Aug 23, 2016
If you want to feel more fulfilled motivated and inspired
whether you’re leading a household, classroom, team, small
business, or fortune 500 company, then do we have the show for
Today we’ll be talking with Simon Sinek, the undisputed King of
the Why, though he may never have been called that before, but he’s
the global best-selling author of one of the most Inspiring Books
on Leadership, Success and Business Out there, Start with Why.
Today we’ll be talking about the “why”, what it is, why it’s so
important, how to incorporate it into our lives, and who in the
world is using it for success?
Plus we’ll talk about inspiration vs. manipulation, Ferrari’s
vs. minivans, why there’s 32 flavors of toothpaste, why Sneetches
have stars and what in the world Hot pants, and go-go suits, have
to do with air travel.
Questions and Topics Include:
- What happened with Simon as a 4th year entrepreneur
- How his passion and optimism was gone.
- How Simon Sinek began to learn how our lives (and even
businesses) function on the same three levels.
- How Simon Sinek began his search to find his why and to find
his balance again.
- What is nature’s balance?
- The story of the race for flight
- Wright Brothers vs.
- Why people and companies ‘fail’
- Why the clearer the cause the more maniacal we become to
- What is a why?
- How did Apple Computers exemplify the why?
- Why you can’t have price, speed, and technology.
- What Simon talked about in his Ted Talk, and what does it mean
to have Why, How, What?
- What is the Golden Circle and why do we have things inside
- Why people don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do.
- Why you want to be honest and true and do things that reflect
my beliefs, and why those who believe what I believe will be
attracted to me
- What Dr. Seuss’s Sneetches have to do with us
- What Ben Cohen, a runner with cerebral palsy, can teach us
about ourselves.
- How do we become more like Ben
- Why we’re drawn to people who only compete with themselves
- What requires tremendous courage
- Why you need to go for it, and take care of those around you,
even if you’re putting yourself at risk
- Why it’s important to risk yourself to help others
- What it means to be called a leader
- Why Martin Luther King gave the ‘I have a dream’ speech, not
the ‘I have a plan’ speech, but why politicians today all give 12
point plans to solve a problem
- Why a common vision is needed first
- What does it mean to start at the values level, and why is it
so important.
- How do we bring out our why?
- He has it online – The Why Discovery course –
- How can we start to do this right away (to find your why)?
- How do you cultivate your why?
- What do you do once you find your why?
- How do you use your why once you find it?
- How the why works
- What’s the Celery test?
- What does 32 flavors of toothpaste have to do with
- Why there’s only two ways to influence people (manipulation or
- Why it’s so important to take care of each other
- Why we truly help ourselves by helping each other
Simon Sinek (As Seen On Viral Ted Talk) Shares How ‘Starting
With Why’ Ignites Your Inspiration & Motivation, Helping You
Achieve Success, Happiness, & Greatness In Life! Plus Become An
Amazing Leader! Business | Career | Health | Self-Help |
For More Info Visit: