Be inspired & motivated through this Incredible Spiritual Odyssey to Self-Discovery, Healing & Direction with Marie Rose Phan Le – Documentary Film-Maker & Producer. | Spirituality | Inspiration | Motivation | Career | Business | Entrepreneur | Self-Help
If you’re wondering how to find direction in your life, how to heal, or simply curious about indigenous healing techniques dating back thousands of years, then today’s show is the show for you.
We’ll be talking about the hero’s journey, in this case, one that took Marie Rose from the comfort of a 9 to 5 job in the states, to a world journey, meeting with Shaman, Kahunas, and Llamas, in remote villages in Peru, Nepal, Tibet, the lava fields of an active Hawaiian volcano, and deep inside China. We’ll talk about what possesses someone to leave their comfort zone for a greater cause, and how that journey can lead to self-discovery and guidance. At the same time we’ll look at endangered indigenous healing practices, and what they mean for own health.
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