Apr 8, 2016
If you’ve ever wondered what it means to wake up, to have a
spiritual awakening, or why so many people are doing it around us,
then do we have the show for you!
Today I’ll be talking with Loch Kelly, psychotherapist and
meditation expert and the author of Shift Into Freedom: The Science
and Practice of Open-Hearted Awareness.
Today we’ll talk about waking up, what it is, what it means, how
we can get there, and how we can tap into it on a daily basis.
That plus we’ll talk about the thinking channel, I’m no good FM,
why where you go, we go, we all go with ego, plus zen and the art
of archery, stupid meditation, 90 seconds of anger, and why as
Shakespeare says, there are more things in heaven and earth,
Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
Questions and Topics Include:
- How to intentionally shift (without needing a cosmic 2x4)
- How three deaths in a row (and the pain that ensued) helped
Loch to shift
- Why awakening isn’t about going off to a cave or a monastery
(and you can still have a wife and a cat…named Duffey)
- How awakening leads you to being more fully human
- Studying with Adyanshanti, Mingyur Rinpoche and Tsoknyi
- How he was taught the Sutra Mahamudra (and how that helps
- What is awake awareness?
- What is ‘stupid meditation’?
- Do we need years of meditation practice to get to this
- Is there always a calmness inside of us?
- How this is waking up to your true nature
- Why we want to become aware of the space between the crickets –
and what in the world that means
- Meditation 101 for awake awareness
- Who does this compare with mindfulness?
- What’s the difference between heart mindfulness and head
- A practice/meditation on how to unhook from what’s creating a
perpetual sense of dissatisfaction
- What happens after 90 seconds of anger?
- What are the ‘dangers’ of mindfulness, or the mindfulness
- What is a Charlie Brown ‘Good Grief’ period?
- What is a Dog Zen?
- To find his book lochkelly.org (plus events, online
courses and book) and the audio, not of him reading the book, but
an audio of the 31 glimpse practices, from 3-8 minutes long,
guided, in a series of short practices – get the essence of the
book and experience it directly.
- A third guided meditation to help you gain awake
Loch Kelly shows how to instantly access bliss, calmness
and inner peace through simple techniques you can do anywhere,
rather than years of meditation! Plus 3 Guided Meditations!
Spirituality | Spiritual | Inspiration | Health | Buddhism |
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