Dec 27, 2015
It was the ultimate twist of fate that a famous neurosurgeon who taught at Harvard, and would tell patients and students alike that the soul is merely an illusion of the mind, would be struck down with what should have been a fatal brain disease.
Dr. Eben Alexander spent a week in a coma, brain-dead with cerebral meningitis, with doctors suggesting his wife pull the plug. They gave up on antibiotics and waited for him to die. But after 7 days without any signs of brain activity, he miraculously came back, and with the most incredible near-death experience to share.
This is a truly life-changing interview. Here’s a doctor who’s entire life was built around a premise that there is no afterlife. And yet when he returns, he shares a completely different story. If you believe his story, and it’s hard not to, then it completely changes, or affirms, everything we think about life, about death, and where we’re going from here.
It can’t help but get you thinking, and quite possibly living your life a different way.
This is an incredibly powerful and heartfelt interview that’ll have you on the edge of your seat, and leave you feeling great to be alive!
Show Introduction:
Today we have a life-changing guest on the show. I found his book to be incredible powerful, and moving. It’s ironic to say moving, since you used to be one of the most analytical, left-brained people out there.
His name is Dr. Eben Alexander, until 2008 he had been a renowned academic neurosurgeon for over 30 years and taught at Harvard Medical Center for over 15 years. He thought he knew how the mind, brain and consciousness worked, and that Near Death Experiences, and any other unusual experiences were merely illusions or aberrations created by the mind. If someone was resuscitated and told him about it, perhaps seeing a bright light, or visiting deceased loved one’s, he’d very kindly and compassionately tell them it just wasn’t possible. It wasn’t science, and that they’re mind made it up.
Yet he’d seen a lot in the operating room and in ER. He’d seen patient appear to die and come back. He’d seen miraculous bursts of lucidity or clarity just before people’s deaths, and much more that he couldn’t even begin to explain. But as a hard-nosed scientist, he ignored people’s stories, reports, and what he’d even seen with his own two eyes.
And that made him such a perfect candidate for what would happen next.
That’s where we pick up the interview, talking about Near Death Experiences, the possibility of after-life, about what the human brain does and does not do…or maybe to say, why it doesn’t let us see certain things, and why what he experienced means so much for us.
This won’t be all woo-woo, because that’s not where Dr. Alexander comes from, he comes from the linear, right brain, Age of Reason, scientific, PROVE IT WITH SCIENCE and statistics world.
This is a life-changing interview, if nothing else, it’ll stop you in your tracks, giving you a new perspective on life, on death, and of living your greatest life here on Earth.
For myself, I found Dr. Eben Alexander’s book Proof of God, to be perhaps the most single important book I’ve ever read this lifetime. And if you know my show, you’ll know I read a LOT.
Topics Include:
Topics and Questions:
Brain Dead On Life Support for a Week, Harvard Neurosurgeon Dr Eben Alexander No Longer Says There’s No Such Thing as Heaven or an Afterlife. Learn Valuable Insights from His Amazing Experience! As Seen on Oprah | Inspiration | Spirituality | Self-Help
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