
Inspire Nation Show with Michael Sandler

Our Goal’s to Help Change the World by Helping YOU to Shine Bright! Now one of the top self-help & spirituality shows in 193 countries w/a new inspirational, motivational, spiritual, law of attraction or health-oriented guest DAILY! Plus guided meditations! After overcoming 2 near-death accidents, Host Michael Sandler felt a calling to start a life-changing show to help you live the life of your dreams! Guests Include John Gray, Bob Proctor, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Dr. Bernie Siegel, Anthony William, Arielle Ford, and countless more! Our goal is to leave you an ear-to-ear grin and an actionable plan to achieve your goals! Get ready to live your greatest life and to Shine Bright!
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Inspire Nation Show with Michael Sandler











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Now displaying: March, 2020
Mar 30, 2020

If you’re worried, scared or confused during this interesting time, then do we have the show for you.

Today I’ll be talking with Gregg Braden, New York Times Best Selling author, scientist, 2020 Templeton Prize nominee, winner of the 2019 Conscious Visionary Award from the Illuminate Film Festival, and the author of the upcoming book, “Wisdom Codes”

Today we’re at an unprecedented time, facing unprecedented challenges, and that’s what I want to talk with him about today, about what in the world is COVID-19, what we need to know to protect ourselves, and what this means for the evolution of humanity.

Key Points Discussed:

  • Why Gregg is optimistically and realistically encouraged about our future despite the current pandemic (04:08)
  • The emergence of localized economies with localized sourcing of resources, and the changes in social interaction that will happen (07:00)
  • What is the Coronavirus and what isn’t it? (11:07)
  • The fascinating fact about viruses and how they affect us (14:50)
  • How a virus has consciousness despite not having biological life (19:38)
  • Loving ourselves enough to give ourselves (24:50)
  • The time to make life-affirming conscious choices where diet and lifestyle are concerned (27:43)
  • Mother Earth hitting the red button so we can get to our authentic self, get our health back, become empowered, and live a different way (31:39)
  • Grieving the loss of our way of life and the emotional impact it’s having on us (33:00)
  • The exceptionally slow incubation of the Coronavirus and how that is catching everyone off guard (39:06)
  • The numerous unknowns and the expected upsurge in new infections before the virus’ spread can be curbed (43:31)
  • Boosting our immunity with high-quality therapeutic dosages of standardized supplements (48:34)
  • Ancient cultures and the principle of eating the things that give life to our food (56:00)
  • The need for world leaders to embrace each other and come together for the benefit of humanity (59:20)
  • Predictions on more young people gaining an interest in science and the baby boom to come 9 months from now (01:01:29)

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Mar 25, 2020

If you’ve ever wanted amazing clarity in your life, then do we have the 2020 year of reckoning show for you.

Today I’ll be talking with Dr. Michael Lennox, psychologist, dream expert, creator of the Daily Astro Alert, an astrologer, and prognosticator. We had him on the show in December and now everything he said is coming true.

And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about what in the world is happening today astrologically, what it means for all of us, and what in the world we should do and not do from here on out.

Key Points Discussed:

  • Delighted to watch the world go mad because it fits the astrology to a tee (02:43)
  • Is this Armageddon or the astrological end times? (07:01)
  • The singular most direct description of a collective consciousness (09:50)
  • The virus of kindness and care that is happening despite the widespread virus of fear (12:32)
  • Why are we being grounded to a halt right now? (15:07)
  • The teacher and death coming together: Saturn, Pluto, and a bit of Jupiter (18:22)
  • Will this be a flash that will be over quickly or a pre versus post smallpox world? (22:13)
  • The reckoning and addressing the things that were hidden under the carpet (26:21)
  • How the virus is an evolutionary change-maker and amplifier helping us to evolve (29:35)
  • Is astrology a set up for consciousness, expansion, and growth? (30:11)
  • Creating a laser beam where we can positively shift the collective into a much different direction (38:34)
  • How Pluto moved into Capricorn in 2008 and how she is changing sides in 2020 (40:42)
  • The promise of the age of Aquarius and having 2,000 years to get it right (43:01)
  • The foundation of America on polarization and the importance of learning how to pull opposites together in integration (45:17)
  • A time for a positive upgrade for humanity (50:19)

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Mar 23, 2020

If you’re feeling locked up, freaked out, or scared out of your mind, then do we have the truth revealing show for you.

Today I’ll be talking with Dr. Christiane Northrup, a New York Times best-selling author, a visionary pioneer in the field of women’s medicine, and the Reader’s Digest One of America’s 100 Most Trusted People.

Today we’ll be talking about all things, COVID-19, what’s the reality, where we go from here, and the importance and how to return to a state of peace.

Key Points Discussed:

  • The need for avoiding panic during the current Coronavirus epidemic (02:40)
  • The battle between light and dark (04:37)
  • Learning to notice the darkness and sending light and love (09:15)
  • The deliberate lack of Coronavirus statistics in Africa (09:57)
  • How do we walk around in the dark and illuminate what’s real during this time? (10:29)
  • Accepting that we are enough and how it impacts our immune system (14:44)
  • Bringing clarity into the current situation and the importance of not trusting the trusted sources (17:59)
  • Our job as light warriors to stay in a high vibration to change the whole planet (23:08)
  • Bathing in the violet fire, sending all the fear to the central sun, and dwelling on our self-worth (29:40)
  • Diving into flow and going to the light instead of trying to fight the darkness (32:56)
  • Dr. Northrup’s recommendations for staying healthy and avoiding the Coronavirus (36:53)
  • Practicing different breathing techniques to alkalinize our systems so we can kill viruses (43:57)
  • The power of remaining neutral in helping one stay curious and be open to whatever needs to happen (46:08)
  • What can you tell us about 5G? (48:05)
  • Doing what we can to keep our environments clean and free from EMF (51:21)

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Mar 20, 2020

Today I’ll be talking with Sharon Salzberg, a true pioneer in the field of meditation and world-renowned meditation teacher, and the best-selling author of a brilliant book on meditation, “Real Happiness”

And that’s just what I want to talk with her about today, about how to use meditation for greater health, happiness, and grounding during this special time.  

Key Points Discussed:

  • Can we use meditation to help our health? (02:30)
  • How she went to India in her earliest years to learn how meditation practice could be used to bring more happiness (02:58)
  • The two wolves in terms of the fear that’s in the world right now (08:00)
  • Meditation: Cultivating the ground so that those things we yearn for can emerge (09:42)
  • What does concentration, mindfulness, love, and kindness have to do with meditation? (11:45)
  • Decluttering our field of attention so that our perception of what’s going on in the moment is not so distorted by bias of some kind (13:54)
  • Her first experience of meditation and the role that was played by sitting down and feeling her breathe (16:15)
  • An exercise we can do to focus on breathe (19:16)
  • Learning how to let go more gracefully and starting again more beautifully (24:15)
  • What does it mean to you to look at ourselves with quiet eyes (26:39)
  • Being afraid of the unknown more than we’re afraid of what we do know (32:06)
  • Using mini-meditations today and letting the phone ring a few times prior (33:48)
  • What is a slow-mo meditation? (35:50)
  • Mindfulness/meditation and how it helps with loneliness and isolation (38:16)
  • Harnessing the great potential we have for connection and change  (43:20)

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Mar 18, 2020

If you’ve ever wanted more health, happiness and less fear during this ever-changing time, then do we have the Emotion Coach show for you. 

Today I’ll be talking with Dr. Bradley Nelson, holistic chiropractic physician and medical intuitive, and the creator of my all-time favourite and most used energy healing system and healing book on the planet, “The Emotion Code”

And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about using emotion coach techniques to overcome and shine during this most challenging and incredible time.

Key Points Discussed:

  • What is the Emotion Code and can it help us during this Coronavirus time? (02:48)
  • Finding our emotional baggage and releasing it so that we can feel what’s going on in the world (04:00)
  • The wild predictions that never come true and the art of not buying into the fear (06:12)
  • Being more capable and resilient to whatever comes our way by clearing away trapped emotions (08:05)
  • How people share emotional energy with past traumas of humanity as a case and point (11:31)
  • Using emotion code to release some burden when one is sick (17:06)
  • The balance that the dark and the light maintain and the womb analogy of where we are now as a world (20:13)
  • Overcoming fear with love and the radical shift it can cause to bring about a new world (23:57)
  • The power of silently telling people “I love you” and how they pick it up regardless of where they are (26:15)
  • Learning to send love to those in need (31:32)
  • How can emotion code potentially help us with this feeling of being all alone during this time? (32:48)
  • Asking the angels for assistance so they can take massive action in helping us (35:30)
  • Is there anything else, even on the medical side, that you're doing with your family right now? (37:01)
  • The fact that our thoughts create our reality and the value of going on a low intake news diet (39:18)

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Mar 16, 2020

If you’ve ever wanted more peace and hope during this crazy time, then do we have the messages of hope show for you. 

Today I’ll be talking with Suzanne Giesemann, author, medium, a former US Navy commanding officer and aid to the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the author of an incredible journey of hope and discovery, “Messages of Hope”

And that’s just what I want to talk with her about today, about our own metaphysical journeys, and what we can learn about this extra challenging time.

Key Points Discussed:

  • Where were you on September 11, 2001? (03:01)
  • What flying over the twin tower burned into her psyche (04:01)
  • Living a dual life and how she developed an interest in the thought of an afterlife (05:43)
  • How did you feel when you were sailing across the Atlantic Ocean on your sailboat and what were you reading? (06:31)
  • Do you know what the button was that got you throwing it in the trash? (07:59)
  • Dreaming about her step-daughter and finding out that it was her soul messaging her from the afterlife about her death (08:41)
  • Escaping from the pain everybody had been through only to face the pain in her family and how it transformed her (10:47)
  • The spirit that enlivens the body and how seeking it awoke something in Suzanne (12:06)
  • What can you tell us about yellow butterflies and TVs? (13:29)
  • Do you feel we all have the ability to tap in on the inside? (16:16)
  • Turning off the news and all other outer stimulation in order to de-spin and take back the will which we have given to others (17:26)
  • How did you reach Suzanne and what did you hear? (21:10)
  • A shift in focus with a change in intention so worlds can open up (24:56)
  • Changing the channel back to a greater reality even with all that’s going on with the Coronavirus (27:00)
  • Making the choice to not be a prisoner to our fear, choosing love, and being a light warrior (30:12)
  • How people become addicted to negativity and taking back our power by remembering to breathe (33:11)
  • The original guides that made themselves known to Suzanne at the beginning of her metaphysical journey (35:02)
  • Who is the council of poets? (37:59)
  • The value of humor in the midst of darkness and opening the highest of our energy centers to let the wisdom come in (40:00)
  • The one instruction to life: Removing the barriers to love (44:07)

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Mar 13, 2020

If you’re feeling freaked out, scared, anxious, or downright concerned right now, then do we have the Love Over Fear show for you.

Today we’ll talk about calling in the love, staying in the love, being in the love, and being the most incredible beacon of bright and shiny light you can be, even when it’s time to cover your assets.

Plus we’ll talk about eye emergencies, coronavirus chaos, changing plans, calm, love, and compassion, dopamine rushes, peeling back the egg, the power of lightworkers, being the boomerang, taps over drains, filling the world bank of thought, birthing humanity a new, the chipmunks triumphant return, and what in the world Inspire Nation Bootcamp and Winston Churchill have to do with anything.

Key Points Discussed:

  • Why in the world are you speaking to me from a bathroom? (04:08)
  • Being the tap filling the world bank of thought right now with positivity, light, and love (07:00)
  • The fact that the Coronavirus has killed less people than other flus out there and it won’t affect a vast majority of people (08:29)
  • Focusing on slowing the spread of the virus and especially keeping it away from the older generation (13:00)
  • Grappling with an unexpected schools shutdown, travel plan changes, and an eye emergency (18:36)
  • Walking around everyday knowing that our schedule could be blow to smithereens and be okay with it (23:32)
  • A beautiful time to choose love and be a voice of calm (24:20)
  • Recognizing the darkness and fear, and throwing light at it  (28:30)
  • Breathing in love, compassion, and wisdom and breathing out fear, attachment, worry, doubt, jealousy, and envy (33:05)
  • How boosted up our immune system gets when we are calm (35:09)
  • Being like Winston Churchill during world war two and holding a class a day to help people to ground (41:00)
  • Taking good care of our elderly grandparents and parents (45:12)

Correction: The study on Coronavirus in the air is as follows:

Stanford was mentioned in the podcast, however it was the National Institute of Health, Princeton, and UCLA-Los Angeles that performed the preliminary study. 

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Mar 11, 2020

If you’ve ever wanted to find greater clarity, then do we have the Warrior Heart Practice show for you.

Today I’ll be talking with HeatherAsh Amara, author of numerous books including The Warrior Goddess Training Series, and her latest, “The Warrior Heart Practice”

And that’s just what I want to talk with her about today, about a simple process to transform confusion into clarity, and pain into peace.

Key Points Discussed:

  • How did you meet the Toltec teacher Don Miguel Ruiz and what was your life like beforehand? (02:50)
  • How we are often afraid of our own power and how she overcame that to keep expanding and growing (04:03)
  • The “We are not Good Enough” stories we make up and spend our lives proving true (08:40)
  • What is big soul and little soul according to the Toltec tradition? (10:45)
  • What is the little souls’ biggest fear? (13:37)
  • The two main actions we can do to reconnect our big soul with our little soul (14:33)
  • Cleaning out everything that is between little soul and big soul (15:29)
  • The conscious agreements and unconscious agreements that we can have with ourselves (16:52)
  • Is being quiet being a good person? (18:46)
  • The Warrior Heart practices: The four chambers to the heart (19:50)
  • The great courage in turning to face our feelings without blaming other people or projecting on other people (21:00)
  • What in the world is mind mashing? (25:50)
  • Slowly fixing those problems that we feel we must fix quickly (27:43)
  • What can you tell us about Julie the Judge, and Victor the Victim? (29:49)
  • Stopping the story of “I am such an idiot” and the practice it took to learn how to quiet the mind (32:22)
  • Having the willingness to try again and how it allows us to heal (33:40)
  • What is a simple step to get clear on our intent? (35:56)
  • What happened to you with the Airstream travel trailer in Woodstock, New York? (38:27)
  • The act of really paying attention to what is happening in our mind, emotional body, physical body, and energetic body (40:21)
  • The way we are using the idea of the law of attraction against ourselves (45:07)
  • Coming back home to ourselves and having the right relationships with ourselves (47:37)

Additional Resources:


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Mar 9, 2020

If you’ve ever wanted answers to your biggest questions, then do have the What’s Your Problem show for you.

Today I’ll be talking with Thomas Wedell-Wedellsborg, speaker, adviser, co-author of “Innovation as Usual”, and author of a brilliant new book on solving your problems, “What’s Your Problem” 

And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about changing the problems you solve to solve your toughest problems. Plus we’ll talk about judging barbeque competitions, hipsters and shuffleboards, boys and hammers, beating electabuzz, what on earth is the 10 O’clock rule, and why in the world furniture upholstery might just save humanity.

Key Points Discussed:

  • The elevator problem and how it explains what his book and the concept of reframing is about (02:55)
  • The way that we’re always solving the wrong problems (05:06)
  • The shelter problem and bark buddy: The BarkBox concept (07:03)
  • The problems that cause most families to give up their dogs to shelters (10:00)
  • Looking at Sir Meowzers problem from different angles (16:35)
  • The real mission of reframing and how it helps in properly dealing with problems (18:45)
  • Taking a second to state a problem and the magic in doing it (21:29)
  • Trying to not get stuck in our own me situation when we’re dealing with a problem involving multiple people (24:12)
  • The steps to creating our problem statement and the importance of getting assistance from people who are different from us (25:29)
  • How our emotions can get us stuck when trying to solve problems (31:35)
  • What’s the danger of boys and hammers? (37:17)
  • How understanding people’s real goals can sometimes solve even tremendously tense conflicts (40:58)
  • The 10 O’ clock rule that solves 80% of conflicts in relationships (45:00)
  • The value of looking for unexceptional exceptions (46:24)
  • When did the problem occur but not matter? (47:50)
  • Exploring our own contribution and leaving the word “blame” behind (52:00)
  • What is power blindness? (54:01)
  • Starting new things and the importance of reality testing them first (58:24)
  • What is confirmation bias and how do we leave it behind? (58:49)
  • Bolsa Familia and Brazil as a way of getting out of that confirmation bias (1:00:17)
  • How do we overcome resistance in our minds? (1:02:19)

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Mar 6, 2020

If you’re feeling nervous, worried, freaked out, or anxious, then do we have the Open-Hearted Warrior show for you. 

Today we’ll talk about rewiring fear, flipping it on its head, bumming out malianated superhighways, and diving into flow. Plus we’ll talk about golden showers, animal magic and deer, sleeping lady, boot camp fun, dental surgery, and teaching classes, and why in the world new clothes turn the pookie into a badass.

Key Points Discussed:

  • The concept of an open-hearted warrior and what flow is all about (03:19)
  • Exchanging services to help a friend help herself (04:56)
  • Removing spiritual conditioning and getting clear about her thought patterns of sacrificing as a mom and a woman (05:20)
  • Showers of sparks of golden light and getting an overwhelming sense of peace and love (07:15)
  • What the astrological reader said about this year: The coming together of Pluto (Planet of Death), Saturn (The Great Teacher), and Jupiter (The Amplifier) (11:37)
  • Having dental surgery right before a class and the beauty that came from leaning into it (13:30)
  • Channeling spirit, using it as a fuel, and the power of seeing things as they are (18:52)
  • Being Tinkerbell, Peter Pan, and Captain Hook (25:18)
  • Tuning into our moon when it’s the most fertile for planting ideas (28:40)
  • Jessica’s new wardrobe and how the clothes really do make the man (30:35)
  • How linked Michael has been with the breath and how it helped him do the surgery and also teach (35:14)
  • Shifting our state of consciousness from a lower vibrational place to a higher one (38:57)
  • Understanding just how much we are dopamine junkies (40:20)
  • Spiritual bread crumbs and how they can help us know where to go (44:00)
  • Stepping back from the mind and how it helps in realizing that we’ve been plugged into something far greater than ourselves all along (48:40)
  • How connected we are by hypra-mind strings when we come together for a common cause (53:00)

Additional Resources:


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Mar 4, 2020

If you want to be happier, feel happier, or feel more positivity in your life, and no matter how you much you try, you just can’t get that stick…well then do we have the show for you!

Today I’ll be talking with Rick Hanson, Ph.D., is a neuropsychologist and author of Hardwiring Happiness, Buddha’s Brain, Just One Thing, and Mother Nurture.

Today we’ll be talking about Hardwiring Happiness, or creating the grooves in the record that help us get positive, stay positive, or return to a positive state of being, almost no matter what…we’ll talk about why to do it, how to do it, and how it can literally transform your life.

Plus we’ll talk about tapioca pudding, weeding dandelions, neural Darwinism, Green Brain, Red Brain, A Joyful Amygdala, and what paper tigers, have to do with anything.

Kep Points Discussed

  • How did Rick go from a ‘shy, dorky, nerdy kid’ to where he is today.
  • Why it’s important to let the good sink into you.
  • How to marinate in the positive – and how it makes you stronger and kinder
  • What happens with zombie worms
  • Shawn Achor – The Happiness Advantage -
  • How we can learn & grow on an exponential curvilinear way’
  • How are brains are constantly being shaped by our experiences
  • Why our brains are wired to look for the negative – and why it’s so important to hold the negative in mindful awareness
  • What is paper tiger paranoia?
  • How and why you deliberately want to take in the good
  • Why we need to change the world inside to change the world outside
    • And how “the personal is the political and the political is the personal”
  • How do we hack our brain
  • What we do to H.E.A.L ourselves
  • How we get better at the installation of our beneficial experiences into our brains
  • How to get the most out of our beneficial experiences, even the 1’s and 2’s out of 10’s.
  • How you link to a negative experience to make it a positive.
  • Why our brains are designed to learn from negative experiences, particularly negative experiences in childhood – why we’re designed to overlearn and hold onto it…aka why we often can’t ‘get over it’
  • How do we use these techniques to help our children?

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Mar 2, 2020

If you’ve ever wanted to get guidance from the angels or wondered what in the world one, one, one, one had to do with anything, then do we have the Angel Numbers show for you.

Today I’ll be talking with Kyle Gray, one of the UK’s youngest, most sought after angel experts, the author of at least 6 books, the creator of at least three angel card decks, and the author of a fascinating guide for getting guidance from the angels, “Angel Numbers.”

And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about the message and meaning behind one, one, one, one, and other number sequences, and what they mean for you. Plus we’ll talk about Jurassic park night lights, robot moves and bald haircuts, little plastic monsters and fantasia, and what in the world nana’s cheese has to do with anything. 

Key Points Discussed:

  • The ultimate message that we are one with everything that is and ever will be (03:54)
  • The angelic time period that Kyle was in and how open and receptive he was for what took place (05:33)
  • Finding the reason in a happening versus something happening for a reason (07:36)
  • Seeing his deceased nana at age 4 and his dog scratching on the walls from the other side (08:18)
  • The medium who foresaw Kyle becoming the youngest medium in the UK (10:26)
  • Getting government funding to start a spiritual business at just 17 years (14:06)
  • When did you start recognizing numbers or when did they start chasing you down? (16:03)
  • The three things we should know when we start seeing numbers (19:30)
  • What changes if we call on the angels versus if we just know they’re there? (21:58)
  • How can angel numbers and being in a dance with them help us raise our vibration? (24:41)
  • How the angels are shouting to get our attention and their tactical nature (27:10)
  • 10-10: On the cusp of something miraculous and 12-12: Healing and light (30:47)
  • The receptive aspects of divinity and the triple digits that tell one that they’re a healer (35:32)
  • The manifestation number and how it’s about abundance being given to us (37:02)
  • A whole new language of communicating with the angels and of being open and receptive (39:05)
  • The one way we can all begin to tune in more right now (50:34)
  • Worthiness: The key to experiencing angels (52:49)
  • What’s the importance of loving ourselves? (53:53)
  • What do we do if we don’t believe we’re worthy of forgiveness? (55:15)

Additional Resources:


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