
Inspire Nation Show with Michael Sandler

Our Goal’s to Help Change the World by Helping YOU to Shine Bright! Now one of the top self-help & spirituality shows in 193 countries w/a new inspirational, motivational, spiritual, law of attraction or health-oriented guest DAILY! Plus guided meditations! After overcoming 2 near-death accidents, Host Michael Sandler felt a calling to start a life-changing show to help you live the life of your dreams! Guests Include John Gray, Bob Proctor, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Dr. Bernie Siegel, Anthony William, Arielle Ford, and countless more! Our goal is to leave you an ear-to-ear grin and an actionable plan to achieve your goals! Get ready to live your greatest life and to Shine Bright!
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Inspire Nation Show with Michael Sandler











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Now displaying: July, 2017
Jul 31, 2017

If you’ve ever thought we’ve got things flip-flopped backwards and upside-down on earth, then do we have the heaven on earth show for you!

Today I’ll be talking with Anita Moorjani, the New York Times Best-selling author of Dying to be Me; and a guest I’ve been looking forward to speaking with for as long as we’ve had this show. She’s now the author of a beautiful new book, with a fantastic orange rose on the cover, What if This is Heaven?

And that’s what I want to talk with her about today, how our cultural myths prevent us from experiencing heaven on Earth and unconditional love.

That plus we’ll talk about, chocolate and deserts, perfume and handbags, cities vs. seaside’s, skirts and synchronicities, the significance of orange roses, and what in the world battlestar galactica, has to do with anything!

Heaven On Earth Spiritual Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. What’s the significance of orange roses?
  2. What Dr. Wayne Dyer has to do with Anita Moorjani, Dying to Be Me, and What if This is Heaven?
  3. Why we have to shine bright and stay away from being fear based
  4. What was Anita’s life before and after her NDE?
  5. What it means to surf the waves?
  6. What happened to her while growing up
  7. Debunking the myth – you get what you deserve
  8. What happened with constant feelings of being less than, not worthy, and not good enough
  9. What’s the opposite of ‘you get what you deserve’? (and why it’s not your karma)
  10. Why the law of attraction does not mean you’re attracting negative situations into your life
  11. What’s the problem with the Law of Attraction?
  12. What is true unconditional love?
  13. What does it mean we’re born perfect just as we are?
  14. Is it possible to ‘screw things up’?
  15. What it means to remove judgment?
  16. How we move past the fear of screwing up?
  17. What’s the incredible importance of being authentic?
  18. What’s the most important advice for parents and children today
  19. What does loving yourself look like?
  20. What does it mean to move past fear on your path of passion and joy?
  21. What it means to align yourself with your divine light?
  22. What does it mean to turn inward: meditation, mindfulness, the kitchen sink?
  23. What might be wrong with our meditation practice?
  24. What’s the spiritual purpose of meditation, or what should meditation really look like?
  25. Why real love doesn’t mean anything goes – but what real love really means!
  26. What do fireflies have to do with the sun?
  27. What are non-negotiables in her relationship with her husband
  28. Why we are ALL worthy of unconditional love
  29. Why gentle is the new strong
  30. What you need in your health care
  31. What is an information fast?
  32. What it means to feel what’s good for you
  33. What it means that spiritual people are above (not) having an ego!
  34. What’s wrong with competition
  35. Why we want collaboration in our world
  36. What advice do parents need to know for guiding children and teens?
  37. What important things we want to teach kids about, rather than their academics
  38. What’s a beautiful practice of sending love we can do each day
  39. also Anita Moorjani facebook page, also radio show on 12 noon pacific every Wednesday on
  40. A beautiful spiritual meditation to guide you in this life and help you live a life without regrets

Anita Moorjani on How to Find Heaven on Earth & Unconditional Love for Happiness, Peace & Well-Being! + Guided Meditation! Spiritual | Spirituality | Inspiration | Inspirational | Motivation | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info Visit:

Jul 28, 2017

If you’ve ever struggled with overeating, maintaining your weight, or getting healthy, then do we have the Never Binge Again show for you!

Today I’ll be talking with Glenn Livingston, PhD, a veteran psychologist, consultant and researcher, and the author of a fascinating book on eating, Never Binge Again.

And that’s just what I want to talk with him about, about reprogramming your mind to stop overeating and unhealthy eating, and to stick to the food plan of your choice.

  1. How did Glenn Livingston, PhD begin researching food and eating!
  2. Why you can’t love yourself thin
  3. What he struggled to do while researching eating and food for others?
  4. What is big food and what does it have to do with our eating habits.
  5. How did he end up funding his own food preference research project with 40,000 people.
  6. What does it mean to binge? (It’s not what you think)
  7. What d o you mean it’s almost impossible to binge if you refuse to yell at yourself.
  8. What is the trick to think of our cravings as a pig?
  9. What exactly is the pig?
  10. Why we want to cold-heartedly ignore the squeal of our pig?
  11. What is pig slop?
  12. What are the four greatest forces that influence our eating?
  13. What do we need to know about our neuroanatomy when it comes to eating
  14. What is big advertising?
  15. What is big addiction?
  16. What does it mean we need to create our own food plan?
  17. How can our own food plan set us free?
  18. What does it mean the pig is not us?
  19. What do we do when we feel an urge to binge or eat pig slop coming on?
  20. What’s the importance to perfection when it comes to our pig?
  21. What are a few of the top common food industry lies?
  22. How do we neutralize other people’s pigs?
  23. What do we do if we fall off the pig wagon?
  24. Where does will-power fit in?
  25. What’s a personal pig squeal journal?
  26. Guided meditation to tame your inner pg
  27. For more info visit:

Glenn Livingston, PhD On How to Lose Weight For Life & Slim Down Without Ever Dieting!!! + Guided Meditation | Nutrition | Fitness | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Mindfulness | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement

For More Info Visit: 

Jul 27, 2017

If you’ve ever wanted to achieve something really big, and wondered if you have to PUSH like crazy to do, then do we have the show for you!

Today we’ll talk about pushing hard, versus going with the flow. When to push, when to rest, when to run like crazy, and when to head for the hammock.

Go with the Flow Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include: 

  1. How Jessica ended up trying boogie-boarding?
  2. What Jessica learned from her 1 ½ year old niece?
  3. What Jessica is doing for intention work first thing in the morning?
  4. How Jessica is working to raise her vibrations early in the day?
  5. What Jessica jots down in intention work to help with her day?
  6. Why we want to look at our parents, and even our parents’ parents to understand our patterns?
  7. Why we often have patterns of martyring ourselves and what it means?
  8. What we can learn from looking at our parents habits?
  9. Why these habits of pushing ourselves may not serve us.
  10. Why you don’t need to push or punish yourself just to prove your passionate about something.
  11. Why you don’t necessarily want to drive yourself into the ground just because you’re passionate about something?
  12. What it means to go slow to go fast?
  13. Why you want to step back and just be, even in the middle of a busy project?
  14. Why you want to take a pause in times of busy-ness, and especially during times of stress and anxiety.
  15. What’s the difference between push and pull in having ideas come to you?
  16. What’s the benefit of stopping and how to see the “big picture”
  17. How to operate and make decisions from a higher energy level?
  18. What’s the importance of exercising on a daily basis
  19. What Michael learned from a head injury while surfboard shopping.
  20. What Jessica learned from going into a state of panic
  21. What are emotional blocks and heart walls and how do they affect us?
  22. What is Dr. Bradley Nelson’s emotion code?
  23. How do we release trapped emotions so we have less stress and anxiety?
  24. What’s the overall importance of making the time and space to just be?
  25. For More Info Visit:

Jessica Lee on How to Go with the Flow Even During Stress & Busy Times to Achieve Your Dreams! Health | Parenting | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Inspirational | Motivational | Meditation | Mindfulness | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info Visit:

Jul 26, 2017

If you’ve ever wanted to DREAM BIG and LOVE YOUR LIFE then do we have the Maybe It’s You show for you!

Today I’ll be talking with Lauren Zander, co-founder and chairwoman of the international corporate consulting and coaching company the Handel Group, and the author of a take no prisoners look at personal development, Maybe it’s you.

And that’s just what we’ll talk about today about cutting the crap, facing your fears, and loving your life.

Design Your Life Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. How Lauren Zander ended up on the most unhip, unhappening kibbutz ever.
  2. What happened when she was told to look in the bushes (on the unhappening kibbutz)
  3. How that one decision lit a fire under her and transformed her life
  4. What is the Design Your Life course?
  5. What is the first coaching assignment she likes to give people?
  6. What is the importance of dreaming in 12 areas of your life?
  7. What does it mean to dream?
  8. What’s the importance of specificity?
  9. What’s the best way to write down your dreams?
  10. How importance is languaging, and what are some important rules for manifestation?
  11. What’s the importance of writing down your accomplishments?
  12. How do we lose our power, AND how do we get it back?
  13. What does it mean we have the power to change anything?
  14. What are important names for our inner voice, and how does this help us?
  15. What is personal integrity, and why is it so important?
  16. What’s the importance of keeping a promise to yourself?
  17. What can we learn from the promises we keep to ourselves?
  18. How do we keep promises to ourselves and what are self-imposed consequences?
  19. What’s a promise sheet?
  20. What’s the importance of the big C?
  21. What can we learn from studies on male mice and cherry blossoms?
  22. What’s the importance of investigating our lineage and history?
  23. What’s the truth about lying?
  24. What’s a life story colonoscopy and why is it so important?
  25. What’s a purge and why do we want to undertake one?
  26. What’s a daily design (dd) and how do we do it?
  27. What can we learn about burning man and feathers?
  28. What’s one home assignment we can begin today to design our lives?
  29. For More Info Visit:

Lauren Handel Zander on How to Move Past Your Issues & Design a Life You Love!!! Health | Fitness | Career | Parenting | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Meditation | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help

For More Info Visit:

Jul 25, 2017

If you’ve ever wanted to feel better about yourself and put the heart and passion back in your life, then do we have the happiness show for you!

Today I’ll be talking with Leah Pearlman, human-being extraordinaire, the creator of the Facebook Like button, Facebook Pages, and a phenomenal new book that tugs at your heart strings, Drawn together.

And that’s just what I want to talk with her about today, about our opening our hearts and bringing more happiness back in.

That plus we’ll talking about Momo the cat, the power of burning man, learning to surf, dressing like a kitty, Tim and kissing pencils, and what in the world bees and BandAids, has to do with anything.

Inspirational Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. How did she create the Facebook Like Button
  2. What was the dual life she was living while having a career at Facebook
  3. How she became bulimic in middle school
  4. What her 2 x 4 was that stopped her in her tracks
  5. How she took a break from Facebook and how she ended up at Burning Man
  6. What’s the Axis of Contrast?
  7. How she got a relationship with art
  8. How she learned about doing things for the sake of doing them
  9. How she first experienced forgiveness
  10. What she gained from a 10 day Vipassana retreat
  11. How she had never done anything spiritual or spirituality related before, and how she began to relate with spiritual people around the world
  12. How did her drawings come about?
  13. What’s universal about her drawings
  14. What’s the importance of loving yourself
  15. What her life’s journey or spiritual practice is
  16. How she began to find self-love
  17. What’s the mirror practice in the movie What the Bleep.
  18. Why affirmations have never worked for her
  19. What’s her favorite practice now
  20. What’s the importance of asking questions
  21. What are the answers she hears when she asks ‘what is my practice’
  22. What her first tattoo felt like and how she used mindfulness to pay attention to the tattoo pain.
  23. What does ‘bees and bandaids mean’
  24. What’s the benefit of paying attention
  25. What happened at her Ted Talk in Boulder Colorado?
  26. What’s a Values Based Life?
  27. What’s the Leah Cat?
  28. What’s the importance of awareness and validating the current experience.
  29. What Byron Katie means by every thought is just wanting a friend
  30. What’s the importance of self-love?
  31. – can order the book
  32. What’s the importance of the little steps
  33. Why putting the attention on something, makes it doable
  34. A beautiful guided curiosity & awareness meditation

Leah Pearlman, Facebook ‘Like’ Button Creator on How to Live Open-Hearted! + Guided Meditation! Ted Talk | Health | Career | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Mindfulness | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help

For More Info Visit: 

Jul 24, 2017

If you’ve ever wanted a healthier and happier world for yourself and your children, then do we have the Love Thy Nature show for you!

Today I’ll be talking with Sylvie Rokab, emmy award nominated documentary filmmaker, founder of The Light Productions and the creator of director of powerful, drop-dead gorgeous must-watch film, Love Thy Nature.

And that’s just what I want to talk with her about today, about connecting with nature, to connect with ourselves, and to bring balance back to Gaia.

Love Thy Nature Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. What does it mean to grow up a “Nature Girl” in Rio?
  2. What do lizards, toukans and monkeys have to do with anything?
  3. How does a multicultural background affect ones view of the world?
  4. How did the emmy nominated film-maker get into film work?
  5. How did she start the Love Thy Nature project?
  6. How did she get Liam Neelson to work on the project?
  7. What was her driving force or key message that’s so important today?
  8. Why did she turn down a highly lucrative TV series to make Love Thy Nature?
  9. How did she find her teachers including Jack Kornfield?
  10. What can we learn about our connection to nature from Buddhism and mindfulness?
  11. What does it mean that we are nature?
  12. What does it mean to connect with who we are, as we are?
  13. Why is this so important?
  14. What is the importance of understanding our interdependence with Nature?
  15. What is gaia and what does this really mean?
  16. What can we learn from the coyote and the prairie dog?
  17. What can we learn about nature for kids?
  18. What is nature deficit disorder, coined by author Richard Louv who wrote "Last Child in the Woods"?
  19. What is nature so important for our children?
  20. What is the danger of keeping kids indoors and in technology
  21. What is bio-philia and what’s its importance?
  22. What can we do to help our world?
  23. What’s the importance of reconnecting with our nature?
  24. How can witnessing the weather ground us?
  25. And how can nature teach us, and what can we learn from her?
  26. Where can we draw our greatest hope?
  27. What’s the importance of mindfulness?
  28. For More Info Go To:

Sylvie Rokab on How to Discover Your True Natural Self & Love Thy Nature!!! + Guided Meditation! Health | Fitness | Parenting | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Mindfulness | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info Visit:

Jul 21, 2017

If you’ve ever wanted more divine intervention & guidance in your life, then do we have the Lessons from the 12 Archangels show for you!

Today I’ll be speaking with Belinda J. Womack, a spiritual counselor and creator of the 12 Archangels University, and the author of a beautiful book on angelic wisdom Lessons from the 12 Archangels.

And that’s just what we’ll be talking about, the power of the angels for miracles, guidance and divine intervention, in our daily lives.

Archangel Guidance Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. What was Belinda Womack’s first memory of angels?
  2. Were angels with her during her earlier years.
  3. What does it mean to be a “right brainer”
  4. How Belinda closed the door to her angels and guides
  5. How did Belinda become a “dedicated left brainer” and what did that look like?
  6. What was Belinda’s out of lab experience and how did it change everything?
  7. How do angels communicate with us?
  8. What is angelic communication?
  9. Angelic tools to heal and move into happiness?
  10. How do we transform fearful thoughts into love?
  11. What is violet fire?
  12. How can we use colors and visualizations to shift our beliefs.
  13. How to release our limiting beliefs
  14. How to bring in forgiveness
  15. What is divine love?
  16. How do we receive from the angels?
  17. What’s it mean to surrender?
  18. What’s it mean to listen to our anger?
  19. How can archangel Michael help us?
  20. How to get clear direction from our archangels?
  21. What messages do the archangels have for you, the listener?
  22. How to believe in your power?
  23. A healing guided meditation from the angels.
  24. For More Info visit:

Belinda Womack on How to Call on Your Archangels For Divine Guidance & Manifestation! Health | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Meditation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info Visit: 

Jul 20, 2017

If you’ve ever wanted more energy in your day, then do we have, the work half as hard show for you!

Today we’ll talk about throttling back to get more, how to do it, why in the world you want to do it, and why doing it doesn’t make you lazy but instead gets you ahead of the game.

Work Less – Be More Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. Why Inspire Nation thanks UnderArmour!
  2. What’s the importance of putting yourself out there.
  3. How to let the universe guide you
  4. How to trust your intuition and go with the flow
  5. What it means to pray to be of the highest service and good
  6. What it means to pull and follow the golden thread
  7. How Michael prepares for a show and prepares questions for his guests.
  8. What we can learn from Tim Sanders of Yahoo, author of Love is the Killer App.
  9. What we can learn from Dr. Srini Pillay, author of Tinker Dabble Doodle Try.
  10. Why you want to leave something in the tank.
  11. Why you have to have care and compassion for yourself in order to have it for others.
  12. What you want to do to get that job, or succeed at that internships.
  13. Why you want to be a superhero at work – and what that looks like.
  14. Why it’s important to meter our energy in order to help ourselves and others more.
  15. What it means to meter your energy in the first place!
  16. What’s the benefit of a lack of preparation sometimes?
  17. What it means to be an open-hearted warrior, and how this can help you.
  18. How CJ got her Ted Talk!
  19. What’s the importance of being open-hearted for the Universe.
  20. What we can learn from Adyashanti about enlightenment
  21. What it means to chase spirit vs. having spirit chasing you.
  22. What does it mean to hold space?
  23. Tools and tips for having a killer Ted-Talk!
  24. What a baby stingray has to do with anything.
  25. What taking time with wildlife and Nature can do for you?
  26. What’s an importance exercise with presence?
  27. How can we drop in and not work as hard?
  28. What’s the importance of just being, and how wildlife can help.
  29. What we can learn from the different animals.
  30. What in the world is bear power?
  31. How body language can help us?
  32. What it means to get the rest you need (and go down when you need to)
  33. How to appreciate your emotions without getting wrapped up in them
  34. How to get the important stuff done, without having to stress over everything else.
  35. For More Info Visit: and 

CJ Liu on The Power of Throttling Back, to Fly Ahead & Get More Out of Life!!! Health | Fitness | Business | Career | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Mindfulness | Meditation | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help

For More Info Visit:


Jul 19, 2017

If you’ve ever wanted to raise your consciousness and vibrate at the highest level possible then do we have A Manual for Developing Humans, show for you!

Today I’ll be talking with PMH Atwater, a world-renowned experts on near death experiences, the brilliant author of more than 15 books including Dying to Know You and Beyond the Indigo Children, and the author of an amazing new handbook on life and consciousness, A Manual for Developing Humans.

And that’s just what I want to talk with her about today, about being more fully aware, fully in touch with yourself, and being more fully human!

High Vibration Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. How is she 80 years young?
  2. What happened to her in 1977?
  3. What happened to PMH from her 3 near-death experiences
  4. Why you’re automatically spiritual.
  5. What it means to be human, or how to be a human being?
  6. How to be more fully what and who you are?
  7. What is the brain-mind assembly?
  8. What’s wrong with schools today?
  9. What’s the importance of movement, music, and dance?
  10. What’s the importance of using the body to learn?
  11. What’s the importance of our emotions?
  12. Why part of Michael’s mission is to help you find your nature?
  13. What’s the importance of Nature?
  14. What is tree bathing and rock bathing?
  15. What’s the importance of synchronicity and how to get in a state of flow?
  16. How to open yourself up the vibrations around you?
  17. What is dowsing?
  18. What does it mean to be in search mode?
  19. What can we learn from our brain wave states, and how to access higher levels?
  20. What it means to be in high alpha and high gamma at the same time
  21. What it means to be in a state of presence?
  22. What it means to write in presence?
  23. How are kids different today – and how are their brains different?
  24. What she learned from kids who’ve had a near death experience
  25. What’s the importance of visualization?
  26. How do we claim our humanity?
  27. Why to be human means to be a “god in the making”
  28. How to set up our homes for the highest energy-levels possible
  29. How to keep yourself safe around your computer?
  30. Importance of amber and lepidolite
  31. What’s the importance of lithium
  32. What to do in different rooms in our house?
  33. To Find Out More Visit:

PMH Atwater on How to Live at Your Maximum Potential, Energized & Alive! + Guided Meditation! Health | Fitness | Near Death NDE | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Parenting | Inspire

For More Info Visit:

Jul 18, 2017

If you’ve ever wanted to feel stronger, more focused, more on path and on fire….and with the highest vibration possible, then do we have the vibration raising show for you! 

Today we’ll talk about charging your soul, plugging back in, raising your consciousness to an entirely new level, and how to juggle “real world” priorities, and presence, on a daily basis.

That plus conscious parenting, raising the frequency of your kids, unborn kids, family members, and those around you!!!

Raising Your Frequency Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. What’s making Jessica on fire?
  2. What’s her current mission?
  3. Why Jessica is getting up at 3AM on a regular basis
  4. What Jessica has been waiting for since 2013
  5. What Michael told Jessica just moments before his near fatal accident in 2013
  6. Why it’s finally “go-time” for Jessica and why she needs to stop hiding backstage
  7. What is Jessica on a mission to do and share with people
  8. How Jessica plans on raising the consciousness of the next generation
  9. What are spirit babies
  10. How during pregnancy, a mother’s body is the baby’s “outer body”
  11. Why it’s important to realize a baby experiences all of its mother’s thoughts and emotions and records everything
  12. How subconscious programming begins in the womb
  13. If you have a difficult child, it might not be your fault
  14. What’s even better than a gratitude journal
  15. How to call in more miracles
  16. What miracle Jessica manifested while standing at the edge of the beach
  17. Why sometimes doing meditations is still too much doing and not enough being
  18. What kind of imprint forceps made on Michael when he was born (not just the imprint on his head)
  19. Why Michael takes so long getting out of the house and making transitions from one activity to the next
  20. Why Jessica is matching the furniture and décor with Michael’s yellow glasses
  21. Why Jessica spoon feeds her kitty Lumi and what it has to do with you!

Jessica Lee on How to Raise Your Frequency & Consciousness to a New Level for You & Your Entire Family!!! Health | Children | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Meditation | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

To Find Out More Visit:


Jul 17, 2017

If you’ve ever wanted more success at life, business, or your job, then do we have the Love is the Killer App, show for you.

Today I’ll be speaking with Tim Sanders, Chief Solution Officer at Yahoo! And the author of a brilliant book on business and the workplace, Love is the Killer App.

And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about bringing love to business, and how to be a lovecat to win business, and influence friends.

Lovecat Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. Who was “The Little Reverend”
  2. How did Tim Sanders get out of special education?
  3. What’s the incredible importance of gratitude?
  4. How’d he go from bullied and beaten up to best friends with everyone?
  5. How did he end up in high school and college debate?
  6. What people skills did he learn along the way?
  7. How’d he go from college, to Bob Marley and music?
  8. How’d he start working from and then with Victoria’s Secret?
  9. How’d he put on the first live Victoria’s Secret streaming event reaching over 1 million viewers?
  10. What did he do to prepare for VicSecret 2?
  11. What did Tim do differently in business we can all learn from?
  12. How did he bring heart into the business world?
  13. Why was he so big on sharing?
  14. What is co-opetition?
  15. And how did Tim work with his co-opetitors?
  16. What happened when was bought by Yahoo?
  17. How he went from sales level to boardroom level at Yahoo?
  18. How he became Yahoo’s Chief Solutions Officer.
  19. Why you want to give away your knowledge?
  20. Why you want to lead with your heart?
  21. Why caring and compassion mean so much in business?
  22. Why are relationships so important?
  23. What’s a lovecat?
  24. What’s the importance of sharing your compassion?
  25. What’s the importance of books?
  26. Why is knowledge so important?
  27. What does he mean that Nice Smart People Succeed?
  28. What’s a gratitude ritual???
  29. To Find Out More Visit:

Tim Sanders of Yahoo On How to Win in Life Work & Relationships by Leading with Your Heart! Health | Fitness | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Mindfulness | Meditation | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Entrepreneur

For More Info Visit:

Jul 14, 2017

If you’ve ever with health, anxiety, or negative emotions or patterns, then do we have the Reclaiming Your Body show for you.

Today I’ll be talking with Suzanne Scurlock-Durana, comprehensive healing and CranioSacral expert, the author of Full Body Presence, and a beautiful new book, Reclaiming Your Body.

And that’s just what I want to talk with her about today, about Healing from Trauma, and awakening to your Body’s Wisdom.

  1. What happened to Suzanne on her first day of kindergarten
  2. How did it change her as a child?
  3. What happened to her at age six?
  4. How to emotional traumas affect our body?
  5. What can we learn from CranioSacral therapy?
  6. What does connecting to the earth have to do with healing?
  7. What’s the importance of self-love and nurturing?
  8. What’s self-care and what is so important about it?
  9. What are different parts of the body trying to tell us?
  10. What can we learn from our guts?
  11. Why is accessing our gut so difficult?
  12. What can we learn from worry?
  13. What’s the importance of commitment, courage and kindness?
  14. How can we listen to our guts before we eat?
  15. What can we learn from our legs and feet?
  16. What does depression have to do with walking?
  17. What are some of the benefits of walking?
  18. What do legs and feet have to do with creativity?
  19. What are our bones trying to tell us and what can we learn from them?
  20. Why do people lose touch with their bones?
  21. What can we learn from our teeth?
  22. What is the rapture of being alive?
  23. How do we begin reclaiming our bodies today?
  24. For More Info visit:

Suzanne Scurlock-Durana On How to Overcome Trauma, Heal from the Core & Change Your Life + Guided Meditation! Health | Fitness | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

Jul 13, 2017

If you’ve ever wondered about your connection to Nature, the Universe, and the animals all around you, then do we have the guidance from the Universe show for you.

Today we’ll talk about pausing and connecting, when to do, it how to do it, what it really means, what it does to your energy levels, and how it can truly enrich your life!

Pause and Connect Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. What do fireworks and fish have to do with one another?
  2. What we can learn from deer?
  3. What we can learn from a visit from a coyote?
  4. What we can learn from turtles?
  5. What we can learn from shamanism about animals and what they have to tell us
  6. What we can learn from the archetype of each animal
  7. What is a spirit animal?
  8. What is archetypal energy?
  9. A brief guided meditation, shamanic drumming journey
  10. How CJ ended up at a clothing optional hotel!
  11. What we can learn from Nadiji
  12. What’s the importance of being in the silence
  13. What are the silent sutras?
  14. What it means to surrender to the universe?
  15. What it means to have kundalini energy running through you?
  16. What does it mean to shaktify you – and what does it have to do with energy and consciousness?
  17. What’s a simple practice to help energy move through you?
  18. What’s a shaktiput experience?
  19. What automatic writing has to do with learning and growing
  20. To find out more go to and

CJ Liu & Michael Sandler on How to Pause & Connect with the Universe & Nature for Guidance & Direction! + Guided Drumming Meditation! Health | Fitness | Motivation | Spiritual | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info Visit:

Jul 12, 2017

If you feel like you’re being pulled in too many directions, have too many competing demands, or are working yourself to the bone, but not getting where you want to go, then do we have the show for you!

Today we’ll be talking with Greg McKeown, author of one of my all-time favorite books, the NY Times best-seller Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less.

Today we’ll talk about the power of less, of letting go of everything that doesn’t serve you and focusing all your efforts on just what’s essential.

That plus we’ll talk about the how to go in monk mode, why we all want to go fly a kite, why sleep is the new status symbol, what a dinosaur covered in pink flamingos has to do with anything, and why from here on out, there’s no more Yes. It’s either Hell Yeah, Or No!

Questions and Topics Include:

  1. What is the power of less?
  2. How’d Greg go from Law School in London to Essentialism
    1. Question: What would you do if you could do anything?
    2. What his dad said to Greg when he told him he was thinking of quitting law school – and what in the world Hamlet has to do with anything
  3. Why is it that otherwise successful people and companies don’t break through to the next level?
  4. What is the paradox of success?
  5. What’s the challenge that comes with success?
  6. What is the undisciplined pursuit of more, and why is it so dangerous (and it’s the natural extension of success)
  7. Why success can be a catalyst for failure
  8. Why according to Bill Gates “success is a very poor teacher
  9. How do we become successful at success?
  10. What is a contribution or fulfillment gap?
  11. What does it mean to retire in roll?
  12. Why you should do only the things that bring you the most value
  13. Why saying yes to everyone is saying no to everything
  14. Why you want to do few things done better to break through to the next level
  15. Why our culture is biased to on having to do it all – which makes it more difficult to have success
  16. What’s the philosophy of non-essentialism?
  17. Why you can’t have it all.
  18. Why we want to choose less but better
  19. Why the undisciplined pursuit of more makes Greg McKeown furious because it is “a lie which does not deliver on any of its promises”
  20. Why the undiscipline pursuit of more
  21. Why the antidote is the disciplined pursuit of less or better.
  22. What is a core mindset or the logic of essentialism?
  23. How to clean out your physical and metaphorical closet
  24. What Mary Condley suggests (about cleaning out our closet)
  25. What’s the importance of the simple question “Does it spark joy?”
  26. How to explore; eliminate and excute; use resources to Reallocate – in the closets of our life
  27. What’s the invincible power of choosing to chose?
  28. Why you don’t ‘have to do’ things
  29. Why the power of choice can be ‘forgotten’ with non-essentialism
  30. What’s the ‘invincible power of choice?
  31. Why Southwest Airlines has been so successful, and what we all can learn from them
  32. What’s the harm of a straddled strategy?
  33. How do we protect our time so we can start to narrow things down?
  34. What is the 90% rule?
  35. Why you constantly want to increase the dial of selectivity
  36. Why if it’s not a definite lens, it’s a definite no.
  37. Why do we want to all go fly a kite?
  38. Why play is essential and why we want to play our way to learn (especially important for our children!)
  39. Why is sleep the new status system?
  40. What’s a bogus badge of honor in the busy-ness bubble we’re in
  41. How we’re waking up to sleep being critical to high performance
  42. What the mind blowing truth is on the 10,000 hour rule from the Eric Anders study that’s quoted in Malcolm Gladwell’s book.
  43. Why you do not want to ‘be a machine’
  44. Why sleep is a must because it ‘helps you discern the vital few from the trivial many’
  45. Why relationships with children are ‘hard if you work easy at them and easy if you work hard at them’
  46. What’s the importance of the idea of ‘inter-generational family’
  47. How to get first chapter for free – sign up for his newsletter at
  48. What are a few of Greg McKeown’s favorite books?
  49. Why we should all read a bit of the ‘wisdom literature’

Greg McKeown on How to Do Less, Achieve More & Find Success Thru Essentialism! Health | Fitness | Happiness | Inspiration | Motivation | Inspirational | Motivational | Spiritual | Spirituality | Mindfulness | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info Visit

Jul 11, 2017

If you’ve ever felt stressed, worried, freaked out, or burdened with concerns you just can’t let go of, or if it feels like a saber-tooth’s about to jump out at you, and there’s no where to hide, then do we have the destressifying show for you!

Today we’ll be talking with Davidji, a true expert in the field of stress management, and authors of the Secrets of Meditation and his best-selling book Destressifying: The Real-World Guide to Personal Empowerment, lasting fulfillment, and Peace of Mind.

Today we’ll be talking about destressifying your life, getting you out of the fight or flight, I’m about to be eating by a tiger-mode, and help you discover a path of de-stress, greater ease, and far more peace, no matter what you’re doing.

That plus destressifying at work, on the phone, on an airplane, and even before the TSA…

Questions and Topics Include:

  1. How he left Zen after only two weeks.
  2. What happened to Davidji after 9/11
  3. How he went to study with (and later work for) Deepak Chopra.
  4. Why it doesn’t take 20 years of meditation to reach a place of peace.
  5. Can stress be good for us?
  6. Can you combat stress?
  7. How Eureka moments can turn us into Super-rats, or super people!
  8. What is destressifying?
  9. What do you do when the saber-tooth tiger emails you?
  10. How Elizabeth Blackburn, 2009 Winner of Noble Prize discovered Telomeres
  11. How pattern interrupts can make us happier
  12. How Joe Montana saved the Superbowl with a Mind-stopper!!!
  13. What’s the importance of the presence moment
  14. Why a spanner may be in the works!
  15. What is “tactical breathing” or sixteen seconds
  16. A brief mindfulness meditation to stop your mind and give you an instant chance to breathe.
  17. How sixteen seconds can give us the time we need to defuse and step back before we make a decision.
  18. How do we bring pause to people in war zones, or countries with war?
  19. How fight or flight can serve you, and how to tone it down when you need to.
  20. How do we rewire for greater awareness and to stop the fight or flight response, and all of it’s negative (cortisol, high blood pressure, heart disease, etc…) challenges.
  21. How do we interrupt the patterns in our mind
  22. How we can practice RPM - rise, pee and then meditate!
  23. A second brief meditation you can practice anytime to help you quiet your mind.
  24. How can we help cultivate self love.
  25. How he brought Blue Courage Awareness Training BCAT training for police officers.
  26. How we transform the world by transforming ourselves.
  27. How to send love to the TSA, and what to do to stay relaxed with airport security – particularly if you’re ‘randomly selected’
  28. A meta-kindness meditation
  29. About Peaches the Buddha Princes, a rescued Mindful Morkie – who has over 3000 friends on Facebook.
  30. Several musicians who practice meditation.
  31. What’s a chocolate   tasting meditation? 
  32. com to join the sweetspot meditation community
  33. Why kindness matters.
  34. A kindness META guided meditation.

Davidji, Mindfulness Trainer to the Military & Former Deepak Chopra Center Dean on Instant Stress Reduction + Guided Meditation! Inspiration | Motivation | Career | Spiritual | Spirituality | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info visit:

Jul 10, 2017

If you’ve ever wanted to understand the truth behind your negativity, and what in the world to do about it, then do we have the Ego’s Code show for you!

Today I’ll be talking with Clayton John AinGer, speaker, consultant, and the award-winning author of an amazing book, The Ego’s Code.

And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about learning how to work with your negativity, decipher your code, and stop sabotaging your success!

Understanding Negativity Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. Did Clayton struggle with negativity growing up?
  2. How was his health and finances?
  3. How was he always sabotaging himself?
  4. How was he hiding his spiritual gifts?
  5. What happened to Clayton at Stonehenge and how did it change things?
  6. How did he begin looking into negativity?
  7. What does it mean “The You that is within you is always shining bright”?
  8. What is the divine ego self?
  9. What is your internal flame?
  10. What does it mean where you are right now is the place you were meant to be?
  11. What exactly is negativity?
  12. Is it a bad thing?
  13. What’s its purpose?
  14. What’s wrong with gift wrapping your negativity and chaining it to the bottom of the ocean?
  15. Where does negativity come from?
  16. What is the ego’s code?
  17. Why is negativity a gift?
  18. How was Clayton avoiding receiving love and how did that change?
  19. What do power animals have to do with anything?
  20. What is the importance of our connection with nature?
  21. What has he done to help his daughters with negativity?
  22. What does it mean “I am always kind to me; it is safe to love me”
  23. How do we keep from playing life small?
  24. How do we change our relationship with money?
  25. Why do repeat patterns keep happening to us?
  26. How do we stop self-sabotage?
  27. Why does positivity not work?
  28. What does neuroplasticity have to do with negativity and helping turn our minds around?
  29. What does it mean what we send out is what we receive and how do we change this?
  30. What can we learn from the Insanity Max 30 strapline decide, commit, succeed?
  31. What does it mean, the second you judge yourself, you lose all ability to influence and impact your life?
  32. What’s the importance of gratitude?
  33. What one homework assignment should we begin today?
  34. What advice would he give parents to help kids with negativity?
  35. What is a guided meditation to help us with our negativity?

Clayton John Ainger on How to Crack Your Ego’s Code, Overcome Negativity, Stop Self-Sabotage For Success! + Meditation! Health | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info Visit:

Jul 7, 2017

If you’ve ever wanted to be happier, more content, and more comfortable with who you are, and those around you, then do we have the personality revealing show for you!

Today I’ll be talking with Dr. Brian R. Little, researcher, author, and professor, voted the favorite professor by students at Harvard for three consecutive years! He’s also the author of a fascinating book on who in the world we are, and why we operate the way we do, Me, Myself, and Us.

And that’s what we’ll be talking about today, about the science of personality and the art of Well-Being, and how it can change our lives.

That plus we’ll talk about bathtub farts and lumberjacks, music that makes your hair stand on end, why the professor’s left shoe is an introvert, the dangers of caffeine after 3, what in the world is cyberia, what North Dakota has in spades, why you don’t want to follow the professor into the bathroom, the power of weisel words and why extroverted females, may be the most heroic of them all!

Happiness & Success Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. What we can learn from his Ted Talk (s) and how do we know he’s an introvert?
  2. How do we tell if someone is an introvert or an extrovert
  3. Can we shift from introvert to extrovert
  4. What are personal constructs?
  5. What can we learn from Jack and the lumberjack
  6. What can we learn from a Harvard Student who’d been in Army ROTC
  7. What’s it mean to be in your own cage?
  8. How you can grow resiliency
  9. What can we learn from the Myers Briggs test
  10. What are stand up chameleons
  11. What are the big five dimensions of personality
  12. How epigenetics and social powers can change aspects of our human genome and therefore our personality
  13. What happiness really is, means, and how important is it really
  14. Why introverts use weasel words
  15. What is hardiness or resiliency and can it be learned?
  16. What does hostility have to do with type A personalities
  17. What we can learn from play
  18. What’s the importance of play
  19. What do we need to know about personality and creativity
  20. What is the creative project?
  21. What’s the hero view of the creative personality
  22. How are geography and personality intertwined?

Dr. Brian R Little of Harvard Shares Secrets to Happiness & Success By Understanding Your Personality! Inspiration | Motivation | Meditation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Career | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info Visit:

Jul 6, 2017

If you’ve ever wanted more abundance, love, and happiness in your life, then do we have the Thank and Grow Rich Show for You!

Today I’ll be talking with Pam Grout, repeat guest, zombie movie extra, writer extraodinaire, and author of my favorite book I’m placing by my bed, Thank and Grow Rich.

And that’s just what I want to talk with her about today, about finding shameless gratitude, and unabashed joy.

That plus we’ll talk about Kevin Costner and Rumple Stilskin, Santa rules and Santa Hats, Mattel thing makers and creepy crawlers, AA 2.0, eating worm cuisine, walking a bassador, and what in the world Mrs. Trunchbull, has to do with anything.

Thank and Grow Rich Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. What happened with Buddy Biancalana
  2. What happened with E-squared and how did her 16th book take off.
  3. How she got a NY Times #1 best-seller
  4. What do you tell people who want to eat worms
  5. What God didn’t have bad hair days has to do with anything
  6. What is ferocious gratitude?
  7. How did she crank up the energy after a book flopped?
  8. Why the possibilities possee is so important
  9. What’s the most dangerous 4 letter word in the English language?
  10. What’s AA 2.0 - the 30 day experiment she recommends everyone does?
  11. Why something amazingly awesome is going to happen to you today.
  12. Why you see more stuff when you’re happy
  13. What is sloppy judgment?
  14. What can we learn from Mrs. Trunchbull?
  15. How do we move past the mad and angry inner critic?
  16. How meditation can help with the inner critic
  17. Why it’s so important to choose the thought that’s gonna make you happy
  18. What is FP
  19. What are different kinds of capital and which are most important?
  20. What are some of the cultural paradigms that are hard to see – and so important to notice
  21. What is Santa Con?
  22. What is creative capital?
  23. Why it’s so important to follow your dreams and do what you love to do
  24. Why our thoughts are our prayers
  25. How does gratitude and prayer work together?
  26. Why we’re all manifestors
  27. What we can learn from Amy Cuddy and Wonder Woman poses (and grinning like a lunatic)
  28. What we can learn from Marie Kondo (the life-changing magic of tidying up) and why we should thank our possessions
  29. What’s the Jimmy Fallon game?
  30. What’s a gratitude jar?
  31. What does it mean to spread contagious laughter? (Norman Cousins)
  32. Parenting tips and lessons of gratitude for our kids
  33. also Facebook fan page, twitter @pamgrout

Pam Grout on How to Attract Abundance, Happiness & Riches Thru Gratitude! The Secret Law of Attraction | Ted Talk | Career | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Meditation | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info Visit:

Jul 5, 2017

If you’ve ever wanted to discover who you are and why you are here, then do we have the Find Your Soul’s purpose show for you.

Today I’ll be speaking with Janet Conner, a deep soul-explorer, the host of the Unity Online Radio Show, and the best selling author of Writing Down Your Soul, and her latest, Find Your Soul’s Purpose.

And that’s just what I want to talk with her about today, about discovering who you are, remembering why you are here, and living a life you love.

Find Your Soul’s Purpose Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. Has Janet always been into whales?
  2. How have the covers of each of her books come about?
  3. What was Janet’s path to spirituality?
  4. What happened to her one hot July afternoon in 1996?
  5. How did her life change just afterwards?
  6. What happened to Janet in 2011?
  7. Who is Sophia and how did she come into your life?
  8. What does it mean, our soul’s divine purpose is not a goal, and it’s not one thing?
  9. What does it mean, you can’t fail at this—living your soul purpose?
  10. What happened to her from an Akashic records reading at 36?
  11. What is the sacred spiral?
  12. What is soul writing?
  13. What are our soul stories?
  14. What happened with her son 3 years after he was born?
  15. What can we learn from Bruce Lipton and the Biology of Belief about children?
  16. How do we remember our soul’s divine purpose?
  17. What does it mean to contemplate a universal purpose in life?
  18. What does it mean to revisit and re-member our past?
  19. How do we live from our hearts?
  20. What guided meditation can we use to learn how to tap into the sacred spiral and discover our soul purpose?
  21. What’s the importance of meditation?
  22. What can we do to help our kids stay in a theta wave state?
  23. To Find Out More Visit:

Janet Conner On How to Discover Who You Are, Remember Why You Are Here & Live a Life You Love! Health | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Guided Meditation | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info Visit:

Jul 4, 2017

If you’ve ever wanted to be sharper, more creative and more satisfied with your life, then do we have the Tinker Dabble Doodle Try show for you!

Today I’ll be talking with Dr. Sirini Pillay, a Harvard trained practicing psychiatrist, brain imaging researcher, brain based technology innovator, the award winning author of Life Unlocked and the author of a MUST READ new book – particularly if you’ll ever have kids Tinker Dabble Doodle Try!

And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about unlocking the power of the UNFOCUSED MIND.

  1. Did Dr. Pillay, a Harvard trained practicing psychiatrist have a focused mind growing up?
  2. How’d he go from South Africa to Harvard?
  3. How’d he end up calling Harvard Medical School – and what happened.
  4. What happened to Dr. Pillay in his 2nd year in med school?
  5. What did he have to change and what did he begin to learn?
  6. What does it mean to be unfocused?
  7. Why is there such a negative connotation?
  8. What’s the cult of focus, and what’s wrong with it?
  9. What’s wrong with hyperfocusing?
  10. How does unfocusing reduce amygdala activation and create calmness?
  11. What’s cognitive rhythm?
  12. What’s the DMN or Do Moslyt Nothing Circuit?
  13. What’s the importance of uncertainty and the brain?
  14. What are signs of a jammed up brain???
  15. What are a few of the roads to getting unfocused?
  16. What’s the importance of mind-wandering?
  17. What’s the importance of day-dreaming?
  18. What’s the importance of self-talk?
  19. How do we build unfocus time into our days?
  20. Why do we want to embrace chaos?
  21. What in the world is the psychological halloweener?
  22. What is brightworks school?
  23. What in the world does breaking chairs have to do with anything?
  24. What do we need to know about learning for our kids?
  25. What’s the importance of self-forgiveness?
  26. Whats’ the importance of being light?
  27. What does consciousness have to do with anything?
  28. To Find Out More Visit:

Harvard’s Dr. Srini Pillay On The Power of the Unfocused Mind & How to Use it for Greatness!!! Health | Brain | Neuroscience | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Meditation | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info Visit:

Jul 3, 2017

If you’ve ever wanted a more inspired life with deeper meaning then do we have the Hidden School show for you.

Today I’ll be talking with Dan Millman, former world champion gymnast, coach, martial arts teacher, the run-away international best-selling author of Way of the Peaceful Warrior, and it’s fantastic brand new conclusion, The Hidden School.

And that’s just what I want to to talk with him about today, about the return of the peaceful warrior, 4 key paradoxes, and what we can all learn for our lives.

Inner Peaceful Warrior Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include: 

  1. How many years has it been since you wrote the Way of the Peaceful Warrior (which became a Nick Nolte starring movie).
  2. How much has your life changed since writing Way of the Peaceful Warrior?
  3. Why did you write a conclusion to this saga?
  4. What does Japan have to do with anything?
  5. What does it mean that only death’s counsel can bring you back to life?
  6. What’s the importance of good posture and needing to die?
  7. What does Row, Row, Row your Boat have to do with anything?
  8. What’s the importance of paradox, humor, and change?
  9. What can we learn from the paradox of time?
  10. What can we learn from the paradox of free will?
  11. What can we learn from the paradox of separateness (and consciousness?)
  12. What can we learn from the paradox of death?
  13. What can we learn about our inner self and illusion?
  14. What’s it mean to practice enlightenment before enlightenment?
  15. What does it meant to recognize we play a character in life?
  16. How do we realize we’re not really that character?
  17. What are the two levels from which we can view life?
  18. What’s the difference between the conventional view and the transcendant view – and why’s it so important?
  19. What can we learn from death?
  20. What’s it mean to trust ourselves?
  21. What is Japanese Shinto and what can we learn from it?
  22. What’s the next, and last book, that Dan Millman is working on?
  23. To Find Out More Visit:

Dan Millman Shares Profound Lessons on Living an Inspired Life the Final Way of the Peaceful Warrior!!! Health | Career | Spiritual | Spirituality | Buddhism | Zen | Meditation | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info Visit: