Aug 29, 2016
If you’ve been practicing your affirmations, and working on that
law of attraction, but it just isn’t getting you where you want to
go, then do we have the affirming, scratch that, afforming show for
Today we’ll be talking with Noah Saint John, the best-selling
author of 10 books, including Afformations: The Miracle of Positive
Self Talk.
So today I want to talk about affirmations, what they are, and
why’re their not working, and why it’s NOT your fault, and
afformations, what’s the difference, how they work, and why they’re
so powerful.
(Whether you're an entrepreneur, have your own business, career,
are in school, anywhere in-between, or are raising children)
That plus dasummumptions, dbar, success anorexia, a shower that
changed everything, and what in the world is a loving mirror?
Questions and Topics On Today's Inspire Nation Show Include:
- How Noah stacked the odds in his favor through ballet
- How he started in a ‘dirt poor’ home in a rich town.
- Very interested in question of how some people succeeded when
others did not.
- How he learned that hard work wasn’t the answer.
- How John started in a career as a professional ballet
- How John became suicidal and made the decision to die.
- How John heard he should leave Hollywood and move back home –
the exact one place he didn’t want to go.
- What was the shower heard round the world
- Why weren’t affirmations or positive statements working?
- Why people don’t believe their affirmations?
- What is a belief gap?
- What is your CPR vs. NPR?
- How to go from where you are and where you want to be?
- What is a empowering question vs. a disempowering
- What are the four steps for afformations?
- What’s the difference between a traditional vision board and an
affirmation board?
- What does afformation mean and where did it come
- What’s it mean to accept an assumption or an afformation?
- What do people do if they’re feeling stuck?
- What are afformations to help with income?
- What are examples of afformations for physical health?
- What are afformation statements for emotional health?
- What’s one of the most powerful afformations?
- What is a loving mirror?
- Why you should give yourself permission to succeed and get your
foot off the brake.
Noah St John Shares The Law of Attraction Secret To Turning
Affirmations Into Success! + Guided Meditation | Happiness |
Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Inspirational
| Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire
For More Info visit: