Dec 25, 2015
Ever feel no matter how hard you try, success and happiness always eludes you? Want to make a shift that turns this all around? If so, then this inspiring interview with the incredibly successful film-maker and producer of the award-winning movie What the Bleep Do We Know is for you!
Betsy shares her journey to meteoric success with What the Bleep, and then how she cracked, and how her world then fractured apart.
People thought she had ALL the answers. She was considered spiritually enlightened, paid thousands for motivational, spiritual gigs, and even opened for Deepak Chopra. She thought she had all the answers too. Then she cracked, and found she had none! But out of this came a shiftin of her beliefs, that helped her put her life back together again, and to live the life of her dreams.
She shares a key secret to life, that happiness is an inside job. She also shares how we can find this inside of ourselves. She helps us become more mindful, culture greater awareness or consciousness, and helps us learn to be more present with our thoughts, and our belief systems.
She recently wrote a book called Tipping Sacred Cows. The goal, to help us all see how we’re trapped by our beliefs, and how we can unearth and get rid of these limiting thoughts.
She discusses The Secret, meditation, and the Law of Attraction – and how she uses it along with attachment, and failure. And why failure to her, is one of the greatest ways to live! She also talks about the My Life Sucks game and how to use it to turn your life around.
And she talks about teaching our kids how to think, keep them from limiting beliefs, and help keep their awareness and consciousness open to all possibilities.
This is a fascinating discussion filled with laughter, insightful moments, and great stories. Most of all, it’s filled with fantastic advice to help us unlock our own beliefs, see what’s limiting us, and to tip our own sacred cows. After listening to Betsy, you’ll be looking at your world, a different way, with more unlimited potential and less blocking your path.
That, and after you’re done laughing, you’ll feel pretty darn good about life as well!
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In this candid conversation with Betsy, she shares how she made the transformation from living a life full of fear and doubt to one that truly reflects her values and authentic self. Listen to how this remarkable woman has learned to embrace all of life’s ups and downs, even divorce, in order to be happy in each moment.
Betsy Chasse is an internationally praised film maker and
author, most notable as the Co-Writer, Director and Producer of
What the Bleep Do We Know!? and author of
Tipping Sacred Cows: The Uplifting Story of Spilt Milk and Finding
Your Own Spiritual Path in a Hectic World.
Background on Betsy Chasse:
In 2014, she produced the acclaimed
Song of the New Earth – Tom Kenyon and the Power of
Sound which premiered at The
Seattle International Film Festival. She also produced a powerful
Pregnant in America
, which examines the bleak
state of natural childbirth in the U.S, a subject close to her
heart since she elected to go to Canada to give birth to her
She is also author of
Tipping Sacred Cows: The Uplifting Story of Spilt Milk and Finding
Your Own Spiritual Path in a Hectic World and co-author of the book
version of
What the Bleep Do We Know!?(TM): Discovering the Endless
Possibilities for Altering Your Everyday Reality
Betsy is a regular contributor to Huffington Post, Modern Mom and She is currently producing a new feature documentary about coaching featuring Jack Canfield, John Gray and Marci Shimmoff.
Key Topics:
Learn how to shift your thinking, overcome limiting beliefs, and achieve happiness and success in your life! Betsy Chasse, Producer What the Bleep & Author of Tipping Sacred Cows shows you how! | Self-Help | Mindfulness | Spirituality | Law of Attraction | The Secret | Meditation
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