
Inspire Nation Show with Michael Sandler

Our Goal’s to Help Change the World by Helping YOU to Shine Bright! Now one of the top self-help & spirituality shows in 193 countries w/a new inspirational, motivational, spiritual, law of attraction or health-oriented guest DAILY! Plus guided meditations! After overcoming 2 near-death accidents, Host Michael Sandler felt a calling to start a life-changing show to help you live the life of your dreams! Guests Include John Gray, Bob Proctor, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Dr. Bernie Siegel, Anthony William, Arielle Ford, and countless more! Our goal is to leave you an ear-to-ear grin and an actionable plan to achieve your goals! Get ready to live your greatest life and to Shine Bright!
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Inspire Nation Show with Michael Sandler











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Now displaying: April, 2016
Apr 30, 2016

If you’ve ever wanted to feel better, move better, have greater health, more energy, less depression and anxiety, and get rid of nagging aches and pains, once and for all… then do we have the show for you.

Today I’ll be talking with Dr. Norman Shealy, health pioneer, visionary best-selling author, creator of the Tens, founder of the American Holistic Medical Association, co-founder of the American Board for Scientific Medical Intuition with Caroline Miss, President of Holos Institutes of Health, has treated over 30,000 patients with chronic paint and depression, and is the author of Living Bliss, Major Discoveries Along the Holistic Path.

Chances are, if you’ve ever sought holistic health care, then you’ve been touched by his work.

Today we’ll talk about many of his greatest health findings, how they can benefit you, and ways you can feel better, overcome chronic pain, and get your greatest body back.

That plus we’ll talk about what happened at Findhorn, bolo ties, why his dad wouldn’t let him football, Dr. John Eliotson, copper pyramids, telomeres, and tesla coils, a Navajo Labyrinth and what in the world is an electreat?

Questions and Topics Include:

  1. What happened to Norman Sheely because of a past life and how he became paralyzed.
  2. Who was his wife Chardy – and how was she.
  3. Why she was the most conscientious person he’d ever met
  4. How he discovered oxytocin production after his wife’s passing.
  5. Why he’s still 26 years young at 83 years of age!
  6. Why he’s so fascinated with the mind
  7. Why oxytocin is so important for children, and especially during gestation.
  8. Why major trauma’s can block oxytocin in kids, especially if before the age of 7
  9. How to restore oxytocin in the body.
  10. How the Ring of Air can improve oxytocin and make the brain more intuitive
  11. How he went from neuro-surgery to pain management.
  12. How he started the ‘Pain Rehabilitation Center’ in 1971
  13. Who was Dr. John Elliotson?
  14. How he became the father of TENS
  15. How the spiritual side of things or spirituality was missing from medicine (why it’s a problem when the mind isn’t connected with the soul)
  16. How he did nasal surgery without pain medication – which yours truly (Michael Sandler) did as well.
  17. How he began working with Caroline Myss
  18. How he got money to study psychic diagnosis.
  19. What’s the importance for our health in finding our life purpose
    1. Will have a course last week in July on Finding Your Life Purpose
  20. What’s the importance of DHEA?
  21. How he introduced the idea of putting electrodes onto needles (the introduction of electro-acupuncture) in the mid 60’s.
  22. Why 80% of adults are low in magnesium.
  23. Why it’s so important to get your body temperature up (and why you need iodine)
    1. What it means to be hypo-thyroid
  24. How he has guides, and how he began to hear and listen to them.
  25. How sacred rings works, and how to apply or stimulate the acupressure points
    1. May visit and look for sacred rings
  26. What to do for osteopenia as a man (and what’s important for osteoporosis)
    1. Why Boron would help (9 mg)
    2. Why you want Vitamin D3
    3. Why you want to take TestoJack (to raise testosterone levels if you’re a male and low in bone density)
  27. What’s the importance of your telomeres
  28. Anything else with holistic care we need to be doing today?
  29. What is the importance of balancing body/mind/soul, and what does that mean and look like?
  30. Advice for parents for kids today
  31. What’s the power of a past-life regression
  32. What’s the power of looking in the mirror and loving yourself.
  33. A guided meditation

Dr. Norman Shealy, Health Pioneer, Creator of Tens, Founder American Holistic Medical Association Shares Top Tips for Healing, Strengthening & Energizing Body, Mind & Soul + Guided Meditation! Spiritual | Spirituality | Inspiration | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info Visit:

Apr 29, 2016

If you’ve wanted to feel more awake, alive, on purpose, and energized, then do we have the show for you.

Today I’ll be talking with Cara Badley, former team rollerblade pro skater, mental-strength coach, the founder of Verge Yoga, and co-founder of the non-profit Mindfulness Through Movement which provides mindfulness programs to schools in Philadelphia, host of the podcast Real Women, Courageous wisdom, and the author of On The Verge: Wake Up, Show up and Shine.

Today we’ll talk about how you can do just that, turn your life in a high definition, high voltage, on purpose experience. on purpose living with greater focus, energy, clarity and joy.

That plus we’ll talk about climbing mount cardigan, skating central park, how to problem solve through walking, what in the world are sticky people, what’s a sloppy brain, crazy busy, and why you don’t need to force a frog pose, in order to feel good about yourself.

Questions and Topics Include:

  1. How do you teach Villanova football players yoga?
  2. What happened in her last track race as a Division 1 800 sprinter.
  3. What shifted her permanently?
  4. What athletes at peak moments are typically thinking about.
  5. What is a verge?
  6. What does ‘let me do’ mean?
  7. What is a ‘direct experience’?
  8. What is living in High Definition
  9. How she went from a professional skater to an investment banker back to professionally skating (for Team Rollerblade) again.
  10. What is experiencing our life with high voltage energy
  11. What is a simple way we can get more into a high voltage moment
  12. What is skygazing?
  13. What’s the importance of shivasana?
  14. Why Gentle is the New Strong
  15. Why You Can’t Get to Peace through Push
  16. What we can learn from running to the bottom of the Grand Canyon
  17. What is a sloppy brain?
  18. What’s a practice to ground yourself when you’re in sloppy brain?
  19. What’s the importance of letting go of judgment?
  20. What’s the importance of the practice of being kind to yourself (with tenderness and humor)
  21. What Scott McBride taught her about being kind.
  22. What is the ‘finding your love object’ practice
  23. What does it mean to show up right now?
  24. Why drama drains and focus fuels
  25. What are sticky situations and sticky people?
  26. Lessons from Cayman
  27. What does it mean to be fearless?
  28. What’s the importance of loving yourself?
  29. Why loving kindness is the ‘essential oil’
  30. What advice for parents to help kids be more ‘on the verge’?
  31. Website:
    1. On site will be info for free On The Verge app
    2. Guided meditation primer practices
    3. Yoga Videos
    4. Moving Meditation
  32. A guided ‘be kind’ meta meditation practice

Cara Bradley (Mental Strength Coach to Villanova) Shares How to Wake Up, Show Up, & Shine in Life Through Mindfulness, Kindness & Compassion! Plus Guided Meditation | Business | Career | Fitness | Inspiration | Motivation | Health | Self-Help | Inspire

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Apr 28, 2016

If you’ve ever struggled with bad habits, unhealthy habits, or patterns you know don’t serve you well, or others around you, then do we have the habit-changing show for you!

Today I’ll be talking with Hugh Byrne, PhD, a guiding teacher with the Insight Meditation Community of Washington, a mindfulness meditator for over 30 years, and the author of The Here and Now Habit.

Today we’ll talk about mindfully breaking habits, how to begin, how to catch them, how to rewire, and what to do to keep them from coming back.

That plus we’ll talk about surfing urges, painted tigers, pick pockets, blowing your horn in traffic, and why if you want to get to Newcastle, you wouldn’t start from here.

Questions and Topics Include:

  1. How he began mindful meditation in the mid-80’s.
    1. First read The Way of Zen by Alan Watts.
  2. How he had an opening up experience many years ago.
  3. How his meditation practice got started
  4. Why 1/3 to ½ of all behaviors are habits
  5. What exactly are habits?
  6. Daniel Kahneman, Thinking Fast and Slow – System 1, when a brain takes behaviors and puts them on a fast-track…they’re not intentional anymore, and why that’s important to us.
  7. How do we identify habits that are going on without realizing it.
  8. Why studies in brain science show mindfulness can literally change the rewiring of the brain
  9. How mindfulness can distress the amygdala or lizard-like part of the brain
  10. What researchers call a positive dominos effect.
  11. What is suffering, what ties us to suffering, and how do we let go of suffering?
  12. What’s the habit of doing?
  13. What does it mean to ‘lean into’
  14. Why wanting too much gets in the way of getting what we want.
  15. What Tibetan teacher Chogyam Trungpa and what is freedom.
  16. What are ways to bring us back into the present moment?
  17. What’s an anchor and how do we use it?
  18. Great mantras for being present
  19. How to surf the energy of your emotions (also discussed in Dzogdchen Ponlop Rinpoche interview)
  20. What drives our unhealthy habits and how to ferret out our underlying beliefs
  21. What’s the importance of self-compassion.
  22. What are 3 questions to bring mindfulness to any situation?
  23. Advice for parents to bring mindfulness to your children
  24. If people are starting meditating, how long is good to start with on a daily basis?
  25. What’s a meditation notebook?

Hugh Byrne PhD Shares How To Be Here and Now by Breaking Unhealthy Habits Once & For All Thru Mindfulness. Learn How to Move Past Suffering, Negative Emotions & Fear. Plus Guided Meditation! Inspiration | Motivation | Spirituality | Health | Self-Help


Apr 27, 2016

If you’ve felt you were stuck, plateaued, couldn’t get ahead, or worse, felt you were falling back, then do we have the optimistic show for you!

Today we’ll be talking about the dance, about taking one step back, to take two steps forward, and why plateaus and backslides, aren’t at all what they appear to be.

That plus we’ll talk about shamanic drumming, hitting the trails, wearing the same clothes day after day, google antics, spring terror, and what to do when iTunes eats your shows…

Questions and Topics Include:

  1. What happened with iTunes?
  2. What happened with CJ’s knee
  3. What is a plateau?
  4. How do you know if you’re falling backwards or still moving forward?
  5. Why the times you feel your stuck are often your greatest moments
  6. When life wants you to respond rather than react
  7. Why life may want you to slow down.
  8. Why it’s so important sometimes toward moving very, very slowly.
  9. Why doing is often linked as a habit to your self-esteem
  10. Why it’s important sometimes to go against the grain of what’s ‘normal’ or your habits
  11. How to welcome doubt. Ragani “if trust is a sword, doubt will help make the sword sharper”
  12. Why we often create ‘problems’ to solve problems
  13. What would our lives look like if there were no problem to solve?
  14. Why you don’t want to ‘run toward a goal’
  15. What’s the importance in presence.
  16. What is road magic and why is it so important to go with the flow
  17. What do shamanic drums have to do with anything?
  18. How can shamanic drumming help us?
  19. What David Allen said to Michael about the Inspire Nation Club (or Patreon Program)
  20. What it means to be open to the unknown
  21. What’s it mean to ‘follow the breadcrumbs’

Michael Sandler and CJ Liu Share How To Get Ahead When You Think You’re Falling Behind, Stuck, Or Not Getting Where You Want to Go! Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Business | Career | Happiness | Health | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info Visit:

Apr 26, 2016

Do you ever wonder what you’re most incredible self is truly capable of, if you were giving half the chance? What you could do, build, achieve, design how you could thrive or shine, if only there was a way!

Well if this sounds even remotely like you (and this means pretty-much all of us) then do we have the show for you!

Today we’ll be talking with Bernie Roth, cofounder of the Stanford D. School, one of the world’s pioneers in robotics, and the primary developer of the concept of the Creativity Workshop. He’s one of the most empowering people you’ll ever meet, and he’s also the best-selling author of one of my NEW favorite books on achieving your dreams, called, The Achievement Habit

Well today we’ll talk about moving past the what if’s and the if onlys…SO you can stop wishing and start doing, and take command of your life to achieve goals you once never thought possible.

That, plus we’ll discuss the power of crap-ups and why streaking may be the greatest thing in the world!

Questions and Topics Include:

  1. What is the D School at Stanford?
  2. What is the Achievement Habit?
    1. Getting the best out of what you have
    2. People feel better and accomplish things
      1. One group saved 75,000 kids
    3. Help people own their projects, so they’re only pass/fail, do, or not do…
    4. Changing Yoda – There is no Try only Do
      1. Do = Power vs. Try = Force
      2. If really want to get something done, you’re not trying you’re doing
      3. If you want to try you’re efforting, but if you do, it’s often less effort than the trying.
      4. Example he uses: try and pull a water-bottle from my handle
    5. How to go from Trying to Doing and why Reasons are Bullshit
      1. Excuses get in the way of doing
      2. Needing a reason to be reasonable
      3. Keep calling yourself on your excuses!
    6. The GOOOOOOOD exercise
      1. An exercise to point out the BS
    7. Paying attention to the opposites
      1. Why the opposite of what is said may be the truth
    8. How do we get unstuck or go to a higher level
      1. Discusses meeting with Microsoft
      2. If you solve the wrong problem it’s not going to help you.
      3. To get unstuck figure out what the real problem is.
      4. Students went to Myanmar to help farmers pump water, but turns out it was the “wrong” problem, the “right” problem was a need for light and how much of the farmer’s income was coming from burning extremely unhealthy and expenisve kerosene lanterns and candles
    9. How to change your self-image to a doer and an achiever
      1. First, you give everything in life it’s meaning
      2. Achiever in Google Who felt inadequate – have to get past it
        1. Do this by doing something one step at a time
        2. Get yourself a goal and do it, don’t try to do it, do-it.
  • Avoid the idea of pipe-dreams.
    1. But if really want to do something, need the intention to do it, and the attention to get it done (Intention Followed by Attention)
  1. Friend (Harold) who loved Russian Cossack Uniforms
    1. Became an example of doing, rather than trying
  2. Have to commit or it may not happen
  1. Difference between trying and affirmations
    1. Affirmations are funny
      1. Two kinds of Affirmations
        1. Bernie is the handsomest man – the affirmations you don’t quite believe, but people believe the negative stuff about them
      2. Need to get the world to give you the signal
        1. Get this by doing and succeeding
      3. The Gift of Failure & The Bias Toward Action
        1. Don’t sit around thinking about making a move, when you get an idea, make a move!
        2. For example, if you want to ask someone for a date, don’t sit around wondering for 3 months, but ask her for a date.
          1. May work, or may not, but will get to the end and find some success much sooner than sitting around wondering about it.
        3. Michael: The Million Dollar Demo
        4. Has a class called Launch Pad – You do what the design thinking methodology helps you do. Have to make income w/in 10 weeks.
        5. Students from India came in with an ipad ap idea.
        6. Turned into an incredibly successful idea – a 90 million dollar idea!!!
        7. Human nature don’t want to do it until perfect
        8. It’s okay to make a mistake, it’s a fantastic way to learn.
        9. How we used Design Thinking to Build Inspire Nation – Woo Hoo!
      4. The Importance of Language in everyday speech
        1. Example I can’t vs. I won’t –
        2. I can’t is powerless
        3. I won’t is God Like, it’s a choice
        4. Saying things in a way that’s empowering vs. a way that’s disempowering.
          1. Test can’t do something vs. won’t do something and see how it makes you feel
        5. The danger of the conjunction but
          1. It’s a negative, or a damper, or in improve, it’s “blocking”
          2. Energy shift difference between But and And
  • Big fight with his publisher, publisher kept putting but in book, he kept replacing them with And.
  1. Helping vs. Assisting
    1. Saying you’ll help makes them feel powerless
    2. Assisting feels like you’re lending a helpful hand
  2. Group Habits
    1. Why is Streaking or Running Naked Beneficial?
    2. Why energy shifts and “interruptions” are terrific and great shifts in energy, they change the atmosphere. The wilder and more bizarre the interruption the happier he is.
    3. Welcome and support the streaks in your life
  3. How do we build resiliency into our lives
    1. The winning is not the whole thing, it’s taking part that’s important
    2. Train kids to be important with the effort, then doesn’t matter if the goal is successful this time
  4. How do you train people to move past the tribe?
    1. Gets to appreciating the voyage over the destination
  5. The benefit of hanging in there and getting things done, rather than winning awards
    1. What means something is the daily flow of your life
  6. How do you help motivate others
    1. One little step at a time, one victory at a time
    2. 3 steps forward, 1 step backwards is quite alright.
    3. A matter of reinforcing people’s abilities to do stuff, and helping them feel more powerful
  7. How do you train yourself to ignore distractions?
  8. What is a crap up?
    1. Prototyping is very important in our lives – means trying something
      1. Could be a skit, a play, a conversation, a letter
      2. Most people make mock-ups
  • He has preliminary mock-ups, called crap-ups…just do SOMETHING to see what works and what doesn’t work
    1. Do something SO simple, but do something simple.

(If you like Stephen Covey and 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, You'll Love This Interview!)

Bernie Roth, Co-Founder Stanford d.School, Shares Key Achievement Habits & How to Implement Them Today To Quickly Go from a Dreamer to a Doer & Turn Efforts Into Success | Business | Career | Mindfulness | Inspiration | Motivation | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info Visit:

Apr 25, 2016

If you’ve dreamed of reaching the stars, being an astronaut, or living the greatest life possible, no matter what…then do we have the show for you!

Today we’ll talk with one of the most inspiring people you could ever meet. His name is Clay Anderson. He’s a record-setting astronaut and the first and only from Nebraska. He’s also the best-selling author of one of my all-time favorite books, that my inner-child, and grown-up adult can’t get enough of: The Ordinary Spaceman: From Boyhood Dreams to Astronaut.

Today I want to talk with him about faith, and reaching his dreams. About his faith in himself, about his faith in God, and his faith in those around him. For you don’t step out of a perfectly good spacecraft moving at 5 miles per second, hundreds of miles above the earth, if you have don’t faith…at least in those around you.

That plus we’ll talk about Batman and Robin, a Quindar (beep) Sound, being robbed of best costume, Chicken Fried Snake and Donkey Dick, and how a Zoom and Boom turned into a Whirl and Hurl.

Questions and Topics Include:

  1. How he applied more times than any astronaut in history.
  2. Encouraged by Nevada Barr to write this book.
  3. How he wasn’t ready to write a murder-mystery set in space.
  4. Grew up in Ashland Nebraska
  5. What a Quindar sound, Santa Claus, and Apollo 8 has to do with Clay going into space.
  6. How he dreamed of becoming an astronaut
  7. How synchronicities occurred to help bring him to Nasa
  8. What his faith in God has to do with him becoming an astronaut
  9. How he took a major chance and turned down his first offer to work for NASA.
  10. What chicken fried snake and donkey dick have to do with anything.
  11. Why he kept trying each year to become an astronaut (apply 15 times!)
  12. What happened to him only two weeks into the program
  13. What is the NASA PE room?
  14. How he chose his helmet
  15. What is a zoom and boom?
  16. What’s a whirl and hurl?
  17. How he learned how to fly a T-38 jet
  18. What happened with the space shuttle Columbia and what was Clay doing at the time.
  19. How going into space was a total family effort.
  20. How he worked with Russian’s in Sky City to be trained for MIR?
  21. What was it like on his last day with his wife (before lift-off)
  22. What’s the bathroom at 195 feet?
  23. What’s it like inside the space shuttle waiting for lift-off?
  24. What it feels like during take-off
  25. What was his first spacewalk like.
  27. Twitter: Astro_Clay
  28. Facebook: AstroClay

Astronaut Clay Anderson Shares His Journey from Small Town to Record-Breaking Astronaut & How He Defied All Odds & How You Can Achieve Your Dreams! Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Business | Career | Health | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info Visit:

Apr 24, 2016

Have you ever felt there had to be an easier way, that working, striving, and pushing as hard as you can, just isn’t getting you where you really want to go?

If so, then do we have the guest for you!

His name is Timber Hawkeye, he’s the best-selling author of the Buddhist Boot Camp, an inspiring book to help you shift and improve your life, almost one breath at a time.

It’s a fantastic read on Buddhism, but you don’t need to be a Buddhist to enjoy it!

Today we’re going to talk about the true meaning of freedom, success, and happiness, or about how we can live more and work less, or at the very least, live more, by worrying less!

Timber Hawkeye Topics Include:

  1. His History: From Tibetan Buddhism to Zen
  2. Looking to move past hierarchy, dogma, and chanting in a foreign language
  3. Was looking for something that felt right
    1. Travelling from the core of the intentions
    2. Had to remind himself taking off robes was taking a step inwards
  4. How Buddhist Bootcamp came about
    1. Letters over 8 years, a collection of personal insight on simplifying life
  5. How the movie Fight Club externalizes the internal conflict we each have.
    1. Is about us each being a soldier of peace in the army of love
  6. At job co-worker celebrated 30 years at same job. He had been there 10 years and decided he had to leave. Sold everything and moved to Hawaii to simplify.
  7. Look within – write down how you’d like to live
    1. Ask are you making decisions that bring you closer or farther from where you want to be
    2. Realized success means being happy
  8. Importance of time in Nature
    1. Never saw outdoors
  9. Take out whatever ingredient is making your cake bitter.
  10. Aloha is not a state you go to, but a state of mind you can bring with you
  11. Creating new healthy patterns that help us remain calm no matter what is happening to us.
  12. We create our own suffering and are victims of our own choices. It is how you react to life.
  13. Making the distinction between feelings and emotions
  14. No one can make you feel anything without your consent
  15. Sit Happens
  16. Shutting off the chatter
  17. How do we move past fear?
  18. Why the uphill climb to happiness is much better than a lifetime of suffering or pain
  19. How to replace anger with gratitude
  20. Don’t have to identify with incidents that happen in our lives
  21. Talking with the Dalai Lama – All of us dealing with the same thing
    1. Self control
    2. Compassion
    3. Freedom from anger
  22. Asks an important question for balance before making any big decision:
    1. Is what I’m about to do going to complicate my life, or keep my life simple?
  23. Importance of Core Values – write out your core values
  24. Thoughts become words and words become actions
    1. Just change your actions – go to the core and it will inevitably change how you think and how you think.
  25. Focus on your own journey
  26. Every day is a good day, some are just better
  27. Ted Talk on
  28. Last words of Wisdom: Let Go – ease up, just relax, it’s not that important

Timber Hawkeye Shares How to Find True Freedom, Peace & Happiness, So You Can Enjoy Your Life to the Fullest! Buddhist Boot Camp | Inspiration | Motivation | Business | Career | Spiritual | Spirituality | Buddhism | Health | Self-Help | Inspire

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Apr 23, 2016

If you’ve ever wanted more clarity, guidance and direction, whether in day-to-day decisions, or for the ‘big picture’ in your life, then do we have the intuitive show for you.

Today I’ll be talking with Robert Reeves, intuitive, naturopath, and the best-selling co-author of numerous books with Doreen Virtue including Flower Therapy, Angel Detox, and Nutrition for Intuition.

And that’s what I want to talk with Robert about today. About how we can use food as an elixir to improve our intuition, our sense of peace, and of course for greater health.

That plus we’ll talk about an angel detox, flower therapy, what all kids should study at 14, how to party at 18, and what in the world’s a fast food hangover?

Questions and Topics Include:

  1. How to ask Shakespeare for the answers
  2. How to you protect your energy?
  3. Balancing my to do’s with to soothe’s
  4. Who to bring more peace to the world, by generating more peace inside of us
  5. A reading with Flower Therapy Oracle Cards
  6. How do we tell what’s angel’s talking to us and what’s ego
  7. Why we need to pay attention to the energy of what we’re hearing
  8. How did Nutrition for Intuition come about?
    1. Why different foods and drinks have such a powerful affect on our energy
  9. What’s a junk food hangover?
  10. How do we use food to help us sense our intuition
  11. What’s the power of green smoothies
  12. Why food and fruit in it’s natural form is so different for the body, and so important.
  13. Why calorie counting is counter-intuitive
  14. What’s the power of kale?
  15. What’s the power behind:
    1. Ginger
    2. Turmeric
    3. Blueberries
    4. Cinammon
  16. Acai berries – how it helps motivate and inspire us and connects us to arch-angel Michael, shields us and protects us to help us charge ahead fearlessly
  17. Safron - How a few strands of saffron with a little bit of hot water does wonderful things when put in a smoothie – helps with clair-cognicance plus connects us with arch-angel Razael, a teaching angel – and what that means.
  18. Spirulina
  19. What can help us with the skin
    1. Vitamin C
      1. Which helps with Natural collagen production
    2. Internally
      1. Camu Camu
    3. The power of blending lemons or limes with the skin
    5. What foods you want for grounding
    6. How garnet or hematite can help us ground

 Robert Reeves Naturopath (Co-Author w/ Doreen Virtue) Shares Amazing Nutrition Tips to Boost Intuition, Clear Mind, Open Chakras & Heal Body, Mind, Soul – Plus Green Smoothies & Guided Meditation! Spiritual | Spirituality | Health | Self-Help | Inspire

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Apr 22, 2016

If you’ve ever struggled, worried, or lost sleep over uncertainty, the unknown, or what may happen next, then do we have the peace-providing show for you!

Today we’ll talk with Allison Carmen, life coach, business consultant, and author of a beautiful book on possibilities, called The Gift of Maybe: Finding Hope and Possibility, in Uncertain Times.

And that’s what we’ll talk with Allison about today, what is the gift of maybe, how can we use it, and how can it bring up hope, peace, and possibilities, and help us have better tomorrows, and a better night’s sleep tonight.

That plus we’ll look at Madagascar, strawberries and tigers, singing attorneys, cannibals and kings, And what in the world Brazilian chickens have to do with anything.

Questions and Topics Include:

  1. What’s a Maybe person?
  2. What it takes to feel safe and secure
  3. Why the Buddha says and Buddhism teaches that all attachment leads to suffering
  4. How Allison shifted from fear to hope
  5. What Michael Phelps can teach us about the gift of maybe
  6. What PT Barnum, Ford, Hershey, Heinz, Disney, all have in common
  7. Why Man Plans and God Laughs
  8. How did Allison shift her wiring
  9. Why Norman Vincent’s positivity may not be quite right – or why we don’t want to stuff our emotions with positivity
  10. What’s the importance of allowing—which helps you move past fear
  11. What does Madagascar have to do with anything?
  12. What’s habitual linear thinking and how do we move past it?
  13. What suffering and pain have to do with linear thinking
  14. Why the gift of maybe is the greatest gift we can give them
  15. What is a negative twist?
  16. Why you want to shut off Worry TV for BNow radio.
  17. What is ‘no thought’
  18. What’s the story of strawberries and tigers have to do with our lives?
  19. What’s the ‘gift of the present’ exercise?
  20. What’s a reverse maybe?
  21. How do we let go of stories of regret?
  22. Who is Stacey the singing attorney?
  23. What’s an exercise to build courage?
  24. What do Brazilian chickens have to do with anything?
  25. Blog at (parenting, self-help, business) writes for Psychology Today, MindBodyGreen, Huffington Post
  26. A beautiful exercise & guided meditation to practice the gift of maybe

Allison Carmen Shares How to Find Hope, Possibilities & Happiness Through the Gift of Maybe – Transformative, Inspirational & Motivational! + Guided Meditation! Inspiration | Spiritual | Spirituality | Buddhism | Business | Career | Health | Self-Help

For More Info Visit:

Apr 21, 2016

If you’ve ever struggled with emotions out of control, where anxiety, anger, jealousy, guilt or depression, then do we have the show for you!

Today we'll talk with His Holiness the Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche, the 7th in the lineage of the Dzogchen Ponlop, a bridge between the east and west, and a gen-xer who loves music, photography, art and technology. He's also the best-selling author of numerous books, including one of my new favorites, the Rebel Buddha, and his latest, Emotional Rescue: How to Transform Hurt and Confusion into Energy That Empowers You.

So today we’ll talk about an Emotional Rescue or how to observe and transform your emotions from poison to medicine, and help you transform and free yourself, by learning to work with your emotions.

That plus we’ll talk about surge protectors and temper tantrums, poisonous pet snakes, why thoughts are like the boogieman, what to do if your girlfriend or boyfriend takes your comic book collection, and who would win in the Terminator vs. Dr. Doom?

Questions and Topics Include:

  1. What is a Tibetan Kampa ?
  2. How he was chosen to be a lama and how he was recognized as the reincarnation of a Dozgchen Ponlop.
  3. How he started studying Buddhism at six
  4. Was there pressure on him to study Buddhism?
  5. How’d he end up becoming called a bridge between east and west
  6. How he’s been working to preserve Tibetan culture
  7. Are thoughts really like the boogieman?
  8. Why thinking about a dentist’s office is scarier than actually being there
  9. Who are we beyond confusion and pain?
  10. How do we move past habitual patterns?
  11. How do we cut off the handcuffs of negativity?
  12. How do you use a mindful gap?
  13. How do we practice pausing?
  14. How do you get a bank-account of patience?
  15. What is mindfulness?
  16. How important is the breath?
  17. What is clear seeing?
  18. Why emotions by nature are not negative
  19. How do we use the power of our emotions
  20. Do all emotions have a creative component
  21. What it means to surf a wave of emotion – and why it’s so natural
    1. Why anger, anxiety, and other ‘negative’ emotions, are a way to tap into creative energy
  22. How do thoughts and feelings interact?
  23. How do we do a thought inspection?
  24. How do you develop rapport with a poisonous snake?
  25. How do we develop pure love toward others?
  26. What’s the 24 hours of kindness experiment
  27. Why positivity is good, as long as we’re not attached to it!
  28. Why we need to balance negative thoughts
  29. How do we turn our emotions from our enemies into our friends
  30. How to recycle our emotions into something positive
  31. What do we do with difficult people?
  32. Where can people go to find out more and find the Rinpoche’s book:

Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche Shares How to Turn Challenging Emotions Such as Pain, Anger, Anxiety & Depression Into Positive Creative Energy + Short Guided Meditation! Inspiration | Motivation | Mindfulness | Tibetan Buddhism | Health | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info Visit:

Apr 20, 2016

If you’ve ever felt uncomfortable, stuck, at disease, or squirming with your life-situation, then do we have the show for you.

Today we’ll be talking about HAPPINESS AND COURAGE, and How To Find It, and How to Tap In, even when the you know what hits the you know where.

Plus we’ll talk about making peace with the couch, overcoming embarrassment, splitting your suit pants in Vegas, streaking, and why cracking up at the gym just might be the greatest gift in the world.

Questions and Topics Include:

  1. How streaking can help
  2. What’s the formula for joy
  3. What is Northwest Nice
  4. What happens when you’re stuck on a train, 100 yards from the station
  5. How to go to a happy place
  6. How to ‘allow’ things to happen.
  7. What’s the power of laughter-therapy
  8. Why it’s important to change your patterns
  9. Why it’s so important to do a state change
  10. Learning how to die in order to live
  11. Splitting pants in Vegas
  12. Bunjee jumping when you have to
  13. What gives you courage
  14. What fear really means (and what it means to listen to your fear)
  15. Love of other people vs. fear of putting yourself out there
  16. Why it’s so important to take chances and put yourself out there.
  17. How to Jump In Order to Live, and how to jump past the fear
  18. How to fill your tank to find your courage
  19. How to make a big shift in your life
  20. How to allow yourself to stop and take in the moment
    1. Brother David acronym on “STOP”
  21. An exercise to feel grounded and present
  22. The Davidji Breath-Holding exercise
  23. A mini guided 4 breath meditation

Michael Sandler and CJ Liu Share How to Find Courage, Strength & Happiness and How To Shift Your State to Make Powerful Positive Changes In Your Life! Spiritual | Spirituality | Meditation | Inspiration | Health | Positivity | Self-Help | Inspire

Apr 19, 2016

If you’ve ever dreamed big dreams and wanted to live a bigger life, if only it were possible, then do we have the possibility making show for you!

Today I’ll be talking with Dr. Dain Heer, best-selling author, and I would argue, revolutionary. He’s a revolutionary for helping us strip our limits and see beyond the confines of what we think is possible. He’s also written a truly revolutionary book, something unlike anything I’ve ever read, and I read a lot. It’s being you, changing the world, is now the time.

And that’s what we’ll talk about today…about owning it, owning you, owning your magnificence, and owning the miracle of change, just waiting to come out.

That plus we’ll talk about sleeping giants, playboy the horse, the 100th monkey, orgasmitude, why your right and I’m wrong, how Ritchie Rich meets Tito Puente??? and why chopping off your arms and legs to go on a date, might not be the best way to go…even if she’s driving a mini.

Questions and Topics Include:

  1. Why he was waking up extremely unhappy in Santa Barbara
  2. How he gave the Universe a demand
  3. How Access Consciousness Bars completely shifted his energy and his brainwave pattern
  4. What lightness and heaviness has to do with truth, and how to use it.
  5. Why we need to sit back and ‘shut up’ after we ask a question
  6. Why you don’t want to journal yourself into a corner
  7. What’s a free will Universe?
  8. What happened when Gary Douglas, the founder of Access Consciousness was flipped like a fish.
  9. What is ESB (Energy Synthesis of Being)
  10. What we do to invalidate the knowing of kids
  11. What would you call up if there were absolutely no limitations in your life?
  12. What’s an energy bubble and what’s the woo hoo factor.
  13. What’s the danger of judgment and what are cow people and horse people
  14. What’s one of the biggest killers of possibility
  15. What’s the power behind “You’re right, I’m wrong”
  16. What is body knowing and what’s the deal with honey mustard?
  17. Why Aleya Dao, author of 7 Cups of Consciousness says wearing your body is like riding a horse
  18. Why you may often be taking on other people’s wants
  19. Who is Playboy the Horse and why is he so cool?
  20. Why it’s so important to drop your guard and allow the love in
  21. Is there something ‘greater than love’?
  22. How can we destroy our relationships every day, and why do we want to do this?
  23. What is ‘sexualness’
  24. What was his life living in the ghetto (Richie Rich meets Tito Puente).
  25., or
    1. Free videos
    2. YouTube Channel w/over 100 videos
      1. Lots of free tools to change
    3. – Free intro download of Being You Book
    4. – Lots of classes coming up

Dr. Dain Heer Gives You Tools & Incredible Inspiration,  to Be Yourself, Live Your Greatest Life & Change the World! Incredibly Inspiring & Motivational Interview! Business | Career | Spiritual | Spirituality | Motivation | Health | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info visit:

HOW TO LIVE A LIFE OF ENDLESS POSSIBILITES – TRULY BEING YOU! + Meditation! Dr Dain Heer | Inspiration | Self-Help | Inspire

Apr 18, 2016

Today I’ll be talking with John O’Leary, one of my all-time heros, both him and his mom, though I just heard about him a few weeks ago. He is the author of the future New York Times Best-Seller On Fire: The 7 Choices to Ignite a Radically Inspired Life, and one of the most inspirational people I have ever had the pleasure to have on the show.

Today we’ll talk about John’s miraculous journey, one that should have killed him, and instead helped mold him into the person he is today. We’ll talk about going through our own fires in life, flipping the ignition, learning to burn, and out of the fire, creating something more beautiful than we ever could have imagined.

That plus we’ll talk about the world’s greatest mom, accumulating baseballs, Phra Phuttha Maha Suwan Patimakon and what that means, and why in the world, you’d want someone to get in a hockey brawl for you.

Questions and Topics Include:

  1. What is a milk shake promise?
  2. What happened to John when he was 9.
  3. How the experience became a true blessing in John’s life.
  4. How his older brother Jim changed and became a state hero (lifesaver of the year for Missouri)
  5. How his sister’s Amy and Sarah became true hero’s as well.
  6. Why he asked his sister for a knife so he could kill himself
  7. How his seven year old sister risked her life (3 times!) to save her brother John.
  8. What his mom told him he credits with saving his life
  9. What his mom says when he asks if he’s going to die
  10. How do we light our internal flame?
  11. What we can learn from Robin Williams.
  12. How do we turn our lives around?
  13. What you can do to ensure that tomorrow is better than today
    1. Journals ‘why me’ in the morning and in the evening ‘what can I do to ensure that tomorrow is even better than today?
  14. What Big Roy had to do to him, to keep the scars from pulling him into the fetal position
  15. How do you become extraordinary???
    1. “We have to forget everything we’ve learned and realize we are BORN extraordinary!!!”
  16. The importance of asking ‘why do you choose to thrive?”
  17. Why his story with his Dad, Denny will be a second book.
  18. Who was Glenn Cunningham – and how did he help hundreds if not thousands of kids.
  19. Can you tell us about the announcer Jack Buck, the voice of the Cardinals?
  20. How John O’Leary day at the ballpark took place
  21. How you can make a huge difference in someone else’s life – simply!
  22. How Gino Cavallini got in a hockey brawl on John’s behalf.
  23. To find out more and find his book On Fire: or google “John O'Leary”
  24. Why he wanted his book to be a guide to waking up from Accidental live

John O’Leary, Burned over 100% of His Body, Shares His Miraculous Healing Journey and The Secret To Igniting a Radically Inspired Life! You’ll Be Inspired and On Fire! Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info Visit:

Apr 17, 2016

If you’ve ever wanted to feel love, be love, or heal from the inside out, then do we have the show for you!

Today we’ll be talking with a magical human being, and a soul-touching artist, his name is Krishna Das, he’s the creator of at least 14 albums, and at the 2013 Grammy’s was known as the Rockstar of Kirtans. He’s also the author of Chants of a Lifetime: Searching for a heart of Gold.

Today we’ll talk with him about the power of music, of chanting, and of kiertans, to touch someplace deep inside of ourselves, that’s always been there, and always waiting, and how it’s one possible path, to help you connect and heal your soul.

That plus we’ll talk about Ram Dass, Mahara-ji, hearing tests for draft boards, a big form, why there’s no pooping on the bus, (Blue Oyster Cult) turning down a record deal, and how to discover our own oceanness even as we’re waves.

Questions and Topics Include:

  1. The power of music to touch, connect and heal your soul.
  2. What was Krishna Das’s last trip to India like.
  3. Why people in India have such respect for bavana, a true depth of emotion that helps you to transcend yourself
  4. How a loop was completed with Krishna Das’s last trip to India where he was able to give back and play in India
  5. What happened with college AND with the draft board.
  6. How he ended up meeting Richard Alpert (aka Ram Dass)
  7. How Maharaji got Krishna Dass to India
  8. How the play of God was in the works with Maharaji
  9. How Krishna Das began singing, chanting, and playing music when he was first in India
  10. Why the practice helps you to dissolve your evaluator
  11. What happened when Maharaji said Krishna Das had to return to the US
  12. Why “if you ask about service it’s not service”
  13. What happened after Maharaji died.
  14. What Krishna Das wasn’t ready to do after Mahaji died
  15. How he overcame an addiction to freebase cocaine.
  16. How did Krishna Das start coming back to the music or how did the music start bringing him back?
  17. What kept Krishna Das alive in 1984
  18. What was going on with Krishna Das in 1994
  19. How he got the awareness that if he didn’t sing with people he’d never be able to remove the dark shadows from his heart
  20. Why it was so important for Krishna Das to sign with people.
  21. How Krishna Das helped bring Kirtan’s to the western stage
  22. How the band he had quit became the Blue Oyster Cult (and how he turned down a record deal after a Jimmy Hendrix concert)
  23. How he keeps the ‘little me’ in check during concerts
  24. How the music and success is coming through Maharaji’s grace
  25. Why the practice is the ‘repetition of the divine name’
  26. What is our wave and oceanness?
  27. What to do when someone’s suffering?
  28. Why it’s so important to do their practice, whatever that may be.
  29. How to find him at

Krishna Das, The Rock Star of Kirtans, Shares His Journey & How Music, Meditation, Chanting & Your Practice Can Transform Your Life & Heal Your Soul. Maharaji & Ram Dass | Spirituality | Spiritual | Inspiration | India | Health | Self-Help | Inspire   

For More Info Visit:


Apr 16, 2016

Perhaps you've seen Dr. Terry Wahl's viral Ted Talk with over 2 million views!

If you’ve ever had inflammation, an auto-immune disease, sore joints, heart-disease, asthma, high blood pressure, or if you’re just plain human, then do we have the show for you!

Today we’re interview Dr. Terry Wahls, one of the most extraordinary doctors out there. She’s come back from MS, and from a life in traditional medicine, to develop a functional medicine protocol to help us all live healthier, more energetic lives TODAY, and to come back from autoimmune disorders from MS, to Luppus, Lyme Disease, Diabetes, Chronic Fatigue, and the list goes on and on and on.

Today we’ll talk about the heart of disease, why at it’s source, it’s all cellular dysfunction, where it comes from, and most importantly, what in the world we can do about it, beginning TODAY.

That’s most important to me, that and kicking butt energetically. Jessica and I don’t have a show to run, but we want a family too, and we’re both coming back from long-term illness, her more than me. But if we admit it to ourselves, aren’t we all struggling in some way health-wise? We were never meant to be tired, achy, and old before our time, or brain-fogged at any age. And we were never meant to live on pharmaceuticals and a lifetime suppy of supplements.

So I am so excited to talk with Dr. Wahls today.

Show Notes and Topics Include:

  1. Ted Talk – Mind Your Mitochondria
  2. From Wheelchair to Walking
  3. Did you believe you could come back – what possessed you to look for an answer?
  4. History – steady decline even with aggressive treatment
  5. Discovered institute of functional medicine
    1. Redesigned life based on
    2. Took functional medicine plus supplement approach
  6. Ted Talk – 2 million views in 2011
  7. Getting “younger”
  8. All autoimmune disease is the same at it’s origin
    1. Immune cells are at heart of how run biology
      1. Asthma, IBS, krohns, ulcerative cloritis, rheumatoid arthritis, schelarderma, psoriasis, MS, lupus, type 1 diabetes, acne, artherosclerosis, schizophrenia
      2. Most chronic diseases that aren’t affected may be found to be auto-immune in nature
  • Mold-toxicity syndrome
    1. Auto-immune related
    2. Chronic swelling in one extremity
      1. Damaged blood vessels, whether veins or lymph ducts leaving that limb
      2. Also autonomic nerves that regulate flow could be damaged
    3. If exposed to bold, many of us our immune cells can attack, and clear it from system.
    4. Some of us can’t clear them as well, cause damage to organs, rev up inflammation and if have auto-immune process make it more severe
  1. What’s the difference between a diagnosis and a disease?
  2. Difference between conventional and functional medicine approach
    1. Example: uses IBS
    2. Conventional: use immune suppressing drugs
  3. Different “levels” for functional medicine
  • Create more health for your cells, and healthier cells make helather organs and healthier body
  • Basis is wahls diet plans
    1. Level 1 – tons of vegetable
      1. e. 9 cups of veggies
      2. 3 cups is one plate – so 3 plates of veggies each meal
    2. Organic grass fed meat – though can do it as vegetarian
  1. Meditation
  2. Moving the body every day
  3. How is this diet different than standard paleo diet
  • What is ketosis
    1. Can starve health-promoting bacteria in gut
    2. Ketosis 6-12 months will help starve out candida
  • Make starchy vegetables raw – gut will ferment them into ketones and won’t
  • Berries and fruits okay
  1. Limit apples, pears bananas
  • What are good fats vs. bad fats
    1. Which to have, and which to stay away from
  • No gluten
  • No dairy – casein bad, but ghee may be okay.
  • The 1 month test
  1. How do you tell if you have a leaky gut?
  • Algae and Seaweed
  • Sea salt vs. commercial salt
  • Don’t need dairy/calcium need vitamin D and K2
  • Digestive Enzymes
  • Zeolite, Clays
    1. Can make you mineral deficient
  • Important tests to get
    1. Don’t necessarily need tests
  • Need stress-reduction techniques
    1. Importance of meditation for stress-reduction (mindfulness, yoga, breathing, etc.)
  • Usually can tell w/in 1 month moving in right direction
    1. But hard to sustain because is in addiction
    2. Remove from the house – get family’s support
  • Currently recruiting for next trial – people with recurring MS with fatigue
  • Swank diet vs. Wahls diet

Dr Terry Wahls Shares How to Get & Stay Healthy or Recover from Auto-Immune Disorders & Inflammation: MS, Lupus, IBS, Heart Disease, Diabetes, Krohns, Arthritis. As Seen on Ted Talk! Health | Inspiration | Spirituality | Nutrition | Self-Help | Inspire

For more info:

Apr 15, 2016

If you’re a guy and you’ve ever been angry, confused, or flipped upside down about what it means to be a man, to suck it up, be strong, and be sensitive, all at the same time, or if you’re a woman and wonder why in the world your partner acts the way he does, and how in the world to get through to him, then do we have the show for you!

Today I’ll be talking with Robert Augustus Masters, relationship expert, master therapist, and psycho-spiritual guide and trainer and author of numerous relationship books and his latest, To Be A Man: A Guide to True Masculine Power.

Today we’ll talk about what it means to be a man, how to heal our inner critic, how to move past aggression, violence, emotional walls, and more, plus look at sex, pornography, and what things should really feel like.

That plus we’ll talk about Fight Club, Instinct, Avitar, fights in turkey, boys being boys, breasts, and why we all need to jump onto a toruk.

Questions and Topics Include:

  1. How Robert was pressuring himself to fit in to a man’s man’s crew.
  2. What does it mean to be one of the boys?
  3. How he switched gears and began taking an inner journey
  4. How therapy helped break him open.
  5. How does Robert get from ‘armored to open’?
  6. How he learned to start opening the heart
  7. How it’s a source of strength to be soft
  8. What is a New Age man?
  9. What’s wrong with the macho man?
  10. Why there needs to be a middle road to embody guts and heart
  11. Why anger without compassion is a dangerous aggression
  12. How to get anger with some caring
  13. What is Anger 101
    1. Why anger is not necessarily a bad thing
  14. How to get angry in a healthy way
  15. Bob and Judith Wright and The Heart of The Fight – Fighting done well
  16. How do we keep anger from becoming an amygdala fight-or-flight response
  17. Why is shame one of our most hidden and misunderstood emotions
  18. How our inner critic is really shame
  19. How to call your inner critic out
  20. What can we learn from fight club?
  21. What’s the difference between anger and aggression?
  22. Why couples get angry and how to bring them from aggression to a health anger.
  23. How anger and love can co-exist
  24. What a real man is
  25. Why a real man can still have fear
  26. Why a real man can say he’s scared, angry, or horny…
  27. Why a man needs an edge, or a risk
  28. How do we keep from pushing too far?
  29. What can we learn from Jake in Avitar?
  30. Why as men we need to bring out the hero inside of us?
  31. Why we need to embrace everyday heroism
  32. Why part of a man’s work is to go into his shadow land and bring back the gifts from it
  33. Why it’s so important to turn toward your fears
  34. What are the dangers of pornography
  35. Why fantasy can be a danger as well
  36. What do we tell our kids about pornography?
  37. How do unresolved wounds end up in our sex life and what can we do about it?
  38. What do we need to know about the penis?
  39. What about breasts, the fascination with breasts, and breast-size
  40. Why men’s obsession with breasts puts a lot of pressure on women
  41. Why it’s so important not to compartmentalizing women, and stop compartmentalizing themselves
  42. What do gay men need to know?
  43. Why do gay men have a double-burden
  44. What is awakened sex?
  45. What should parents teach their boys about becoming a man
  46. Why it’s so important not to shame boys
  47. How to find out more: - special page called “Master’s Men’s work” 5 day groups, and training professional therapists,  psychologists, and counselors. (Is body-mind-spirit) For the professional training works closing with his wife Diane, just not on the men’s groups. 
  48. What’s a conscious rant?    

Robert August Masters PhD Shows You How To Tap Into Your True Masculine Power to Be A Real, Open-Hearted Man & Harness Your Emotions! Enlightening for Women & Relationships Too! + Guided Meditation | Psychology | Career | Health | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info Visit:

Apr 14, 2016

If you ever feel berated, pushed around, down-trouden, guilted, shamed, or run-over, and all by the voices in your mind, then do we have the compassionate, life-changing show for you!

Today I’ll be talking with Dr. Kristin Neff, psychologist, researcher, and pioneer in the field of self-compassion. She’s also the author of “self-compassion the proven power of being kind to yourself” and her family’s amazing healing journey is featured in the award-winning documentary, The Horse Boy, …one of the most powerful and beautiful documentaries I’ve ever seen…just bring plenty of Kleenex!

Today we’ll be talking about self-compassion or true caring, concern and love for you; what it really looks like, what it feels like, why it’s different from self-esteem, and why it’s so incredibly important and needed in our lives (despite what we’ve been taught).

That plus we’ll look a squeegee man, a hugging practice, the lake Wobeggon Effect, and how connecting with horses truly changes lives.

Questions and Topics Include:

  1. How her autistic son taught her self-compassion
  2. Where did the desire to study self-compassion come from?
    1. How studying Buddhism turned Kristin toward self-compassion
  3. What’s it mean to relate to ourselves?
  4. How and why do we talk to ourselves as inner enemies?
  5. Why our safety system (threat defense mechanism) causes us to attack ourselves
  6. What’s a freeze response?
  7. Why we treat our good friends different than we treat ourselves?
  8. Why it’s easier to trigger the care-giver system with our good friends
  9. What happens with children of very critical or even abusive parents
  10. What Kristin Neff is finding in over 10 years of studying self-compassion
  11. How we have self-compassion backwards (and how it makes us stronger, rather than weaker)
  12. Why the rod and stick (spare the rod, spoil the child) is backwards and leads to self-criticism and undermining self-confidence
  13. What’s the difference between self-compassion and self-esteem
  14. What’s wrong with self-esteem and what’s the backlash from promoting self-esteem?
  15. Why self-compassion doesn’t seem to have the negative side-effects that self-esteem does
  16. Why we’re more likely to take responsibility because it’s safe to do so.
  17. How self-compassion gives you the emotional resources to be at our best
  18. What is self-kindness?
  19. What are the three main triggers of the compassion mechanism?
  20. What’s the hugging exercise?
  21. Why you want to touch yourself or put a hand on yourself to help calm you down and put you in a place of self-compassion (yes, this is touchy-feely)
  22. Language you can use for yourself to train your brain for self-compassion
  23. Why tones are so important and often more important than the language itself
  24. What is common humanity and why is it so important
  25. What differentiates self-compassion from self-pity?
  26. Why imperfection is what connects us to other people, not separates us
  27. What does mindfulness have to do with self-compassion?
  28. What exactly is mindfulness?
  29. Why it’s so important to be aware of their own ‘suffering’ (any instance of emotional pain, which is a common Buddhist term, but doesn’t have to be).
  30. What’s a self-compassion journal and how do you use one?
  31. What is emotional resilience?
  32. What is mindful self-compassion (a program with Chris Germer)
  34. What is a simple practice for mindful self-compassion?
  35. Why men who do high fives and fist-pounds to basketball teammates perform better
  36. How do we shift past self-criticism?
  37. Why we want to turn with understanding and compassion toward self-criticism
  38. Why we don’t want to judge ourselves for judging ourselves
  39. What do you do when you get lost in your emotions or a storyline
  40. How do we use a mindful self-compassion flashlight?
  41. What’s a self-compassion backdraft?
  42. What’s a self-compassion detox?
  43. Why is compassion for others so important for ourselves
  44. Why it’s so important for parents to model self-compassion for their kids
  45. How to take the self-compassion scale
  46. A short guided meditation or practice on self-compassion called ‘The Self-Compassion Break”

Dr. Kristin Neff Shares the Proven Power of Mindful Self-Compassion & Why It’s Important For Relationships, Happiness, Career & Kids! + Guided Meditation | Inspiration | Motivation | Health | Spirituality | Self-Help | Psychology | Positivity | Buddhism | Inspire

For More Info Visit:

Apr 13, 2016

If you’ve ever struggled with coming back from injuries, sore feet, or a sore back, or were told you’d never be as healthy, frisky, and active again as you were in your teens or twenties, then do we have the show for you!

Today we’ll be talking about getting your health back, overcoming injuries, even REALLY big ones, kicking chronic conditions to curb like plantar fasciitis or sore knees or hips or even a sore back, and getting walking, riding, swimming, or even running again, despite what you may have been told.

That plus we’ll talk about visualization, connecting with the earth, playing in hot tubs, shedding your shirt, and why you might be making strange sounds, the next time you’re playing with a tennis ball.

That plus we’ll talk about broken legs, broken hips, broken arms, broken knees, broken feet, broken hands, broken fingers, broken toes, broken elbows, broken shoulders, broken clavicles, a broken skull, injured disks, plus missing knee parts, and how you can STILL run marathons, and why a doctor once told me in the hospital, that I’d just hurted an automobile after it ran over me.

Au contraire, doctor, au contraire.

But before we begin, a key note, lawyers everywhere would want me to mention, I’m not a doc, nor do I play one on TV, so nothing here should be construed as anything close to medical advice. It’s not. So when in doubt, see your doc!

Questions and Topics Include:

  1. What is kind-gentle-easy-good?
  2. Why it’s so important to present with yourself?
  3. Why you have to look at how hard you’re pushing yourself in life.
  4. Why it’s so important to take care of your soul or your spirit.
  5. How you get early warning signals from the body.
  6. What does it mean to have a grudge against yourself?
  7. What happens when your soul ticked off with you?
  8. What are some great ways to recover when you’re getting moving again.
  9. How a tennis ball can become your greatest friend.
  10. What’s the use of a foam roll in healing, health and injury prevention?
  11. Why is connective tissue so important?
  12. Why it’s important to work on things on a facial level?
  13. Why Pilates and Gyrotonics (the word Michael couldn’t remember) can help you retrain your connective tissue.
  14. Why it’s so important to get the body feeling better
  15. How to get your mind clearer by working on the body
  16. Why a foam roll is your friend
  17. How to safely get mobile this spring
  18. How to tune in and hear what your body wants
  19. How to make your body your friend
  20. Why it’s best to stretch on warm muscles
  21. Why ‘kind gentle easy good’ is so important.

Michael Sandler and CJ Liu Share How To Gain Motivation & Get Back in Shape This Spring, With Less Effort, More Fun & Less Pain & What to Do If You’ve Overdone it! Walking | Running | Fitness | Spirituality | Inspiration | Health | Self-Help | Inspire

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Apr 12, 2016

If you’ve ever struggled to get out of your own way, or doubted the law of attraction thinking, this stuff doesn’t work, or doesn’t work FOR ME, then do we have the show for you!

Today we’ll be interviewing Michael Samuel’s the uber best-selling author of Just Ask the Universe, the Universeity, and Keep Calm and Ask On.

It’s actually his second time on the show. The first time was day one of the show, launch day, talking about Harnessing the law of attraction, and yes, it works! Our show has absolutely taken off and gone viral with thousands of listeners now in 101 countries and counting.

So now we wanted to have him back on and talk about Keeping Calm and Asking On.
So while they’re be the obligatory celebratory hi-fives for our progress and the show taking off, plus a woo hoo or too, I want to spend a bit of today talking about the tough stuff as well.

I want to talk about having faith in the Law of Attraction, about what to do when the chips are down, and most importantly, how to get out of our own way, stop blocking the flow and to allow the success, abundance, and happiness we deserve to come rushing on in.

In short, I want to talk about finding outrageous success, EVEN if we don’t believe it’s possible. Well, if that’s even possible.

But then I also want to talk about the fun stuff, or What Michael Calls the Law of Laughter, and why it’s perhaps the most important rule of them all!

Topics Include:

Celebrating the victories

·          Overcoming Rejection

·          Why there’s no such thing as dreaming too big

·          Why Everything in Life is Steps

·          Why waiting hours in an Apple Store (4 hours for an iPhone) is good for you.

·          Realizing everything is a process

·          Never stop reading, never stop learning

·          Lessons learned from Gambling

o    Need to take the steps

·          Hal Elrod – Miracle Morning

·          Surround Yourself with Books and Like Minded People

·          Kamal Ravikant – Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends on It

·          Wheat Belly – Dr. William Davis

·          The Dorito Effect – Mark Schatzker

·          Using Law of Attraction to Get Healthy

o    To Change Cholesterol Levels

o    To Lose Weight

o    To Reverse Thyroid Disease

Paleo, Diet, Weight Loss, Whole Foods

·          Universe Gives You the Tools

·          Nutrition – Why Fat is Good

·          “The Perfect Human Diet” Documentary

·          Hitting Goals from Your I Want List

·          Life is About Having Fun

·          Laughing Interrupts Any Pattern

·          Laughter is Candy for the Soul

·          Laughter is an Energetic Shower

o    Watching Caddy Shack

o    Watch Back to School – Rodney Dangerfield

o    Download comedians

§   George Carlin

Jerry Seinfeld

Michael Samuels Shares How to Have Outrageous Success, Health & Happiness Thru The Law Of Attraction, How to Make it Work for You & Overcome Obstacles (Home, Business or Career)! Health | Spirituality | Inspiration | Motivation | Self-Help | Inspire

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Apr 11, 2016

If you’ve ever wanted to improve at a skill, sport or job or become the best at whatever you do, but have been told you’re not talented enough, didn’t start early enough, or that you don’t have 10,000 hours to spare, then do we have the show for you!

Today we’ll be talking with Anders Ericsson, a preeminent leader in new science of expertise, and the researcher behind Malcom Gladwell’s 10,000 hour rule from his book Outliers. He’s also the author of a brand-new paradigm shifting book I believe and hope will set the stage, for backbone of education and performance for decades to come.

Today we’ll talk about expertise, what it is, where it comes from, how you can achieve it, what we all can learn from others who have it, how to help develop it in ourselves and our children, and why we can almost all dramatically improve our performance in almost any area we put our minds and hearts too.

That plus we’ll look at homo erectus and homo exercens, Maverick, Viper, and Iceman, Blue Bunny Ice-Cream, Paganini and the Broken Strings, and What a Banana Monk and a Pot have to do with anything.

Questions and Topics Include:

  1. Expertise – how you can achieve
  2. How we can develop expertise in almost any area we put our hearts and minds in
  3. What does Mozart have to do with expertise
    1. Why Mozart wasn’t really ‘born’ with his music skills
    2. Why perfect pitch can be trained (particularly early on)
  4. How a study of Japanese children showed they were all able to learn perfect pitch
  5. What powerful lesson we can learn from the Sakihabara study
  6. How learning Mandarin as a first language can help you as a musician or singer
  7. What is the story of Steve Falloon
  8. What our memory can be expanded much more than we ever thought
  9. How we can improve our memory
  10. What is the new science of expertise?
  11. What’s the typical approach we take to practice or learning and why doesn’t it get us very far?
  12. What can we learn about Malcolm Gladwell's 10,000 hour rule (business, career) that came from Anders Ericsson's work.
  13. Why doing what you already know how to do is NOT very effective practice
  14. What is the right sort of practice?
  15. What’s the importance of getting outside of your comfort zone
  16. How to improve endurance running performance
  17. How to improve running speed
  18. How the right training helps the body to adapt tremendously
  19. What is purposeful practice and feedback?
  20. Why tasks require the “correct” action.
  21. Why the 10,000 hour rule needs to be corrected
  22. Why practice doesn’t make perfect
  23. Why experience is not necessarily an advantage or the answer
  24. Why feedback is so important for improvement
  25. How do we harness adaptability
  26. What do the brains of London Cabbies have to do with anything?
  27. What do Maverick, Viper and Iceman (and the Top Gun Program) have to do with anything?
  28. How to refine and entrench your new skills
  29. Why it’s so important to have a situation where you can make decisions and get immediate feedback
  30. How to simulate tests (such as GRE, LSAT, SAT or otherwise)
  31. Natalie Coughman Olympic Medalist – how she had a breakthrough moment in training by shifting her focus
  32. What’s wrong with the concept of “will power”
  33. How do you build your motivation up?
  34. What’s the importance of a teacher or a mentor?
  35. Why parents should find an activity they can do with their children
  36. Why having an expert on your side is so important
  37. Why having a parent who supports and helps the child is so important
  38. How important belief in your child is, even if they don’t display talent
  39. The story of Olympic Runner Gunder hagg
  40. Why belief that you can do something is so powerful
  41. Why we should all make the assumption we can do something (until really proven otherwise)
  42. Why giving children an early experience of what training can do for their performance is so important
  43. Laslo Polgar and Clara and their experiment with their kids
  44. Stages to improve our performance
  45. First improve the motivational aspect – get motivation first
  46. What does it mean to “get serious”
  47. Why a good parent wants to start with 15-30 minutes and gives good feedback
  48. Why the worst thing you can do is to push someone well beyond the point at which they can concentrate
  49. Why you do not want to burn someone (especially a child) out.
  50. What’s missing from Malcolm Gladwell’s 10,000 hour rule
  51. Why the Beetles 10,000 hours is inaccurate or doesn’t explain their composition.
  52. Why sleep and rest is so important – especially for experts
  53. Why napping is so important for performance
  54. Why shorter chunks are so much more valuable for training
  55. Why you’re never too old to change, but why having an advisor is so helpful to help you gradually make the change
    1. What are some of the things that would motivate someone to begin making the changes
    2. Why the age ceiling for change is a myth
  56. What we can learn from violinist Paganini playing on a single string
  57. Why childhood prodigy’s are not what we think
  58. What we can learn from the University of British Columbia and an experiment then did
  59. Why deliberate practice means deliberate improvement
  60. Why we should all have a goal or a project

World's Reigning Expertise Expert Anders Ericsson Shares Secrets to Mastery, Expertise, and Peak Performance For Adults & Children, How to Improve at Anything, Why Talent’s a Myth & Why Malcolm Gladwell’s 10,000 Hour Rule Needs Updating. Business | Career | Psychology | Health | Self-Help | Motivation | Inspire

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Apr 10, 2016

If you’ve ever wondered why we’re here, where we come from, where we go when we die, or will we ever see our loved ones again, then do we have the show for you!

Today I’ll be speaking with Matthew Mckay, PhD, a truly linear, left brained, science kind-of guy, until he lost his son, about his new book Seeking Jordan: How I learned the Truth about Death and the Invisible Universe.

And so today, we’ll talk about death, or where people go, but also about life, why we’re here, what’s it all about, and do are loved ones really go away when they die, or are they still here, supporting us, and gently waiting for us to reach out.

That plus we’ll talk about, mediums, past-life regressions, the trail to Bridal Veil Falls, train rides cross Utah, bridging science and spirituality, and a stuffie rabbit named Wilzorf.

Questions and Topics Include:

  1. What was Matthew’s son Jordan like growing up?
  2. What was he like the last time Matthew saw him?
  3. What happened to Jordan
  4. What was happening after he was murdered.
  5. How he ended up going to see Allen Botkin, a VA psychologist
  6. How Allen Botkin uses EMDR
  7. How he went on a journey to try and find Jordan
  8. What miraculously occurred with Allen Botkin
  9. How did handle the doubt in the process?
  10. Why doubt and seeking go hand-in-hand
  11. What is automatic writing and how did Matthew use this with Jordan
  12. How he began communicating with Jordan
  13. What are the first questions he asked
  14. How his technique to communicate with him improved
  15. What does it mean to look for signs?
  16. What does “the practice of love keep the circle” mean and what is “the circle”?
  17. Who is Michael Newton (author of Journey of Souls)
  18. What is a past-life regression?
  19. What is a soul group?
  20. What it means to be in the same soul group as someone else?
  21. Why we essentially come here for pain.
  22. How much of our soul plan purpose predestined
  23. How much is fate and how much is free will
  24. What do we come here to do?
  25. How much of your life is fate, and how much can we change our path?
  26. What does ‘cause and effect’ really mean
  27. What is a soul review and a council of elders
  28. Are we being judged (is life a pass / fail or heaven / hell)
  29. What is the akashic records?
  30. What does it mean we come here for pain in order to learn?
  31. If this is just a school, why does it matter what we do here?
  32. What is karma?
  33. Why isn’t karma what we think it is?
  34. How do we begin to connect with our deceased loved ones?
  35. Who is Austyn Wells and how did she help Matthew’s wife Jude
  36. What would he share to parents who have lost a child
  37. What would Jordan want to tell us if he was there
  38. Where to find out more:
  39. A guided meditation from Jordan (that Matthew’s never shared with others before)

Matthew McKay PhD Shares Lessons Learned About Life, Death, Karma, Fate, Destiny & The Afterlife From His Channeled Son + How to Communicate With Those Who’ve Passed On! + Guided Meditation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Inspiration | Self-Help | Inspire

For more info visit:

Apr 9, 2016

If you’ve ever struggled with chronic pain, chronic illness, or know someone who does, or simply want to eliminate suffering in your life, then do we have the liberating show for you!

Today I’ll be talking with Toni Bernhard the award winning author of How to Be Sick: A Buddhist-Inspired Guide for the Chronically Ill and Their Caregivers and How to Wake Up: A Buddhist-Inspired Guide to Navigating Joy and Sorrow. Her latest book is called How to Live Well with Chronic Pain and Illness: A Mindful Guide. But I’d argue these books aren’t just for those with pain or illness, their handbooks or guides to living life free of suffering, and I think we all can learn a lot from them.

Today we’ll be talking about to How to Live Well with chronic illness and pain, what this means, what this looks like, how to alleviate our own suffering, feel better (at least in our minds and even use the experience for inner growth and lots and lots of self-love and compassion.

That plus we’ll talk about a not to do list, the tyranny of positive thinking, what to do when the blues comes calling, why Tylenol is not the answer, and why you can’t have a horse when you’re living in the middle of Los Angeles.

Questions and Topics Include:

  1. What was Toni’s life before chronic illness
  2. What is life like with a chronic illness
  3. What is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome – and what’s wrong with the name
  4. Why it’s as hard on her husband as it on her
  5. What was a pivotal moment in her life
  6. What the anger is that comes up when you have a chronic illness
  7. Why self-compassion is her go to practice
  8. What is mindfulness attention and caring attention
  9. How mindfulness acts as a soothing balm for the heart and the mind
  10. What the Buddha called “the second arrow”
  11. What are the 3 elements of pain?
  12. What it means to “get real” about your condition or what’s going on in your life
  13. What’s it mean to alleviate mental suffering
  14. What is a “not to do” list?
  15. Why you don’t want to put your pre-illness life on a pedestal
  16. Why it’s so important to please yourself before pleasing others
  17. Why it’s so important to learn to say no (a true act of self-compassion)
  18. What’s the ‘tyranny of positive thinking’?
  19. The Byron Katie “four Questions and a Turnaround”
  20. Where she finds the energy to write these books
  21. What does she want to share with people who have a chronic illness
  22. Why it’s so important not to blame yourself
  23. What special vow she takes when heading out the front door
  24. Her website: and Her Turning Straw into Gold Blog:

Toni Bernhard Former UC Davis Law Professor & Dean Shares How to Overcome Suffering, Chronic, Pain, and Illness Through Mindfulness, Self-Compassion & Love | Buddhism | Meditation | Lupus | Chronic Fatigue | Inspiration | Motivation | Health | Self-Help | Inspire  

For More Info Visit:

Apr 8, 2016

If you’ve ever wondered what it means to wake up, to have a spiritual awakening, or why so many people are doing it around us, then do we have the show for you!

Today I’ll be talking with Loch Kelly, psychotherapist and meditation expert and the author of Shift Into Freedom: The Science and Practice of Open-Hearted Awareness.

Today we’ll talk about waking up, what it is, what it means, how we can get there, and how we can tap into it on a daily basis.

That plus we’ll talk about the thinking channel, I’m no good FM, why where you go, we go, we all go with ego, plus zen and the art of archery, stupid meditation, 90 seconds of anger, and why as Shakespeare says, there are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

Questions and Topics Include:

  1. How to intentionally shift (without needing a cosmic 2x4)
  2. How three deaths in a row (and the pain that ensued) helped Loch to shift
  3. Why awakening isn’t about going off to a cave or a monastery (and you can still have a wife and a cat…named Duffey)
  4. How awakening leads you to being more fully human
  5. Studying with Adyanshanti, Mingyur Rinpoche and Tsoknyi Rinpoche
  6. How he was taught the Sutra Mahamudra (and how that helps us)
  7. What is awake awareness?
  8. What is ‘stupid meditation’?
  9. Do we need years of meditation practice to get to this place?
  10. Is there always a calmness inside of us?
  11. How this is waking up to your true nature
  12. Why we want to become aware of the space between the crickets – and what in the world that means
  13. Meditation 101 for awake awareness
  14. Who does this compare with mindfulness?
  15. What’s the difference between heart mindfulness and head mindfulness
  16. A practice/meditation on how to unhook from what’s creating a perpetual sense of dissatisfaction
  17. What happens after 90 seconds of anger?
  18. What are the ‘dangers’ of mindfulness, or the mindfulness ‘detox’
  19. What is a Charlie Brown ‘Good Grief’ period?
  20. What is a Dog Zen?
  21. To find his book (plus events, online courses and book) and the audio, not of him reading the book, but an audio of the 31 glimpse practices, from 3-8 minutes long, guided, in a series of short practices – get the essence of the book and experience it directly.
  22. A third guided meditation to help you gain awake awareness.

Loch Kelly shows how to instantly  access bliss, calmness and inner peace through simple techniques you can do anywhere, rather than years of meditation! Plus 3 Guided Meditations! Spirituality | Spiritual | Inspiration | Health | Buddhism | Self-Help

For More Info Visit:

Apr 7, 2016

If you’ve ever felt uninspired, trapped, at a dead end, or just wondered whose life am I leading anyway, and my God, what have I done, then do we have the inspiring, life changing show for you!

Today I’ll be speaking with Jake Ducey, perhaps the first millennial we’ve had on the show, and the 3 times author of inspirational books including, Into the Wind and The Purpose Principles. He’s a future Tony Robbins, correct that, Jake Ducey in the making, and just got off an international book tour where he spoke on stages to 500,000 people and helped raised 345,000 pounds of food for homeless youth in America.

Today we’re going to talk about your life’s purpose, where it’s hiding, how to find it, and what in the world you NEED to do about it once you know you’ve found it.

That plus we’ll talk about self-actualizers, Steve Jobs, Jack Canfield, Jay Z, Dave Matthews, Abraham Lincoln, Sylvester Stallone, SW SW SW, and why in the world you want to take an entire summer or two, retyping the Great Gatsby…

Questions and Topics Include:

  1. How Jake Got Jack Canfield to Write the forward to his book
  2. How Jake Ducey was listening to “Dare to Win’ and followed Jack Canfields advice to write down 101 goals and what happened.
  3. What happened on November 20, 2010
  4. Why we’re all gambling on the biggest risk of all
  5. How Jake left school to chase his dreams of becoming a writer
  6. What happened with the Shaman in Guatemala (when he was not a very 'spiritual' person)
  7. Why “our lives are like onions and we want to live to live the tough flavorless part first”
  8. Why it’s a trap to wait until we get x,y or z (even spiritual or self-discover experiences) to find happiness.
  9. What happened to Vic Revezo and how his death affected Jake
  10. How he had a near-death fall in Indonesia, and how locals risked their lives to save him
  11. What is destination addiction
  12. What’s Jake’s take on the Law of Attraction & Bob Proctor, and what we have to do to get the unconscious to help us get our desires
  13. What we can learn from Bonnie Ware who studied top regrets of people who were dying
  14. What is risk-ability?
  15. Why lack of evidence is not evidence of lack
  16. The story of Steve Jobs and ‘not evidence of lack’
  17. Why most of our fears are just ‘monsters under our bed’
  18. The story of Sylvester Stallone and how he got his start
  19. What Martin Luther King tells us about finding our freedom
  20. Why JK Rowling (author of Harry Potter) once considered herself the biggest failure she knew
  21. What’s it mean from George Bernard Shaw to become ‘unreasonable’
  22. Why Martin Luther King knew he was going to be killed the next day (when he gave his I’ve been to the Mountaintop speech).
  23. Why most people are gambling on the biggest risk of all, that one day we’ll find the time to do what we want.
  24. Story of a friend who was stabbed by his father
  25. Why our childhoods can be blessings in disguise
  26. What we can learn from Jay Z (though not necessarily his content).
  27. What inspiring lesson we can learn from Arnold Schwarzenegger
  28. What inspiring lesson we can learn from Jim Carry – and how he used the Law of Attraction
  29. What’s the reoccurring theme between the world’s most successful people
  30. What’s Bob Marley’s inspirational story
  31. The inspiring story too of how Bob Marley put on a free concert for 300,000 and played the night after he got shot!
  32. What’s Jack Canfield’s Rule of Five?
  33. How he turned a self-published book into a best-seller
  34. What is Jack Canfield’s SW, SW, SW?
  35. Why you want to ask for what you want
  36. What’s the inner journey?
  37. What’s the importance of knowing yourself?
  38. New book coming out June 7th, Profit from Happiness: The Unity of Wealth, Worth and Personal fulfillment.
  39. (and check out his Ted Talk!)
  40. Plus Guided Meditation!!!

Jake Ducey Shares Life-Changing Stories from Jack Canfield, Jim Carrey, Sylvester Stallone, Steve Jobs, Jay Z, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bob Marley & Martin Luther King + Bob Proctor & The Law of Attraction! Spirituality | Inspiration | Motivation | Self-Help | Ted Talk | Inspire

For More Info Visit:

Apr 6, 2016

Hi Everyone, welcome back I’m Michael Sandler, your host on Inspire Nation, along with CJ Liu, the upper-popular coach and host of the Fire it Up with CJ Show.

If you’re wanting to get in shape, move your body, and feel younger than you’ve felt in years, then do we have the show for you!

Today we’ll be talking about moving in the springtime, specifically the amazing health benefits of walking and running, the simplest ways to get into it, and how you can run or walk, live you’ve never done before.

That plus we’ll talk about stripping off your shoes, hopping on the rocks, taping your mouth shut, and why Michael’s called the Mule.

Questions and Topics Include:

  1. Why Michael is Called “The Mule”
  2. How running (and body wisdom) is a spiritual practice
  3. Why running uphills can be so much fun
  4. How to achieve your fitness goals, small or large
  5. What’s the importance of baby steps?
  6. How to get your body going, no matter where you’re at.
  7. Why exercise cannot be exercise
  8. Why exercise must become play
  9. What’s the health benefit of rock-hopping and nature play
  10. Why being centered (and a strong core) is so important (physically and spiritually)
  11. What is Feldenkrais – and why it’s so important to get back to playing
  12. Why (according to ‘The Father of Brain Plasticity’) we need the crack in the sidewalk to help us stay strong.
  13. What’s the importance of throwing yourself outside even or especially during your work day
  14. What are the benefits of connecting with the earth
  15. What is counterbalancing
  16. Look for ways to make your exercise a creative experience
  17. What are the benefits of mixing things up (and cross-training)
  18. How to work with friends to get in shape
  19. Why it’s important to figure out what motivates you or what’s your driver (creativity, being with other people, sweating it out, listening to podcasts, etc)
  20. How can you meditate (or use spirituality or personal development) while working out?
  21. How meditation and movement go hand-in-hand, particularly for walking or running (
  22. How to trick yourself into a mindfulness meditation by entraining with the breath
  23. How to bring the world into sharper focus through exercise and meditation
  24. How to enjoy feeling your body again
  25. How to truly feel alive when you’re working out
  26. How you can build your chi while walking or running
  27. What we want to start slowly into walks, runs, or other exercises with cold muscles – and how to keep yourself safe when you’re exercising!
  28. Why you don’t want to stretch with cold muscles.

Michael Sandler & CJ Liu Share Tips for Getting Back In Shape While Having Fun, Boosting Creativity & Feeling Like a Kid Again! Inspiration | Spirituality | Fitness | Mindfulness | Meditation | Running | Walking | Weight Loss |  Self-Help | Inspire

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