Oct 20, 2016
If you’ve ever felt disempowered or overwhelmed by the
affirmations, afformations, meditations, law of attraction,
journaling, chanting, automatic writing, tapping and more, when all
you want to do is feel better, or head toward your dreams, then do
we have the kind-and-easy self-help show for you!
Today we’ll talk about where to begin, how to start, and how to
keep from getting on the self-help treadmill to nowhere, stuck
chasing your cheese.
That plus we’ll talk about laying on the grass, enjoying the
sun, the power of de-cluttering, little trips and dips, daily
habits, and why Hawaii isn’t just a state of mind.
Empowering Self-Empowerment and Self-Help Topics Include:
- What anger may really mean
- What’s it mean to not trust the process
- Why you don’t want to give your power away
- What it means to give your power away to a medical practicioner
and what Anita Moorjani has to say about it
- How can an inheritance be giving power away (or strings
- What can you do to regain or retake your power
- What’s a prisoner mentality?
- What pain in the body, and in particular the back, can tell
- What’s a redo or a reboot?
- Where do you go when you’re struggling or feel
- What it means to step back and listen to the message
- What it means to slow down, and what it means to lay in the
- What running fast, or too fast, has to do with anything and how
running can be a metaphor
- What’s the spiritual significance of ‘moving too fast’
- What we can learn from Mark Wolynn’s book, It Didn’t Start with
- What it means to have a lack of sensation in your body
- What affect traumas have epigenetically on you from your
- What uncontrollable tears can mean
- What we can learn about the Five Elements from Dondi
- What’s the importance of getting yourself out into the sun
- What’s the power of the sun at sunrise and sunsets
- What’s the importance of SAD lamps
- What it means to bring the gentleness into the pace
- What’s the importance of self-care and spirituality of not
taking things too seriously
- What’s the importance of decluttering
- What it means to change your Luna Sandals!
- What running with speed and flying along has to do with
empowerment, spirituality, and our lives
- What we can learn from Joshua Becker, The More of Less
- Who is The Clutter Buster (Brooks Palmer)
- What’s the power of micro-habits
- What’s it mean to start with one – whether meditation,
affirmation or anything else
- What’s a 29 day experiment and why is it important?
CJ Liu on How to Re-Empower Your Life, Take Control & Make
Positive Changes! Health | Career | Fitness | Running | Inspiration
| Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Meditation |
Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help |
For More Info Visit: www.InspireNationShow.com