Mar 8, 2017
If you’ve wanted more depth and significance in your life, then do we have the Power of Meaning Show for you.
Today I’ll be talking with Emily Esfahani Smith, columnist, editor and author of one of the most meaningful books I’ve ever read, The Power of Meaning.
And that’s just what I want to talk with her about today, about crafting a life that matters.
That plus we’ll talk about big Papi, feeding giraffes, nights in shining armor, what in the world’s the ikea effect, good fences and great neighbors, and why you want to be extra careful when you compliment another’s darvishes possessions?
Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:
Emily Esfahani Smith on The Power of Meaning & How to Craft a Life that Matters! Health | Career | Inspiration | Motivation | Meditation | Mindfulness | Spiritual | Spirituality | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire
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