If you’ve ever wanted greater success in your life, then do we have the Passion Paradox show for you!
Today I’ll be speaking with Brad Stulberg and Steve Magness, coa-authors of the bestseller Peak Performance and authors of a brilliant book on finding success, The Passion Paradox.
And that’s just what I want to talk with them about today, about going all in, finding success, and discovering the benefits of an UNBALANCED life.
The Passion Paradox Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include:
- What really is passion?
- What’s the dark side of passion?
- What’s the biology of passion?
- What’s the danger on relying upon your success for happiness?
- What’s the danger of our obsessions?
- What’s a “fit mind-set of passion”
- What’s the importance of lowering the bar to perfection when it comes to finding your passion?
- What’s the danger of “go big or go home”?
- What is harmonious passion?
- What’s the mastery mindset?
- What’s it mean to “drive from within”?
- What’s the importance of focusing on the process?
- Why don’t we want to worry about being the best?
- What does it mean to embrace acute failure for chronic gains?
- What’s the importance of patience when it comes to your passion?
- What in the world does watching paint dry have to do with anything?
- Why are passion and balance antithetical?
- Why might unbalanced be the way to go?
- How do we cultivate self-awareness, particularly when “lost” in our passion?
- What’s the importance of having a close reationship with ourselves?
- What can we learn from the Buddhist practice of five rememberances?
- To find out more visit: ScienceOfRunning.com and www.BradStalberg.com