
Inspire Nation Show with Michael Sandler

Our Goal’s to Help Change the World by Helping YOU to Shine Bright! Now one of the top self-help & spirituality shows in 193 countries w/a new inspirational, motivational, spiritual, law of attraction or health-oriented guest DAILY! Plus guided meditations! After overcoming 2 near-death accidents, Host Michael Sandler felt a calling to start a life-changing show to help you live the life of your dreams! Guests Include John Gray, Bob Proctor, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Dr. Bernie Siegel, Anthony William, Arielle Ford, and countless more! Our goal is to leave you an ear-to-ear grin and an actionable plan to achieve your goals! Get ready to live your greatest life and to Shine Bright!
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Inspire Nation Show with Michael Sandler











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Now displaying: May, 2020
May 29, 2020

If you’ve ever wanted to change your life and change the world, then do we have the Touching the Jaguar show for you.

Today I’ll be talking with John Perkins, the New York Times Best Selling author of Confessions of an Economic Hitman, author of ten books on global intrigue, shamanism, and transformation, a founder and board member of the Pachamama Alliance and Dream Change, and the author of a book that pulls on my heartstrings like no other, “Touching the Jaguar”

And that’s just what I wanna talk with him about today, about Mayan prophecies, eagles and condors, and how to change our lives and change the world. 

Key Points Discussed:

  • Everything that an Andean Shaman once told him about virus epidemics (03:16)
  • What the Coronavirus is here to tell us and teach us at this time (06:01)
  • All about being an economic hitman and how he became one (07:55)
  • The death economy that we’ve created and the idea it’s based on (13:07)
  • The prophecy of the eagle and the condor (17:52)
  • The beginning of time and how to open to the portal by joining together and embracing the new possibility (22:35)
  • What does it mean to touch the Jaguar and how do we begin to participate on an individual basis in the new life economy? (25:38)
  • The process that we must all go through to change our perceptions so we can achieve what we desire most in life (30:00)
  • How the world can take steps towards the life economy (34:16)
  • Listening to the earth and becoming a voice of the earth (37:49)
  • The Pachamama Alliance and how it was formed (42:34)
  • The responsibility that we all have of taking care of the long term, not just the short term, for all species (44:00)
  • Taking this time as an opportunity to do all the things that we’ve been desiring and change how we have been living (45:27)

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May 27, 2020

If you’ve ever wanted to feel greater peace and flow in your life, then do we have the HeartMath Experience show for you.

Today I’ll be talking with Howard Martin, one of the leaders and founders of Heart Math, Co-author of the “HeartMath Solution”, and Co-creator of the HeartMath Experience.

And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about global heart coherence, what it is, why it’s so important, and why we need to get in coherence now more than ever.

Key Points Discussed:

  • Global coherence and what it represents (03:19)
  • Are we currently going more out of coherence or into greater global coherence? (04:55)
  • What was going on when the current pandemic came about? (07:57)
  • What’s the intelligence of the heart? (09:33)
  • The importance of the electromagnetic ongoings in our hearts (12:21)
  • How the inner balance trainer helps people become more coherent (15:53)
  • All the great work that Howard and the global coherence initiative are doing (24:01)
  • The impact that solar flares have on the ionosphere which then impacts us (25:27)
  • The radiation of our emotions over the entire planet (30:04)
  • Is there a global tipping point we can hit as we raise our frequency during this time? (34:14)
  • How a small number of people operating from another level of their own personal coherence can affect a much larger change in the world (36:00)
  • What is a simple tool we can use to consciously bring ourselves back quickly? (38:22)
  • Zoom Coherence: Filling the space and creating connections more energetically than we would physically (43:14)
  • Using the hateful and spiteful stories out there to get ourselves back into our hearts so we can help heal everyone (48:17)
  • Doing more physical exercise to help in creating more fitness on the inside (50:00)
  • How important is it that we serve at this time? (58:18)
  • Standing at the doorway to a new and different world (1:01:00)

Additional Resources:


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May 25, 2020

Today I’ll be talking with Dr. Christiane Northrup, a true leader, visionary, and pioneer in the field of women’s medicine and health, and the author of many brilliant best-sellers, including her latest re-release and New York Times Best Seller, “Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom”

And that’s just what I want to talk with her about today, about the secret hidden powers of women’s bodies, how to help them to heal, and what it means for the world today. 

Key Points Discussed:

  • What do you mean when you state that women internalizing their bodies as a problem is at the heart of women’s health? (03:05)
  • The nature of the feminine in knowing what heals people (08:57)
  • Earth as the placenta, how our bodies speak to us, and the power of grounding (11:57)
  • Looking at a person’s life history to diagnose what is going in the physical body (15:14)
  • What is the power of naming and how can we start to tune into our bodies? (22:11)
  • How to increase Nitric Oxide levels to improve circulation and balance dopamine, serotonin, beta-endorphin, and other things (28:40)
  • The transformation that is required in our current education system (32:33)
  • Cultivating women’s wisdom to change the world for the better (40:18)
  • Compassionately helping women feel fully, change their diet, and begin to exercise from a place of self-love so they can get off psych meds (46:50)
  • The emotional digestive system: Staying in tune with your feelings and understanding where they are in the body (55:32)
  • How the pain body can sometimes push us into who we really are if it gets really bad (58:15)

Additional Resources:


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May 22, 2020

If you’ve ever felt trapped, stuck, or like you’re living in groundhog day or being swallowed up by the earth, then do we have the Get Out and Party show for you.

Today we’ll talk about freeing your body, freeing your spirit, and freeing your mind during this interesting time. 

Key Points Discussed:

  • Opening a massage parlor during COVID-19: Massaging squirrels and chipmunks (02:50)
  • Bathing in nature: The time to get out and be one with nature (07:25)
  • How CJ got sucked into the earth by a sand trap during a hike (08:01)
  • Being more free during this time by letting go of plans (13:36)
  • Michael and Jessica focusing on what their highest good is and hiring a chef to help with that (15:39)
  • Reinventing our lives while acquiring more space and freedom (20:48)
  • Using the extra time from working at home to do more fulfilling things (24:18)
  • Practicing the word NO and buying ourselves the time to get our lives back again (26:38)
  • How washing the dishes can be the ultimate mindfulness exercise (29:44)
  • Dissolving the walls we build up by going into awareness (33:38)
  • Working with an angel mentor and dealing with wasps and bees (41:31)
  • The powerful community works that Michael and CJ are working on right now (43:17)
  • Helping people remove subconscious blocks, raise their awareness, and so much more (45:58)
  • What the miracle molding in Michael’s skates taught him about going for whatever he wants to achieve without delay or doubt (51:33)

Additional Resources:


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May 20, 2020

If you’ve ever wanted better luck and fortune especially during this interesting time, then do we have the conscious luck show for you.

Today I’ll be talking with Gay Hendricks, best-selling author, transformational leader, the co-founder of the Spiritual Cinema Circle, and the co-author of a brilliant and much-needed read, along with his co-author Carol Klein, “Conscious Luck”

And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about 8 secrets to intentionally change your luck and your fortune.

Key Points Discussed:

  • How the current times are perfectly designed for his book on Conscious Luck and the good fortune that brought the book about (03:03)
  • Making a commitment to being a new kind of person and how it can help you change your luck intentionally (07:32)
  • How marshmallows and flames helped him get into the author business (10:05)
  • The infinite pool of pure consciousness that we get just as a gift of being human beings (12:25)
  • Discovering that luck is a moonbeam that he could catch in his sails (16:00)
  • Getting into Stanford for his PhD program without having the grades for it (21:39)
  • The luck that was in her book being burned and banned (26:00)
  • The importance of releasing your personal barriers to good fortune (28:44)
  • The power of transforming shame into a magnet for abundance (31:42)
  • Having luck worthy goals and taking consistent action (34:54)
  • A different way of giving back to the universe from the right direction (38:13)
  • Finding your lucky tribe by choosing to be around people who are smarter and luckier than you are (40:29)
  • Trying something new and saying yes to it and operating at the speed of luck (42:39)
  • Practicing radical gratitude and appreciation even in the worst of situations (50:03)
  • Is there a difference between feeling lucky and being lucky? (55:59)
  • Breathing, moving, and loving whenever you have a problem or feel stuck (58:26)

Additional Resources:


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May 18, 2020

If you’ve ever wanted to stay inspired and find opportunity during this COVID-19 time, then do we have the show for you.

Today I’ll be talking with The Secret’s Dr. John Demartini, the best-selling author of over 40 books including The Values Factor. We’ll talk about staying inspired, overcoming your emotions, and maximizing your full potential, not despite, but because of this interesting time.

Key Points Discussed:

  • What’s happening with the ship with billionaires that you’re always on? (02:56)
  • Using his economics wisely to take advantage of the market fluctuations during this time and come up with back up plans (05:07)
  • Taking things and turning them into positive meaningful experiences (06:50)
  • The mindset that there is never a lack of opportunity and money for somebody who cares about humanity to find out what people’s new needs are (08:38)
  • How to turn crisis into opportunity by finding out who needs service (13:23)
  • Getting to our peak potential in life by being anchored in the present, not the past or future (16:29)
  • The highest priority action that we can do right now that will allow us to move closer to our objectives (20:51)
  • What’s the difference between fantasies and real objectives? (23:50)
  • Embracing stress and challenge so we can build resilience against everything that is coming our way (26:51)
  • What in the world are quantifiable fermionic states and what does that have to do with anything? (29:04)
  • The illusion that is failure and what to pursue in life to avoid the perception of failure (33:36)
  • The true meaning of being authentic and how it can help us do something meaningful with our lives (35:10)
  • Learning to train our minds to think of more possibilities (37:20)
  • Doing the value determination, prioritizing our lives, and getting specialized knowledge in the area that will allow us to accelerate and build momentum (40:50)
  • How he learned from Mahatma Gandhi to put his energy onto things that are more important (43:33)
  • What’s the importance of managing our emotions in terms of money and the stock market? (46:17)
  • Getting out of the downside we might be in so we can start to see the upside (50:18)
  • The 10 percent account: The power of managing money wisely (52:34)

Additional Resources:


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May 15, 2020

If you’ve ever wanted to re-energize during this COVID-19 time, then do we have the spring into your future show for you!

Today we’ll talk about stepping forward, planning ahead, dreaming big, and surfing the positive energy of the springtime.

Key Points Discussed:

  • Doing prAna pants with the tags still on due to the cold weather (02:47)
  • Hosting the chipmunks and getting squirrel kisses from a ground squirrel (05:44)
  • Understanding and speaking the language of the animals (09:56)
  • Owning our power and bringing the peaceful warrior energy during this time (13:29)
  • Letting go of attachment, shifting our lives, and planting seeds to grow (16:36)
  • How the pandemic is breaking CJs heart while opening it up at the same time (19:25)
  • Having Jessica’s blueberry mini-chocolate chip whole wheat pancakes (22:14)
  • Running on off-road trails and doing some cross country skiing (26:42)
  • Less is more on the planning side of things for CJ (31:41)
  • Changes and transformations within the last month, and understanding hardship and how people go through it (32:22)
  • Looking for what will light us up and making something special of it (37:50)
  • Pausing and taking her meditation state from a state to a trait (38:53)
  • The things that can help you strengthen your heart (47:31)
  • Haircut challenges and having two devil-like horns on a recent video (48:18)
  • Following your heart, moving forward from that way, dreaming big and knowing there is positive energy happening (52:09)

Additional Resources:


For free meditations, weekly tips, stories, and similar shows visit:

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May 13, 2020

If you’ve ever wanted to live an inspired life, then do we have the most unstoppable, On-Fire, show for you!

Ferocious optimism is the ability to see the possibilities and rise above your circumstances, almost no matter what! Once burned over 100% of his body, John O'Leary was given a 0% chance of survival, and yet, lived to survive, thrive, and become one of the greatest motivational speakers in the world.

He's also one of my all-time favorite authors, with my new all-time favorite inspirational book, In AWE.

In this interview discover ferocious optimism and possibilities, especially in this COVID-19 time.

Key Points Discussed:

  • Did you really get to play the piano at the MGM Grand Amphitheatre before 18,000+ people with no fingers? (03:44)
  • How moving forward gets a person unstuck and out of a rut (06:39)
  • Cutting through all the BS that divided us as human beings through music, spirituality, and faithfulness (09:56)
  • What makes kids our natural scientists? (11:33)
  • The loss that we’ve had of the critical thinking that enables us to look at the big picture and ask questions (13:20)
  • Making things out of this Coronavirus time that will turn it into something special (17:54)
  • Having the time of his life when he should have been in pain (21:00)
  • The importance of challenging the voice in our head and wisely choosing who we pay attention to (26:53)
  • What does it mean to you to release the breaks and why not? (31:45)
  • Moving past the hurdles of today through grit, faith, and vision (35:55)
  • Can we ever be ready for the storm we’re about to face? (39:18)
  • Learned helplessness: Doing something even though we couldn’t do in the past (43:10)
  • Moving past what our brain thinks is possible (45:47)
  • The meaning of expecting amazing, expecting beauty, and expecting joy (52:36)
  • Leaning the ladder on the right wall to climb and go towards succeeding in things that will matter (01:02:07)
  • What are you telling your kids at this time? (01:04:26)

Additional Resources:


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May 11, 2020

If you’ve ever wanted to hack your nervous system, and your immune system, then do we have the Wedge show for you.

Today I’ll be talking with Scott Carney, New York Times best-selling author, award-winning investigative journalist, and anthropologist, and the author of a brilliant new must-read, “The Wedge”

And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about evolution, consciousness, stress, and resilience, especially in this Coronavirus time. 

Key Points Discussed:

  • What was your life-changing experience on Kilimanjaro with Wim Hof aka the Iceman (03:11)
  • How Wim Hof unlocks something that we all have in us and how we can do it too (06:13)
  • Do you think what is going on with COVID-19 is us being out of balance with the natural world (10:12)
  • Pushing ourselves towards our limits so we can expand (12:21)
  • The fascinating story of Mr. A and the evil twin of the placebo effect (15:25)
  • The side benefit of getting healed from an autoimmune challenge by the Wim Hof method (20:22)
  • Having a physical output for a physical challenge and giving the wolves two toys (23:56)
  • The role of dopamine in keeping the immune cells strong and how it can be used to the same effect for the mind (33:56)
  • Coming alive through sensation: Boosting our immune system by doing things that make us feel good (38:11)
  • The power of getting comfortable by getting uncomfortable (51:39)
  • His psychedelic journey by doing Ayahuasca down in Peru with a Shaman (56:06)
  • A new perspective on temporarity, continuance, and what life is worth (1:10:12)
  • The beneficial impact that COVID-19 will have on the society (1:12:12)

Additional Resources:


For free meditations, weekly tips, stories, and similar shows visit:

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And to follow Inspire Nation on Tik Tok simply go to InspireNationShow on Tik Tok

May 8, 2020

If you’ve ever wanted to grow your butterfly wings especially during this COVID-19, "interesting time,"
then do we have the butterfly training school show for you!

Today we’ll talk about cocooning deep, stepping in, and growing those butterfly wings to set you free this year. Plus we’ll talk about balancing female and male energies, cathodic stabbing pains, on the couch, deep healing, birthdays, sawing ankles, mask majorities, team growth, growing pains, rainbow synchronicities, three years to 125s, chipmunk meditations, and what in the world a quiff and quaff have to do with anything. 

Key Points Discussed:

  • Growth for Inspire Nation, getting new team members and setting up some great new systems in place (03:22)
  • The metamorphosis that’s going on globally right now (04:20)
  • The opening up of things in Colorado and Michael’s first town council talk (07:30)
  • Diving into the heart, vibrating at a different frequency and coming into coherence (10:47)
  • The value of losing control and just having the faith to create a positive reality (13:56)
  • Being a fierce warrior who cuts through the delusions and gets to the pure clarity of what is (18:14)
  • How we can harmonize aspects of our being (22:28)
  • The power of letting go, giving up, and allowing into change (26:47)
  • Looking at being out of alignment and not being held securely from a spiritual perspective (30:00)
  • The second haircut Jessica has ever given Michael and how awesome it is (35:58)
  • Michael’s drop-in meditation while feeding a dozen chipmunks (38:36)
  • Letting go of everything and holding on to our faith and grace (42:00)

Additional Resources:


For free meditations, weekly tips, stories, and similar shows visit:

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May 6, 2020

Today I’ll be talking with Dr. Christopher Kerr, CEO and Chief Medical Officer at Hospice Buffalo, the creator of the incredibly viral TED Talk, “I See Dead People: Dreams and Visions of the Dying”, and the author of a brilliant, beautiful, and incredibly important book, “Death Is But A Dream” 

And that’s just what I want to talk with him about, about finding hope and meaning at life’s end, particularly at this time.

Key Points Discussed:

  • Would you say you used to be a spiritual guy and what happened the last time you saw your dad? (02:54)
  • How he ended up going to the safest place from the dying as a career (05:02)
  • The worse words one can say for somebody who’s dying and how the principle of non-abandonment is no longer valued (06:48)
  • How he shifted from working as a resident in cardiology to work in hospice (09:08)
  • Terminal lucidity and looking at dying as a post-traumatic growth experience (11:53)
  • People die how they live (16:33)
  • Sleep as the common denominator of all illnesses (19:36)
  • Why dying seems lonely when it’s really not (22:42)
  • Bridget and how she was spiting him with the pink spiders on the wall (26:18)
  • The experiences (Dream and visions) that patients have when they’re dying (28:02)
  • The story of Eliza and Nathan: How we see people die and how it changes how we experience loss and grief (33:16)
  • The access to data from our lives that requires emotional tone and texture to reach (38:35)
  • Do you think there is less suffering than we think at the end and more peace at the end as well? (42:43)
  • What can you tell us about people who’ve had miscarriages? (45:43)
  • The complicated grief surrounding Coronavirus deaths and the anticipatory peace to it (46:52)
  • How to reach out and connect with our loved ones during this time (49:20)

Additional Resources:


For free meditations, weekly tips, stories, and similar shows visit:

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May 4, 2020

If you've ever wanted to discover your true power, potential, and possibility even in this interesting time, then do we have the You Are Enough show for you.

Today I’ll be talking with Panache Desai, best-selling author, thought leader and life catalyst, and the author of a beautiful new book on stepping into your power, “You Are Enough”

And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about understanding from a spiritual perspective, what’s going on, and how to set into your true power, especially at a time when we feel more disempowered than ever.

Key Points Discussed:

  • A planet coming into harmony, human learning to collaborate and work together, and the light emerging in people (02:50)
  • Entering a ten-year window of time within which harmony and balance has to be restored in the hearts of all human beings (03:45)
  • Hugging and embracing the darkness within us (05:08)
  • Breaking away of the old so we can get to the new (07:38)
  • Thriving in uncertainty and knowing that we were chosen for this time, reason, and purpose(08:27)
  • Helping people see the light and the potential in this time (09:12)
  • Respecting the coronavirus but not being afraid of it (11:22)
  • Calling the divine, what happened after, and what the experience was like (16:00)
  • The uniqueness that is our superpower and how it can help us farther the evolution of our entire species (19:48)
  • Can we all call out God during this time and what would that look like? (20:23)
  • What is Samadhi and who and what is our true self? (22:31)
  • Recognizing that you are more than a limited identity and you have access to something beyond who you are (26:37)
  • What surrender really means and how it can keep us from suffering (27:32)
  • Giving your mind its proper place so it can support you in holding on to a space of safety inside of yourself (32:08)
  • The answer to every form of human suffering that we’re experiencing (33:28)
  • Where to put our attention, awareness, energy, and light right now (36:22)
  • How we’re finally being able to feel the frequency of Mother Earth (43:47)
  • The five commitments and how they can completely change our lives (46:05)
  • Life is as we are not as others show us life is (49:06)
  • Panache’s mission during this time (49:34)
  • What do total acceptance and trust mean to you right now? (52:29)

Additional Resources:


For free meditations, weekly tips, stories, and similar shows visit:

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May 1, 2020

If you ever wanted to reinvent your life, then do we have the courage-building, lean into discomfort show for you.

Today we’ll talk about feeling the discomfort, leaning deep, and finding faith and courage to leap to the other side. 

Key Points Discussed:

  • Michael’s yellow smiley face mask and his honk of a laugh (02:57)
  • Explaining the hundreds of elk and a giant raven that appeared right after a call about elk (04:40)
  • A message to chill and relax into everything without worry (06:51)
  • Embracing the fact that we will not be going back to a pre-Coronavirus world (09:39)
  • How Michael’s honking laughter only comes out during sacred times (12:00)
  • Having the skills and knowledge of knowing when one’s energy is vibrating at a lower level (18:14)
  • The armoring the body goes through in order to survive and how to get out of it to feel the beauty of the earth, spirit, and other things that are there to provide for us (21:23)
  • The widespread feeling of unworthiness and helping people reattach to their worth (24:57)
  • An end of the world not meaning the end of the world, but the end of a world (27:08)
  • Holding the big energy of a global change that has not been experienced during the written history of humanity (31:13)
  • Diving into what makes us human and getting healing, seeking balance, and getting a sense of wholeness (38:20)
  • Accessing the subconscious for hidden patterns that are stored through connective breathing (43:06)
  • The fields of positive energy that we are and how we should surrender into everything (48:04)
  • The huge possibilities that could come out the current pandemic (50:11)

Additional Resources:


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