Apr 28, 2016
If you’ve ever struggled with bad habits, unhealthy habits, or
patterns you know don’t serve you well, or others around you, then
do we have the habit-changing show for you!
Today I’ll be talking with Hugh Byrne, PhD, a guiding teacher
with the Insight Meditation Community of Washington, a mindfulness
meditator for over 30 years, and the author of The Here and Now
Today we’ll talk about mindfully breaking habits, how to begin,
how to catch them, how to rewire, and what to do to keep them from
coming back.
That plus we’ll talk about surfing urges, painted tigers, pick
pockets, blowing your horn in traffic, and why if you want to get
to Newcastle, you wouldn’t start from here.
Questions and Topics Include:
- How he began mindful meditation in the mid-80’s.
- First read The Way of Zen by Alan Watts.
- How he had an opening up experience many years ago.
- How his meditation practice got started
- Why 1/3 to ½ of all behaviors are habits
- What exactly are habits?
- Daniel Kahneman, Thinking Fast and Slow – System 1,
when a brain takes behaviors and puts them on a fast-track…they’re
not intentional anymore, and why that’s important to us.
- How do we identify habits that are going on without realizing
- Why studies in brain science show mindfulness can literally
change the rewiring of the brain
- How mindfulness can distress the amygdala or lizard-like part
of the brain
- What researchers call a positive dominos effect.
- What is suffering, what ties us to suffering, and how do we let
go of suffering?
- What’s the habit of doing?
- What does it mean to ‘lean into’
- Why wanting too much gets in the way of getting what we
- What Tibetan teacher Chogyam Trungpa and what is freedom.
- What are ways to bring us back into the present moment?
- What’s an anchor and how do we use it?
- Great mantras for being present
- How to surf the energy of your emotions (also discussed in
Dzogdchen Ponlop Rinpoche interview)
- What drives our unhealthy habits and how to ferret out our
underlying beliefs
- What’s the importance of self-compassion.
- What are 3 questions to bring mindfulness to any
- Advice for parents to bring mindfulness to your children
- If people are starting meditating, how long is good to start
with on a daily basis?
- What’s a meditation notebook?
- Hugh-byrne.com
Hugh Byrne PhD Shares How To Be Here and Now by Breaking
Unhealthy Habits Once & For All Thru Mindfulness. Learn How to Move
Past Suffering, Negative Emotions & Fear. Plus Guided Meditation!
Inspiration | Motivation | Spirituality | Health | Self-Help
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