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Our Goal: To Help You Overcome Your Hurdles so You Can SHINE!

Simply put, we thrive on finding the most inspiring and motivational guests so we can deliver the stories and guidance that will touch your heart, lift your spirit and change your life. We bring you interviews with heroes, survivors, peaceful warriors, alternative health experts and spiritual masters.

They say to be the best, surround yourself with the best people. Well this is your chance with Inspire Nation. It’s like hanging out with your best friends who help you to take your business, relationship, love life and romance, health, wealth, and every aspect of your life to an entirely new level. Why, because you’ve surrounded yourself with the best, so they’ll help you rise to the top.

Jul 10, 2016

If you’ve ever wanted more prosperity and abundance in your life, but the law of attraction just isn’t doing it for you, then do we have the soul over matter show for you!

Today I’ll be speaking with doctor and master Sha, a world-renowned master healing and spiritual teacher, and a grandmaster of many ancient disciplines incuding tai chi, qigong, kung fu, feng shui, and the I chin. He’s also the author of countless best-sellers, and has co-authered with Adam markel a radically different book on prosperity I’m extremely excited about, Soul Over Matter.

Today we’re going to talk about the soul of the matter, or ancient and modern wisdom and practical techniques to create unilimited abundance.

That plus we’ll talk about bright and colorful heavenly flowers, the law of karma, chi dow, shooch dow, mind, soul, and heart blockages, the importance of a virtue account, the gretzky principle, green drinks, and mental broccoli.

Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. How to move beyond the law of attraction and beyond mind over matter
  2. A bit of the history of Master Sha
  3. How did he start training with a Tai Chi grandmaster at age 6
  4. What he gained at age 6 by working with the Tai Chi master
  5. Why he believes it was past-life experiences that allowed him to have the qualities necessary to work with the grand master at such an early age
  6. At age 10 met a qi gong master
  7. How he went from studying Tai Chi – internal kung fu, to external Shao Lin Kung Fu.
  8. How did he go from studying chi and form and martial arts to studying medicine?
  9. How to create unlimited abundance
  10. Why mind over matter is never enough, particularly when it comes to the law of attraction and abundance
  11. What happens when there’s a disagreement between the mind and the soul
  12. How do you align your soul, heart and mind as one?
  13. How do we get in touch with our soul to get in alignment with it?
  14. What happened to him at age 5.
  15. What is karma and what does it have to do with your alignment, soul, and purpose?
  16. What’s the global shift, and the time-period shift humanity is experiencing
  17. How love removes all blockages and transforms all life
  19. A chant, song and brief ‘guided meditation’ song to shift your energy & leave you feeling great!
  20. Creating a love, peace, harmony movement.

Dr. and Master Sha Shares How to Use Soul Over Matter to Have Unlimited Abundance & Happiness! Goes beyond the law of attraction! Guided Meditation | Spirituality | Spiritual | Inspiration | Inspirational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

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