Apr 7, 2016
If you’ve ever felt uninspired, trapped, at a dead end, or just
wondered whose life am I leading anyway, and my God, what have I
done, then do we have the inspiring, life changing show for
Today I’ll be speaking with Jake Ducey, perhaps the first
millennial we’ve had on the show, and the 3 times author of
inspirational books including, Into the Wind and The Purpose
Principles. He’s a future Tony Robbins, correct that, Jake Ducey in
the making, and just got off an international book tour where he
spoke on stages to 500,000 people and helped raised 345,000 pounds
of food for homeless youth in America.
Today we’re going to talk about your life’s purpose, where it’s
hiding, how to find it, and what in the world you NEED to do about
it once you know you’ve found it.
That plus we’ll talk about self-actualizers, Steve Jobs, Jack
Canfield, Jay Z, Dave Matthews, Abraham Lincoln, Sylvester
Stallone, SW SW SW, and why in the world you want to take an entire
summer or two, retyping the Great Gatsby…
Questions and Topics Include:
- How Jake Got Jack Canfield to Write the forward to his
- How Jake Ducey was listening to “Dare to Win’ and followed Jack
Canfields advice to write down 101 goals and what happened.
- What happened on November 20, 2010
- Why we’re all gambling on the biggest risk of all
- How Jake left school to chase his dreams of becoming a
- What happened with the Shaman in Guatemala (when he was not a
very 'spiritual' person)
- Why “our lives are like onions and we want to live to live the
tough flavorless part first”
- Why it’s a trap to wait until we get x,y or z (even spiritual
or self-discover experiences) to find happiness.
- What happened to Vic Revezo and how his death affected
- How he had a near-death fall in Indonesia, and how locals
risked their lives to save him
- What is destination addiction
- What’s Jake’s take on the Law of Attraction & Bob Proctor, and
what we have to do to get the unconscious to help us get our
- What we can learn from Bonnie Ware who studied top regrets of
people who were dying
- What is risk-ability?
- Why lack of evidence is not evidence of lack
- The story of Steve Jobs and ‘not evidence of lack’
- Why most of our fears are just ‘monsters under our bed’
- The story of Sylvester Stallone and how he got his start
- What Martin Luther King tells us about finding our freedom
- Why JK Rowling (author of Harry Potter) once considered herself
the biggest failure she knew
- What’s it mean from George Bernard Shaw to become
- Why Martin Luther King knew he was going to be killed the next
day (when he gave his I’ve been to the Mountaintop speech).
- Why most people are gambling on the biggest risk of all, that
one day we’ll find the time to do what we want.
- Story of a friend who was stabbed by his father
- Why our childhoods can be blessings in disguise
- What we can learn from Jay Z (though not necessarily his
- What inspiring lesson we can learn from Arnold
- What inspiring lesson we can learn from Jim Carry – and how he
used the Law of Attraction
- What’s the reoccurring theme between the world’s most
successful people
- What’s Bob Marley’s inspirational story
- The inspiring story too of how Bob Marley put on a free concert
for 300,000 and played the night after he got shot!
- What’s Jack Canfield’s Rule of Five?
- How he turned a self-published book into a best-seller
- What is Jack Canfield’s SW, SW, SW?
- Why you want to ask for what you want
- What’s the inner journey?
- What’s the importance of knowing yourself?
- New book coming out June 7th, Profit from Happiness: The
Unity of Wealth, Worth and Personal fulfillment.
- JakeDucey.com (and
check out his Ted Talk!)
- Plus Guided Meditation!!!
Jake Ducey Shares Life-Changing Stories from Jack Canfield, Jim
Carrey, Sylvester Stallone, Steve Jobs, Jay Z, Arnold
Schwarzenegger, Bob Marley & Martin Luther King + Bob Proctor & The
Law of Attraction! Spirituality | Inspiration | Motivation |
Self-Help | Ted Talk | Inspire
For More Info Visit: www.InspireNationShow.com