Dec 31, 2018
If you’ve ever wanted more success and happiness in the New Year, then do we have step back and get a running start show for you.
Today we’ll talk about stepping back, gaining perspective, getting lost, and letting the answers chase you down.
That plus we’ll talk about coasting in on fumes, taking time...
Dec 28, 2018
If you’ve ever wanted to quiet your mind, and get in the zen zone, then do we have the Meditation for Fidgety Skeptics show for you!
Today I’ll be talking with Jeff Warren, the Macguyver of meditation and the best-selling author and co-author of a brilliant, hilarious and sometimes sacrilege new read on quieting the...
Dec 27, 2018
If you’ve ever felt there’s more to your health then meets the eye, then do we have the Ayurveda Lifestyle Wisdom show for you!
Today I’ll be talking with Acharya Shunya, founder of Vedika Globa, president of the California Association of Ayurvedic Medicine and the author of an incredible new book, I’d recommend...
Dec 26, 2018
If you’ve ever heard, read, or watched a movie about Positive Thinking and the Law of Attraction, then do we have a special show for you.
Today I’ll be talking with Mitch Horowitz, PEN Award Winning Historian, and the author of Occult America, and the vice-president, executive editor, and director of backlist...
Dec 25, 2018
If you’ve wanted to move beyond fear and make changes in your life, then do we have the Thriving Through Uncertainty show for you!
Today I’ll be speaking with Tama Kieves, ninja of freedom, visionary heroine, best-selling author, and the author of yet another incredibly inspiring book by her, Thriving...