Jun 29, 2022
For thousands of years, humanity has fought over who and what God is. But what if it's none of that, and our beliefs about God are creating the chaos and suffering we're seeing in the world today. In this fascinating interview with Neale Donald Walsch we look at what God really is...hint, it's not a bearded white-guy in the sky, and how by changing our understanding, we change the entire world, and especially our own lives!
I’ll be talking with Neale Donald Walsch, the runaway New York Times #1 best-seller of the Conversations With God series, about my new favourite, most profound and most important book I’ve perhaps ever read, The God Solution: The Power of Pure Love.
Get your copy of The God Solution: The Power of Pure Love [Neale Donald Walsch]
- http://www.nealedonaldwalsch.com/
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