Sep 30, 2016
If you’ve ever wondered where you were going in life, where you want to go, or how in the world to get there, then do we have the life direction show for you.
Today we’ll be talking about tapping into your heart, figuring out where you want to go, and the first few steps toward getting you there.
That plus we’ll...
Sep 29, 2016
If you’ve ever felt stuck, plateaued, or like what you’re doing just isn’t working out, or you can’t figure out how to reach your dreams, then do we have the getting unstuck show for you!
Today we’ll be talking about getting focused, setting goals, and taking steps, to keep your dreams moving forward, and what...
Sep 28, 2016
If you’ve ever wanted more abundance, love, and happiness in your life, then do we have the Thank and Grow Rich Show for You!
Today I’ll be talking with Pam Grout, repeat guest, zombie movie extra, writer extraodinaire, and author of my favorite book I’m placing by my bed, Thank and Grow Rich.
And that’s just...
Sep 27, 2016
If you’ve ever wanted more to feel better and more confident about your success, and helping others, then do we have the pride-building show for you!
Today I’ll be talking with Jessica Tracy, psychology professor and researcher at the University of British Columbia, and author of a groundbreaking book, Take...
Sep 26, 2016
If you’ve wanted more time in your day, greater success, or to achieve dreams so big you’d scare yourself silly, then do we have the show for you!
Today we’ll be talking with Jay Papasan, vice-president and executive editor at Keller Realty, co-owner Papasan Properties Group (with his wife) and co-author of...