What does Nicola Tesla, UFO’s, UAP’s, a shadow government, non-human origin UFO retrievals, zero point energy and free energy, have to do with our freedom?
Turns out, EVERYTHING, and tonight, with Dr. Steven Greer of The Disclosure Project, we’ll look at this powerful connection.
We’ll dive into the “powers” that be, what the power struggle really is, WHAT you're REALLY seeing with those UFO's, what's being hidden in plain sight, and why we’re not truly free–AND most importantly, how we can set ourselves free, and get ourselves and humanity back in the light.
This may be the single most important show you ever watch for you, for your children, and for all of humanity.
The Lost Century: And How To Reclaim It -
Film: https://geni.us/TheLostCentury
Learn more: https://www.thelostcenturyfilm.com/
Streaming link FREE to the press conference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zDY7t6HihCw
FULL National Press Club press conference tickets: https://drstevengreer.kartra.com/page/dcpressconference2023
HERE'S THE LINK TO THE LETTER: https://conta.cc/3IOlbkK
Website: https://siriusdisclosure.com/
To find out more visit:
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