Jan 30, 2024
I (Host, Michael Sandler) used to freak out at everything, large and small...it was part of my wiring, UNTIL it wasn't anymore. Learn how I rewired to end the Freak Out, and what I did to turn all of the energy we're bombarded with, into something positive in this fascinating actionable YouTube Live event released...
Jan 25, 2024
If you ever wondered what the Earth and Animal Spirits have to say about current times, and where we get to go from here, then do we have the Snow Raven Indigenous Wisdom show for you I'll be speaking with Snow Raven (SUOR), singer, author, indigenous wisdom keeper and founder of OLOX - we'll explore the dynamic web of...
Jan 23, 2024
Your angels, guides, and especially loved ones on the other side, are always talking to you, always reaching out, and always wanting to be heard. It’s the nature of the universe. However, it’s often impossibly difficult to hear from them, leaving us feeling alone, abandoned, adrift or worse. But it doesn’t have to...
Jan 18, 2024
We’ve all heard of NDE’s, or Near Death Experiences and are familiar with Life Reviews, which we’ve all gone through countless times. But did you know you CHOSE this lifetime, and chose what you wanted to experience, and even often how? These are your pre-birth experiences, and by understanding your Pre-Birth...
Jan 16, 2024
There’s so much energy and fear spinning around, wars, possible wars, civil strife, elections, and so much more, that it’s easy to be torn apart during these times. But your Angels are by your side, and have a LOT to say on these matters. Join us live for the event of January, to learn what the Angels have to say is...