Apr 9, 2016
If you’ve ever struggled with chronic pain, chronic illness, or know someone who does, or simply want to eliminate suffering in your life, then do we have the liberating show for you!
Today I’ll be talking with Toni Bernhard the award winning author of How to Be Sick: A Buddhist-Inspired Guide for the Chronically Ill and Their Caregivers and How to Wake Up: A Buddhist-Inspired Guide to Navigating Joy and Sorrow. Her latest book is called How to Live Well with Chronic Pain and Illness: A Mindful Guide. But I’d argue these books aren’t just for those with pain or illness, their handbooks or guides to living life free of suffering, and I think we all can learn a lot from them.
Today we’ll be talking about to How to Live Well with chronic illness and pain, what this means, what this looks like, how to alleviate our own suffering, feel better (at least in our minds and even use the experience for inner growth and lots and lots of self-love and compassion.
That plus we’ll talk about a not to do list, the tyranny of positive thinking, what to do when the blues comes calling, why Tylenol is not the answer, and why you can’t have a horse when you’re living in the middle of Los Angeles.
Questions and Topics Include:
Toni Bernhard Former UC Davis Law Professor & Dean Shares How to Overcome Suffering, Chronic, Pain, and Illness Through Mindfulness, Self-Compassion & Love | Buddhism | Meditation | Lupus | Chronic Fatigue | Inspiration | Motivation | Health | Self-Help | Inspire
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