Oct 21, 2016
If you’ve ever wanted to feel better about living, feel great
about life, leaves worries, guilt and heart-aches behind, then do
we have the show for you!
Today we’ll be talking with Alan Cohen a contributing writer for
the Chicken Soup for the Soul series and the author of 24 popular
inspirational books, including the best-selling The Dragon
Doesn’t Live Here Anymore, the award-winning A Deep Breath
of Life, and the classic Are You as Happy as Your
Today we’ll be talking about his latest book, A Course in
Miracles Made Easy.
We’ll talk about moving from fear to love, how to go from a
place of worry and concern, to one of joy, abundance, and
happiness. And how to truly be at peace in the moment, no matter
what arises.
That plus we’ll talk about, Pete the Duck, authority figurines,
lifestyles of the rich in spirit, and why God has memory
(Plus a Guided Meditation)
Questions and Topics Include:
- When was Alan first exposed to Course in Miracles?
- How A Dragon Doesn’t Live Here Anymore was written at
the same time Alan was reading A Course in Miracles
- How A Dragon Doesn’t Live Here Anymore lifted and changed his
mind of consciouisness?
- How did Alan Cohen feel when he was reading A Course in
- How would Alan Cohen define A Course in Miracles
- Why Alan Cohen wrote A Course in Miracles Made Easy – to help
people understand and sift through A Course in Miracles
- Where did A Course in Miracles come from and who scribed
- Who was Bill Setford and Hellen Suttman
- Was Hellen able to live A Course in Miracles after she scribed
- Why a lot of medium’s and channel’s lives don’t match their
- How A Course in Miracles isn’t Christian, but is universal,
even if written a bit in Christian language
- How the Lesson of A Course in Miracles is Love
- Why A Course in Miracles is not the ‘anti-Christ’
- How we are all love
- How we are all beloved
- How no one has truly sinned
- How everyone belongs to Heaven
- How we are all Children of God
- What happened with Cliff Kline and the robber
- How do we choose love over fear?
- How do we recognize we’re going into a place of fear?
- Who played the voice of God in Moses?
- Why you don’t want to play it small and choose to be
- What’s the difference between the small self and the great
- Any exercises we can do on a moment to moment basis to
cultivate our greatness
- A technique from Christian Almayrac – Dr. Happiness
- What does it mean to Get Real?
- Why the world we think is real is actually the inside-out,
upside down world
- Why we don’t want to ‘get real’?
- Why the Wright Brothers were told to ‘get real’?
- Why Alan Cohen doesn’t work with realists, but instead
- Why Anwar Sadat only works with miracles
- How the ego is scared bleepless by a change from the
- Why the unknown is where the advancement takes place.
- What Pete the Duck has to do with anything
- Why it’s ultimately important and extremely vigilant to watch
our thoughts
- Why you want to watch out for going down the rabbit hole of
dark thinking
- How Jersey Al used to still be alive and well
- What’s a great pattern breaker to let emotions go?
- How we are all one and how we always meet ourselves wherever we
- What is an authority figurine?
- How Mother Teresa stopped a war to save kids in Beirut during
the war
- How the only power is spirit
- What does A Course in Miracles say about guilt and sin
- Why there is no sin, only errors
- Why God has memory issues – and sees only our love!
- What are lifestyles of the rich in spirit?
- How John Robbins wrote the Pulitzer Prize nominated Diet for a
New America
- What Steve Jobs said about the spiritual value vs. material
- How do you be a miracle worker?
- What advice would you give for parents based on A Course in
- Alancohen.com and now doing a life-coach training for people
who want to become personal life coaches
- Beautiful short guided meditation
Alan Cohen Shares Secrets from A Course in Miracles to Find More
Love, Peace & Happiness In Your Life! + Guided Meditation! Health
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