
Inspire Nation Show with Michael Sandler

Our Goal’s to Help Change the World by Helping YOU to Shine Bright! Now one of the top self-help & spirituality shows in 193 countries w/a new inspirational, motivational, spiritual, law of attraction or health-oriented guest DAILY! Plus guided meditations! After overcoming 2 near-death accidents, Host Michael Sandler felt a calling to start a life-changing show to help you live the life of your dreams! Guests Include John Gray, Bob Proctor, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Dr. Bernie Siegel, Anthony William, Arielle Ford, and countless more! Our goal is to leave you an ear-to-ear grin and an actionable plan to achieve your goals! Get ready to live your greatest life and to Shine Bright!
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Inspire Nation Show with Michael Sandler










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Now displaying: September, 2017
Sep 29, 2017

Today we’ll talk about getting unmoored, throwing away the ropes, setting sail, and shaking things up. 

We’ll talk about when you cut loose, why you want to do it, what’s the power of getting uncomfortable, and how getting out of the box can lead to your greatness.

Out of the Box Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. What’s the importance of getting out of the box?
  2. Who would want to get back in the box?
  3. What happens when we achieve our goals?
  4. What do attorneys merging with plants have to do with anything?
  5. What is “drumming in the refuge”
  6. What are the benefits of moving, and shifting your energy?
  7. What’s the benefit of coming unmoored?
  8. Why you want to let go if things aren’t working?
  9. How the equinox can help you look at the world in a different way?
  10. What’s the benefit of lightening your load?
  11. What it means to make space?
  12. What’s the importance of making space?
  13. What is a blocked access to emotion?
  14. What’s the importance of looking at the world through child-like eyes?
  15. Why Inspire Nation’s up for some awards!
  16. For More Info Visit:

CJ Liu on How to Allow Greatness Into Your Life By Shifting, Pivoting & Letting Go! Health | Business | Fitness | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Inspirational | Motivational | Meditation | Parenting | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

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Sep 28, 2017

If you’ve ever wanted to change the your life or the world, and make miracles happen, then do we have the Power of Eight Show for you!

Today I’ll be talking with Lynne McTaggart The Award Winning Best-Selling Author of Seven Books including The Field and The Intention Experiment, and a powerful new book and treatise that’ll complete change how you view intention and miracles, The Power of 8.

And that’s just what I want to talk with her about, about harnessing the miraculous energies of a small group to heal others, your life, and change the world.

The Power of Group Intention Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. How did Lynne McTaggart get down this investigative road?
  2. How did her belief system change while writing The Field?
  3. What was the intention experiment?
  4. How many experiments has she run, and what’s been the results?
  5. How’d you start the power of 8 groups.
  6. What do small moves have to do with anything?
  7. What does the size of the group have to do with the results?
  8. What was the Peace Intention Experiment?
  9. What was Transcendental Meditation able to do with crime in Washington DC?
  10. What was the peace experiment in Sri Lanka?
  11. What’s a holy instant?
  12. What happened to the participants in these experiments?
  13. What was happening to the participants health?
  14. What was happening to the participants brains?
  15. What are mystical brains?
  16. What does group consciousness have to do with group intention setting?
  17. What are borrowed benefits?
  18. What was the 9/11 peace intention experiment?
  19. How is directing your attention to others good for your mental health
  20. What are the transformational effects of altruism?
  21. Why in the world was jean-Paul Satre mistaken?
  22. How were group participants experiencing an altered state of consciousness?
  23. How were they getting into this altered state?
  24. How can anyone listening get into this altered state?
  25. What can be accomplished with group intention setting?
  26. What does it man to move past yourself?
  27. What does this mean for the law of attraction?
  28. What’s the importance of focusing our intention on others.
  29. What can we do with all of the natural disasters that have taken place?
  30. How can we participate in a worldwide peace experiment
  31. For More Info Visit: and

Lynne McTaggart on The Miracle of Small Groups to Change Your Life, Heal Others & Change the World! Guided Meditation | Law of Attraction | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Inspirational | Motivational | Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info Visit:

Sep 27, 2017

If you’ve ever wondered about the brain science of meditation, and how to begin, then do we have The Mind Illuminated show for you!

Today I’ll be talking with Culadasa, also known as John Yates, PhD, a meditation master in the Tibetan and Theravadin Buddhist traditions, a former professor of psychology and neuroscience and the author of an amazing book on Meditation , the Illuminated Mind.

And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about integrating Buddhist Wisdom and Brain Science to dive deep into meditation!

Meditation and the Brain Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. What’s the importance of our connection to the land?
  2. What did he learn from his early childhood that affected his spiritual growth and desire to later learn about the brain?
  3. What did he learn from his mother about different world views?
  4. How did he end up in and out of seminary – and later on to a PhD for the brain?
  5. What did Maharishi and the Beetles have to do with anything?
  6. Why do we meditate?
  7. What is the higher goal of meditation?
  8. What do monkeys and elephants have to do with meditation?
  9. What exactly is meditation doing for the brain?
  10. What are the ten stages of meditation?
  11. What is a meditation object?
  12. How does a meditation object help the mind?
  13. What is the true meaning of mindfulness?
  14. What does mindfulness do for the brain?
  15. What is the essence of mindfulness?
  16. How does mindfulness help one’s life?
  17. How do we move past the difficulty of beginning to meditate?
  18. How do we make it easier to meditate?
  19. What are the changes going on to the brain throught he process?
  20. What is the problem of forgetting and mind-wandering?
  21. How do we overcome impatience and cultivate joy?
  22. What does it meant to develop mental power?
  23. What in the world’s the zen lurch?
  24. What is meditative joy?
  25. What is a cessation event?
  26. What are insight experiences?
  27. What does compassion have to do with anything?
  28. For more Info Visit:

Culadasa, aka John Yates, PhD on Meditation, Mindfulness & the Neuroscience Behind It!!! Health | Fitness | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Inspirational | Motivational | Guided | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

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Sep 25, 2017

If you’ve ever felt angry, afraid, or don’t understand why in the world you act, or re-act the way you do, then do we have the It Didn’t Start With You, show for you!

Today I’ll be talking with mark Wolynn, Founder and director of the Family Constellation Institute, and the author of what I consider a MUST READ BOOK, particularly if you have or are thinking about having children, It Didn’t Start with You.

And that’s just what I want to talk with Mark about today about how inherited family trauma shapes who we are and what we do, and how to end the cycle once and for all.

That plus we’ll talk about rats and traumas, mice and cherry blossoms gaining sight, and what in the world Hansel and Gretel have to do with anything.

Health & Emotion Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. How he started to go blind
  2. What was the real cause of his vision loss
  3. What are some of the challenges of being a forceps baby
  4. What happens with our words during trauma
  5. What can we learn from Rachel Yahuda at Mount Sinai Medical about PTSD
  6. Why we’re 3x more likely to have PTSD if one of our parents had PTSD – and to struggle with depression and anxiety
  7. Why pups separated from their moms for just 3 hours a day are so traumatized
  8. Why cherry blossoms and mice has to do with us
  9. What does Hansel and Gretel have to do with anything – and how can this help us heal from traumas
  10. What’s wrong with blaming our parents and why it’s so critical to heal these relationships
  11. What it means that our parents are our spiritual templates
  12. What happened when a boy started getting violent and stabbing his couch at age 9
  13. How do we begin to heal?
  14. How our spiritual, meditation, gratitude, or mindfulness practice can help us heal
  15. What Dr. Norman Doidge and the brain that changes itself (neuroplasticity) does to help us
  16. What’s Heps law of neuroplasticity has to do with healing from trauma
    1. What fires together, wires together
  17. What is core language and our core sentence
  18. What’s a genogram?
  19. How do we find our past hidden traumas
  20. What about for people who are adopted or don’t have family left
  21. What are personal healing sentences?
  22. How healing our traumas help us find spiritual inner peace
  23. What’s the language of success
  24. What it means when you say you barely have enough or are just surviving
  25. Is there a spiritual component or where does spirituality come into this?
  26. What’s the most important thing you can do to help your kids

 Mark Wolynn on How to Heal Inherited Family Trauma From Before You Were Born! Epigenetics | Psychology | Health | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Meditation | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info Visit: 

Sep 25, 2017

If you’ve ever wanted to live your greatest life, in balance, and on purpose, then do we have the Well Life show for you!

Today I’ll be talking with Dr. Peter and Briana Borten, health and wellness experts, founders of The Dragontree, and authors of the popular Rituals for Living Dreambook and a beautiful new book, The Well Life.

And that’s just what I want to talk with them about today, How to Use Structure, Sweetness and Space to Create Balance, Happiness, and Peace.

That plus we’ll talk about babies and spas, Salem and Witchcraft, construction nightmares in Boulder, following your bliss vs. following your blisters, making things out of wood, swimming in natural bodies of water, and why the price-per-ounce of soup, just doesn’t matter.

The Well Life Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. How they began to create a Well Life – and what that looked like
  2. What was the framework that developed
  3. How did they ‘manage’ things early on
  4. What were some of the foundational pieces they put in place early on
  5. How did they determine their ‘life purposes’
  6. What are the three elements for a Well Life
  7. What is “sweetness’ and why is it so important for your life
  8. What we can learn from Thich Nhat Hanh and washing dishes
  9. How do we relax into our work?
  10. What is the importance of ‘space’ and what does it mean?
  11. What’s the importance of ‘structure’ and what does it look like?
  12. How do we set up structures that are flexible for change
  13. What are the importance of habits and habitualizing
  14. What’s the biological importance to play and laughter
  15. What’s the importance of getting out in nature
  16. How important is breathing?
  17. What happened when they moved to Boulder?
  18. What we can learn from Muhammed Ali’s Rope a Dope?
  19. What is Jing and why it’s so important.
  20. How do we restore our Jing?
  21. Why it’s so important to work on our energy levels and protect our energy
  22. What’s the importance of surrender or saying ‘please help!’
  23. How do we stop ourselves enough in the frantic moments to receive help
  24. What’s the importance of gratitude
  25. How creative expression can help move you through trying times
  26. and
  27. What’s the importance of metta-kindness?
  28. Beautiful inner-smile guided meditation!

Dr. Peter & Briana Borten on How to Live An Exceptional Well Life + Guided Meditation! Health | Career | Entrepreneur | Inspiration | Motivational | Spiritual | Spirituality | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info Visit:

Sep 22, 2017

If you’ve ever wanted great things in your life, or to simply feel better in the moment, then do we have the power of patience and the law of attraction show for you!

Today we’ll talk about intention work and the power of patience. How to get it, why we need it, where it’s been hiding, and why we just can’t get it fast enough!

Power of Patience Law of Attraction Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. What’s the point of bringing your attention to your intention?
  2. How to create the reality you want to see to bring about the future you desire (law of attraction)
  3. What we can learn from automatic writing and channeled writing.
  4. What is fullness?
  5. How do we feel empty and still full?
  6. What does it mean that emptiness is happening?
  7. What does it mean to have more nutritional density in your life (fullness)
  8. What do our different filters have to do with our emotions
  9. What does it mean that all great things take time?
  10. What does it mean that it’s all about the energy we bring to things?
  11. How does going to a place of patient help top off our energy batteries
  12. What in the world is a fish storm?
  13. What does it mean to check in and let things go?
  14. Why does focuses on the negative create storms in your life.
  15. What do happy snails have to do with anything?
  16. What it means to build a new idea?
  17. To Find Out More Visit: 

CJ Liu on How to Use the Power of Patience to Make the Law of Attraction Work for You! Health | Fitness | Inspiration | Spiritual | Spirituality | Meditation | Mindfulness | Parenting | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help

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Sep 21, 2017

If you’ve ever wanted a happier, more glowing and satisfying life then do we have the Power of Kindness Show for You.

Today I’ll be talking with Piero Ferrucci, psychotherapist, philosopher, and collaborator with Roberto Assagiolio the founder of psychosynthesis. He’s the author many beautiful, beautiful books, including the incredible best-seller, The Power of Kindness.

And that’s just what we’ll be talking about today, about the unexpected benefits of leading a compassionate life.

That plus we’ll talk about an ice age of the heart, chimpanzees and compassion, hippos and split pea soup, why in the world you’d put a herring in your pocket, why you can’t solve problems with French fries, and What in the world does a drunk, an airplane and a toad have to do with anything???

Kindness and Compassion Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. How he met his teacher Roberto Siggioli – founder of psychosynthesis
  2. Where does joy come from?
  3. How are beauty and kindness connected?
  4. What’s the importance of “space”
  5. What it means to have kindness and altruism?
  6. How altruism and giving affects the brain
  7. Can honesty and kindness co-exist?
  8. What’s the importance of harmlessness
  9. Why Ghandi says harmlessness is the highest law?
  10. What’s the Pygmalion effect?
  11. What’s the effect of thinking
  12. What’s the importance of forgiveness?
  13. Why forgiveness is a health issue
  14. Why his wife does if someone wrongs her – for instance cutting her off
  15. What’s the importance of taking risks and experimenting
  16. What’s the relationship between trust and surrender
  17. How trust is a form of giving and a way to
  18. What’s the importance of mindfulness
  19. What does technology have to do with mindfulness?
  20. What’s an ice-age of the heart that’s going on?
  21. What’s the power of a letter
  22. How do we cultivate more empathy?
  23. What’s the importance of gratitude?
  24. Piero Ferrucci’s book for children “What Children Teach Us”

Piero Ferrucci on the Life-Changing Power of Kindness & Compassion for Happiness & Success! + Meditation! Health | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Mindfulness | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info Visit:

Sep 20, 2017

If you’ve ever wanted more creativity and joy in your life, then do we have the Art and Soul Reloaded Show For You!

Today I’ll be talking with Pam Grout, #1 new york times best-selling author, repeat guest, and the author of a beautiful new book and treatise on rediscovering your creativity, Art And Soul Reloaded. 

And that’s just what I want to talk with her about today, about how to summon your muses and reclaim your bold, audacious creative side.

Art & Soul Reloaded Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. What does it mean to be a closet Bohemian?
  2. How did Pam Grout go from creative to corporate America?
  3. How’d she end up becoming a travel writer?
  4. What does Pam like people on both sides of the bell curve?
  5. Why is it so important to help people with their creative side?
  6. What does it meant to invite in our muses?
  7. Are we all creative?
  8. What does it mean to have creativity inside of ourselves?
  9. What does it really mean when we believe or say we don’t have time?
  10. What’s the importance of writing down three creative ideas every day?
  11. How do we overcome internal resistance to creativity?
  12. How do we get creative again after we’ve been told or shown we’re not creative (particularly from early experiences)
  13. What does it mean if we say “I have no talent”
  14. What’s an invocation to the muses?
  15. What’s zumba for the soul?
  16. What did Hay House send Pam Grout just before she released E-Squared?
  17. What’s the importance of blogging?
  18. What is a creativity ritual?
  19. What does it mean to “do it anyway” and how can this help us?
  20. What are 5 of the top creativity myths?
  21. Why is “starving artist” such a dangerous believe?
  22. What is creative capital?
  23. How’d she start Patootie Press?
  24. What’s wrong with “when I grow up…”
  25. Does real art require sacrifice?
  26. What is silliness and do we need more of it???
  27. What does it really mean “to create or die”
  28. What’s the importance of an “art partner” and just what is one?
  29. What can we learn from John Steinbeck’s Working Days: The Journal of The Grapes of Wrath”?
  30. Why is the creative life a sacred calling?
  31. To find out more visit:

Pam Grout on How to Find Purpose Happiness & Fulfillment by Rediscovering Your Creative Side! Health | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Meditation | Inspirational | Motivational | Parenting | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

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Sep 19, 2017

If you’ve ever wanted to find greater peace, happiness, and fulfillment in your life, then do we have THE Self-Love Experiment show for you! 

Today I’ll be talking with Shannon Kaiser, best-selling author, 7 time contributing author to Chicken Soup for the Soul, and author of a phenomenal new book on perhaps my all-time favorite topic, The Self-Love Experiment.

And that’s just what I want to talk with her about, about the key principles for becoming more kind, compassionate, and accepting of yourself!

Self-Love Experiment Self-Improvement and Self-Help Notes Include:

  1. What was the struggle she faced in her childhood?
  2. How did she end up in corporate America?
  3. How did she hit the reset button in her life?
  4. How did she overcome eating disorders and drug addiction?
  5. What does it mean that she went out of her way to sabotage herself?
  6. What’s the danger in “when I’s”?
  7. What does it mean to lean into your troubles for guidance?
  8. How did she lean into her depression?
  9. How did she start the self-love experiment?
  10. What is the self-love experiment process?
  11. What’s the magic of self-care and what does it look like?
  12. What’s wrong with being an A+ wellness warrior?
  13. What do you mean self-care has nothing do with what you do but how you do it?
  14. What’s it mean to allow yourself to be where you are?
  15. What’s a Daily Me-Matters List and how can it help?
  16. What was the importance of a new wardrobe?
  17. What does self-compassion look like?
  18. What’s the power of the physical space and living where we love?
  19. How do you make your environment a reflection of your peace and joy?
  20. Why don’t we want to spend time with negative thoughts?
  21. How do we find the time to do what we love?
  22. Why is how we feel more important than how we look?
  23. What’s it mean the more you, you show, the more oyur life will flow?
  24. What’s so important about your dreams?
  25. What’s the importance of gratitude?
  26. For More Info Visit:

Shannon Kaiser on Key Ways to Crank Up The Self-Love to Change Your Life!!! Health | Happiness | Fitness | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Guided Meditation | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

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Sep 18, 2017

If you’ve ever wanted more happiness out of life, then do we have A Complaint Free World show for you!

Today I’ll be speaking with Will Bowen Founder of A Complaint Free World and the author of the international best seller A Complaint Free World.

And that’s what I want to talk with him about, How to Stop Complaining and Start Enjoying the Life You Always Wanted.

A Complaint Free World Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include: 

  1. What happened to Will during his childhood?
  2. How’d he become morbidly obese?
  3. How’d he flip the switch and lose 100 pounds at 19?
  4. How’d he go from sales to becoming a Unity minister?
  5. How did the idea for complaint free bracelets come about?
  6. How’d he end up giving away over 10 million bracelets?
  7. What is a complaint free 21 day challenge?
  8. What’s the importance of treating the mind like a garden?
  9. What’s wrong with the news, or the “bad news”?
  10. What’s the importance of wearing a bracelet?
  11. And switching the bracelet from wrist to wrist?
  12. How much do we complain?
  13. How do we become addicted to complaining?
  14. Why is complaining a complaint-free sport?
  15. Why do we really complain, and what’s the acronym GRIPE stand for?
  16. What can we learn from Tony Robbins if someone says something can’t be done?
  17. What’s the power of the words “of course”
  18. What’s the shortest path to get what you desire?
  19. What’s really wrong with “false hope”?
  20. What’s the power of entrainment?
  21. What is complaint free Wednesday?
  22. How do we help our children to become complaint free?
  23. For More Info Visit:

Will Bowen on to Attract Incredible Happiness & Health By Becoming Complaint Free! + Guided Meditation | Law of Attraction | Fitness | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Meditation | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help

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Sep 15, 2017

If you’ve ever wanted more courage in your life, then do we have the show for you.

Today we’ll talk about raw courage, what it is, how to get it, how to keep it, and how to access it on a moment’s notice, when you need it the most.

Raw Courage Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. What a rope course has to do with raw courage?
  2. What it means to have a second chance?
  3. How you can begin to cultivate your courage muscle?
  4. What it means to let go – particularly if your son has just left for college!
  5. How your career can change and grow when you begin to let go
  6. How to let go of the egoic part of you that’s attached to fear
  7. How energy running practices can help you.
  8. How to focus all of your energy with intention
  9. What it means to take your fear, anxiety, and worry and transform it (into courage)
  10. What it means to recognize the transitory nature of time?
  11. What’s the power behind “This Too Shall Pass”
  12. What does it mean that life is a game?
  13. What’s the importance of taking small tiny steps forward?
  14. How you help solutions to appear
  15. How do you find courage to look your darkest fears in the face
  16. What we can learn from difficult moments about your own fear?
  17. How do you move forward in the face of fear?
  18. How do you keep from facing paralysis
  19. What affect Hurricane Irma has had on the show
  20. What affect the fires near Seattle are having on CJ.
  21. How to feel peace and equanimity even in the face of natural disasters.
  22. How yoga and meditation can help
  23. What it means to return to a kid-like state
  24. What it means to not take things too seriously.
  25. How to use music as medicine.
  26. To find out more visit:

CJ Liu on How to Discover & Build Raw Courage to Face Fears & Chase Your Dreams! Health | Fitness | Parenting | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Meditation | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

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Sep 14, 2017

If you’ve ever wanted more peace, even during stormy times, then do we have the show for you!

Today we’ll talk about finding peace, bringing peace to the moment, staying out of a place of fear, and how to return to peace, especially when the storms have just passed.

That plus we’ll talk about working on the floor, kitties climbing walls, storage units and midnight, move, move, where the move, the power of coaching sales, lawn-mowering gone bad, eclipses and intention ceremonies, and what in the world Zippy, Izzy, Junior and Bebe, have to do with anything!

Finding Peace Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. What is TV close?
  2. Why is all of the furniture out of Michael and Jessica’s home?
  3. What has hurricane Irma done for the Inspire Nation Show?
  4. What it means to surrender to your experience?
  5. How Jessica got mild mold-toxicity poisoning again?
  6. What she’d done through this experience?
  7. What it means when the same event comes back and back and back into your life?
  8. What it means to spiral upwards up the mountain?
  9. What’s the importance of prayer in times of desperation?
  10. What’s the importance of dropping into your meditation?
  11. What it means to have a mini-retreat center?
  12. What it means that we’re truly fortunate.
  13. What it means to truly drop everything and be here now?
  14. How to find focus even when storms are barreling down at you?
  15. What it means to get grounded or rooted in times of strife?
  16. How to listen to guidance of the Universe?
  17. What does it mean to turn things into ceremony?
  18. What was Michael and Jessica’s solar eclipse totality experience – in the rain, like?
  19. What’s the importance of cutting yourself slack and not getting down on yourself?
  20. Why it’s okay to rely on others
  21. What does it mean to hold onto to others in times of need?
  22. What it means to hold space for others?
  23. How these experiences are opportunities to reflect on how far we’ve come
  24. What’s the importance of this one precious, special, sacred moment?
  25. What is a perfect moment, and how does one experience it?

Jessica Lee and Michael Sandler on How to Bring More Peace Into Your Life - Even in Times of Strife!!! Health | Parenting | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Mindfulness | Meditation | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

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Sep 13, 2017

If you’ve ever wanted healthier, happier relationships, or more love in your life, then do we have the Beyond Mars and Venus show for you! 

Today I’ll be talking with John Gray, relationship expert, and the incredible best-selling author of Men are From Mars, Women are From Venus, and his latest, Beyond Mars and Venus.

And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about relationships skills for today’s complex world.

Beyond Mars and Venus Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include: 

  1. How did John Gray meet Yogananda?
  2. How did John Gray get involved with Transcendental Meditation?
  3. How did John Gray become a monk for 9 years under Maharisha Mahesh Yogi?
  4. How did John Gray become a couples teacher?
  5. How did he get the idea for Men are From Mars?
  6. What is the basic premise of Men are From Mars?
  7. How are relationships more confusing and complex now?
  8. What is wrong with relationships today?
  9. What are the challenges for both men and women today?
  10. What are the symptoms of chronic stress in women?
  11. How are things out of balance?
  12. What do men and women’s hormones have to do with anything?
  13. How do changing roles affect our hormone levels?
  14. What happens when our hormones are out of balance?
  15. What does anger have to do with testosterone and estrogen, and why is it so counter-intuitive?
  16. How do relationships affect our hormone levels?
  17. What are key behavioral changes we can make to bring our hormone levels back into balance?
  18. What are some key ways to improve our relationships?
  19. How do we know if our yin and yang are out of balance – and why is this so important?
  20. How do we better balance our masculine and feminine sides?
  21. What does polarity have to do with attraction?
  22. What activities can men and women do to get things back into balance?
  23. What’s the importance of oxytocin?
  24. What’s the importance of cuddling?
  25. What’s the importance of self-love?
  26. Why Men are From Venus, Women are From Mars, and Children are From Heaven!
  27. To find out more visit:

John Gray of Men Are From Mars On Top Relationship Skills You Need to Know! + Guided Meditation | Health | Fitness | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Inspirational | Motivational | Parenting | Self-Improvement | Self-Help

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Sep 11, 2017

If you’ve ever wondered if there’s a God, and if so, what in the world he’s doing in Hollywood, then do we have The Ken Commandments show for you! 

Today I’ll be talking with Ken Baker, E! News senior correspondent and the best-selling author of numerous books including The Late Bloomer and a fantastic new, can’t put it down page-burner The Ken Commandments. 

And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about Ken’s search for God, in Hollywood, and what it means for us. 

“The Ken Commandments” Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include: 

  1. How did the Kardashians Help Ken Baker to Find Spirituality?
  2. What did Lamar Odon have to do with Ken Baker’s Spiritual Quest?
  3. How did he want to mark 20 years of being a reporter in Hollywood?
  4. How did he start to get his spiritual life in order?
  5. What experience on the runway left him with severe anxiety?
  6. How did this experience point his compass toward spirituality?
  7. What did Howard Stern and atheism have to do with his journey?
  8. What did he learn from Adam Grant from the Man Show?
  9. What are some of the spiritual tools Ken discovered?
  10. What role did Jason Kennedy of E! have to do with his journey?
  11. What did Ken learn from the pastor Judah Smith?
  12. What role does meditation play for Ken Blake?
  13. What has he learned from Christianity, and Buddhism, and other faiths?
  14. What is “The Work”
  15. How do we be present with ourselves?
  16. How do we connect or be present with the Universe?
  17. What did he learn from Deepak Chopra?
  18. What are the 4 Soul Questions for meditation?
  19. What is
  20. What’d he learn from Headspace?
  21. Who is the medium Tyler Henry, Hollywood Medium, and what did he learn from him?
  22. What happened when Ken visited The Field of Dreams in Iowa?
  23. What he’s learned about spirituality from his kids
  24. To find out more visit: and

Ken Baker of E! News on His Spiritual Quest to Find God While In Hollywood! Health | Inspiration | Motivation | Kim Kardashian | Kennedy | Health | Spiritual | Spirituality | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info Visit: 

Sep 11, 2017

If you’ve ever wanted more happiness, and resilience your life, or greater positivity in the face of storms, then do we have the Buddha’s Brain show for you. 

Today I’ll be talking with Dr. Rick Hanson, neuropsychologist, brain expert, and the best-selling author of Hardwiring Happiness, Just One Thing and the Buddha’s Brain.

And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about how to develop resilience and a Buddha brain, one simple practice at a time.

Neuroscience of Positivity Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include: 

  1. What to do when the waves of life come?
  2. What is a self-transforming brain?
  3. How can we change the emotional intelligence of the brain?
  4. What is the brain’s negativity bias?
  5. Why are we so vulnerable to the impact of negative experiences?
  6. Why do our brain’s focus on the sticks over carrots – or on the negative experiences?
  7. How does mindfulness awareness help bring more stability and peacefulness to our minds?
  8. Three fundamental ways to relate to the mind
  9. How do we begin to focus on the positives with our brain???
  10. How do you switch from the negative to the positive?
  11. What’s the importance of focusing on the rewards in an experience?
  12. What does it mean to experience what you want to grow
  13. What does it mean that the path our life takes boils down to three causes?
  14. What are 9 ways to make your life better?
  15. What has the greatest opportunity to make your life better?
  16. How do we increase our resources for positivity and resilience?
  17. One simple way on a day to day basis to grow our mental resources?
  18. What it means to anchor an experience?
  19. How do we steepen our growth curve to learning in our lives?
  20. How do we learn how to learn?
  21. What’s the importance of safety, satisfaction and connection?
  22. How do we watch our minds learn
  23. What’s the importance of reflection on our experiences?
  24. How to rewire the mind for courage.
  25. How do we change ourselves in some meaningful way?
  26. For More Info Visit: www.RickHanson

Dr. Rick Hanson on the Neuroscience of Positivity & Resilience, Even in Times of Adversity! + Guided Meditation | Fitness | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

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Sep 8, 2017

If you’ve ever wondered why you’re struggling with your health, your emotions, or your mind, then do we have the Mind-Gut Connection Show for You.

Today I’ll be talking with Emeran Mayer, MD, who has studied brain-body interactions for the almost 40 years and is considered a pioneer and world leader in the area of brain-gut microbiome interactions and chronic pain. He’s the author of an astounding new book and look at our minds and our health, The Mind-Gut Connection.

And that’s just what we’ll talk about today, how the hidden conversation within our bodies impacts our mood, our choices, and our overall health, and what we can do about it.

That plus we’ll talk about exotic Bavarian chocolates, the dangers of eating mad, gut microbes and making Xanax, breast milk and valium, dietary lessons from the Yanomami, a bus-ride that shall forever live in digestive infamy, and what in the world rhesus monkeys have to do with going to college.

Gut Health & Microbiome Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. How he started listening to his gut and where it steered him
  2. What’s the power of journaling?
  3. How many microbes are in us and on us?
  4. What do microbes have to do with what we think, feel and say
  5. How to listen to your gut when you’re shopping for food
  6. What’s a new view of the human being or the human superorganism
  7. What are we really made of?
  8. What is the human microbiome?
  9. What is the language of the microbiome
  10. Who is driving the ship, or how are the micro-organisms controlling or talking to us
  11. How changing the microbiome changes whether we gain or lose weight
  12. Why we have to be careful which microbes we feed
  13. How our microbiome has developed for our modern poor diet
  14. What’s the danger of eating angry?
  15. What’s the power of prayer for your food
  16. What does your childhood has to do with your gut?
  17. How we can help our children’s guts
  18. How our guts and microbiome has been changed over multiple generations
  19. How to prevent our kids from getting obese
  20. What we can learn from Michael Pollan
  21. What the stress on the mother (during pregnancy too) does for the microbiome of the baby
  22. What’s the importance of breast-feeding
  23. What happiness and positivity have to do with your child’s microbiome
  24. What’s the French paradox?
  25. What are some of the healthiest diets in the world
  26. What’s the danger of emulsifiers and additives
  27. What does our food have to do with our mood
  28. How does meditation and mindfulness change the microbiome
  29. How does spirituality and spiritual practices change your microbes
  30. – find lots of interviews and video clips On The Mind Gut Connection
  31. What’s a Buddhist approach to our microbiome
  32. What has his meditation practice been like
  33. What focusing on our breath in meditation has to do with our microbiome

What Your Gut is Trying to Tell You For Health, Happiness, Immune System, Fitness & Weight Loss! Dr. Emeran Mayer | Inspiration | Motivation | Meditation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

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Sep 7, 2017

If you’ve ever wanted more love, greater love, or to find the greatest love of your life, then do we have the show for you!

Today I’ll be talking with Dr. Laura Berman, Nationally syndicated Radio show host and New York Times Best-Selling author of Real Sex for Real Women, and the author of Quantum Love, Use Your Body’s Atomic Energy to Create the Relationship You Desire.

And so today we’ll talk about quantum love what it is, how we can cultivate it, and ways to bring it into our lives, consider this show the law of attraction meets love.

That plus we’ll talk about the energy of kissing, the power of the number nine, why three minutes matter, and how in the world to manifest quantum sex.

Questions and Topics Include:

  1. What is an AFGE?
  2. What was Dr. Laura Berman’s dark night of the soul
  3. How it was predicted Laura was about to have a crisis
  4. Why Robert Ohotto suggested Laura Berman needed to ‘land her plane’.
  5. How ‘The Secret’ and the Law of Attraction affected Dr. Berman
  6. How Dr. Laura Berman went to see Therise Rowley, psychic intuitive
  7. How it turns out her son is clairsentient
  8. How she was able to repair the relationship with her eldest son while healing from breast cancer
  9. What was the seed for her healing?
  10. How she was forced to look at her fear and scarcity
  11. What she was forced to learn about from her cancer
  12. What were the inflammatory causes of her cancer
  13. How we’re essentially human tuning forks and what this means for our relationships and our emotions
  14. What Neurobiologist Jill Bolte Taylor who wrote ‘Stroke of Insight’ teaches us about ‘blank slate’
  15. What ‘home frequency’ and how it can change your life
  16. What the importance is of resonance and having people match you at your frequency
  17. What was Dr. Berman’s ah ha moment that started her down the road to Quantum Love
  18. What’s a Jedi-mind trick for your relationship
  19. How your vibrational frequency or ‘state’ can be quantifiably measured
  20. What is a quantum love map?
  21. How Dr. Michael Beckwith was woven into the Quantum Love Map.
  22. How do you get yourself unstuck from ego frequencies.
  23. What does it mean to get clear about what you want out of love – and how to manifest love
  24. How to manifest love when you want a relationship, or in a relationship (how to start at the end)
  25. Love’s Danielle Laporte’s Fire-Starter Sessions – and what happened on a particular New Year’s Eve
    1. What are your core-desired feelings? (Really important in the law of attraction world and the quantum love world)
  26. What are quantum love goals?
  27. Find out how you really want to feel in love
  28. Why it’s so important to put yourself in the time of imagining
  29. How you can move yourself into the frequency of your emotion to help bring about or manifest a match
  30. How to quantum match (entrainment) to overcome relationship difficulties
  31. How do we overcome limiting beliefs (which is typically the stopping point in the law of attraction)
  32. How to change our subconscious thoughts?
  33. What is Quantum Sex?
  34. What is mind-body-spirit pleasure?
  35. What does an ‘energy hangover’ mean for singles and sex?
  36. Why you may want to protect your heart if you’re having casual sex
  37. What’s the intention blessing and how does that help with your different sexual scenarios
  38. How a rose-quartz phallus helped someone to heal from deep emotional wounds
  39. What is the pink sparkly vagina?
  40. What is the energy of kissing?
  41. What is testicular breathing?
  42. How to understand your attention and the power of thoughts when it comes to sex and quantum sex (and what your chakras have to do with it)
  43. How to build a circle of energy to create a full body sensation for full body arousal and orgasm
  44. What is a fire-breath orgasm?
  45. What parents should teach their kids about quantum love (and quantum parenting)
  46. Where can people go to find out more – book, radio show (35 markets)
  47. Guided Open-Hearted Meditation (can also be a biofeedback system for yourself) 

Dr Laura Berman On The Secret & Law of Attraction for Love, Relationships & Better Sex! + Guided Meditation | Health | Fitness | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

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Sep 6, 2017

If you’ve ever struggled with people who treat you like dirt, then do we have the AssHole Survival Guide for You.

Today I’ll be talking with Robert I Sutton, Stanford University Professor and organizational psychologist and the New York Times best-selling author of The No Asshole Rule, and Good Boss, Bad Boss, and his latest, The Asshole Survival Guide.

And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about how to deal with people who treat you like dirt.

A**Hole Avoidance Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. How did Dr. Sutton become an A** hole expert?
  2. How’d he come to write “The No A**Hole Rule?
  3. What’s a bias-busting mantra?
  4. What’s it mean to look at ourselves first?
  5. How do we figure out if we have an a**hole problem?
  6. What are a few good diagnostic questions?
  7. What in the world was a a**hole factory?
  8. What are petty tyrants and why are they so dangerous?
  9. How do we work with rule nazi’s?
  10. What’s a grin-f’er?
  11. What can we learn from Adam Grant about a**hole survival?
  12. Why is quitting sometimes a good thing?
  13. What is A**hole blindness?
  14. What are a few of the top lies people tell themselves
  15. What’s the best way to leavea job?
  16. What are a few top A**hole avoidance techniques?
  17. What’s it mean to slow the rhythm?
  18. What are safety zones?
  19. Is there a time to fight?
  20. What do you need to know if you need to fight?
  21. What’s the Benjamin Franklin affect?
  22. Where does love come into the equation?
  23. What’s the importance of self-love?
  24. What do we need to know for our kids (and about bullying)?
  25. To find out more go to:

Dr. Robert Sutton On How To Deal With People Who Treat You Like Dirt! Health | Business | Career | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Mindfulness | Meditation | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info Visit: 

Sep 5, 2017

If you’ve ever thought ANYTHING was impossible, or the challenge was too great, then do we have the Sometimes Brilliant Show for You.

Today I’ll be talking with Larry Brilliant, pioneering physician, global philanthropist, and one of the key players in the eradication of smallpox, which has saved millions, of not a billion lives to come. He’s also the best-selling author of a brilliant new book, and a MUST read about faith or courage, Sometimes Brilliant.

And that’s just what we’ll be talking about today, about the impossible adventure of a spiritual seeker and visionary physician who helped conquer the worst disease in history.

That plus we’ll talk about the importance of juke boxes, Wavy Gravy and the Hog Farm Bus, the power of a pomegranate Ben Spock, Martin Luther King, Ram Das, time off for bad behavior, what in the world 420 and the Bhagavad-Gita Gita have to do with anything, who’s the world’s tallest white monkey, eating car tires, and what Grandma Ida and Electric punch have to do with anything.

Larry Brilliant Notes

  1. What happened with his dad and the mafia
  2. What ancient coins taught him about India
  3. How did he meet Martin Luther King Jr, and how’d he change Larry’s life
  4. What does a motorcycle ride and nitrous oxide have to do with anything
  5. Who he miraculously got into medical school
  6. What was a rescue mission to Alcatraz and who was Wovoca?
  7. What happened with Larry and Warner Brothers?
  8. Who’s Wavy Gravy and the Hog Farm Commune Bus and the Sterling Hog – and touring on the Silk Road
  9. What happened with Ram Das and Be Here Now?
  10. What was it like meeting Neem Karoli Baba – aka Mahara-ji
  11. What is the opposite of faith, and what does doubt have to do with faith

Dr Larry Brilliant Who Helped Eradicate Small Pox On Empowering Your Life To Make a Difference! TED Talk | Health | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Meditation | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info Visit: 

Sep 4, 2017

If you’ve ever struggled with manifesting abundance and wealth, and wondered why in the world others can get it, but no matter how hard you try or focus on it, it just doesn’t come your way, then do we have the show for you!

Today I’ll be talking with Mitch Horowitz, editor of one of my new all-time favorite books, by one of my favorite authors. It’s The Miracle Power of Your Mind: The Joseph Murphy Treasury a compilation of 24 all-time favorites by Joseph Campbell, including The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, Believe in Yourself, Fear Not, and Riches Are Your Right.

Today we’ll talk about the power of the mind, and your subconscious to create anything you desire. We’ll look at how it works, how to use it, what you don’t want to do, and even the best ways to pray!

That plus we’ll talk about surgery without anesthesia, the power of magnetized steel, and why in the world, you want to daydream while you’re in a sleepy state!

Questions and Topics Include:

  1. Why physical books are not dead
  2. How did Mitch get interested in Joseph Murphy’s work
  3. What one concept from Joseph Murphy does Mitch keep coming back to?
  4. How Joseph Murphy came to metaphysical philosophy and the positive thinking movement nearly a century ago
  5. How the Power of Your Subconscious Mind sold 20 million copies
  6. What is a good way to prayer (or ignite the energies of your own mind)
    1. Why “Mind” and God may be seen as synonymous
  7. What is the power and importance of “faith”
  8. What is the importance of “confidence”
  9. What ethics has to do with confidence
  10. Why it’s so important to cultivate a ‘sense of success’ and why it’s so important to consort with people who build your success
  11. A powerful piece of advice Olivia Newton John once had for young artists
  12. What’s the importance of the subconscious mind
  13. What’s the difference between the conscious objective mind and the much deeper engine
  14. Is there a difference between Joseph Murphy’s view of the Universe and The Secret
  15. What Mitch’s differences are with Rhonda Byrne about the Secret, and why Mitch applauds her for making it.
  16. Why choice is so important and powerful in our lives
  17. How do we turn things over to the subconscious?
  18. What makes an effective affirmation?
  19. What’s the power of the placebo effect, and the mind-blowing results Harvard researchers found in 2010.
  20. Why does Joseph Murphy believe Wealth is a state of mind.
  21. Why Joseph Murphy says it’s ‘appropriate to pray for money’
  22. How life is a kind of circuit and why you need the ‘circuit to be complete’
  23. What Joseph Campbell mean by “it’s your right to be rich”
  24. What are positive ways to affirm money
  25. Why is it so important to cultivate your feelings?
  26. Why it’s so helpful to find ways to benefit all people
  27. Why nothing is wrong with manifesting Mercedes
  28. What does Joseph Murphy mean by “easy does it” which may have come from Alcoholics Anonymous’s Bill Wilson
  29. What is napitation and how naps can help for meditation
  30. The importance of not straining
  31. What does Joseph Murphy have to say about imagination (which is a term he got from Neville Goddard – who is perhaps Mitch Horowitz’s favorite Positive Mind hero!)
  32. Why “imagination is the engine of creation”
  33. When do we start introducing this literature (New Thought Literature) to children
  34. Find him at
  35. “What Do I Really Want” guided meditation

Mitch Horowitz on Using The Miracle Power of Your Mind by Joseph Campbell for Health, Wealth & Happiness | Secret | Career | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

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Sep 1, 2017

If you’ve ever wanted to feel more alive in your life, then do we have the epic living show for you!

Today we’ll talk about living large, feeling more alive, and how to dance with life’s events into the unknown.

That plus we'll talk about Michael Sandler and Jessica Lee's epic eclipse, Michael's birthday, CJ's college drop off, and how to make events sacred in your life. 

Epic Living Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include: 

  1. What was Michael and Jessica’s view of the eclipse?
  2. What CJ saw when watching the eclipse from an airplane
  3. What happened when CJ left her son for college?
  4. What Jessica and Michael did for intention prayers at the time of the eclipse?
  5. What Michael and Jessica have been doing to live an epic life?
  6. What it means to have epic mini-adventures in your life?
  7. What we can learn from Paul Selig about bringing Freedom into your life?
  8. What it means to look at fear?
  9. How we can move away from fear and move more toward love?
  10. What it means to allows what’s to occur to occur?
  11. Why you don’t want to measure yourself based on what happens
  12. Why people have been having a hard time after the eclipse
  13. What you want to do with your empty time
  14. How to have a healthy goodbye?
  15. How to make your difficult events and make them sacred
  16. What it truly means that the universe is happening through you and for you, not to you.
  17. What it means to live your life large – and how you can begin to do so
  18. For more info visit:

CJ Liu on How to Live an Epic Life, Feel More Alive, and Bring the Sacred Into Your Life! Health | Parenting | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Meditation | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info Visit: