounded kids and there families
  12. How she became the “Angel of Mostar”
  13. How was made by one of the children rescued by her Operation Angel
  14. The story of Maya Kazacich
  15. The story of Elmir and Lela
  16. What happened when she went to rescue children in Kosovo
  17. How she rescued children, was arrested, and was shot by an assassin in Kosovo
  18. What drives Sally Becker to help others
  19. What happened with the president of Albania
  20. What happened to Marigona
  21. What’s happening in Sinjar and to the Yissidi’s by Isis.
  22. To help visit: or
  23. Supported by Scott LaStatey, a producer in LA
  24. And to find out more
  25. And check out the book Sunflowers and Snipers

Sally Becker ‘Angel of Mostar’ Shares How She Rescued & Saved Thousands of Children’s Lives During the Bosnian Conflict & in Kosovo | Inspirational | Motivational | Spiritual | Spirituality | Self-Improvement | Inspiration | Motivation | Self-Help

Jul 25, 2016

If you’ve ever wanted to feel better, stronger, happier, more empowered by life, and with vital force flowing through you, then do we have the vitality producing show for you!

Today I’ll be talking with Dr. Deborah Zuhcker, naturopath, transformational health coach, and author of a fantastic book on transforming your health, happiness and our life, The Vitality Map.

Today we’ll talk about deep health, joyful self-care, and resilient well-being so you can live an authentic, meaningful life!

That plus we’ll talk about your inner mama bear, gardening yourself, bodhissatva syndrome, the dreaded D- word, the power of somatic therapy groups, what a stuffy nose, and dairy may have in common, and why an orgasm a day just may keep the doctor away.

Self-Improvement and Self-Help Vitality Producing Show (Questions and comments Include):

  1. How Dr. Zucker went into a downward spiral.
  2. How the wildnerness was part of Dr. Deborah Zucker’s path.
  3. What’s the concept of a woundedhealer.
  4. What’s the bodhisattva syndrome?
  5. What is personal sustainability
  6. What is a vitality date?
  7. Why we give up our vacation days, and what’s wrong with that
  8. How inquiry can help our lives
  9. Why when it comes to our health and wellness, nobody can be the expert more than we are.
  10. What is feminine energy and how can it help all of us
  11. Why gentle is the new strong
  12. What is inner mama bear energy
  13. What are 9 keys to deep vitality
  14. What does it mean to honor your unique life?
  15. What does the dreaded ‘r’ word ‘responsibility’ really mean?
  16. What does it mean to garden yourself?
  17. What does it mean to face and embrace your shadows?
  18. What it means from Brene Brown to name the orientation of your vulnerability
  19. What is the diet diary exercise?
  20. What meditation and mindfulness can help us with awareness
  21. What we can learn from our breath?
  22. How the breath can be a building point in self-awareness and intimacy
  23. What’s the importance of sleep?
  24. What’s wrong with our down time?
  25. Why we want to honor the role of play.
  26. Why we want to honor our sexual energy – and what it means to have an orgasm a day
  27. What’s aligning with your yes?
  28. For more info on Dr. Zucker’s book: and

Dr. Deborah Zucker Shares Tools for Greater Health, Happiness & Well-Being Thru the Vitality Map! + Guided Meditation | Inspirational | Motivational | Spiritual | Spirituality | Inspiration | Motivation | Career | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info visit:

Jul 24, 2016

If you’ve ever wondered why we’re here, what we’re supposed to do, if it’s a special time for humanity, and why in the world there’s suffering if there’s a God, then do we have a special show for you!

Today we’ll be talking with Paul Selig, he’s an intuitive, a channeller, a clairvoyant, and earlier in his life graduated with his masters from Yale, and served on the faculty of NYU for 25 years.

Today we’re going to talk about a channeled work of his, the Book of Mastery, and what we can all learn from the words on it’s pages. I’ve found the book quite profound, and one I’ll want to read again and again and again. For in its pages is a simplicity and a wisdom I’ve rarely encountered, and want to be reminded of over and over again.

So today we’ll talk about what we’re here for, where we’re going, what it all means, and why in the world “evil” in quotes even exists.

Plus we’ll talk about what it means to be a channel and clairvoyant, and to do work that one never signed up for, or maybe one did.

Questions and Topics Include:

  1. What was the spiritual awakening that occurred in 1987?
  2. How did transmissions begin to come through.
  3. How Paul can be resistant to transmissions and what it means.
  4. How much can Paul keep up with the teachings from his guides .
  5. What it means to remind us of who we are at the level of expression
  6. What the divine principle of who we are or the logos of humanity really is.
  7. What the collective agreement is we’re all living under.
  8. Why the goal ---according to the guides—is not about happiness, which is really about contentment, which is resting in the known.
  9. Why the guides would prefer to move us into joy…and most importantly that this is all school and that we’re here to learn.
  10. Why it’s not about rose-colored glasses, but really about truth.
  11. Why thinking it’s all good or dark brings us more into alignment with the dark.
  12. Why you cannot be the light and hold another in darkness
  13. Why judgment is fear.
  14. What it means to live on a planet with war, and what that means.
  15. Who is the ‘small self’ versus who we ‘truly are’?
  16. Why they say fear doesn’t exist to the true self or the eternal self.
  17. What it means by ‘How one serves is how one is most truly realized as their true self’ .
  18. What it means to be in service.
  19. What’s the most important teaching coming through for Paul.
  20. What’s the importance of not making choices based in fear.
  21. How does one know who they truly are and work on who you truly are.
  22. How do we get how ‘valuable’ we truly are.
  23. What ‘I am Here, I am Here, I am Here’?
    1. What are the three divine attunements ?
  24. What it means that the book is a transmission (and what is the energy in both channeling and this book?)
  25. Why channeling for Paul is really taking dictation.
  26. A special message the guides have for all of us ---Paul Channel’s and it’s fascinating to hear the guides speaking through him---

Paul Selig shares A Simple Practice That Can Literally Transform, Elevate, and Inspire Your Life & Raise Your Vibration! Spiritual | Spirituality | Inspiration | Inspirational | Meditation | Guided Teaching | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info Visit:

Jul 23, 2016

If you’ve wondered why we’re getting sicker and unhealthier, despite the latest in medicine, pharmaceuticals, nutracueticals, DNA testing, diets and supplements, then do we have the show for you!

Today we’ll be talking With T. Colin Campbell, PhD Professor Emeritus of Nutritional Biochemistry at Cornell University and coauthor of the bestselling book, The China Study and his latest book WHOLE. His legacy, the China-Cornell-Oxford Project, has been acknowledged as the most comprehensive study of health and nutrition ever conducted. He’s also authored more than 300 peer-reviewed research papers.

Today I want to talk about why the emperor has no clothes, or why the studies, the science, and the medicine we’ve come to love and trust, may not be quite what we think they are, especially when it comes to nutrition.

But then I want to empower us, and talk about what works, why, and what we can do to live happier, healthier, and quite possibly long lives, and even return to perfect health, despite having disease, or even the Big C.

Plus we’ll talk about apples, dairy farms, peanuts, and what in the world four blind men and an elephant have to do with anything.

Questions and Topics Include:

  1. Why protein may not be what we think it is.
  2. What peanuts have to do with protein and liver cancer.
  3. Why families in the Philippines who had ‘adequate’ protein were the ones more likely to get cancer
  4. How protein was acting as a catalyst for cancer
  5. How he T Colin Campbell spent 27 years researching how protein causes cancer
  6. Why ‘getting enough protein’ is a myth
  7. Why ‘high quality’ protein can turn on cancer cells faster.
  8. Are there any studies that show protein deficiency?
  9. Why the more protein we get in, the less nutrition we have in our diet. 
  10. What is wholism?
    1. (Vegan & Vegetarian)
  11. Why T Colin Campbell wrote Whole
  12. Why separating the vitamins from the plant doesn’t work
  13. Why vitamin E supplements have been shown to cause cancer
  14. Why biological complexity cannot be overemphasized (and what that really means)
  15. Why there’s no such thing as a side-effect with medicine, only effects
  16. Why the #1 cause of death is nutritional ignorance
  17. Why health is NOT all about our genes
  18. What the statistics say on the war on cancer?
  19. Why according to T. Colin Campbell, most professionals would say the war on cancer has largely failed.
  20. Why ‘targeted drug therapy’ is wrong
  21. Two films to check out, Fork over Knives and “Plant Pure Nation” (Vegan & Vegetarian)
  22. What is ‘The China Study’ and what does it mean for us today.
  23. Why protein causes chemistry in rats.
  24. What allowed T. Colin Campbell to take a big picture approach and see the importance of Nature
  25. What the results of the China Study were
  26. Why cholesterol levels were so incredibly low
  27. Why there was no heart disease in many populations
  28. What is a Whole Foods Plant Based diet? What does it include and exclude?
  29. Why you don’t want to eat white rice
  30. Why you don’t want to eat vegetable oil
  31. Why supplements aren’t as healthy as we thought they were
  32. Why mineral supplements may not be necessary, but may be a good hedge against depleted soil.
  33. What would T Colin Campbell say to a friend diagnosed with cancer?
  34. What is a study that T. Colin Campbell is looking for funding for?
  35. What is the Plant Based Nutrition Program?
  36. Why the USDA guidelines are seriously flawed
  37. How do you implement a Whole Foods Plant based dietin your home and for kids
  38. Why you may want to check out The Plant Pure Nation Cookbook and China Study Cookbook
  39. How we recover taste buds with Whole Foods

T Colin Campbell, Author The China Study & One of the Most Prolific Nutrition Researchers Reveals Key Nutrition Diet Concerns We All Need to Know to Keep Us Healthy & Reverse Disease! Vegan | Vegetarian | Cancer | Diabetes | MS | Lupus | Heart Disease | Stroke  | Lung Cancer | Health | Self-Help

For More Info Visit:


Jul 22, 2016

If you ever thought there was more to animals than meets the eyes, or that there’s more going on with your kitty or poochie, then their meow-meow’s and woofs, then do we have the eye-opening, beyond words show for you!

Today we’ll be talking with Dr. Carl Safina, PhD, award winning author and ecology researcher, and the author of the one book I’d take with me on a trip if I traveled, Beyond Words…one of the most beautiful, heart-wrenching and important books I’ve ever read.

Today we’ll talk about animals, what they think, what they feel, and about WHO they are…yes, we’ll ask the big question today, not what are you, but WHO are you…of the wolf, the elephant, and even the killer whale.

That plus we’ll talk about the octopus and consciousness, ottoline and oprah, dolphins, bubbles and vortexes, elephants acting silly, killer whales and sex parties. and what we can all learn from Jude and Chula.

Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. What we can learn from Brooklyn Homing Pigeons
  2. What Carl learned from a recent trip to the arctic with GreenPeace
  3. What’s happening with fishing in the arctic at present
  4. What is happening to the fish in the arctic
  5. What’s happening with Polar Bears into the Arctic
  6. Why is “are animals like us” the wrong question?
  7. Who is Cynthia Moss and what can we learn from elephants?
  8. What’s the role of elephant males
  9. What’s the importance of the matriarch in an elephant family
  10. Why gentles are so giant
  11. What does it mean for an elephant to be silly
  12. What is floppy (elephant) walking?
  13. What’s the complexity of emotions of elephants
  14. What can we learn from elephants and grief
  15. How do elephants communicate?
  16. What’s a Let’s Go stance?
  17. What can we learn from elephants?
  18. What happened to elephants beginning in 2009?
  19. What can we learn about wolves?
  20. Why dogs are simply wolves with arrested development?
  21. What we can learn from wolf #21, the ‘superwolf’
  22. What’s an alpha male?
  23. What’s the difference between an alpha male wolf and a career or business alpha male?
  24. What are male killer whales like?
  25. What’s a killer whale family like?
  26. How do whales and porpoises teach?
  27. What behavior from killer whales is truly mysterious?
  28. What happened with the sand piper and the peregrine falcon
  29. What the Sioux Indian Black Elk said “everything is holy”
  30. org, or or national geographic website, or, or huffingtopost, but all migrates over time to, and for the book
  31. Also check out the Ted Talk on what animals think and feel
  32. And on PBS -

Carl Safina PhD Shares What Animals Think and Feel & What it Means for Us! Ted Talk | Wolves, Elephants, Killer Whales & More! Inspirational | Motivational | Spiritual | Spirituality | Inspiration | Motivation | Self-Improvement | Ecology | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info Visit:

Jul 21, 2016

If you’ve ever wanted more confidence to step out on a limb, take a giant leap, or even put one toe forward toward your dreams, then do we have the confidence building show for you.

Today we’ll be talking about finding confidence, gaining confidence, and how to step forward, even when the confidence is stuck in your throat.

That plus we’ll talk about adobe audition, making videos, finding dory, the Jessie Owens movie, keeping up with Jessica, and what we can all learn from Eddie the Eagle.

Self-Help and Self-Improvement Topics Include:

  1. Why Michael may never watch Breaking Bad
  2. What CJ Liu is doing with behavioral assessment work in Dedham Massachusetts.
  3. What kind of boot camp CJ Liu is taking presently
  4. The importance of honesty and authenticity when it comes to confidence
  5. Why a career hirer through half of all resumes in the trash
  6. Why it’s so much easier to do something when your back’s against the wall
  7. Why one value or driver can help boost your self-confidence so much
  8. What Seth Godin says about sales and natural ability
  9. Why it’s so important that something is important to you
  10. Why it’s so important to share yourself
  11. How CJ Liu did a Ted Talk, and what her pre Ted Talk experience was like
  12. What Tough Love has to do with Ted Talks
  13. What Eddie the Eagle has to do with confidence
  14. What happened when CJ was interviewing Duke University
  15. What we can learn from Samantha the skater
  16. Why you want to be open and present for miracles and synchronicities
  17. What we can learn from Tommy Rosa, author of Health Revelations from Heaven and Earth
  18. And what we can learn from Love and Mercy by John Cusak about Brian Wilson in the Beach Boys
  19. A way to connect with those around you
  20. What’s the power and fuel of helping others – which can breed much greater confidence!
  21. What faith has to do with self-confidence

CJ Liu & Michael Sandler on how to have more confidence, faith & overcome challenges! Inspirational | Motivational | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Career | Running | Fitness | Self-Improvement | Health | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info Visit:

Jul 20, 2016

If you’ve ever wanted a better jobs, more opportunities, or to reach more people, then do we have the social media building show for you!

Today I’ll be talking with Jeremy Goldman, social media guru, founder and CEO of Firebrand, a regular contributor to the Harvard Business Review, considered one of the top 25 influential Ad execs on twitter and has the #1 best-selling social media book Going Social and his latest, Getting to Like.

Today we’ll talk about social media and you the individual. What it means to build your brand, why you need to do it, and how to do it, without going from like, to seriously dislike.

That plust we’ll talk about why Kanye’s not an idiot, how DadaRocks, why you want to write drunk and edit sober, why you you don’t want to flirt on Linked In, when it’s time to say when, when eating your second super-sized sandwhich at Melt, why Venezuela deserves a big thanks, how to get your cat puckles to fetch your sandals, and why snowshoe and clover, are sporting new do’s…

 Jeffrey Goldman – Getting to Like – Notes

  1. What is social media 101
  2. What’s happening with SnapChat
  3. Why different social media are better for different purposes
  4. What’s a personal brand and what does it mean?
  5. What’s it mean to become a CEO fo Me Inc.
  6. Why job hopping is the new normal for millennials
  7. Why future employers look at your LinkedIn and FaceBook page.
  8. Why it’s so important to google yourself
  9. Who is the Fat Jew?
  10. What we can learn about Adam Cohen and
  11. Who is Melvin Kierny
  12. What’s the power in social media and blogging of consistency
  13. What’s the importance of a pivot
  14. What exactly is content creation
  15. What it means to write drunk and edit sober
  16. Why you want to take action quickly, but be mindful and pause
  17. Why mindfulness is so important for email
  18. Why you want to meditate on your social media and email decisions
  19. What is twitter 101 and what’s a great way to tweet today?
  20. Why you want to look at twitter as a chat room
  21. How crucial is the visual element on Facebook and twitter?
  22. What does it mean to brand on a platform by platform basis
  23. What is LinkedIn headlines?
  24. Why it’s so important to be consistent and yourself on social media
  25. Social media for introverts?
  26. Why you want to focus on your strengths?
  27. How can we automate our social media?
  28. How can we begin to automate our email?
  29. Tweet @Jeremarketer on twitter
    1. What is Audiense – great way to parse twitter followers
    2. Manageflitter
  30. For email
    1. Mailchimp
    2. Hubspot
    3. com site
    4. Boomerang (now hubspot sales)
    5. Contactually
  31. What it means to automate authentically?
    1. Ifttt (if this than that)
    2. Buffer
    3. Zapier
  32. Why we don’t want to be plugged in 24/7
  33. Why you don’t want to check email first thing in the morning
  34. @jeremarketer and

Jeremy Goldman on how to get social media savvy for your business, career, personal life & more! Inspiration | Motivation | Entrepreneur | Business | Career | Spiritual | Spirituality | Meditation | Mindfulness | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info Visit:

Jul 19, 2016

If you’ve ever wanted to get in shape, get fit, or get your body going again, then do we have the fitness making show for you!

Today I’ll be talking with Jessica Lee about getting your body going again. What it takes, where you want to go, what you don’t want to do, and why you in the world you might not want a boot camp to get you there.

That plus we’ll talk about posture, yoga, sprinting trails, using foam rolls, the magic of tennis balls, and why a fantastic massage, might just be the greatest gift in the world! 

Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. How small changes in movement make big differences in the body
  2. Why you don’t want to start with 35 push-ups!
  3. What to do when your shoulders get tight
  4. Why you get strange aches and pains that aren’t from what you think
  5. How are seated position
  6. What’s wrong with walking with your feet turned out
  7. Why the tennis ball and foam roll are your friend
  8. What’s the importance of learning about your body
  9. Why our posture is wrecking our necks
  10. Why standing at the computer, or using a treadmill such as Ben Greenfield, could be very beneficial for your posture and health
  11. What’s the importance of mindfulness with your posture
  12. What to do on your computer when you have shoulder pain?
  13. Why it’s so important to move for our health
  14. What’s the fun Jessica Lee has been having with pushups
  15. Why bra’s may be harmful
  16. What’s the ‘free the nipple’ campaign and how it can help your posture
  17. Tips for posture and holding your head back
  18. How core exercises and lower back exercises have been helping Jessica’s posture
  19. How yoga, and in-particular restorative or yin yoga can help your posture
  20. What’s the importance of mindfulness
  21. And mindful kitchen work
  22. And how you can do mindful gardening
  23. Why people like Dr. Michael Greger are using treadmills at their desks

Jessica Lee shares on better posture, strength, confidence & fitness! Inspiration | Fitness | Running | Health | Happiness | Motivation | Self-Improvement | Spiritual | Spirituality | Inspirational | Motivational | Meditation | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info Visit:

Jul 18, 2016

If you’ve ever struggled to find the time to get the things done you want to get done, or to finish your day feeling you’ve been productive and on-task, then do we have the time management show for you!

Today I’ll be talking with Jocelyn K. Glei, formerly editor-in-chief and director of and the editor of a new favorite book on organization I wish I’d had years ago, Manage Your Day-to-Day.

Today we’ll be talking about just that managing your day to day and Building Routines, finding your focus and sharpening your creative mind.

That plus we’ll talk about the ultradian rhythm, the best use for a post-it, why we all want to get lonely, the dangers of email apnea, and what in the world is a technology Shabbat.

Self-Help and Self-Improvement Questions & Topics Include:

  1. How Jocelyn Glei got good at time management
  2. What’s the importance of a routine?
    1. What Steven King says about routines?
  3. What’s the importance of front-loading (doing creative work first, reactive work second)
  4. How do we train people that we might not get back to email right away.
  5. Why we want to beware of the cycle of addiction with our email, social media and our smart phones
  6. What’s the concept of ‘random rewards’ and how we become trained to our email and smart phones
  7. What’s the hangover effect, and how does this rule our day.
  8. What are the building blocks of a great daily routine
  9. What is a creative trigger – a concept from Mark McGuiness
  10. How Michael wrote College Confidence with ADD with the music of Vivaldi
  11. One of Mark’s saying “If it won’t fit on a post-it, it won’t fit in your day”
  12. What’s the Benjamin Franklin method and when’s the best time to do it?
  13. What’s the importance of making a daily to-do list the night or day before?
  14. What can Gretchen Rubin The Happiness Project tell us about time Management and the power of momentum
  15. What Seth Godin can tell us about honing our creative practice?
  16. How do we build renewal into our work day
  17. Why is sleep more important than food – from Tony Schwartz
  18. What’s the ultradian rhythm and research from Eric Anderson on how long we can perform at a high level
  19. While looking at Facebook is not taking a break
  20. Why Jocelyn uses swimming to take a break, and has a dog, which helps her to take a break.
  21. What’s the importance of solitude and creating the first block for your solitude
  22. Leo Babalta who writes the zen habits blog talks about how we’ve become incredibly uncomfortable with solitude
  23. How do we realize to shut the screen, step back, and get away from our computers (buddhify and headspace are mindfulness and meditation aps)
  24. How we can keep our long-term goals on our minds – from Erin Dignan
  25. In her future book how you can create a mental hierarchy of who matters to help you get things done (and get through your email) see Jocelyn Glei’s next book coming out this fall, Unsubscribe
  26. Why Inbox zero may not be as great as you think
  27. What’s the difference between a compulsive behavior and something that’s constructive
  28. What we can learn from Jeff Bezos and preserving unstructured time
  29. What’s a technology Shabbat – from filmmaker and founder of webby awards, Tiffany Schlain.
  30. What are email apnea and screen apnea – from Linda Stone who has a great Ted Med talk (The Wonders of a Wandering Mind-
  31. What’s the importance of getting out of the fight or flight mode when working, checking email, or at any time!
  32. What’s it mean “In imagination we trust”?
  33. Why do we practice unnecessary creation (Scott McDowell)
  34. Why it’s so important to kick the perfectionism habit
  35. What Anders Ericcson of Peak has to say about deliberate practice and feedback
    1. What he said about Malcolm Gladwell’s 10,000 hour rule
    2. What we can learn from Bill Bradley (John McPhee wrote it) “A Sense of Where You Are”
  36. Why is repetition the enemy of insight?
  37. What Stefan Sagmeister talks about very creative or ‘oblique’ strategies.
  38. What Steven Pressfield means about going pro, being a pro, and doing the work
  39. Why ideas aren’t the hard part, execution is
  40. What we want to know about Unsubscribe coming out in October.
  41. What’s the importance of self-love or being kind and gentle on yourself through this process?
  42. Why we have to watch our inner-critic
  43. – Jocelyn’s website
  44. What we can learn from Toddy Henry, Julia Cameron, and morning pages

Jocelyn Glei shares incredible time management tools from Seth Godin, Gretchen Rubin, Steven Pressfield & Cal Newport! Inspiration | Meditation | Inspirational | Motivational | Career | Spiritual | Spirituality | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info Visit:

Jul 17, 2016

Do you struggle with money, to make enough, key enough, keep the bills at bay, or finally have the prosperity you deserve and have worked hard for your entire life.

Well if this sounds like you, then no matter your job, income, or education level, history, or life circumstances, then do we have the show for you!

Today we’ll be talking with transformational specialist and best-selling author Emmanuel Dagger, author of the brand new book Easy Breezy Prosperity.

But Easy Breezy Prosperity, isn’t just about making money, it’s a healthier, more connected, more balanced way to live.

So today’ we’ll talk about bridging the gap between spirituality and abundance, and bringing more prosperity and wealth into your life, the easy breezy way. We’ll look at your relationship with money, how to heal it, how to circulate it, and bring even more back to you.

That plus we’ll look at the importance of kindness, smiling, playing like a kid again, and the gratitude dance.

Questions and Topics Include:

  1. How Emmanuel overcame incredible challenges growing up in a war.
  2. How Emmanuel and his mother miraculously escaped Lebanon and the war
    1. Similar to Not Without My Daughter by Sally Field
  3. How he began talking to the Universe and made a commitment
  4. How we are all spiritual beings and what it means to see through the eyes of the Universe
  5. What abundance really means
  6. Why the Law of Attraction can be very limiting, particularly for people who are very analytical
  7. Why it’s just remember who you really are
  8. Why being in a place of “lack” is just a way to protect us by keeping us small.
  9. How to embrace the ego and love and accept it.
  10. The importance of generosity
    1. How Richard Branson, Ellen Degeneres, and Oprah have all realized the spirit of generosity
    2. Emmanuel’s social media experiment on social media
  11. Why true abundance is all about the we instead of just the me
  12. How to heal our relationship with money
  13. How money is a living breathing energy that is alive – and why there’s nothing that’s not alive
  14. The importance of decluttering
  15. What is radical generosity
  16. How do we invest in ourselves?
  17. Why prosperity is a direct result of loving ourselves.
  18. How do we practice gratitude and kindness
  19. What is Emmanuel’s 28 day challenge.
  20. What’s the difference between a mantra and an affirmation
  21. Why chanting prosperity mantra’s is so important
  22. Is it necessary to have an exact goal for prosperity?

Emmanuel Dagher Shares How to Attract Wealth & Abundance Into Your Life the Easy, Breezy Way! + Guided Meditation! Law of Attraction | Inspirational | Spirituality | Spiritual | Self-Improvement | Inspiration | Motivation | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info Visit:

Jul 16, 2016

If you’ve ever struggled with illness, injury, disease or a mental condition and thought, or been told it’s in your genes, or it’s in your family, or your mom and dad had it, so so will you… and there’s nothing you can do about it, then do we have the do-about-it show for you!

Today we’ll be talking with energy-psychology expert, Dr. Dawson Church, the award-winning best-selling author, of The Genie In Your Genes,

A breakthrough book on the link between between emotions and genetics. He founded the National Institute for Integrative Healthcare ( to study and implement promising evidence-based psychological and medical techniques.

Today we’ll talk about what is epigenetics, why it matters, and how we can change the way our genes work, or express themselves during our lifetime. We’ll look at how our genes are supposed to work, why they’re a bit off-track today, and what we can do help our genes work with us, rather than against us.

That plus we’ll look at how to design the brain we want, the medical power of prayer, why there’s more than three wishes in a genie’s lamp, and how to give birth, to healthy, happy rats.

Questions and Topics Include:

  1. What’s the link between energy, psychology and gene expression?
  2. What happened when Dr. Dawson Church co-wrote Soul Medicine with Dr. Norm an Shealy (founder American Holistic Medical Assocation)
  3. How energy has been used for healing in the past
  4. How energy and even spirituality affect gene expression
  5. What a key fob and epigenetics have in common
  6. How are our genes affected by our external environment
  7. What it means to have genes turned on or turned off
  8. What is a maladaptive response?
  9. What downsizing in a company does to the body
  10. Why we are not pre-determined by our genes
  11. Why cancer or heart-disease triggering genes do not mean you have to get cancer or heart disease
  12. Why does one identical twin get cancer when the other does not.
  13. Why a bit of a challenge in your diet can be a good thing
  14. What a mouse study on the agouti gene has to do with flipping genes on and off.
  15. What the danger is of a touch-deficit and how to reverse it.
  16. Ironhorse and how one belief can flip a gene on or off.
  17. How AID’s viruses and a patient’s health can be dramatically affected by a belief
  18. How prayer can affect the outcome of heart surgery.
  19. How even DNA can be changed by intention long distance (research by the Heart-Math institute).
  20. How your beliefs directly affect your results at the gym
  21. How to turn the gym into a spiritual or positive emotion experience.
  22. What is Dawson’s morning Epigenetic positivity routine.
  23. What is an Eco Meditation
  24. What can we do with our environment to help our genes or keep the stress gene from expressing?
  25. What a love-bathing practice is.
  26. The importance of a great sound scape to help you feel good (and reduce your cortisol levels)
  27. Can we rewire a negative response to become a positive?
  28. What do you do if you’ve gotten a diagnosis with a genetic component.
  29. Why the main purpose of a genetic test may be to scare the he** out of you.
  30. How a hearty laugh activates 31 positive genes in your body
  31. How feeling good about yourself triggers positive genes in your body as well.
  32. How to feel positive even with a negative diagnosis
  33. What it means to be tapping deep intimacy.
  34. Why stress doesn’t have to rule us, or flip our genes.
  35. Bonus Powerful Deep Relaxation 'ECO' Meditation from Dr. Dawson Church

Dr. Dawson Church shares the Power of Epigenetics to Flip on Good Genes for Happiness & Health! + Meditation! Inspiration | Motivation | Inspirational | Motivational | Spiritual | Spirituality | Self-Improvement | Fitness | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info Visit:

Jul 15, 2016

If you’ve ever felt the call of the wild, a desire to live in the great outdoors, for adventure, to spend time by yourself, or simply to visit the giant state of Alaska, then do we have the show for you.

Today I’ll be talking with Nick Jans, award-winning writer and photographer and author of numerous books including the Grizzly Maze, A Wolf Called Romeo, and his latest, the Giant’s Hand, a life in Arctic Alaska.

Today we’ll talk about living in Alaska, North of the Arctic, Circle, what it’s like, how it’s changed, what we can all learn from it, and what the words Nature and Solitude really mean to us.

That plus we’ll talk about the dangers of EDD, just how much a house weighs, what’s a 3 Dog Night, and why there’s a lot of chicken inside.

Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. How is Nick’s Sprint-Marine Turbo-Wave
  2. How did he end up in arctic Alaska after college
  3. What happened when he was 10 and visiting Northern Michigan
  4. Where his love of the wild came from?
  5. How he was gradually welcomed into an Eskimo community
  6. How Clarence Wood was more than just attuned to the natural world
  7. What solo journeys into nature have brought him
  8. What’s the God of Narrow escapes
  9. Why nature is far less dangerous than ‘civilization’
  10. What is the spiritual or meditative experience of being out in nature?
  11. Why all of nature wants to live, and what this really means (and to love life)…
  12. What does ‘sure always share’ means to the Inupauq Eskimo
  13. Why Alaska is the last best place (wildnerness) we have
  14. What is climate change in Alaska right now?
  15. What is happening with Polar Bears in Alaska right now with climate change?
  16. What is an ‘elder in a can’?
  17. Who is Minnie Grey, his adopted Eskimo Mom
  18. How Minnie Grey helped heal him with indigenous medical techniques
  19. How much does a house weigh, and how does he know it?
  20. What’s an arctic mirage?
  21. What is the quality of the light in the artic
  22. What is the light like in Alaska?
  23. How he traded in his rifle for a camera
  24. Why the Giant’s Hand is a “love poem to life”
  25. Why his book, A Giant’s Hand is self-published and only available from his website – you can also find out about A Wolf Called Romeo on his website (which we spoke about in a previous Inspire Nation interview)
  26. What was Nick’s Dr. Phil moment?
  27. Why he’s 100 miles north of Juneau presently just off the Haines Highway, and what the view’s like from there.
  28. Why it’s so important to find the natural world wherever you are

Nick Jans Shares Lessons on Survival, Happiness & Connecting with Nature from ‘A Giant’s Hand’ Arctic Alaska! Inspirational | Motivational | Meditation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Health | Career | Mindfulness | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

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Jul 14, 2016

If you’ve ever wanted more romance, greater happiness, or more love in your life, then do we have the love-building show for you.

Today we’ll be talking about love and relationships. What works, what doesn’t, and what you don’t want to do on a road trip.

That plus we’ll talk about time in the forest, connecting with the earth, the power of rituals, guarding date time, and how Michael getting his butt kicked, might just be a good thing.

Self-Help and Self-Improvement Topics Include:

  1. What is Mount Shasta like?
  2. How can laughter help diffuse a fight
  3. How to look for anger or emotions in your body
  4. What Robbie Holz of Aboriginal Healing shared about looking in your body for emotions
  5. What Stan Tatkin of wired for love says is one of the best times to get in an argument
  6. How you can solve problems, or at least feel much better through empathy and love
  7. Advantages and disadvantages of going with the flow vs. having things planned out.
  8. Why the unexpected in life can actually be quite beautiful
  9. Why a back and forth pace can be so powerful
  10. What we can learn from Stan Tatkin of Wired for Love about morning and evening rituals and routines
  11. What beautiful touches and micro-habits can help our relationships
  12. What it means to be an anchor, island, or a wave
  13. Book on 5 Love Languages
  14. What we can learn from Amy Cuddy of Presence and why it’s not a matter of being an extrovert, could be an introvert as well
    1. The synchronicity with Susan Cain of Quiet and how we can bring self-confidence to the table, even as an introvert
  15. The importance of being fully present with the one you’re with (mindfulness)

CJ Liu & Michael Sandler share how to bring romance & happiness to your relationships! Love | Spirituality | Spiritual | Self-Improvement | Career | Inspiration | Inspirational | Motivation | Motivational | Meditation | Health | Self-Help | Inspire

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Jul 13, 2016

If you’ve ever dreamed big in life, whether that’s starting your own business, moving to a foreign land, landing that dream job, or anything else then do we have the Think Big show for you!

Today I’ll be talking with Michael Port, former professional actor – you may have seen him in Sex in the City, law and Order, The Pelican Brief or Down To Earth; He’s a New York Times Best Selling Author, key note speaker and CEO coach. And he’s the author of an amazing book Steal the Show, and my new all-time favorite Key Note Address and Inspirational Speech: The Think Big Revolution

Today we’ll talk about how to dream big, stand tall, find your voice, and how to guarantee a standing ovation for all the performances of your life.

That plus we’ll talk about why you don’t want a devil’s advocate, what in the world Marlon Brando has to do with cotton balls, and why deep-fried car tires, might just be your greatest food in the world!

Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics and Questions Include:

  1. How’d he become a professional actor, and why did he leave.
  2. Why performance arts and acting means studying others
  3. How to get casted in Hollywood
  4. What Marlon Brando did to get the role in the Godfather
  5. What it means to ‘raise the stakes’ and ‘play’ life at a high level
  6. What’s it mean to be ready to shine?
  7. What this means for a career or job interview, sales pitch or other high stakes situation – why it’s important to show up as a performer
  8. Why Michael Port had learning disabilities, but they didn’t hold him back.
  9. And why Michael Sandler also had learning disabilities, and what this meant
  10. How learning disabilities may lead you to become an entrepreneur or entrepreneurship
  11. Why Michael Port has a sense of urgency
  12. Why urgency is different that impatient
  13. Why you don’t want to be ‘realistic’
  14. How he treats people with love
  15. What is a superobjective
  16. What’s the power of presence – and what performance is really about
  17. Why performance is authentic behavior in a manufactured environment
  18. What’s his overarching super-objective
  19. How boating is a meditative, mindfulness experience.
  20. Wallace J. Nichols – Blue Mind - how the water affects us, body, mind and soul
  21. Why he doesn’t meditation on a regular basis but gets his meditation through boating
  22. Why he’s excited to learn about personal finances
  23. Why thinking big about who you are and what you bring to the world is so important and why we each want to have our own Think Big Revolution
  24. Why you don’t want to tell your kids they are smart
  25. Where can people go to find Steal the Show and for the podcast also,

Michael Port from Steal the Show on How to Have a Think Big Revolution & Live the Life of Your Dreams! Entrepreneur | Business | Career | Inspiration | Meditation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Inspirational | Motivational | Happiness | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info Visit:


Jul 12, 2016

Do you ever wish you could have more in life, more energy, more happiness, more health, and more fulfillment?

Well if so, do we have the show for you!

Today we’ll be talking with researcher and ultra-best-selling author Tom Rath who has sold over 6 million copies of his books, including the 2013 #1 best selling book on amazon for the year, Strengths Finder 2.0, and the book and documentary we’ll talking about today, Fully Charged.

Today we’ll talk about what it means to live a fully charged life, and how we can find greater energy, more positive interactions, and greater meaning in our lives.

Plus we’ll talk about standing desks, sleeping more, taking frequent breaks, hiding our cell phones the importance of being 80% happy, and why your friends-friends-friends, may be changing your life without you even knowing it. That plus why Thomas Jefferson’s pursuit of happiness, may have been plain wrong.

Questions and Topics Include:

  1. How Don Clifton, Tom Rath’s grandfather Influenced Tom’s life (they were putting together an online version of assessments) which lead to the StrengthsFinder.
    1. Finished first draft of “How Full is Your Bucket” a NY Times Best-Seller.
  2. How Don Clifton helped encourage Tom’s writing and helped Tom discover his strengths
    1. The importance of helping others to discover their own talents as well.
  3. How Tom Rath has been living with cancer since he was 16.
  4. How cancer has helped Tom live a full life.
  5. What does it mean to live fully charged?
  6. How to live a more pro-active vs. reactive life
  7. Why sleep is the most underestimated investment we can make in ourselves today
  8. Why the surgeon general recommends 8 to 8 ½ hours of sleep “ammunition for the brain” for soldiers.
  9. Why we don’t want to skimp on sleep
  10. The story behind SALO in Minneapolis, and their active workplace.
  11. Randy Pausch and Jeff Zaslow – headset on while riding bike for last months while battling cancer to get a book down.
  12. The book Eat-Move-Sleep and journey from standard desk to a treadmill.
  13. What Dr. Michael Merzenich says about children’s minds and movement.
  14. Chuck Hillman and functional MRI’s and the brain, and how movement is a cognitive gain.
  15. How to simplify health, and the importance of small little choices
    1. Why everything is a net gain or a net loss
  16. Brian Wansink, Mindless Eating, and how we can build our willpower up.
  17. Why the more steps away we put things that aren’t good for us, the less likely we are to go grab them.
  18. The importance of making good choices early in the day
  19. What are positive interactions vs. negative interactions
  20. Why social relations are the #1 improver of our health and wellbeing
  21. Why emotions travel faster than words and are much stronger
    1. From John Gottmans marriage lab
    2. Why bad emotions and interactions outweigh good
  22. Why quick positive feelings don’t linger around nearly the same way as the feelings from a fight or flight reaction
  23. How your habits and happiness affects a friend of a friend of a friend.
    1. Nicholas Christakis and James Fowler studied 3 degrees of influence on people.
  24. Why 80% positive is much better than 100% positive.
  25. Why you don’t want to be insincerely happy, or make insincere positive comment (Barbara Frederickson did a study on this)
  26. Why the mere presence of a cell phone can ruin a conversation or an interaction
  27. Why we need to pursue meaning instead of pursuing happiness
  28. Why it’s so important to understand how your passion makes a difference for others and why it’s so important (for life satisfaction) to pursue things that help others
  29. Why experiences are so much more important that physical things
  30. The deliberate practice study of 10,000 hours and what people MISS in that study
    1. K Anders Ericsson.
      1. Well rested
      2. Took lots of breaks of rest, relaxation and refocusing
  • Turns out even if you want to be really focused, why you need to take frequent rest and recovery
  1. Tim Walker who studied children in Finland who took 15 minute breaks per hour.
  1. The importance of giving and focusing on helping others
    1. Adam Grant’s work on people in call centers

Discover How To Live A Fully Charged Life With Tom Rath - One of the Most Successful Researchers & Best-Selling Authors (Over 6 Million Copies Sold!) On Human Performance, Potential, Success & Happiness! Inspirational | Motivational | Spiritual | Spirituality | Career | Health | Self-Improvement | Meditation | Mindfulness | Self-Help | Inspire

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Jul 11, 2016

If you’ve ever wanted to comeback from injury, illness, or way too much time off, then do we have the health-provoking show for you.

Today I’ll be talking with Jessica Lee, my ever-chipper loving-wife, and co-host and producer of Inspire Nation.

She’s been recovering from serious illness and today will share what she’s done to come back flying!

That plus we’ll talk about running in the heat, getting strong, running fast, and why in the world pull-ups are so cool.

Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. How Jessica got sick with mold toxicity poisoning
  2. How a Dave Asprey documentary helped with healing
  3. How Jessica got cleaner air but killed the air conditioner
  4. How the dehumidifier helped with her health
  5. How Dr. Carolyn Dean, author of The Magnesium Miracle
  6. What was the decision that helped her to heal.
  7. Why Jessica’s perfectionism was hurting her health
  8. Why a mental shift was so important
  9. Why she was working so hard to find out what made her heart sing.
  10. What was the importance of garden therapy (and how can art and creativity help you heal)?
  11. How a part-time job outside helped Jessica to heal
  12. Why being out and with people was so exciting and so healing
  13. What Barbara Brendan Hagerty of Life Reimagined has to say about healing.
  14. How empathy was helping Jessica
  15. And how stocking shelves, was helping Jessica to get strong, and flexible!
  16. What in the world is tandem therapy and how did a tandem help?
  17. Why Dr. Joe Vitale says when impulse strikes you should take action right away.
  18. How EFT or tapping helped the body heal and stay out of a place of panic
  19. Why it’s so important to recruit help
  20. How Jessica’s been working to stamp out the last bit of workaholicism that’s inside of her
  21. What’s the importance of napping and why google gets it (and even has napping stations!)
  22. What was the amazing advice from Anthony William, Medical Medium
  23. How a past-life regression helped Jessica
  24. What’s in our magical morning Anthony William, Medical Medium smoothie
  25. Plus what Robert Reeves recommended for our green smoothie
  26. How we started going to the gym, and what happened from that
  27. How green smoothies helped Jessica’s mom and Michael Sandler to heal from borderline diabetes or pre-diabetes
  28. How weight training and weight lifting is brain training
  29. What’s the importance of a strong core – particularly for running and preventing stitches
  30. What is running proud
  31. Why quitting doesn’t make you week
  32. Why she’ll never plan on running an ultra
  33. How her posture has changed and the presence and mindfulness she’s brought to her posture

Jessica Lee shares her return to perfect health & advice on getting healthy, overcoming illness & running like the wind! Inspirational | Motivational | Spirituality | Meditation | Self-Improvement | Health | Fitness | Self-Help | Spiritual | Inspire

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Jul 10, 2016

If you’ve ever wanted more prosperity and abundance in your life, but the law of attraction just isn’t doing it for you, then do we have the soul over matter show for you!

Today I’ll be speaking with doctor and master Sha, a world-renowned master healing and spiritual teacher, and a grandmaster of many ancient disciplines incuding tai chi, qigong, kung fu, feng shui, and the I chin. He’s also the author of countless best-sellers, and has co-authered with Adam markel a radically different book on prosperity I’m extremely excited about, Soul Over Matter.

Today we’re going to talk about the soul of the matter, or ancient and modern wisdom and practical techniques to create unilimited abundance.

That plus we’ll talk about bright and colorful heavenly flowers, the law of karma, chi dow, shooch dow, mind, soul, and heart blockages, the importance of a virtue account, the gretzky principle, green drinks, and mental broccoli.

Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. How to move beyond the law of attraction and beyond mind over matter
  2. A bit of the history of Master Sha
  3. How did he start training with a Tai Chi grandmaster at age 6
  4. What he gained at age 6 by working with the Tai Chi master
  5. Why he believes it was past-life experiences that allowed him to have the qualities necessary to work with the grand master at such an early age
  6. At age 10 met a qi gong master
  7. How he went from studying Tai Chi – internal kung fu, to external Shao Lin Kung Fu.
  8. How did he go from studying chi and form and martial arts to studying medicine?
  9. How to create unlimited abundance
  10. Why mind over matter is never enough, particularly when it comes to the law of attraction and abundance
  11. What happens when there’s a disagreement between the mind and the soul
  12. How do you align your soul, heart and mind as one?
  13. How do we get in touch with our soul to get in alignment with it?
  14. What happened to him at age 5.
  15. What is karma and what does it have to do with your alignment, soul, and purpose?
  16. What’s the global shift, and the time-period shift humanity is experiencing
  17. How love removes all blockages and transforms all life
  19. A chant, song and brief ‘guided meditation’ song to shift your energy & leave you feeling great!
  20. Creating a love, peace, harmony movement.

Dr. and Master Sha Shares How to Use Soul Over Matter to Have Unlimited Abundance & Happiness! Goes beyond the law of attraction! Guided Meditation | Spirituality | Spiritual | Inspiration | Inspirational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

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