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Simply put, we thrive on finding the most inspiring and motivational guests so we can deliver the stories and guidance that will touch your heart, lift your spirit and change your life. We bring you interviews with heroes, survivors, peaceful warriors, alternative health experts and spiritual masters.

They say to be the best, surround yourself with the best people. Well this is your chance with Inspire Nation. It’s like hanging out with your best friends who help you to take your business, relationship, love life and romance, health, wealth, and every aspect of your life to an entirely new level. Why, because you’ve surrounded yourself with the best, so they’ll help you rise to the top.

Jul 23, 2016

If you’ve wondered why we’re getting sicker and unhealthier, despite the latest in medicine, pharmaceuticals, nutracueticals, DNA testing, diets and supplements, then do we have the show for you!

Today we’ll be talking With T. Colin Campbell, PhD Professor Emeritus of Nutritional Biochemistry at Cornell University and coauthor of the bestselling book, The China Study and his latest book WHOLE. His legacy, the China-Cornell-Oxford Project, has been acknowledged as the most comprehensive study of health and nutrition ever conducted. He’s also authored more than 300 peer-reviewed research papers.

Today I want to talk about why the emperor has no clothes, or why the studies, the science, and the medicine we’ve come to love and trust, may not be quite what we think they are, especially when it comes to nutrition.

But then I want to empower us, and talk about what works, why, and what we can do to live happier, healthier, and quite possibly long lives, and even return to perfect health, despite having disease, or even the Big C.

Plus we’ll talk about apples, dairy farms, peanuts, and what in the world four blind men and an elephant have to do with anything.

Questions and Topics Include:

  1. Why protein may not be what we think it is.
  2. What peanuts have to do with protein and liver cancer.
  3. Why families in the Philippines who had ‘adequate’ protein were the ones more likely to get cancer
  4. How protein was acting as a catalyst for cancer
  5. How he T Colin Campbell spent 27 years researching how protein causes cancer
  6. Why ‘getting enough protein’ is a myth
  7. Why ‘high quality’ protein can turn on cancer cells faster.
  8. Are there any studies that show protein deficiency?
  9. Why the more protein we get in, the less nutrition we have in our diet. 
  10. What is wholism?
    1. (Vegan & Vegetarian)
  11. Why T Colin Campbell wrote Whole
  12. Why separating the vitamins from the plant doesn’t work
  13. Why vitamin E supplements have been shown to cause cancer
  14. Why biological complexity cannot be overemphasized (and what that really means)
  15. Why there’s no such thing as a side-effect with medicine, only effects
  16. Why the #1 cause of death is nutritional ignorance
  17. Why health is NOT all about our genes
  18. What the statistics say on the war on cancer?
  19. Why according to T. Colin Campbell, most professionals would say the war on cancer has largely failed.
  20. Why ‘targeted drug therapy’ is wrong
  21. Two films to check out, Fork over Knives and “Plant Pure Nation” (Vegan & Vegetarian)
  22. What is ‘The China Study’ and what does it mean for us today.
  23. Why protein causes chemistry in rats.
  24. What allowed T. Colin Campbell to take a big picture approach and see the importance of Nature
  25. What the results of the China Study were
  26. Why cholesterol levels were so incredibly low
  27. Why there was no heart disease in many populations
  28. What is a Whole Foods Plant Based diet? What does it include and exclude?
  29. Why you don’t want to eat white rice
  30. Why you don’t want to eat vegetable oil
  31. Why supplements aren’t as healthy as we thought they were
  32. Why mineral supplements may not be necessary, but may be a good hedge against depleted soil.
  33. What would T Colin Campbell say to a friend diagnosed with cancer?
  34. What is a study that T. Colin Campbell is looking for funding for?
  35. What is the Plant Based Nutrition Program?
  36. Why the USDA guidelines are seriously flawed
  37. How do you implement a Whole Foods Plant based dietin your home and for kids
  38. Why you may want to check out The Plant Pure Nation Cookbook and China Study Cookbook
  39. How we recover taste buds with Whole Foods

T Colin Campbell, Author The China Study & One of the Most Prolific Nutrition Researchers Reveals Key Nutrition Diet Concerns We All Need to Know to Keep Us Healthy & Reverse Disease! Vegan | Vegetarian | Cancer | Diabetes | MS | Lupus | Heart Disease | Stroke  | Lung Cancer | Health | Self-Help

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