Jun 13, 2022
If you’ve wondered how to tap into your soul, get inner guidance
or wisdom, or connect with your higher self, then do we have the
show for you!
Today I’ll be talking with John Holland, best-selling author,
radio-show host, and one of the top psychic mediums and spiritual
teachers in the country. He’s also the creator of some of the most
interesting or accurate sets of tarot cards we’ve ever worked
Today we’ll talk about psychic tarot, plus tapping in to your
own inner guidance, for greater peace, happiness, and love in your
life, plus growing your own intuitive gifts.
Plus we’ll talk about unsolved mysteries, falling out of trees,
and what in the world is spiritual book camp.
Questions and Topics Include:
- Why John was always the different one or the sensitive one in
the family
- How John began to see things
- What happened at a janitor’s cave when John was a child
- What was unusual about Grandma Rose and Aunt Shirley
- How Aunt Shirley would win horse races with her gifts
- How John had to keep his abilities quiet
- How the family’s home was miraculously spared when an entire
block of apartment buildings burned
- What happened as a boy when he fell out of a tree
- The miraculously occurrence while driving on the 10 in LA
- How our soul tries to talk with us.
- What was John’s wake-up call just after 30
- Why John is so thankful for his wake-up call
- What was the Arthur Findley college or ‘spiritual boot
- What’s the difference between a psychic and a medium
- Can we all raise our vibes to touch on mediumship?
- How John can teach mediumship
- What’s a development circle
- What is spiritualism and what happened to John in England (and
how synchronistic events took place)
- What is Psychic Tarot and how did it come about?
- How did John make his tarot cards
- A tarot card reading to show how it works.
- How to trust your feelings
- How to move past the fear or resistance when you’re using your
- What’s the most important question to ask when it comes to
- What’s the importance of asking “is it coming from me or to
- How do you know it’s not you?
- How to tell the difference between intuition and
- How to tell if you’re clairsentient, clairvoyant, or
clairaudience (which is the hardest to develop)
- Can a husband and wife develop their clairaudience to ‘walkie
talkie’ between the two of them?
- Meditation
- Chakra
- Aura
- Breath
- What are the keys to developing your skills:
- Why you want to stay grounded as you develop your spiritual
- What you need to do for mediumship
- What meditation helps, and how it helps for practicing
- How John works with the SPCA and the CODA fund www.nhspca.com
under donations see a whole page on the CODA fund
- Why you want to do something nice this week for someone out of
the blue
- What’s the ‘ripple effect’
- On Hay House Radio live every Monday
- com – can even choose a card on the website (and check out the
frequently asked questions), recommends checking out the newsletter
as well
- Coming to Mexico (and elsewhere) as well!
- Why it’s so important to know you are a soul that comes with a
- A short “Raising the Power” meditation
To find out more visit:
Follow Michael and Jessica’s exciting journey and get even more
great tools, tips, and behind-the-scenes access. Go
to https://www.patreon.com/inspirenation
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visit: https://inspirenationshow.com/
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