Jun 29, 2018
If you’ve ever wanted to bring more goodness into your life, then do we have the Manifesting with Your Mind, show for you.
Today we’ll talk more about how thoughts become things, and what you can do to bring more goodness, more happiness, and more of your dreams, into your life.
Manifestation with Your Mind...
Jun 28, 2018
If you’ve ever wanted to DREAM BIG and LOVE YOUR LIFE then do we have the Maybe It’s You show for you!
Today I’ll be talking with Lauren Zander, co-founder and chairwoman of the international corporate consulting and coaching company the Handel Group, and the author of a take no prisoners look at personal...
Jun 27, 2018
If you’ve ever thought we’ve got things flip-flopped backwards and upside-down on earth, then do we have the heaven on earth show for you!
Today I’ll be talking with Anita Moorjani, the New York Times Best-selling author of Dying to be Me; and a guest I’ve been looking forward to speaking with for as long as...
Jun 26, 2018
If you’ve ever wanted to be more empowered in your own skin, then do we have the DIVINE FEMININE show for you!
Today I’ll be talking with best-selling author and scholar of the divine feminine, Meggan Watterson, who has a masters of tehological studies from Harvard Divinity School, a masters of divinity from Union...
Jun 25, 2018
If you’ve ever wanted to learn the way of the Luminous Warrior then do we have The Heart of the Shaman show for you!
Today I’ll be talking with best-selling author Dr. Alberto Villoldo, a trained psychologist and medical anthropologist who has studied the healing processes of the Shaman and Directs the Four Winds...