
Inspire Nation Show with Michael Sandler

Our Goal’s to Help Change the World by Helping YOU to Shine Bright! Now one of the top self-help & spirituality shows in 193 countries w/a new inspirational, motivational, spiritual, law of attraction or health-oriented guest DAILY! Plus guided meditations! After overcoming 2 near-death accidents, Host Michael Sandler felt a calling to start a life-changing show to help you live the life of your dreams! Guests Include John Gray, Bob Proctor, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Dr. Bernie Siegel, Anthony William, Arielle Ford, and countless more! Our goal is to leave you an ear-to-ear grin and an actionable plan to achieve your goals! Get ready to live your greatest life and to Shine Bright!
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Inspire Nation Show with Michael Sandler











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Now displaying: 2016
Dec 31, 2016

If you’ve ever wondered why we’re truly here, the purpose of life, and what eastern traditions can teach us about our existence, then do we have the Secret Doctrine Show for you.

Today I’ll be talking with Mitch Horowitz, PEN award winning writer and vice-president and editor in chief at Tarcher Perigee about one of the most difficult, confounding, and perhaps important books, I’ve ever read, or should I say, have started to read…because this one’s gonna take some time, The Secret Doctrine, but Madame H.P Blavatsky.

 Today we’re going to talk about divine wisdom, universal truths, and what we can all learn from a document over a hundred years old, that’s still millennia ahead of its time.

The Secret Doctrine Self Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. Who was Madame Blavatsky and what was her influence on the West?
  2. How did Madame Blavatsky make her way from Russian Nobility to the East and then the West
  3. What was spirituality like in the UK and the US in the 1850’s?
  4. Why did she feel the US would be the hot bed of spirituality in the decades and beyond to come
  5. What she felt about all religions that had been forgotten
  6. What was her mission along with Henry Steel Alcott?
  7. How Ghandi came to study (briefly) under Madame Blavatsky?
  8. What does Occult really mean?
  9. What are the three basic truths?
  10. What’s the one divine principle?
  11. What does New Age really mean, and why it’s not an insult
  12. What’s the “oversoul” that Ralph Waldo Emerson talked about?
  13. What’s the cyclical concept of the nature of the universe?
  14. What did she forsee about California in the future?
  15. What it means we’re not the first version of humanity
  16. What were Madame Blavatsky’s thoughts on reincarnation
  17. What were her thoughts on politics?
  19. Mitch Horowitz Video’s on Who was Madame Blavatsky:

LIFE LESSONS FROM FIRST MYSTIC TO BRING THE SECRET DOCTRINE OF THE EAST TO THE WEST! MADAME BLAVATSKY! Mitch Horowitz | Health | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Meditation | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info visit:

Dec 30, 2016

If you’ve ever wanted to know why you are as you are and what you’re here for in life, then do we have the book of destinies show for you.

Today I’m talking with Chetan Parkyn and Carola Eastwood, Human Design consultants, teachers and coaches, and authors of a fascinating new read, the Book of Destinies.

And that’s just what we’ll be talking about today, about Discover the Life You were Born to Live.

That plus we’ll talk about a magic bus to India, danger in the atlantic, guidance from Osho, 9 brilliant jewels, why it’s not what’s your sign, but what’s your design, and what in the world Full Moon Birthday’s and George Harrison have to do with anything???

Self-Improvement and Self Help Topics Include:

  1. How he ended up on a Magic Bus on the Hippie Trail in India
  2. What brought Chetan to Osho
  3. What was it like meeting Osho?
  4. What brought Chetan to Human Design
  5. Who was Ra?
  6. What is Human Design
  7. How George Harrison helped save Carola
  8. What wrong with saying “just be yourself”
  9. How scientifically we can look at who we came here to be
  10. What is a human design chart?
  11. How do we get our own human design blueprint:
  12. What astrology has to do (and where it differs) from your human design blueprint
  13. What are the 9 brilliant jewels (and how do they relate to chakras?)
  14. What are life themes and did we come in with our own life theme?
  15. What’s the importance of knowing the life themes of those around you and your children
  16. What Jack Canfield of Chicken Soup for the Soul learned from his life theme and Human Design chart

For More Info Visit:

Chetan Parkyn & Carola Eastwood on How to Discover Who You Truly Are & Are Meant to Be!!! Health | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Astrology | Meditation | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

Dec 29, 2016

If you ever feel berated, pushed around, down-trodden, guilted, shamed, or run-over, and all by the voices in your mind, then do we have the compassionate, life-changing show for you!

Today I’ll be talking with Dr. Kristin Neff, psychologist, researcher, and pioneer in the field of self-compassion. She’s also the author of “self-compassion the proven power of being kind to yourself” and her family’s amazing healing journey is featured in the award-winning documentary, The Horse Boy, …one of the most powerful and beautiful documentaries I’ve ever seen…just bring plenty of Kleenex!

Today we’ll be talking about self-compassion or true caring, concern and love for you; what it really looks like, what it feels like, why it’s different from self-esteem, and why it’s so incredibly important and needed in our lives (despite what we’ve been taught).

That plus we’ll look a squeegee man, a hugging practice, the lake Wobeggon Effect, and how connecting with horses truly changes lives.

Questions and Topics Include:

  1. How her autistic son taught her self-compassion
  2. Where did the desire to study self-compassion come from?
    1. How studying Buddhism turned Kristin toward self-compassion
  3. What’s it mean to relate to ourselves?
  4. How and why do we talk to ourselves as inner enemies?
  5. Why our safety system (threat defense mechanism) causes us to attack ourselves
  6. What’s a freeze response?
  7. Why we treat our good friends different than we treat ourselves?
  8. Why it’s easier to trigger the care-giver system with our good friends
  9. What happens with children of very critical or even abusive parents
  10. What Kristin Neff is finding in over 10 years of studying self-compassion
  11. How we have self-compassion backwards (and how it makes us stronger, rather than weaker)
  12. Why the rod and stick (spare the rod, spoil the child) is backwards and leads to self-criticism and undermining self-confidence
  13. What’s the difference between self-compassion and self-esteem
  14. What’s wrong with self-esteem and what’s the backlash from promoting self-esteem?
  15. Why self-compassion doesn’t seem to have the negative side-effects that self-esteem does
  16. Why we’re more likely to take responsibility because it’s safe to do so.
  17. How self-compassion gives you the emotional resources to be at our best
  18. What is self-kindness?
  19. What are the three main triggers of the compassion mechanism?
  20. What’s the hugging exercise?
  21. Why you want to touch yourself or put a hand on yourself to help calm you down and put you in a place of self-compassion (yes, this is touchy-feely)
  22. Language you can use for yourself to train your brain for self-compassion
  23. Why tones are so important and often more important than the language itself
  24. What is common humanity and why is it so important
  25. What differentiates self-compassion from self-pity?
  26. Why imperfection is what connects us to other people, not separates us
  27. What does mindfulness have to do with self-compassion?
  28. What exactly is mindfulness?
  29. Why it’s so important to be aware of their own ‘suffering’ (any instance of emotional pain, which is a common Buddhist term, but doesn’t have to be).
  30. What’s a self-compassion journal and how do you use one?
  31. What is emotional resilience?
  32. What is mindful self-compassion (a program with Chris Germer)
  34. What is a simple practice for mindful self-compassion?
  35. Why men who do high fives and fist-pounds to basketball teammates perform better
  36. How do we shift past self-criticism?
  37. Why we want to turn with understanding and compassion toward self-criticism
  38. Why we don’t want to judge ourselves for judging ourselves
  39. What do you do when you get lost in your emotions or a storyline
  40. How do we use a mindful self-compassion flashlight?
  41. What’s a self-compassion backdraft?
  42. What’s a self-compassion detox?
  43. Why is compassion for others so important for ourselves
  44. Why it’s so important for parents to model self-compassion for their kids
  45. How to take the self-compassion scale
  46. A short guided meditation or practice on self-compassion called ‘The Self-Compassion Break”

Dr. Kristin Neff Shares the Power of Mindfulness & Self-Compassion & How It Helps with Relationships, Happiness, Career & Kids! + Guided Meditation! Health | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info Visit:

Dec 28, 2016

If you’ve ever wanted an epic life and greater freedom, then do we have the Now or Never show for you!

Today I’ll be talking with Preston Smiles, and Alexi Panos, personal development authors including Love Louder and 50 Ways to Yay, social media superstars and the authors of an empowering new read Now or Never, Your Epic Life in 5 Steps.

And that’s just what we’ll be talking about today, about the bridge from where you are to where you want to be.

That plus we’ll talk about mutant wolves zombies and comfort zones, freezing at Joshua’s Tree, Leroy the raccoon, epic and the naked truth, complaints at Burning Man, and what in the world an obsession with Samoyed dogs, has to do with anything???

“Now or Never” Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. How Alexi Plano went from Erie PA to modelling in NYC
  2. How Preston became the Nerd Hero in Compton
  3. How Preston and Alexi met each other
  4. What are the 5 Steps to an Epic Life
  5. What are unconscious agreements?
  6. How do we create compassionate way to be with one another
  7. What does Awareness have to do with anything?
  8. What are diminishers?
  9. What is radical responsibility?
  10. Why pain is not optional, but suffering is.
  11. What’s the importance of forgiveness?
  12. What’s the importance of keeping our word with ourselves
  13. Why what you appreciate appreciates
  14. Who is Scott Coady and what are alarms to “center”
  15. What’s the importance of your breath
  16. What’s it mean to obliterate our comfort zones
  17. What do mutant wolves, zombies and fire-breathing dragons have to do with anything
  18. What it means to be in alignment with your truth?
  19. Why are goals BS?
  20. What does it mean you cannot fail.
  21. What’s the importance of the “F” word
  22. Brief Guided Meditation

Alexi Panos & Preston Smiles on How to Live Your Epic Life With Greater Freedom in 5 Simple Steps! + Meditation! Health | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info visit:

Dec 27, 2016

If you’ve ever wanted do more, be more, reach for your dreams, or simply feel better about your job, then do we have the go-giver show for you!

Today I’ll be speaking with John David Mann, entrepreneur and award-winning co-author of numerous NYT best-sellers including Flash Foresight and The Red Circle, and a paradigm busting new favorite of mine…well, two really, The Go-Giver, and the Go-Giver Leader.

It’s not often a book comes along today that shakes me to the core. But particularly as we’re asking, who do we want to be when we grow up, here at Inspire Nation, or how do we take things to a whole new level, that these books are incredibly important.

Today we’ll talk about taking your life to a whole new level, dream big, reaching your dreams, and achieving what you once thought impossible, but through a completely different direction, and ironically, plan of attack, then you likely ever thought of.

That plus we’ll talk about the power of muddy beginnings, a ping poing stadium, and why you DO want to let them see you sweat.

Questions and Topics Include:

  1. How John started his own high school.
  2. How he started his own high school, and later went back and taught there as part of the faculty
  3. How he became a concert cellist, then became a composer, then went into natural health
  4. How he found his way to publishing and becoming a best-selling author
  5. How he began working with his co-author Bob Burke
  6. What’s the power of visualization – and how it created a worldwide best-seller
  7. What happened when The Go-Giver came out.
  8. How the concept of a go-giver has come about, and why it’s so accepted (and needed) today.
  9. Why ‘does it make money’ is such a vital question
    1. And why we’re not talking about taking a vow of poverty
    2. Why it’s so important to make money as well.
    3. Why you want to ask about giving first, and then powerfully ask about monetizing a very close second.
  10. What is the second law of compensation (And what it has to do with Dr. Demartini and The Secret)
  11. Why your compensation is determined by how many people you touch
  12. How Clayton Anderson focused on helping others and was able to become an astronaut
  13. How Rodney Dangerfield reinvented himself before helping others which absolutely transformed his career.
  14. What are the 3 reasons to work
  15. How the lead characters in The Go-Giver and The Go-Giver Leader both found their callings and were so open to unfamiliar ideas
  16. How John didn’t have time to write the Go-Giver, and yet, how he made time and it transformed his life…changing his business and career in the process!
  17. Why serving others can be your calling
  18. What John thinks of ‘Do What You Love and the Money will Follow’
  19. Why we need to say ‘how does this serve’ and then ‘does this make me money’
  20. Why what’s in the way is the way.
  21. Why 50/50 is a losing proposition
  22. Why you want to focus on the other person’s win (especially important in relationships and marriage…not to mention friendships!)
  23. What’s the danger of score-keeping and scorecards in relationships
  24. Why receiving is the natural state of giving
  25. Why we want to accept compliments (and don’t get to refuse the gift)
  26. Why self-love is so important
  27. Why there’s a limit to how much you can give if you don’t allow yourself to receive it (like giving and receiving love, or giving and receiving wealth and money for that matter)
  28. Why Bob Proctor (from The Secret) is not talking about taking a vow of poverty (A main character in the book is based on Bobo Proctor from The Secret)
  29. How do we keep ourselves grounded
  30. What’s the beauty of humility
  31. Why Stephen King says you ‘write the first draft with the door closed, the second draft with the door open’)
  32. What are the four pillars of success and what’s the importance of ‘soul’?
  33. Why it’s all about giving leadership vs. taking leadership
  34. Why a go-getter is not the opposite of a go-giver.
  35. To find John all books, sample chapters, excerpts, plus weekly blog, plus contact link going directly to John.

John David Mann on How to Get More Out of Life for Greater Success, Happiness & Mastery!!! Health | Business | Career | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Meditation | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help

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Dec 26, 2016

If you’ve ever struggled to find your life purpose or figure out what you want to do in this world to live an inspired and fulfilling life, then do we have the purposeful show for you!

If you’ve ever watched The Secret, then you know our next guest. Today I’ll be talking with Dr. John Demartini, a leading authority on human behavior and personal development, and the author of 40 books published in over 29 different languages and the author of a new favorite of mine, The Values Factor, The Secret To Creating an Inspired and Fulfilling Life.

And that’s what we’ll be talking about today, uncovering who you really are, what makes you tick, and what your true purpose is, the one that’ll bring you greatest happiness and success, and that’s in perfect alignment with your values.

That plus we’ll talk about Vim and Vigor, the danger of woodrose seeds, learning to read at 18, why Paul Braggs was more important than vinegar, and what in the world it means to be TV watching learning disabled.

Questions and Topics Include:

  1. What happened after he got his arm and leg braces off at age 4.
  2. How the constraint at the time turned out to be a true gift
  3. How he left home and school before turning 14 and began living on the streets
  4. How he became a street kid
  5. How surfing big waves (and all of his journey) helped him now
  6. What’s the importance of a cone in Dr. Demartini’s life
  7. How he almost died on a 40 foot wave
  8. How he was saved in Hawaii in a life-threatening situation
  9. What was the night his life changed
  10. What Paul Bragg (of Bragg’s Vinegar) taught him that transformed his life
  11. Why we have values backwards, and what the real importance of values is.
    1. What’s a hierarchy of values
    2. What voids have to do with your hierarchy of values
  12. How he lives on a ship called The World, which full-times travels around the world
  13. Why we want to celebrate our voids, or what’s most missing in our lives
  14. What the meaning of fulfillment is.
  15. Why it’s important to focus on filling the void, rather than on the void yourself
  16. Why you need to define your life and what’s most important to you.
  17. Why you have to say no to the outer world and yes to the inner vision
  18. What’s the danger of the word ‘should’…and why you don’t want to ‘should yourself’
  19. What’s a value determination process to help someone determine their values rather than the social norms.
  20. How your life demonstrates your values every day
    1. His are: Researching, Writing, Traveling and Teaching
    2. Important to look at what a person fills there space with.
  21. How to determine your values
  22. Tips for wealth building
  23. Tips to save and invest to build your wealth (and the secret to becoming a millionaire)
  24. How to know what to spend your money on to build wealth
  25. What are appreciables vs. depreciables in investment
  26. Why he looks at everything based on his Return on Investment
  27. More tips for getting wealthy
  28. What Parkinson's law has to do with savings
  29. How he started saving with a dollar an hour savings and grew it to a million dollars a month savings
  30. What’s a 10-yaer and a 100-aner vs. of course, a millionaire!
  31. What it means that the people you hang out with have the most influence on your life
  32. Why it’s so important to surround yourself with people doing extraordinary things if you have an extraordinary life
  33. “Never live where you can’t see the farthest horizons”
  34. Why helping and caring for others is required to achieve incredible wealth and abundance
  35. How do our challenges help us achieve our highest purpose
  36. What is teleology and why it’s important
  37. What’s the difference between an inspirational educator and a motivational speaker
  38. How to help children be inspired
  39. How is whatever I’m experiencing perform my highest mission
    1. How is actually charging a fee, investing the money, saving the money, help me reach more people, provide better service, help the client.
    2. “What is the benefit to the client of the new fee” and “what are the drawbacks of the new fee”
  40. What’s the important of labeling and linking
  41. Student Ross Joseph (movie opening “Impossible Dream”)
    1. Taken people who you would least expect to do something extraordinary and watch them do inspiring things
  42. How to find out more, and find his upcoming events: – there you’ll find an events calendar and upcoming seminars such as the Breakthrough Experience upcoming in Miami, then Phoenix, then Tokyo. Plus lots of videos and educational information – truly an "educational experience!"
  43. Why you want to give yourself permission to do something extraordinary in the time you’re here and give yourself permission to be you, and to shine!

Dr. John Demartini of The Secret on How to Discover Your Life Purpose, Happiness & True Financial Freedom! + Guided Meditation! Health | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help

For More Info Visit:

Dec 25, 2016

If you’ve ever wanted more love, forgiveness, and prosperity in your life, then do we have the Grace Factor for you!

Today I’ll be talking with Alan Cohen, the best-selling author of at least 23 inspirational books including the Dragon Doesn’t Live Here Anymore, A Deep Breath of life and Are You As Happy As Your Dog, a contributing author to the Chicken Soup for the Soul series, and the author of an incredible beautiful, loving, and important read, The Grace Factor.

And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about opening the door to infinite love for forgiveness, prosperity and healing.

That plus we’ll talk about spring breaks gone awry, floating figs and bottomless spaghetti pits of spaghetti, peanut the Chihuahua, mahariji and the iPhone, greek food vs. casanovas, why in the world God loves you and there’s nothing you can do about it, And what in the world happens if you don’t wear your tephilin?

Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. How we can know there’s a reality that’s bigger than our minds
  2. How we try and over-steer the ship or micro-manage our lives
  3. Why it’s so great to line up with a higher power rather than our egoic minds
  4. What’s the law of grace
  5. What did Mayor LaGuardia do with a grandmother convicted of stealing bread
  6. How was the song Amazing Grace written?
  7. What it means to ask from the heart
  8. Why Napoleon Hill Think and Grow Risk asks may not work – and what to do about it
  9. What does worry mean for us?
  10. What does a personal relationship with God look like and sound like
  11. What we can learn from an unedited version of A Course in Miracles
  12. Why it’s so much easier to treat and forgive someone else than ourselves
  13. What it means to go to the depths of self-love
  14. What’s the difference between sin and error
  15. Why we have never truly “sinned” or do anything that could cause us to lose the love and grace for God
  16. What we can learn from Eliot (Brendan Frazier) in Bedazzled
  17. What’s a shame-ectomy
  18. What is karma and what does it mean for us
  19. Why struggling is counter-productive
  20. What it means for a relationship to go with ease
  21. Why we don’t need to martyr ourselves for our careers
  22. An exercise to help you overcome anything you’re struggling with
  23. How did he write The Dragon Doesn’t Live Here Anymore
  24. What’s the accelerator
  25. A few helpful metaphysics tool.
  27. A short guided meditation

Alan Cohen on the Power of Grace and Infinite Love & How to Tap In! + Meditation! Chicken Soup for the Soul | Health | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

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Dec 24, 2016

If you’ve ever been sick, injured, anxious or found yourself unable to heal, then do we have the healing show for you!

Today I’ll be talking with Amy B. Scher energy therapist, a leader in the field of mind-body-spirt healing, and author of a very special book, How to Heal Yourself When No One Else can.

And that’s what we’ll be talking about today, how to heal yourself from the inside out, what it means, what it looks like, how to do it, and how it can empower and transform your life.

That plus we’ll talk about Indian IV’s, Tina Turner Chanting, The power of Graceful begging, the bird by bird chant, an obsession with sticky notes, and when it’s time to leave yoga-land gracefully.

Questions and Topics Include:

  1. How to Heal Yourself When No One Else Can
  2. How to heal yourself from the inside out
  3. What was life like as a marketing director for Harley Davidson
  4. How she went on Harley Davidson Runs and Rally’s
  5. 2005 started having severe sympotms
  6. Struggled for 2 years before being diagnosed with chronic lyme disease
  7. How much pain she was in, even trying to lay on the couch
  8. How’d she end up going to New Delhi
  9. How did she keep going?
  10. How we keep going with whatever we find when we have nothing
  11. How she was after the 9 week stem cell program
  12. How she healed for a few years
  13. How the symptoms began to return
  14. How traditional Chinese medicine helped
  15. How she shifted to feel ‘treatments’ weren’t the answer
  16. What Dr. Shrof in India kept telling her, that began to ring true
  17. How she was a positive person, but it was a lot more than positivity
  18. How Donna Eden’s book Energy Medicine, and Dr. Bruce Lipton, Caroline Myss, Louis Hay made her realize she needed ‘more to make a shift’
  19. How the answer didn’t come from The Secret or studying the Law of Attraction.
  20. What playwright Katori Hall said
  21. Why you’re not in need of self-help but in need of self-love
  22. Dr. Joe Vitale talked about blocks to prosperity and how blocks to healing are similar blocks
  23. What’s a stress mess
  24. What is the triple-warmer meridian from Chinese medicine
  25. What’s the spiritual and healing power of surrender
  26. Why surrender does not mean you’re giving up.
  27. How does chanting help and what’s the chant she learned that Tina Turner does on YouTube.
    2. It’s called Nam Myoho Renge Kyo
  28. What are her favorite chants for healing
  29. What is graceful begging prayer?
  30. What does it mean to correct your polarity and what is grounding?
  31. How an Earthing mat can help
  32. How to crossover your meridians
  33. Donna Eden – Energy Medicine pioneer teaches many ways to do that.
  34. What is thymus tapping
  35. Having kids tap or thump their thymus to help them feel better or more grounded
  36. How she uses the positive power of sticky notes
  37. What are some favorite messages, mantras and quotes she puts on sticky notes
  38. A bit on how to install positive emotions in her body through sticky notes
  39. How Dr. Imoto showed that words, energy, meaning and emotions are interconnected.
  40. What Amy Scher’s version of journaling is (very law of attraction, manifestation, The Secret oriented)
  41. How can tapping and muscle-testing help
  42. What’s the meaning behind some key symptoms
  43. What does an essential tremor or hand problem mean?
  44. Meaning behind tinnitus or ear problems or ear infections
  45. Meaning behind gall bladder problems or needing a gall bladder removed
  46. What’s the meaning behind migraines
  47. What is linked to headaches?
  48. How does frustration and anger show itself?
  49. What’s the meaning behind extreme cramps and endometriosis
  50. What’s the meaning behind uterus problems
  51. What do leg challenges mean
  52. What’s the difference in meaning between the left and right side.
  53. What’s the meaning behind immune system challenges
    1. Dysfunction of the immune system
    2. Autoimmune disorders and lupus
  54. What’s the meaning behind heart disease and heart challenges
  55. What’s the meaning behind insomnia and sleep related conditions
  56. What’s the meaning behind adrenal challenges and fatigue?
  57. What’s the meaning behind thyroid conditions?
  58. How do we use muscle testing to gain awareness?
  59. What are her favorite muscle testing techniques?
  60. What’s muscle testing 101 as a healing technique
  61. To find out more on tapping, check out our interviews by Dr. Dawson Church
  62. How Thymus Tapping (the Thymus test and tap) can help us to find stuck emotions and clear them out.
  63. Advice for parents
  64. to find the book, and an online course
  65. What we can learn from Aaron Baker a quadriplegic who healed himself and who we had on the show
  66. What is the sweep guided meditation?
  67. A brief version of the sweep guided meditation

Amy B  Scher shares secrets to heal yourself, overcome pain, injuries, chronic illness thru meditation, energy medicine, chanting, tapping …! Includes heart disease, migraines, lyme & lupus | Inspiration | Motivation | Health | Healing | Law of Attraction | The Secret | Self-Help

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Dec 23, 2016

If you’ve ever wanted to rekindle your connection with nature, mother earth, and the natural world around you, then do we have the Braiding Sweetgrass show for you.

Today I’ll be talking with Dr. Robin Kimmerer Dr. Kimmerer is a mother, plant ecologist, writer and SUNY Distinguished Teaching Professor at the SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry in Syracuse, New York. And the founding Director of the Center for Native Peoples and the Environment. She’s the author of several beautiful books including my new all-time favorite on reconnecting us to the natural world and mother earth, Braiding Sweetgrass.

And that’s just what I want to talk with her about today, about Indigineous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the teaching of plants?

That plus we’ll talk about the importance of saving tadpoles, grandfathers and pecans, why asters and goldenron look so beautiful together, how squirrels get maple syrup, how firewood warms you twice, why asters and goldenrod look so beautiful together, a shiny red kayak, and what a Louis Vieux Elm has to do with anything!

Indigenous Wisdom Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. An indigenous creation story
  2. What were original instructions
  3. What we can learn from pecan’s
  4. How one can be raised by strawberries
  5. What’s the minetowac or the giveaway ceremony
  6. What’s the teaching of reciprocity?
  7. What it means to have an allegiance to gratitude
  8. What it means to pledge allegiance to the nation of maples
  9. What’s the Louis Vieux Elm
  10. What’s the importance of our language
  11. What’s the grammar of animacy
  12. What did colonials and settler’s lose through the language
  13. What’s the danger of the word “it”
  14. What it means to be open to the possibility of beingness
  15. What’s the importance of having gratitude for the water
  16. What it means to understand the concept of one bowl and one spoon
  17. Indigenous words of wisdom for our kids
  18. What is braiding sweetgrass

 Robin Kimmerer on Life-Changing Lessons to Nurture Your Soul Thru Indigenous Wisdom! Health | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Meditation | Mindfulness | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

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Dec 22, 2016

If you’ve ever wondered why it seems so hard to be positive despite mantras, afffirmations and meditations, then do we have the Science of Positivity Show for you!

Today I’ll be talking with Loretta Breuning, PhD, Professor Emerita of Management at California State University Easy Bay, and author of several fantastic books on Happiness including Habits of a Happy Brain and her latest, the Science of Positivity.

And that’s just what we’ll be talking about today, how to stop negative thought patterns by changing your brain chemistry.

That plus we’ll talk about elephants and watering holes, monkeys and spinach, birthday cakes for pacaderms, what wildlife documentaries and love songs have in common, why mandrills have it better than baboons, what in the world’s the dogpoop rule, and what you need to do when another monkey’s eyeing your banana.

Science of Positivity Self-Help and Self-Improvement Topics Include:

  1. How to have great luck parking!
  2. How positivity relates to our childhoods.
  3. How Nature videos, particularly from David Attenborough can help us crank up the positivity
  4. How did Dr. Breuning get into Positive Psychology
  5. Why do our brains go negative because our brains expect negativity to feel good
  6. What’s the benefit of saying “the world is going to hell in a handbasket”
  7. What does dopamine have to do with negativity
  8. Why getting disappointed can make us happy
  9. What are the happy chemicals and how do they effect us?
  10. Why are we trying to be first by being last
  11. What does cortisol have to do with the extreme desire that “I’ve gotta do something”
  12. Why we want to focus on something dangerous, no matter how far away it is
  13. Why we feel it’s important to scare ourselves with the evening news
  14. What moral superiority has to do with the news
  15. Why looking for negativity makes us feel so good, and what that’s really doing to us
  16. What’s the dog pool rule?
  17. What’s it mean to habituate and how does this effect me?
  18. What happens when you give an elephant a giant birthday cake
  19. What are habits of a happy brain
  20. How we take the negatives and turn them into positives
  21. How to keep the negativity from coming up on autopilot (particularly with politics)
  22. What’s the difference between gratitude and positivity exercises
  23. Once we recognize we’re going negative, what do we do?
  24. Why you want to watch Mark Marin –
  26. What is the movie October Sky?

Dr. Loretta Breuning on How to Find Happiness & Discard Negativity Thru the Science of Positivity! Health | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Meditation | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

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Dec 21, 2016

If you’ve ever wanted more energy, more positivity, and to shine brighter than you’ve ever shined before, then do we have the energy making show for you!

Today we’ll talk about cranking up the inner flame, finding more positivity, and how to see the world with child-like eyes!

That plus we’ll talk about setting intentions, smudging with sage, resetting the day with music, the power of the guides, dancing through New York, and why you want to run outside, when the sun’s come out to play!

Energy Raising Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. Why if you want to get something done, you want to give it to a busy person
  2. What’s the importance of having an anchor
  3. What is insight meditation?
  4. How you can game meditation?
  5. What’s the danger of free time or taking time off?
  6. Bobby McFerrin Sing!
  7. What to do when your ego goes bezerk!
  8. What it means to catch the emotions before they take off
  9. Joseph Goldstein – mindfulness
  10. What we can learn from Dr. Bradley Nelson and emotion code
  11. How to reduce our fears
  12. What do bears and turkeys have to do with anything
  13. What Lama Surya Das is like in times of emotion
  14. What we can learn from Matt Kahn, author Whatever Arises, Love That
  15. What breadth and depth have to do with our emotional rollercoasters
  16. What we can learn from Radhanath Swami
  17. What Michael learned from a Paul Sellig event
  18. The importance of the words “I know what I am in truth. I know who I am in truth. I know how I serve in truth.”
  19. What’s the importance of remembering who you are
  20. What attunement is and how it can help us
  21. What’s the importance of getting our frequency up

CJ Liu on How to Pump Up the Positivity & Bring Your Energy Levels Way Up!!! Health | Fitness | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Inspirational | Motivational | Meditation | Mindfulness | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

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Dec 20, 2016

If you’ve ever wanted more success, happiness, and fulfillment in your life, then do we have the master your time, master your life show for you!

Today I’ll be talking with one of my first guiding lights and mentors in my life, though he has no idea that’s the case, Brian Tracy, motivational speaker and the best-selling author of over 70 books, including a new favorite of mine, Master Your Time, Master Your Life.

And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about a breakthrough system to get more results, faster, in every area of your life.

That plus we’ll talk about Hawaii and Palm Springs, Goodwill and Vincent De Paul’s, The phoenix seminar and the inner game of success, the power of detentions, the importance of clarity, why you want to take a two night Shabbat, what in the world is psychoneuromotor activity, the superconscious mind, and why if you don’t straighten up, you’ll end up like Tracy!

Brian Tracy Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. How he learned if he wanted to change things he needed to change his life.
  2. How he went from laboring to sales
  3. What’s the Pareto principle and how did it affect Brian Tracey?
  4. What’s the importance of a decision
  5. What’s the importance of clarity?
  6. What’s a psychomotorneuroactivity???
  7. What are our learning modalities?
  8. How to use the law of attraction by writing our intentions down
  9. What you can do with a 10 cent pencil and a 1 dollar notebook to achieve your 1 million dollar goals!
  10. Why you want to write down your 10 goals every day
  11. Why Clarity is his favorite word
  12. What’s the importance and meaning of focus
  13. What does concentration have to do with anything?
  14. What are A and B tasks
  15. What’s the ABCDE method for your to do list
  16. How to save huge time through our to do list?
  17. What’s your most valuable financial asset?
  18. How one idea can change your life
  19. What’s the importance of reading
  20. What we can learn from Thinking Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman
  21. When to make fast thinking and slow decisions
  22. What’s goal orienting thinking vs. distracted thinking
  23. Focused thinking vs. unfocused thinking
  24. Long term thinking vs. short-term thinking
  25. What’s the importance of the book Get Smart by Brian Tracy and what are the top ways that successful people think
  26. What’s the Peter F. Drucker Reader?
  27. What’s the importance of a flexible mindset and we can learn from Carol Dweck’s book mindset
  28. Creative thinking vs. mechanical thinking
  29. Entrepreneurial thinking vs. corporate thinking
  30. What is Rich Thinking vs. Poor Thinking
  31. How do rich people think?
  32. How Rich people have rituals
  33. What we can learn from the Fiddler on the Roof, and what it means to have a 2 Sleep Sabbath
  34. What’s the importance of 2 Sleeps!
  35. How do we avoid the attraction of distraction
  36. Why you want to ask: is this moving me toward one of my most important goals, or is it merely a distraction (or time waster).
  37. What’s everyone’s #1 goal whether they’re spiritual or not
  38. What we can learn from Jeff Bezos and Amazon
  39. Why there’s a positive relationship by the number of people you know and who know you in a positive way and your success
  40. Peter Ouspensky and Russian Metaphysics
  41. What is the importance of the words “I Am Here”
  42. What’s the importance of mind-calming and meditation
  43. What is the meditation practice of contemplation
  44. Powerful guidance to help parents help their kids to reach their full potential
  45. What’s important to do at the end of the year to make next year the best year of your life

Brian Tracy on How to Master Your Time to Master Your Life for Happiness, Health, Success & Wealth!!! Inspiration | Motivation | Career | Spiritual | Spirituality | Meditation | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

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Dec 19, 2016

If you’ve ever struggled to stay motivated and get things done, then do we have the start with your why show for you!

Today we’ll talk about finding your why, getting focused, and achieving beyond your wildest dreams.

That plus we’ll talk about vegan casseroles, the power of the core, and why you want to grab a shovel, when your father-in-law’s in the driveway!

Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. What’s it mean to put yourself in your place?
  2. What it means to latch onto an idea
  3. What it means to get six-pack abs
  4. What it means to not be your body
  5. What it means to progress without “pushing the limits”
  6. What’s the incredible importance of awareness in redefining what we think is possible
  7. What it means to become an energy generator – and through your core
  8. Why we grossly underestimate the importance of taking care of your body for all that you do.
  9. Why you want to be careful you don’t drain your life force
  10. Why permanent DNA damage is not permanent
  11. Why having a personal “why” that’s so important to us, is so important.
  12. Why the “why” has to come from us
  13. What’s the importance of what Brian Tracy says to read as much as possible.
  14. What’s the importance of honing in on the why
  15. What’s the importance of helping others, AND helping yourself.
  16. How you move past your limiting beliefs
  17. How to make vegan cheesy goodness without cheese or a cheese substitute
  18. How your why and your joy is an energy generator.

Jessica Lee on the Power of Why to Transform Your Life, and Your Abs!!! Health | Fitness | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Kundalini | Meditation | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

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Dec 18, 2016

If you’ve ever wanted to be grumpy, unhappy, dis-satisfied, or at dis-ease with the world around you, then do we have the show for you!

Today I’ll be talking with the Buddhist Monk Ajahn Brahm, abbot of the Budhininyana Monastery in Sperentine Western Austalia, the spiritual director of the Buddhist Society of Western Australia, a spiritual adviser to numerous Buddhist societys and is the author of numerous books including Who Ordered this Truckload of Dung, Mindfulness Bliss and Beyond: A Meditatitor’s Handobook; the art of Disappearing, and a new fun favorite of mine, Don’t Worry by grumpy.

And that’s what we’ll be talking about today, about what it takes to be grumpy, dis-satisfied, and dis-ease with life, noise, and the world around and inside of us.

That plus we’ll talk about 50 strokes of the cat, the pushup routine, the 70% rule, Selling encyclopedias, a safe heaven for spiders, and why it’s so important to let go of the banana.

Questions and Topics Include:

  1. Why you never want to do today what you can put off till tomorrow
  2. Why life is not doing stuff, but stopping doing stuff
  3. How he went from a theoretical physics degree to becoming a monk
  4. What physics and Buddhism have in common
  5. What’s the Buddhist monk method for peeling bananas, and how it brings you happiness.
  6. What is the s**t of life and why it’s so good for us.
  7. How to transform the s**t in life to set us free
  8. How to move past a culture of blame and punishment
  9. Why we should welcome mistakes
  10. Why punishment requires 50 strokes of the cat
  11. Why kindness is the antidote to guilt and needing punishment
  12. Control freak vs. "kindfulness" freak
  13. Why we need to give compassion to ourselves
  14. How to thrive through your challenges
  15. Why you should demand your right to be grumpy
  16. Why you can be happy being grump
  17. Why you don’t want to suppress your negative emotions.
  18. Why you don’t want to label anyone with anything, like schizophrenia
  19. How to improve our self-esteem
  20. Why we’re suspicious of praise and how to improve our self-worth
  21. How do we put down our burdens (for greater happiness)
  22. How important is meditation
  23. How to come from life, rather than fantasizing
  24. Why he’s not fat, but simply growing in kindness and compassion
  25. Why fat and happy is better than skinny and anxious
  26. How laughter helps protect your heart
  27. Google Brahm to find him…
  28. Be sure to check out his Google Talks Video.

Ajahn Brahm, Fun & Famous Buddhist Monk on Making the Most of Each Moment for More Humor, Happiness & Joy! Health | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Meditation | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

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Dec 17, 2016

Have you ever wondered if there was a better way to age, where you don’t get, old, sick, weak and decrepit, but instead live, play, then die.

I don’t mean to sound morbid, but if you think there has to be a way to add more quality to your years, open-hearted, having fun, and embracing and enjoying every moment of life till your last, then do we have the show for you!

Today we’ll be talking with runaway best-selling author and women’s health expert Dr. Christiane Northrup, about her book Goddesses Never Age!

But don’t be scared away guys, I found so much in her book that’s for guys too, in fact, I’d argue we need this stuff just as much as well!

So today we’ll talk about Ageless living, healing from within, and whether your male or female, embracing the feminine nurturing, healing, and creative energy that’s inside of each one of us, to help us grow strong, turn the corner, and begin living with ecstatic vibrancy, health, and connection from now through the end of our days, whether we’re in our 20’s, our 50’s, our 80’s or beyond.

We’ll talk about overcoming getting healthy for a lifetime, overcoming health & emotional challenges, reclaiming the power of pleasure, embracing food, nutrition sensuality and connecting with the Divine! Plus well talk about why it’s not my circus, nor my monkeys, why we should yes to NO, why we should all ride a big wave, and how to take the die out of diet.

Questions and Topics Include:

  1. Why the Argentine Tango is a 2 ½ minute love-affair
  2. Why you should invest in your health, while you’re healthy.
  3. The healing power of dance
  4. Why Dr. Christiane Northrup wrote this book
  5. How to move past the cultural memes and move past age
  6. The inspiration of Dorothy Cohen (Jungian analyst pyschologsit) who wrote Repetition and said Goddesses Never Age.
  7. Why you need to stop acting old.
  8. Why sitting is so bad for us.
  9. Why 33 is the magic age to stay at.
  10. Why 25 is the last # to announce as your birthday!
  11. Why Milestone birthdays become your millstones.
  12. Why we have to step back your cultural beliefs.
  13. Why “Taking up more space” as Mario Martinez says, is the opportunity to increase your value and confidence
  14. Why we need our culture to stop putting meaning on a certain number
  15. Why lying about our age is so important on dating sites!
  16. Why gerentology is the pathology of aging.
  17. Swing time study by Becka Leving, a student of the mother of mindfulness, Ellen Langar of Harvard
    1. How the mind and the beliefs affect the mind and the body.
  18. The magic of Louise Hay and rolling back the years!
  19. Ellen Langar’s seminal study at Harvard which rolled back time!
  20. Mario Martinez and the study of Stigmata in Mexico City
  21. Why we have a culture that does strange things to our health
  22. Why our power is with ourselves and our divine
  23. How Robert Fritchey, World Service Institute, helps people heal from terminal cancer
  24. The importance of the Nun study in Mantato Minnesota.
  25. What Anthony Williams, the Medical Medium means when he says that our bodies always feels whole, even after a hysterectomy .
  26. The importance of the deliberate pursuit of pleasure
  27. Why pleasure produces NO (nitrous oxide) and what it means.
  28. Start living as if you only have 6 months to live.
  29. Why we must take permission for ourselves.
  30. Author of Lives of a Cell “I have come to believe that cancer is the physical metaphor for the extreme need to grow.”
  31. What is the healing power within?
    1. Why we need to understand we are spiritual beings in a body.
    2. Live as though you are a spirit first and foremost.
    3. Why the people who have
    4. Why Abraham Hicks says “this life is the leading edge of the universe”
    5. Harve Eckhert “How you do anything is how you do everything”
    6. Michael Sandler “How you TREAT anything is how you TREAT everything”
    7. Resentstentialism – the tendency of inanimate objects to act in hostile ways toward humans…Fascinating study with toast and jam.
    8. Why live as if you’re immortal, but make every moment count!
  32. How to move past fear and drop the fear-based medical tests.
  33. Why the medical community is set up as the Bermuda Triangle of Relationships
  34. com “the ultimate in preventive medicine”
  35. The importance of the work by Bruce Lipton on epigenetics and The Biology of Beliefs.
  36. Why is an amazing holistic hospital 1 hour south of San Diego.
  37. How you may see something medically in your dreams before it happens.
  38. What Sergio Magnagia author of The Aztec Secret, says you can learn from the Nagual – the dream world, about the Tonal, the physical worl. And how the Nagual is much more powerful.
    1. What if we change our consciousness and then the world outside of us changes?
  39. Why we should all go for Happy, Healthy, Dead!

Discover How to Roll Back the Clock, Look & Feel Younger & Thrive At Any Age & Decades More – Amazing Get & Stay Young Interview! Dr Christiane Northrup | As Seen on Oprah & Dr Oz | Inspiration | Motivation | Health | Healing | Spirituality | Self-Help

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Dec 16, 2016

If you’ve ever wondered how to shift your life, crank up that inner flame, and begin to achieve or receive whatever you desire then do we have the decision making show for you!

Today we’ll talk about the power of decisions, how to shift your gears, move toward your dreams and bring out the positives, even when the chips are down

That plus we’ll talk about coaching magic, the power of Jerry McGuire, singing in the shower, escaping to Philly, and why juan Pablo and Gustavo, aren’t who they appear to be!

Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. What happens in Seattles when it snows
  2. What’s the power of making a decision
  3. What does Dr. Dain Heer have to do with success?
  4. What does “How does it get any better than this”?
  5. Why you really do have time, even when you think you “don’t”
  6. Why we need help with receiving – and why it’s okay to receive
  7. What are our emotional blocks and safes that are holding us back
  8. How do we drop the boat anchors that are holding us back?
  9. How to move past the fears of the ego for things will open up
  10. How Jessica made her way to Dr. Joe Dispenza in Philadelphia
  11. How decisions can honor yourself
  12. What you want to bring to each of your decisions

CJ Liu on How Simple Decisions Can Have Powerful Positive Impacts on Health, Happiness & Life! Fitness | Career I Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Meditation | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

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Dec 15, 2016

If you’ve ever wondered if your spiritual path should be as simple as A to B, then do we have the Buddha Made Me Do It show for you. 

Today I’ll be talking with Marla Martenson, Hollywood Matchmaker, host of Cosmic Conversations, and author of the Buddha Made Me Do It, a spiritual memoir.

And that’s just what we’ll be talking about today, about a spiritual path from matchmaker to healer, and everywhere in-between.

That plus we’ll talk about bamboo beatings, Sasha the squirrel, ouji boards and Edgar Allen Poe, what you don’t want to do with your husband’s Buddha, and why in the world you don’t want to fix a good guy up with a sugar baby.

Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. What you can learn about Spirituality from Hollywood MatchMaking
  2. How did Marla become a Hollywood matchmaker?
  3. What’s the Millionaire Matchmaker
  4. How does Hollywood matchmaking work???
  5. How did Louise Hay influence her, and how did she get into the Law of Attraction
  6. How she quit a great job in Beverly Hills during a recession, to go out on her on
  7. How she attracted Macey, her soulmate companion canine into her life
  8. How she used the law of attraction to turn her finances around
  9. What the Buddha Made Me Do It is about.
  10. How she started down her spiritual journey
  11. What do bamboo sticks, tea-cupping, and leeches have to do with anything?
  12. What’s the importance of openness in her journey
  13. Has she allowed the spiritual-side into her matchmaking business
  14. How her energy shifted toward her business and difficult clients
  15. Who was Jeremy and what/who is a sugar baby?
  16. What’s green gunk and what’s her (vegan) favorite juicing concoction?
  17. What happened with Marla Martenson and Paul Sellig (and what Dr. Joe Dispenza has to do with things)
  18. What humor and laughter have to do with Marla’s match-making success
  19. Haunted houses, the Boulderado and the George Noory Show Beyond Belief
  20. and Diary of the Beverly Hills Matchmaker
  21. Also marla martenson on YouTube
  22. What’s a ouijaologist?

Marla Martenson on Spiritual & Life Lessons from a Beverly Hills Hollywood Matchmaker! Health | Career | Relationships | Inspiration | Motivation | Spirituality | Meditation | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

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Dec 14, 2016

If you’ve ever felt you were under a spell and can’t bring more wealth and abundance into your life then do we have the awakened abundance show for you!

Today I’ll be talking with Derek Rydall, life-coach and consultant for emmy and oscar award winners, and the best-selling author of one of my all-time favorite books on transformation that I to quote on the show, Emergence.

And today we’ll talk about a piece of the emergence puzzle, about wealth building, the spells that hold us back, and how to move past our limiting beliefs.

That plus we’ll talk white poodles and cold matches, snorkeling gone bad, what to do when you’re paralyzed with fear, and who in the world to root for, when you’re at Ernie’s tacos.

Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. What it means to bring everything into alignment – and why it’s so important
  2. Why action is critical for abundance – and what’s missing in the Law of Attraction
  3. How to move past a place of lack in your mind
  4. How to understand what’s emerging and how to bring yourself into integrity or alignment with it
  5. What does action look like to bring about abundance – and can it involve buying a Porsche
  6. How your life shapes yourself around your actions and your commitments
  7. What’s the real nature of wealth
  8. Why are “spiritual” people scared by the word “money”
  9. Why loving chickens is not the root of all evil
  10. What are money shadows or wealth shadows?
  11. What are first steps you want to take to bring about wealth
  12. What it means to stand in your own power to bring about wealth
  13. Why circulating energy and money is so important
  14. What are your seven core channels for generating abundance?
  15. What we can learn from decluttering – think Marie Kondo and The Art of Tidying Up
  16. What’s the important to ask in order to receive
  17. Why you’re doing a disservice by not asking for what you’re truly worth
  18. What does it mean to expand in the face of “contraction” and “limitation”
  19. Get the book at – includes 1500 dollars in bonus programs
  20. If want trainings visit Derek’s podcast emergence
  21. Check out an ebook “The Seven Gifts” at
  22. Also – visit the resource section for other tools and audios
  23. A visualization vibration radiation (VVR) guided meditation

Derek Rydall on How to Awaken Abundance & Attract Wealth, Prosperity & Success!!! + Guided Meditation | Health | Career | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

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Dec 13, 2016

If you’ve ever struggled in the midst of change, and wondered how does it get any better than this, then do we have the show for you.

Today we’ll talk about change, how to handle it with grace, ground yourself in the middle of it, and turn it into a truly positive life experience.

That plus we’ll talk about an NYU professor’s channeling, meditating with 600 of your closest best friends, the life-saving power of chocolate-chip, blue-berry supreme pancakes, what to do when you’re mom’s visiting for an hour while on her way to play golf in Florida, and you know she’s just broken her hand…sorry mom; the power of the voice, and what in the world Meowsers does, when Jessica begins to sing.

Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. What in the world are scrapples?
  2. How Jessica ended up on the streets of Philly at 6 AM on a Sunday morning
  3. What happened at a Dr. Joe Dispenza event
  4. What you do and do not want to bring to an audit
  5. How to discover your new you (and who you truly are)
  6. What in the world is a scrapple
  7. What’s the importance of getting outside of the comfort zone
  8. What it means to break free from the wiring that keeps you small
  9. What it means to shift your energy
  10. What it means to have a spiritual attunement
  11. What we can learn from Paul Selig's guides
  12. What it means to be heart-open
  13. What it means to expect the unexpected
  14. What we learned from Chetan Parkyn on Human Design

Jessica Lee on How to Step Into Your Greatness by Getting Uncomfortable!!! Health | Fitness | Dr. Joe Dispenza | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Meditation | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

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Dec 12, 2016

If you’ve ever dreamed big dreams and wanted to live a bigger life, if only it were possible, then do we have the possibility making show for you!

Today I’ll be talking with Dr. Dain Heer, best-selling author, and I would argue, revolutionary. He’s a revolutionary for helping us strip our limits and see beyond the confines of what we think is possible. He’s also written a truly revolutionary book, something unlike anything I’ve ever read, and I read a lot. It’s being you, changing the world, is now the time.

And that’s what we’ll talk about today…about owning it, owning you, owning your magnificence, and owning the miracle of change, just waiting to come out.

That plus we’ll talk about sleeping giants, playboy the horse, the 100th monkey, orgasmitude, why your right and I’m wrong, how Ritchie Rich meets Tito Puente??? and why chopping off your arms and legs to go on a date, might not be the best way to go…even if she’s driving a mini.

Questions and Topics Include:

  1. Why he was waking up extremely unhappy in Santa Barbara
  2. How he gave the Universe a demand
  3. How Access Consciousness Bars completely shifted his energy and his brainwave pattern
  4. What lightness and heaviness has to do with truth, and how to use it.
  5. Why we need to sit back and ‘shut up’ after we ask a question
  6. Why you don’t want to journal yourself into a corner
  7. What’s a free will Universe?
  8. What happened when Gary Douglas, the founder of Access Consciousness was flipped like a fish.
  9. What is ESB (Energy Synthesis of Being)
  10. What we do to invalidate the knowing of kids
  11. What would you call up if there were absolutely no limitations in your life?
  12. What’s an energy bubble and what’s the woo hoo factor.
  13. What’s the danger of judgment and what are cow people and horse people
  14. What’s one of the biggest killers of possibility
  15. What’s the power behind “You’re right, I’m wrong”
  16. What is body knowing and what’s the deal with honey mustard?
  17. Why Aleya Dao, author of 7 Cups of Consciousness says wearing your body is like riding a horse
  18. Why you may often be taking on other people’s wants
  19. Who is Playboy the Horse and why is he so cool?
  20. Why it’s so important to drop your guard and allow the love in
  21. Is there something ‘greater than love’?
  22. How can we destroy our relationships every day, and why do we want to do this?
  23. What is ‘sexualness’
  24. What was his life living in the ghetto (Richie Rich meets Tito Puente).
  25., or
    1. Free videos
    2. YouTube Channel w/over 100 videos
      1. Lots of free tools to change
    3. – Free intro download of Being You Book
    4. – Lots of classes coming up

Dr. Dain Heer Gives You Tools & Incredible Inspiration,  to Be Yourself, Live Your Greatest Life & Change the World! Incredibly Inspiring & Motivational Interview! Business | Career | Spiritual | Spirituality | Motivation | Health | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info visit:

HOW TO LIVE A LIFE OF ENDLESS POSSIBILITES – TRULY BEING YOU! + Meditation! Dr Dain Heer | Inspiration | Self-Help | Inspire

Dec 11, 2016

If you’ve ever wondered what it means to wake up, to have a spiritual awakening, or why so many people are doing it around us, then do we have the show for you!

Today I’ll be talking with Loch Kelly, psychotherapist and meditation expert and the author of Shift Into Freedom: The Science and Practice of Open-Hearted Awareness.

Today we’ll talk about waking up, what it is, what it means, how we can get there, and how we can tap into it on a daily basis.

That plus we’ll talk about the thinking channel, I’m no good FM, why where you go, we go, we all go with ego, plus zen and the art of archery, stupid meditation, 90 seconds of anger, and why as Shakespeare says, there are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

Questions and Topics Include:

  1. How to intentionally shift (without needing a cosmic 2x4)
  2. How three deaths in a row (and the pain that ensued) helped Loch to shift
  3. Why awakening isn’t about going off to a cave or a monastery (and you can still have a wife and a cat…named Duffey)
  4. How awakening leads you to being more fully human
  5. Studying with Adyanshanti, Mingyur Rinpoche and Tsoknyi Rinpoche
  6. How he was taught the Sutra Mahamudra (and how that helps us)
  7. What is awake awareness?
  8. What is ‘stupid meditation’?
  9. Do we need years of meditation practice to get to this place?
  10. Is there always a calmness inside of us?
  11. How this is waking up to your true nature
  12. Why we want to become aware of the space between the crickets – and what in the world that means
  13. Meditation 101 for awake awareness
  14. Who does this compare with mindfulness?
  15. What’s the difference between heart mindfulness and head mindfulness
  16. A practice/meditation on how to unhook from what’s creating a perpetual sense of dissatisfaction
  17. What happens after 90 seconds of anger?
  18. What are the ‘dangers’ of mindfulness, or the mindfulness ‘detox’
  19. What is a Charlie Brown ‘Good Grief’ period?
  20. What is a Dog Zen?
  21. To find his book (plus events, online courses and book) and the audio, not of him reading the book, but an audio of the 31 glimpse practices, from 3-8 minutes long, guided, in a series of short practices – get the essence of the book and experience it directly.
  22. A third guided meditation to help you gain awake awareness.

Loch Kelly shows how to instantly  access bliss, calmness and inner peace through simple techniques you can do anywhere, rather than years of meditation! Plus 3 Guided Meditations! Spirituality | Spiritual | Inspiration | Health | Buddhism | Self-Help

For More Info Visit:

Dec 10, 2016

If you’ve ever wanted to feel sharper, more alive, stronger of body and of mind, and smarter than you ever have before…then do we have the brain-boosting show for you!

Today we’ll be talking with Dr. Wendy Suzuki, award winning neuroscientist, famous 4x Ted-Talker, and what I’d call a true revolutionary in the field of brain science. She’s also the author of my favorite new brain book, healthy brain, happy life, a personal program to activate your brain and do everything better!

Today we’ll talk about hacking the brain and getting it moving again, to get you smarter, sharper, more focused, better memory, more creative, less anxious, and better able to learn, than you ever have before!

That plus we’ll talk about car boy and cabin boy, becoming a gym rat, the power of Twix, the Big Ask, Dr. Flux, Disney world for rats, what in the world happened to the cello, and why spandex in the classroom may be the greatest discovery of them all!

Questions and Topics Include:

  1. Julie Andrews vs. Shirley Temple
  2. What is the Disney World for rats
  3. What Eleanor McGuire found with London Taxi Drivers
  4. What is prosopagnosia and struggling to see faces (Howard Gardner, author Multiple Intelligences and Brad Pitt)
  5. What does brain plasticity mean?
  6. Some amazing brain hacks
  7. What’s a simple hack to begin enriching the brain?
  8. How do we enrich the olfactory part of the brain?
  9. Who was the neurological patient HM?
  10. Why emotions are so powerful when it comes to learning
  11. Why you want to make what you have to learn funny
  12. When the light went on between exercise and the brain
  13. How much just an hour of exercise can improve your attention
  14. What is intensati and how did it change her understanding of exercise and the brain too (and her future classes and research studies!)
  15. What we can learn from Spandex in the Classroom!
  16. How to use affirmations and exercise together
  17. Brain hacks and exercise
  18. Short 4 minute exercises you can do
  19. What viral animal videos have to do with the brain
    1. Talking Dog and Bacon:
    2. Sloth Video:
  20. Brain Hacks to stimulate the pleasure centers of the brain and what makes us happy (study of positivity)
  21. Advice for parents to boost the brains of their kids
  22. How important is it to step away from the electronics?
    1. 4 Ted Talks!

Dr. Wendy Suzuki, Neuroscientist, Researcher, Professor & 4x Ted Talker Shares Powerful Brain Hacks to Transform your Mind, Discover Greater Happiness, Hardwire Positivity & Turn Your Life Around! Business | Career | Education | Spirituality | Self- Help  

For More Info Visit:

Dec 9, 2016

If you’ve ever been drawn to the forest, or to trees, and wondered what they’re lives are really like, then do we have The Hidden Life of Trees show for you!

Today I’ll be talking with Peter Wohlleben, scientist, explorer, and conservationist, and the author of severl books on trees including, The Hidden Life of Trees. 

And that’s just what I want to talk with him about, about what trees feel, how they communicate, and what life in the slow lane, is really like.

That plus we’ll talk about trees telling time, a wood wide web, trees sweating, tree love, trees in the city, an aspen called pando, winning the tree lottery, tree etiquette, and why youngster trees, don’t know self-restraint…

Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. What exactly is a forester
  2. How did Peter get into forest stewardship
  3. What Beech and Oak have to do with anything
  4. How we can sense a forest in pain and what we acquired from our ancestors
  5. How blood pressure lowers in healthy forests and rises in unhealthy ones
  6. What are loner forests?
  7. How does one animal such as a wolf affect the entire health and eco-system of the forest
  8. What’s the social structure of trees?
  9. Can trees live once they’re snapped and fallen?
  10. What happens to city trees and suburban trees?
  11. Trees that are 10,000 years old and tree roots that are 80,000 to perhaps 1 million years old
  12. Do trees have memory?
  13. What do trees do after a drought
  14. How are trees social beings?
  15. How do trees communicate?
  16. Are some trees treated better than others?
  17. Are some trees more social than others?
  18. Do parent trees teach their children?
  19. What’s the biggest danger of clear-cuts?
  20. What trees have to do with elephants?
  21. Why trees are “plant elephants”
  22. How trees speak with each other?
  23. What’s the Wood Wide Web?
  24. Why trees need to do with their leaves
  25. What do trees do in the winter
  26. Do trees sleep
  27. How do trees go to the bathroom?
  28. What do bright leaves tell insects
  29. Does global warming confuse trees
  30. How trees can migrate
  31. How trees feel pain
  32. Does pruning a tree hurt the tree?
  33. Is there love between trees?
  34. What’s wrong with planting trees that have been grown in nurseries
  35. How trees are able to count?
  37. Thank you to Jane Billinghurst for such a beautiful book translation!!!

Peter Wohlleben on the Hidden Life of Trees in Nature, How They Speak, Think and Feel & Why it Matters! Health | Fitness | Inspiration | Spiritual | Spirituality | Meditation | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info Visit:

Dec 8, 2016

If you’ve ever struggled to see things through to completion, or put the pieces in place to get things done, then do we have the micro-habits show for you.

Today we’ll talk about stumbling over success. How to do, why you want to do it, and why’s to make things so super-simple, it’s hard not to get them done.

That plus we’ll talk about hanging keys on reindeer, tripping over shoes, clothing bins and cars, giving up movies, where to keep teddy, and why you want to watch your balance, while you’re brushing your teeth!

Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. What you do not want to do with your turkey
  2. What’s the importance of learning how to receive
  3. What’s the importance of making space in order to receive
  4. What are myelinated neurons and why are they important
  5. How to build our intuition
  6. Microhabits to help you trip over success
  7. Great microhabits for keys, clothing, keeping things where you need them and more
  8. What it means to step into our power
  9. What we can learn from trees from Peter Wohlleben author the Hidden Life of Trees?
  10. What’s a tree detox?
  11. What we can learn from the seasons and our own natural cycles
  12. What’s the importance of self-care this time of the year
  13. What are the different levels of surrender?
  14. How to link your habits

CJ Liu on Easy Habits for Greater Happiness, Success, Ease & Guidance thru Fall & the Holidays! Health | Fitness | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Meditation | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info Visit:

Dec 7, 2016

If you’ve ever wanted to get out of debt, and bring more prosperity into your life, then do we have the Getting Out of Debt Joyfully, show for you.

Today I’ll be talking with Simone Millasas, creator of the Joy of Business, Worldwide Coordinator for Access Consciousness, and the author of numerous books including The Joy of Business, and her lates Getting Out of Debt, Joyfully.

And that’s just what I want to talk with her about today about how to get out of debt without pain or hard work, and to begin living a totally different possibility.

That plus we’ll talk about:

Discussing dollars at dinner, Dogs and beaches, having homes in Brisbane and the gold coast, why you actually want to be the tall poppy, clearing crystals under full moons, and what in the world a mabe pearl necklace has to do with anything.

How to Get Out of Debt Joyfully Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. How you can begin changing your money situation
  2. What it means to change your point of view about money
  3. What’s the power of the 10% account
  4. What’s it mean for something to have intrinsic value
  5. How you’re more valuable than your money
  6. What it means that money is energy
  7. Does more money take hard work
  8. What’s the importance of “receiving”
  9. What’s the difference between manifestation and actualization?
  10. How do we put a demand out to the universe?
  11. What’s the importance of the questions we ask
  12. What’s it mean to live your life ten seconds at a time?
  13. How do we move past judgement of money and judging ourselves?
  14. How do we become aware of our own financial reality?
  15. What do we use “can I have the money now please”?
  16. How do we chose our own sense of value toward ourselves
  17. How much money we want to carry around with us – and why!
  18. What Jerry McGuire has to do with anything
  19. What is generosity of spirit?
  21. What it means to choose to be you and to step away from judgement
  22. Brief tapping into the energy of the earth guided kindness and caring meditation

Simone Milasas on How to Get Out of Debt & Create Prosperity & Abundance with Joy & Happiness!!! + Guided Meditation | Health | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info Visit:

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