Mar 8, 2019
Such a beautiful, heart-warming interview with CJ Liu on how to
get things done, even when you don't want to...but how to put the
systems in place, the kind-gentle-easy-good way to help you
overcome your hurdles, your stucked-ness, procrastitation, and
fears, and to step forward toward your dreams!
That plus my visit to my Fam in Florida, getting my dad on green
smoothies, and even getting him to the gym!!!
(And my special trip to the dentist that left me lighter of
Such a special, heart-warming show, to help you get moving, get
things done, and step forward toward your dreams!
Shine bright everyone!!!
If you’ve ever wanted to improve or upgrade your life, or simply
get ahead, then do we have the Taking Care of Business, show for
Today we’ll talk about how to get moving, get going, and get the
things done, you’ve always wanted to, or need to.
If Not Now then When Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics
- What happened when Michael went to Florida?
- How Michael did an interview with his parents?
- How Michael worked to heal himself and his childhood
- How Michael got back into his morning routine even when out of
- How to build a powerful healing habit – even with your dad and
green smoothies!
- What “If not now then when” really means?
- What’s coming for Jessica (and her first ultrasound coming
- What’s the importance of delegation, or tightening up your
- What in the world is Parkinson’s law???
- What does it mean to work backwards and come up with a deadline
to help you move forward?
- Why tighter deadlines may be the best way to go!
- What it means to overcook your goose!
- What it means to use your environment to support you?
- What CJ Liu gained from working with Amazon?
- What is the Amazon sphere?
- What we learned from “Seven Practices of a Mindful Leader” with
Marc Lesser!
- What Michael needed to do at the dentist and what it has to do
with “if not now then when”.
- What it means to be gentle and loving and kind to yourself when
you need to get things done.
- What it means to stop resisting?
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