Jul 13, 2016
If you’ve ever dreamed big in life, whether that’s starting your
own business, moving to a foreign land, landing that dream job, or
anything else then do we have the Think Big show for you!
Today I’ll be talking with Michael Port, former professional
actor – you may have seen him in Sex in the City, law and Order,
The Pelican Brief or Down To Earth; He’s a New York Times Best
Selling Author, key note speaker and CEO coach. And he’s the author
of an amazing book Steal the Show, and my new all-time favorite Key
Note Address and Inspirational Speech: The Think Big Revolution
Today we’ll talk about how to dream big, stand tall, find your
voice, and how to guarantee a standing ovation for all the
performances of your life.
That plus we’ll talk about why you don’t want a devil’s
advocate, what in the world Marlon Brando has to do with cotton
balls, and why deep-fried car tires, might just be your greatest
food in the world!
Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics and Questions Include:
- How’d he become a professional actor, and why did he
- Why performance arts and acting means studying others
- How to get casted in Hollywood
- What Marlon Brando did to get the role in the Godfather
- What it means to ‘raise the stakes’ and ‘play’ life at a high
- What’s it mean to be ready to shine?
- What this means for a career or job interview, sales pitch or
other high stakes situation – why it’s important to show up as a
- Why Michael Port had learning disabilities, but they didn’t
hold him back.
- And why Michael Sandler also had learning disabilities, and
what this meant
- How learning disabilities may lead you to become an
entrepreneur or entrepreneurship
- Why Michael Port has a sense of urgency
- Why urgency is different that impatient
- Why you don’t want to be ‘realistic’
- How he treats people with love
- What is a superobjective
- What’s the power of presence – and what performance is really
- Why performance is authentic behavior in a manufactured
- What’s his overarching super-objective
- How boating is a meditative, mindfulness experience.
- Wallace J. Nichols – Blue Mind - how the water affects us,
body, mind and soul
- Why he doesn’t meditation on a regular basis but gets his
meditation through boating
- Why he’s excited to learn about personal finances
- Why thinking big about who you are and what you bring to the
world is so important and why we each want to have our own Think
Big Revolution
- Why you don’t want to tell your kids they are smart
- Where can people go to find Steal the Show and StealTheShow.com for the podcast
also heroicpublicspeaking.com,
Michael Port from Steal the Show on How to Have a Think Big
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