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Our Goal: To Help You Overcome Your Hurdles so You Can SHINE!

Simply put, we thrive on finding the most inspiring and motivational guests so we can deliver the stories and guidance that will touch your heart, lift your spirit and change your life. We bring you interviews with heroes, survivors, peaceful warriors, alternative health experts and spiritual masters.

They say to be the best, surround yourself with the best people. Well this is your chance with Inspire Nation. It’s like hanging out with your best friends who help you to take your business, relationship, love life and romance, health, wealth, and every aspect of your life to an entirely new level. Why, because you’ve surrounded yourself with the best, so they’ll help you rise to the top.

Jul 22, 2016

If you ever thought there was more to animals than meets the eyes, or that there’s more going on with your kitty or poochie, then their meow-meow’s and woofs, then do we have the eye-opening, beyond words show for you!

Today we’ll be talking with Dr. Carl Safina, PhD, award winning author and ecology researcher, and the author of the one book I’d take with me on a trip if I traveled, Beyond Words…one of the most beautiful, heart-wrenching and important books I’ve ever read.

Today we’ll talk about animals, what they think, what they feel, and about WHO they are…yes, we’ll ask the big question today, not what are you, but WHO are you…of the wolf, the elephant, and even the killer whale.

That plus we’ll talk about the octopus and consciousness, ottoline and oprah, dolphins, bubbles and vortexes, elephants acting silly, killer whales and sex parties. and what we can all learn from Jude and Chula.

Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. What we can learn from Brooklyn Homing Pigeons
  2. What Carl learned from a recent trip to the arctic with GreenPeace
  3. What’s happening with fishing in the arctic at present
  4. What is happening to the fish in the arctic
  5. What’s happening with Polar Bears into the Arctic
  6. Why is “are animals like us” the wrong question?
  7. Who is Cynthia Moss and what can we learn from elephants?
  8. What’s the role of elephant males
  9. What’s the importance of the matriarch in an elephant family
  10. Why gentles are so giant
  11. What does it mean for an elephant to be silly
  12. What is floppy (elephant) walking?
  13. What’s the complexity of emotions of elephants
  14. What can we learn from elephants and grief
  15. How do elephants communicate?
  16. What’s a Let’s Go stance?
  17. What can we learn from elephants?
  18. What happened to elephants beginning in 2009?
  19. What can we learn about wolves?
  20. Why dogs are simply wolves with arrested development?
  21. What we can learn from wolf #21, the ‘superwolf’
  22. What’s an alpha male?
  23. What’s the difference between an alpha male wolf and a career or business alpha male?
  24. What are male killer whales like?
  25. What’s a killer whale family like?
  26. How do whales and porpoises teach?
  27. What behavior from killer whales is truly mysterious?
  28. What happened with the sand piper and the peregrine falcon
  29. What the Sioux Indian Black Elk said “everything is holy”
  30. org, or or national geographic website, or, or huffingtopost, but all migrates over time to, and for the book
  31. Also check out the Ted Talk on what animals think and feel
  32. And on PBS -

Carl Safina PhD Shares What Animals Think and Feel & What it Means for Us! Ted Talk | Wolves, Elephants, Killer Whales & More! Inspirational | Motivational | Spiritual | Spirituality | Inspiration | Motivation | Self-Improvement | Ecology | Self-Help | Inspire

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