Nov 18, 2019
If you’ve ever who you struggled with dicks in your life, then
do we have the Don’t Be a Dick, show for you!
Today I’ll be talking with Mark B. Borg, Jr, PhD, a licensed
clinical psychologist and psychoanalyst, the co-author of
Irrelationship, Relationship Sanity, and author of his latest work
on not becoming dick-free, Don’t Be a Dick!
And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about
what it means when we attract dicks into our lives, how to deal
with dicks, and how to know if we’ve become dick’s ourselves.
That plus we’ll talk about Satyagraha, hospitality, stone cold
dicks, the danger of Impletives, nuclear snubs, what on earth is a
grawlix and what in the world is a turd hurdler???
Key Points Discussed:
- One thing we can do tell if
we're attracting dicks into our lives and one simple reason why
- Were you a dick when you were
growing up? (04:22)
- How did you get interested in
helping others stop becoming dicks and stop attracting dicks into
their lives? (06:32)
- Being a dick inadvertently by
refusing help from others (10:07)
- What do you mean forget the
narcissist, it's really about you? (16:18)
- What do you mean it's not you,
it's me, and what are the dangers of that? (18:17)
- How the poor behavior we
perpetrate on others likely reflects the way we also mistreat
ourselves (22:52)
- Why does it appear that there
are more dicks today than ever? (24:23)
- Can we be an empath and still
be a dick? (27:29)
- Intimacy: The greatest risk a
dick could ever have (32:00)
- What in the world is a turd
hurdler? (34:22)
- Why do some of us feel
comfortable in relationships with dicks (38:36)
- What's the importance of
halting negative assumptions about people and circumstances
- What's a moratorium between our
rage and the world? (41:48)
- Why causing yourself burnout is
being a dick to yourself (45:06)
- What's the importance of
mapping your positive attributes? (47:51)
- What do we do with a bully and
how do we get rid of a stray cat? (48:56)
- How do we teach our kids about
dickery? (54:28)
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