The How-To's of Emergence
This is part 2 of our interview with Derek Rydall prominent life coach to Emmy and Academy Award Winner,s Fortune 500 execs, and evolutionary leaders in business, spirituality and the healing arts. He’s the best-selling author of several books, including Emergence: Seven Steps for Radical Life Change.
In part one we learned how we all have greatness within, and like an acorn that grows to be a mighty oak, we can each grow into our greatness.
So in part 2 we’ll look at the how-to’s of growing this mighty oak, and how to discover the incredible power and inconceivably great destiny that lies inside each one of us.
It should be a life-changing ride!
Topics Include:
- Life isn’t happening to you, but through you, as you and for you – it is a HUGE shift and reframing
- First stage of Emergineering – Vision – Seeing the Completed Vision
- There is a seed of genius in you
- A lot of problems we experience are a symptom of us not being rooted in our deepest vision
- How do we figure out our deepest vision?
- The Soul Profile - Exercise to see what’s trying to emerge in us
- Think of three or four people who are amazing…
- How to think outside of the fish bowl – will save the fish though!
- Have to know where we are going, or we will get lost
- Second Stage of Emergineering – Congruent Conditions
- Now can build on the direction we built in stage 1
- Using Visualization to Get in Touch with the Frequency of the Vision
- Careful not to focus on future, but on the frequency, to let your highest destiny come through!
- Your destiny is beyond your imagination – Your imagination can only rearrange what we know
- What’s most important is the imagination of the soul, not of the mind
- How to go from Station B-Lack to K-RICH
- Once you have the vibration, articulate what are the qualities of that vibration
- What are the feeling qualities?
- Break down each quality with LIFT practice
- Living in the FEELING Tone
- Look at people, places, objects, and activities
- Activate what gives you joy!
- How to create a life by design, rather than by default, out of this emerging vision
- To bust out, you need momentum so you don’t keep getting pulled back.
- Remember you are complete
- “If I am really this deeply supported in life, and if everything I want in life is already here, how would I show up in life?” What might I take a chance on, what would I start, what might I finish?”
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