Jul 11, 2017
If you’ve ever felt stressed, worried, freaked out, or burdened
with concerns you just can’t let go of, or if it feels like a
saber-tooth’s about to jump out at you, and there’s no where to
hide, then do we have the destressifying show for you!
Today we’ll be talking with Davidji, a true expert in the field
of stress management, and authors of the Secrets of
Meditation and his best-selling book Destressifying: The
Real-World Guide to Personal Empowerment, lasting fulfillment, and
Peace of Mind.
Today we’ll be talking about destressifying your life, getting
you out of the fight or flight, I’m about to be eating by a
tiger-mode, and help you discover a path of de-stress, greater
ease, and far more peace, no matter what you’re doing.
That plus destressifying at work, on the phone, on an airplane,
and even before the TSA…
Questions and Topics Include:
- How he left Zen after only two weeks.
- What happened to Davidji after 9/11
- How he went to study with (and later work for) Deepak
- Why it doesn’t take 20 years of meditation to reach a place of
- Can stress be good for us?
- Can you combat stress?
- How Eureka moments can turn us into Super-rats, or super
- What is destressifying?
- What do you do when the saber-tooth tiger emails you?
- How Elizabeth Blackburn, 2009 Winner of Noble Prize discovered
- How pattern interrupts can make us happier
- How Joe Montana saved the Superbowl with a Mind-stopper!!!
- What’s the importance of the presence moment
- Why a spanner may be in the works!
- What is “tactical breathing” or sixteen seconds
- A brief mindfulness meditation to stop your mind and give you
an instant chance to breathe.
- How sixteen seconds can give us the time we need to defuse and
step back before we make a decision.
- How do we bring pause to people in war zones, or countries with
- How fight or flight can serve you, and how to tone it down when
you need to.
- How do we rewire for greater awareness and to stop the fight or
flight response, and all of it’s negative (cortisol, high blood
pressure, heart disease, etc…) challenges.
- How do we interrupt the patterns in our mind
- How we can practice RPM - rise, pee and then meditate!
- A second brief meditation you can practice anytime to help you
quiet your mind.
- How can we help cultivate self love.
- How he brought Blue Courage Awareness Training BCAT training
for police officers.
- How we transform the world by transforming ourselves.
- How to send love to the TSA, and what to do to stay relaxed
with airport security – particularly if you’re ‘randomly
- A meta-kindness meditation
- About Peaches the Buddha Princes, a rescued Mindful Morkie –
who has over 3000 friends on Facebook.
- Several musicians who practice meditation.
- What’s a chocolate tasting meditation?
- com to join the sweetspot meditation community
- Why kindness matters.
- A kindness META guided meditation.
Davidji, Mindfulness Trainer to the Military & Former Deepak
Chopra Center Dean on Instant Stress Reduction + Guided Meditation!
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