Mar 15, 2017
If you’ve ever struggled with money, to have money, keep money,
make money, or even get out of debt, then do we have the money
making self-help show for you!
Today I’ll be talking with Gary M. Douglas, founder of access
consciousness and author of 15 books including the best-seller The
Place, and a fantastic book he wrote with another guest we’ve had
on the show, Dain Heer, Money Isn’t the Problem, you
Today we’ll talk about the truth about money, and our problems
with money, what’ it’s all about, how to flip it on it’s head, and
how much we’re truly willing to receive.
That plus we’ll talk about dining on fine china, tithing to the
church of you, and why one stick up of gum too many, may have
driven Dain Heer insane…
Questions and Topics on this Self-Help, Self-Improvement
Wealth-Building Interview Include:
---How to Transform Your Relationship with Money--- Like Law of
Attraction in Action!
- Why Gary had a poor relationship with money growing up
- Why he couldn’t afford a 4 dollar door knob – that turned out
to be 14K gold!
- How he went to debtor’s anonymous
- What we can learn from Richest Man in Babylon
- Why he was a self-debtor and what a self-debtor is.
- What is a 10% self-tithing (thinking Richest Man in
- Why a lack of money isn’t a money issue, and why it’s instead
your point of view
- What happens to lottery winners after 5 years
- Why the self-help goal is to be able to choose what you’d
- What’s a 10 second exercise to help choose the rest of your
- What do you do if you’re deeply in debt?
- Why credit does not equal money
- Why Australia has such a different view of debt (and how
Australia was a debtor’s prison)
- What’s the difference between credit-worthiness and
- Why you want to love money enough to roll naked in it
- Why it’s not the love of money that’s evil, but the need for
- How do we heal our relationship with money?
- How to teach your kids about money
- Why it’s important to get away from ‘I want’
- What’s the ‘I don’t want money’ exercise?
- What happened with Dain Heer and Big Red gum?
- How to manifest, and what manifestation actually is – and how
it’s a spiritual act.
- How to actualize something to show up (a little different law
of attraction terminology)
- What’s the importance of the question ‘what’s right about this
I’m not getting?’
- What is being in acceptance vs. allowance?
- How to be greater today than you were yesterday
- How do we let go of the ‘butta’s’ in life?
- Word’s you want to eliminate from your vocabulary in life
- How do we learn how to receive?
- What the monk Ajahn Brahm says about receiving
- How do you celebrate the abundance we already have
- What happened after he got divorced
- What’s the physical and spiritual power of carrying cash with
you for abundance and wealth making?
- Go to or
- What’s the power of laughter?
- How to allow yourself to have money
Gary M. Douglas Shares How To Transform Your Relationship With
Money for Greater Wealth, Happiness, & Fulfillment – Consider it
Law of Attraction in Action! Spiritual | Spirituality | Meditation
| Inspirational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire
For More Info visit: