
Inspire Nation Show with Michael Sandler

Our Goal’s to Help Change the World by Helping YOU to Shine Bright! Now one of the top self-help & spirituality shows in 193 countries w/a new inspirational, motivational, spiritual, law of attraction or health-oriented guest DAILY! Plus guided meditations! After overcoming 2 near-death accidents, Host Michael Sandler felt a calling to start a life-changing show to help you live the life of your dreams! Guests Include John Gray, Bob Proctor, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Dr. Bernie Siegel, Anthony William, Arielle Ford, and countless more! Our goal is to leave you an ear-to-ear grin and an actionable plan to achieve your goals! Get ready to live your greatest life and to Shine Bright!
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Inspire Nation Show with Michael Sandler











All Episodes
Now displaying: July, 2019
Jul 31, 2019

If you’ve ever wanted all-natural remedies to improve your health, then do we have the Simple Guide to Natural Health show for you.

Today I’ll be talking with Melanie St. Ours, a clinical herbalist, founder of Psyche and Soma, and the author of a beautiful new healthful book, the Simple Guide to Natural Health.

And that’s just what I want to talk with her about today, about super easy-to-use home remedies for health and healing!

The Simple Guide to Natural Health Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. Why did Melanie St. Ours get into herbalism?
  2. What’s the benefit of looking into natural health?
  3. What are natural remedies?
  4. How do natural remedies encourage prevention?
  5. How do natural remedies complement modern medicine?
  6. How do we know when we can DIY our health?
  7. What’s the importance of understanding your medications?
  8. What do you need to know if pregnant or nursing?
  9. What herbs are never safe during pregnancy?
  10. What are safety guidelines for children under 12?
  11. What plants do we want to stock up on?
  12. What are other natural ingredients we want to keep in the house?
  13. What are the key essential oils we want to keep in our house?
  14. What does it mean to eat the weeds?
  15. What are herbal potpourris?
  16. What are sweet petal lingerie drawer liners?
  17. What are herbal remedies to help the respiratory tract?
  18. What herbal remedies can help with smoke in the environment?
  19. What herbal remedies can help with stress and anxiety?
  20. What herbal remedies can help with depression?
  21. What herbal remedies can help with sleep?
  22. What are some all natural cleaning products?
  23. How can miso soup help us?
  24. What are the benefits of ginger and turmeric tea?
  25. How can we boost our immune system?
  26. How can we increase our fitness and recovery?
  27. What do women need to know for their health?
  28. How can herbal remedies help with urinary tract infections?
  29. How can herbal remedies help with cramping?
  30. How can herbal remedies help with fertility?
  31. To Find Out More Visit:

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Jul 30, 2019

If you’ve ever thought ANYTHING was impossible, or the challenge was too great, then do we have the Sometimes Brilliant Show for You.

Today I’ll be talking with Larry Brilliant, pioneering physician, global philanthropist, and one of the key players in the eradication of smallpox, which has saved millions, of not a billion lives to come. He’s also the best-selling author of a brilliant new book, and a MUST read about faith or courage, Sometimes Brilliant.

And that’s just what we’ll be talking about today, about the impossible adventure of a spiritual seeker and visionary physician who helped conquer the worst disease in history.

Larry Brilliant Notes

  1. What happened with his dad and the mafia
  2. What ancient coins taught him about India
  3. How did he meet Martin Luther King Jr, and how’d he change Larry’s life
  4. What does a motorcycle ride and nitrous oxide have to do with anything
  5. Who he miraculously got into medical school
  6. What was a rescue mission to Alcatraz and who was Wovoca?
  7. What happened with Larry and Warner Brothers?
  8. Who’s Wavy Gravy and the Hog Farm Commune Bus and the Sterling Hog – and touring on the Silk Road
  9. What happened with Ram Das and Be Here Now?
  10. What was it like meeting Neem Karoli Baba – aka Mahara-ji
  11. What is the opposite of faith, and what does doubt have to do with faith

And for free meditations, weekly tips, stories and similar shows visit: 

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Jul 29, 2019

If you’ve ever wanted to change your mindset about wealth, success, and significance, then do we have the Unlock It show for you!

Today I’ll be talking with Dan Lok, best-selling author, mulit-millionaire serial entrepreneur, and the author of Unlock it.

 And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about the master key to wealth, success, and significance.

Topics Include:

  1. How’d Dan Lok end up moving from Hong Kong to Canada (without any English skills!)
  2. What happened to his parents at 16 that forever changed his life?
  3. What did he learn from Bruce Lee that helped him forge success?
  4. What was the commitment Dan Lok made?
  5. How’d he begin to find success (even after 13 businesses failed)?
  6. What are the four stages of life and where are we almost all living?
  7. What’s the great debt lie?
  8. What does he mean we have a lack of high-income skills?
  9. What are some of the debt-lies?
  10. Whare are some of the myths about money?
  11. How do you increase your value?
  12. What are some of the top money mistakes we make?
  13. What are some of the top money secrets?
  14. Who does money move to and why???
  15. What are a few of the top incorrect thoughts we have about money?
  16. How do we achieve a lasting success mindset?
  17. What’s the importance of gratitude?

And for free meditations, weekly tips, stories and similar shows visit: 

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Jul 26, 2019

If you’ve ever wanted to stay in your heart-space, and feel better about life, then do we have the be in the love, show for you.

Today we’ll talk about getting in your heart-space, staying in the love, and even how to get back to the love, when you’re feeling lost or afraid.

Topics Include:

  1. What it means that life is conspiring for you?
  2. What Michael feels called to do next?
  3. What’s it mean to let ourselves fall apart?
  4. What it means to step forward even when you don’t know?
  5. What it means to be open and let go of believing you have the answer?
  6. What it means to be there with the ones you love?
  7. Why CJ let her son go sky-diving???
  8. How and why you want to be “calmly in your heart”?
  9. What it means to have attachment in your life – and be able to let it go???
  10. What it means to know what’s most important in your life?
  11. How important is it to let go of attachment to your identity?
  12. What it means to change your look?
  13. What it means to release tension from your back and your life?
  14. How pain can be a positive reminder to get us back into a state of love?
  15. How we can use challenges to get us into a state of love?
  16. What it means to love yourself up???
  17. To find out more visit:

And for free meditations, weekly tips, stories and similar shows visit: 

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Jul 25, 2019

If you’ve ever wanted to wake up from your dream state, then do we have The Way of Liberation show for you.

Today I’ll be talking with the spiritual teacher Adyanshanti, author of two of the most beautiful and important books I’ve ever read, Falling Into Grace, and The Way of Liberation.

And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about a practical guide to spiritual awakening and enlightenment.

Awakening & Enlightenment Self-Improvement and Self-Help topics include:

  1. What Adyashanti was like as a child?
  2. What he discovered about the world?
  3. What his early spiritual experiences were like?
  4. What did Adyashanti discover in a book by Alan Watts?
  5. How did he get into Zen Buddhism?
  6. What did he build in his backyard for meditation practice?
  7. What is the “spiritual fast track”
  8. What were his awakening experiences?
  9. Why is it so important we wake up now?
  10. What’s the importance of moving past our egoic minds?
  11. What’s the importance of letting go of judgment of yourself?
  12. What’s the importance of the question of being?
  13. Why is it so important to know thyself?
  14. Why is the question of being everything?
  15. What does it mean to be sleep walking in life?
  16. Why is it so important to awaken?
  17. What are the three core practices for awakening?
  18. What’s the importance of meditation?
  19. What is meditation that helps with awakening?
  20. How does one begin with this type of meditation (and for how long)?
  21. What is the process of inquiry?
  22. How does one begin the process of inquiry, and what can it be done on?
  23. How does one balance inquiry with meditation?
  24. What’s the importance of introducing a sentence or phrase into meditation?
  25. What’s the importance of understanding what is looking through our eyes?
  26. A guided meditation to help us begin the awakening process.
  27. To find out more visit:

And for free meditations, weekly tips, stories and similar shows visit: 

And to support the show and get even more great tools, tips, and behind-the-scenes access, visit:  

Jul 24, 2019

If you’ve ever wanted to live a different way, more in alignment with your soul, then do we have the Be Feel Think Do show for you!

Today I’ll be talking with Dr. Anne Berube, a modern shaman, speaker, teacher and the author of a beautiful, soul-revealing journey, Be Feel Think Do.

And that’s just what I want to talk with her about today, about what happens your soul wakes up to who you truly are, and how to get there.

Be Feel Think Do Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include: 

  1. How did Anne Berube meet Wayne Dyer?
  2. How did she begin working with Wayne Dyer?
  3. What was her near-death experience years earlier?
  4. How did life change for her – or what was the parallel life she saw?
  5. What did she learn from Shirley Maclaine?
  6. What did she learn from her grandmother?
  7. How do we steer by listening to our guts?
  8. What can we learn from our pain?
  9. What does it mean to spend time being and feeling?
  10. What did she learn from the Shaman Laura Kealoha Yardley?
  11. What is the ancient Hawaiian tale of Lemuria?
  12. What does it mean to live from a place of be and feel?
  13. What does it mean to make your soul your leader?
  14. How did she bring Deepak Chopra to Halifax and what can we learn from it?
  15. What’s our soul compass and our soul plan?
  16. What’s the importance of learning how to pause?
  17. What’s a way to visualize getting out of our small selves?
  18. What’s the gateway to our soul?
  19. How do we connect with our inner body?
  20. What’s the importance of bringing our constant awareness to our breath?
  21. What do lilac branches and Wayne Dyer have to do with anything?
  22. What’s the special message or package she got from Wayne Dyer?
  23. What is the language of spirit???
  24. To Find Out More Visit:

And for free meditations, weekly tips, stories and similar shows visit: 

And to support the show and get even more great tools, tips, and behind-the-scenes access, visit:  

Jul 23, 2019

If you’ve ever wanted to use your superpowers to engage, persuade, and change your life, then do we have the Storyworthy show for you!

Today I’ll be talking with Matthew Dicks, the international best-selling author, 36 time Mothy StorySLAM champion, five-time GrandSLAM champion, cofounder of Speak Up and the author of a truly brilliant must-read book for spinning a yarn, Storyworthy. 

And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about how to engage, teach, persuade and change your life through the Power of Storytelling.

Storyworthy Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include: 

  1. How did Matthew Dicks become a good story-teller?
  2. What happened when he went to his first Moth StorySLAM???
  3. What are some of the early stories he’s shared?
  4. Do we need big stories in order to become a story-teller?
  5. Can anyone become a story-teller?
  6. Why do we want to learn how to tell good stories?
  7. What can we learn about ourselves through the process?
  8. If you have no desire to get on stage, why learn to be a story-teller?
  9. What are a few big no-no’s when it comes to telling a story?
  10. What’s wrong with drinking stories or vacation stories?
  11. Why do stories have to require change?
  12. What’s the harm in telling other people’s stories?
  13. What is the dinner test?
  14. What is “Homework for Life” and how can it change our lives?
  15. How can it help slow down time?
  16. What’s the importance of “moments” in our life?
  17. What’s the slash and burn exercise?
  18. What is the first last best worst exercise and how can it help us?
  19. What does it mean that the beginning should be the opposite of the ending?
  20. Three key ways to keep your story compelling.
  21. What is an elephant?
  22. What is a backpack?
  23. What are story hourglasses?
  24. What’s the Spiderman principle of meetings and presentations?
  25. How does storytelling give you superhero powers?
  26. What’s one homework assignment to help you become a better story-teller?
  27. How can we help our kids become better story-tellers?
  28. To find out more visit: and to find Matthew Dick’s podcast go to the SpeakUpStoryTelling show.

And for free meditations, weekly tips, stories and similar shows visit: 

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Jul 22, 2019

Today I’ll be talking with Mitch Horowitz, a leader in the New Thought Movement, PEN award-winning historian, the author of the Miracle club, and the napoleon hill success course series, which includes the Miracle of a Definite Chief Aim, and One Simple Idea 

And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about how thoughts are causative, and how to reprogram your mind!

Topics Include:

  1. What happened to Mitch’s book when it was published in China?
  2. Are thoughts causative?
  3. What’s the danger of people believing thoughts become things?
  4. How is it a destabilizing force?
  5. What happened to Marianne Williamson and why are people so threatened by the law of attraction?
  6. Why are so many people afraid of self-help?
  7. Who made the term “self-help” popular?
  8. How old is self-help?
  9. Was Benjamin Franklin into self-help?
  10. What does authentic self-help demand?
  11. Who was Emile Cuoue?
  12. How were the Beatles influenced by Emile Cuoue and self-help?
  13. What did Paul McCartney and John Lennon write and sing about?
  14. How did Emile Cuoue end up studying abroad, a century before the internet???
  15. What is conscious autosuggestion?
  16. What is a powerful mantra for rewiring your mind?
  17. What’s the hypnagogic state, and why is it so powerful for reprogramming your mind?
  18. Why is it so important to say affirmations when we’re drifting off to sleep?
  19. What is science showing about autosuggestion?
  20. What can we learn from the Scientist Charles Honorton and Ganzfeld experiments???
  21. How do we practice subconscious mind-training?
  22. How do we rewire our minds when we’re facing physical or mental pain or depression?
  23. To find out more visit
Jul 19, 2019

If you’ve ever struggled to shift, then do we have the surfing great change, show for you!

Today we’ll talk about creative angst, surfing great change, and how to step forward, even when there’s an Everest Looming straight ahead!

Topics Include:

  1. What we can learn from clearing out storage units?
  2. What it means to let go of things from our past???
  3. Why we don’t want to eat frogs or elephants – as we’re tring to make great change?
  4. What we can learn about balancing our energy from our Garmin heart-rate-variability devices (Garmin Vivoactive 3 and Garmin Forerunner 4).
  5. What we can learn from life’s concussions???
  6. Why we want to watch the number of decisions we make in the day (like Steve Jobs).
  7. What books falling out of the sky means for us?
  8. What Michael learned from a medium?
  9. What does “Less is More” mean and why is it so powerful?
  10. What it means to truly let go during time of great change to help you get in flow?
  11. How to create a TV show?
  12. What it means to chop out that which isn’t necessary?
  13. What it means to step aside and let the world guide you?
  14. What it means to look for what is coming to you?
  15. What it means to head the guidance of the Universe?
  16. To find out more visit

And for free meditations, weekly tips, stories and similar shows visit: 

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Jul 18, 2019

If you’ve ever wanted greater peace in your life, then do we have the Way of Effortless Mindfulness show for you.

Today I’ll be talking with Loch Kelly, director of the Open-Hearted Awareness Institute, licensed psychotherapist, mindfulness expert, and author of a beautiful book on letting go, The Way of Effortless Mindfulness.

And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about a revolutionary guide to an awakened life.

Topics Include:

  1. How did mindfulness help Loch Kelly?
  2. What’s a Big Sky Witness, and how’d he learn to tap in???
  3. What does sky-gazing have to do with meditation?
  4. What is effortless mindfulness?
  5. What’s the difference between effortless mindfulness and what people are practicing today?
  6. What are mindful glimpses?
  7. What is the witness protection program?
  8. What is the exercise eyes of awareness?
  9. What’s the latest neuroscience show about mindfulness?
  10. What do EEG signals tell us about mindfulness?
  11. How does the brain change in mindfulness practitioners?
  12. What are gamma brain waves and how do they help us?
  13. What does the research suggest mindfulness is doing to the brain?
  14. What does it mean to awaken?
  15. How do we do not doing?
  16. How do we use effortless mindfulness to help heal with pain?
  17. What is the practice of Om Sweet Om?
  18. What is the practice of the Cave of the Heart?
  19. To find out more visit:

And for free meditations, weekly tips, stories and similar shows visit: 

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Jul 17, 2019

If you’ve ever wanted to be more creative and more successful, then do we have the Tinker Dabble Doodle Try Show for you. 

Today I’ll be talking with Dr. Srini Pillay, a Harvard trained practicing psychiatrist, brain imaging researcher, brain based technology innovator, the award winning author of Life Unlocked and the author of one of my all-time favorite books –Tinker Dabble Doodle Try!

And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about how to train your brain for success and unlock the power of the unfocused mind.

Law of Attraction Brain Science Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. What happened to Srini in his second year of medical school.
  2. What’s the danger of hyperfocus?
  3. Why you need to let go of focus to perform at your best
  4. Why are breaks necessary to the brain
  5. Why is the brain a resource constrained dynamically configured environment
  6. What is possibility thinking?
  7. How do we have a growth mindset
  8. How to reset the brain and see the world differently
  9. How do we replace old habits with new habits
  10. What is LTP – long-term potentiation
  11. What are success habit pathways?
  12. What is the DMN – Default Mode Network – and why’s it so important
  13. What’s the benefit of letting your mind wander.
  14. What does it mean to put on a different hat
  15. How to change your mindset to bring in more money
  16. How imagination can trigger the law of attraction
  17. What does it truly mean to imagine, and how does it work in the brain
  18. What does stress have to do with our imagination (and the law of attraction)
  19. What does a mindfulness break have to do with the law of attraction and your imagination
  20. What does it mean to train your brain into imagery or image mode
  21. How do you change your brains filter or blueprint for success
  22. How do you train your brain for success?
  23. What is the technique “CIRCA” to help activate the brain for success
  24. What are powerful de-stressing strategies
  25. What’s the biology behind change and the brain
  26. What’s cognitive dissonance (brain chaos) and how do we move past it?
  27. What’s the concept of source motivation?
  28. To find out more visit:

And for free meditations, weekly tips, stories and similar shows visit: 

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Jul 16, 2019

If you’ve ever wanted to attract miracles into your life or help to change the world, then do we have the Coherence Healing Meditations, show for you!

Today I’ll be speaking with Dr. Joe Dispenza, international lecturer, researcher and the best selling author of numerous books including You Are the Placebo, and his latest must-read book for changing your life, Becoming Supernatural.

And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about getting in coherence, becoming one mind, and helping hear yourself, and our world.

Becoming Supernatural Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. What are the miracles Dr. Joe Dispenza has been witnessing?
  2. Why do “miracles” appear to be happening more and more?
  3. What’s it mean to get beyond ourselves?
  4. What’s it mean to step outside convention?
  5. What’s the concept of emergence?
  6. What’s a daily practice of getting beyond yourself?
  7. What is coherence?
  8. How do we get into coherence quickly?
  9. What does it meant to live in coherence?
  10. How can coherence take us out of survival mode?
  11. What’s going on in the world today?
  12. What is global coherence?
  13. What is going on in the world today?
  14. How can global coherence change the world?
  15. How can people rise above the material world?
  16. What do we know about group meditations?
  17. Can we focus and transmute energy?
  18. Does the planet have a frequency?
  19. Can we change the frequency of the planet?
  20. What’s the Global Coherence Initiative?
  21. What’s the Global Coherence Monitoring System?
  22. How do we create a coherent electrical field around our bodies?
  23. What does it mean to become one mind?
  24. To find out more visit:

And for free meditations, weekly tips, stories and similar shows visit: 

And to support the show and get even more great tools, tips, and behind-the-scenes access, visit:  

Jul 15, 2019

If you’ve ever wanted Peace, RIGHT NOW, then do we have the INSTANT CALM show for you.

Today I’ll be talking with Karen Salmansohn, best-selling author, award-winning designer, and social media maven, and the author of a sensory stirring book on calming you down, Instant Calm.

And that’s just what I want to talk with her about, about 2 minute meditations to create a lifetime of happy.

Topics Include:

  1. What’s a 2 minute meditation?
  2. How can two minute meditations help us?
  3. What’s a stop and swap?
  4. How’d you get blessed by Madonna?
  5. What does “Succeeding without a Penis” have to do with anything?
  6. What was “The Vortex”?
  7. What did you learn from these experiences?
  8. What are sensory meditations?
  9. What’s a type of meditation that taps into the five senses?
  10. What are sight meditations?
  11. Examples of sight meditations?
  12. What are smell meditations?
  13. Examples of smell meditations?
  14. What’s the power of the smell of vanilla?
  15. What are sound meditations?
  16. Examples of sound meditations?
  17. What’s the benefit of Om?
  18. What’s the power of mantras?
  19. What’s a perfect mantra to begin with?
  20. What are touch meditations?
  21. Examples of touch meditations?
  22. What is Earthing and the importance of connecting with the earth?
  23. The importance of petting a pet?
  24. What are taste meditations???
  25. What are examples of taste meditations?
  26. Top three tips for instant calm?
  27. To find out more visit:

And for free meditations, weekly tips, stories and similar shows visit: 

And to support the show and get even more great tools, tips, and behind-the-scenes access, visit:  

Jul 12, 2019

If you’ve ever wanted to be happier, more content, and more comfortable with who you are, and those around you, then do we have the personality revealing show for you!

Today I’ll be talking with Dr. Brian R. Little, researcher, author, and professor, voted the favorite professor by students at Harvard for three consecutive years! He’s also the author of a fascinating book on who in the world we are, and why we operate the way we do, Me, Myself, and Us.

And that’s what we’ll be talking about today, about the science of personality and the art of Well-Being, and how it can change our lives.

That plus we’ll talk about bathtub farts and lumberjacks, music that makes your hair stand on end, why the professor’s left shoe is an introvert, the dangers of caffeine after 3, what in the world is cyberia, what North Dakota has in spades, why you don’t want to follow the professor into the bathroom, the power of weasel words and why extroverted females, may be the most heroic of them all!

Happiness & Success Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. What we can learn from his Ted Talk (s) and how do we know he’s an introvert?
  2. How do we tell if someone is an introvert or an extrovert
  3. Can we shift from introvert to extrovert
  4. What are personal constructs?
  5. What can we learn from Jack and the lumberjack
  6. What can we learn from a Harvard Student who’d been in Army ROTC
  7. What’s it mean to be in your own cage?
  8. How you can grow resiliency
  9. What can we learn from the Myers Briggs test
  10. What are stand up chameleons
  11. What are the big five dimensions of personality
  12. How epigenetics and social powers can change aspects of our human genome and therefore our personality
  13. What happiness really is, means, and how important is it really
  14. Why introverts use weasel words
  15. What is hardiness or resiliency and can it be learned?
  16. What does hostility have to do with type A personalities
  17. What we can learn from play
  18. What’s the importance of play
  19. What do we need to know about personality and creativity
  20. What is the creative project?
  21. What’s the hero view of the creative personality
  22. How are geography and personality intertwined?

And for free meditations, weekly tips, stories and similar shows visit: 

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Jul 11, 2019

If you’ve ever wanted a healthier, happier life with greater spiritual growth and Vibrant Physical health, then do we have the Wheels of Life show for you! 

Today I’ll be speaking with Dr. Anodea Judith a groundbreaking writer and spiritual teacher, and one of the preeminent experts on chakras and author of one of the most fascinating and perhaps important books I’ve ever read, The Wheels of Life.

And that’s just what I want to talk with her about today, about a guide to the chakra system, and how it can change our lives.

Open your Chakras Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. How did a meditation change the course of Anodea Judith’s life?
  2. How’d she get interested in the chakra system?
  3. Where did Anodea go to learn about chakras?
  4. What are chakras?
  5. What’s a mythical rainbow bridge?
  6. Where are the chakras located?
  7. How do chakras work?
  8. What do chakras respond to on the physical level?
  9. How do chakras generate the shape and behavior of the physical body?
  10. How do chakras correspond to seven levels of consciousness?
  11. What are open and closed chakras and do they come in a particular order?
  12. How do chakras correspond to various types of activity?
  13. Can we inherit stuck chakras (and what does karma have to do with our chakras)
  14. What can our lives tell us about what chakra may be stuck?
  15. What is Shiva and Shakti?
  16. Why are both currents important?
  17. What is the root chakra?
  18. What does it mean to be stuck in first chakra consciosuness?
  19. How do we assess the condition of our first chakra?
  20. How do we open our first chakra?
  21. All about the second chakra through 7th
  22. How to assess each individual chakra.
  23. How to open each individual chakra.
  24. Where is humanity’s eveolution in terms of chakras?
  25. How do we foster healthy chakras in our children?
  26. A guided meditation for your chakras.
  27. To Find Out More Visit:

And for free meditations, weekly tips, stories and similar shows visit: 

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Jul 10, 2019

If you’ve ever a healthier, happier heart, then do we have the Heart Solution for Women (and men too!) show for you! 

Today I’ll be talking with Dr. Mark Menolascino, Medical Director of the Meno Clinic, and the author of a brilliant book at healing your heart, Heart Solution for Women.

And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about a proven program to prevent and reverse heart disease…and the different needs for women, vs. men.

Topics Include:

  1. Why is heart disease the #1 killer of women today?
  2. Do women have more strokes than men?
  3. Why is heart-disease (and heart attacks) under-diagnosed in women?
  4. Why don’t women show the same signs, symptoms, and even EKG readings as men???
  5. What is functional medicine?
  6. Why is heart-health for women so misunderstood?
  7. What happens to wome right after menopause?
  8. What can we learn about women’s heart health challenges from Dr. Bailey and Grey’s Anatomy?
  9. What’s the link between diabetes and heart disease?
  10. And between alzheimers, depression and heart disease?
  11. What are some of the top health’s around heart disease?
  12. Does plaque really clog your arteries?
  13. What the cholesterol myth?
  14. What do we need to know about fat?
  15. What do we need to know about statins?
  16. Is dieting really the key to reversing heart-disease?
  17. Are all calories created equal?
  18. What is inflammation doing to our bodies?
  19. What does a “baby” have to do with inflammation?
  20. What’s the harm with simple carbohydrates for the heart?
  21. Do happy people have less heart disease?
  22. What can we learn from Dr. Sarno?
  23. What is heart energy?
  24. What is heart-coherence and how can it help us?
  25. What are some of the top foods to eat for heart health?
  26. What do we need to know about healthy hormones and the heart?
  27. What’s the heart gut connection?
  28. What do food sensitivities and a leaky gut have to do with heart health?
  29. What are the top clues of heart disease?
  30. What can your earlobe tell you about the chances of having a heart-attack?
  31. What are the top supplements we want to take for the heart?
  32. What is mitoq?
  33. How and why do we want to get off pharmaceuticals?

To find out more visit:

Jul 9, 2019

If you’ve ever wanted to overcome addiction or keep from “screwing up” or attacking yourself with your mind then do we have the show for You!

Today I’ll be talking with Chris Grosso, writer, speaker, author of The Indie Spiritualist and Everything Mind, host of The Indie Spiritualist Podcast and the author of a brilliant new read, Dead Set on Living.

And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about Making the Difficult But Beautiful Journey from F-ing Up to Waking Up.

Dead Set On Living Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. What happened to Chris Grosso since our last interview?
  2. What’s the importance of moving past the “if only” mindset?
  3. What’s the importance of letting go of shame?
  4. What is the “RAIN” practice to help you let go?
  5. What’s “the primary problem” according to Gabor Mate?
  6. What does the law of attraction have to do with spiritual puberty?
  7. What can we learn from Lissa Rankin and “God is Not Your B*tch”?
  8. What does Tosha Silver teach about surrendering to the divine?
  9. What does Tosha mean about the next phase of your soul’s journey?
  10. How do we take away shame and judgment?
  11. What does Ram Dass mean about loving awareness?
  12. What does Sharon Salzberg mean about a happiness that isn’t going to shatter?
  13. How can we forgive ourselves after we’ve screwed up?
  14. What’s the value of a loving kindness meditation?
  15. What can we learn from J Ivy about forgiveness
  16. How do we write to help ourselves?
  17. What’s the importance of gratitude and how do we use it?
  18. How to keep from self-sabotage?
  19. What are clues you might be slipping?
  20. How do you put a protective net in place against negativity???
  21. What’s the importance of self-compassion and being gentle with yourself?
  22. For more info visit:

And for free meditations, weekly tips, stories and similar shows visit: 

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Jul 8, 2019

Today I’ll be talking with Brian Buffini one of the nation’s top business experts, and founder of Buffini and Company which has trained three million professionals in 37 countries, He’s also the author of a motivational masterpiece, The Emigrant Edge. 

And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about How to make it big in America, and the world, whatever that means to you!

The Emigrant Edge Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. What was life like growing up in Ireland?
  2. How did he choose to emigrate to America?
  3. Was he scared?
  4. What happened just three months after he arrived.
  5. How many surgeries did he need?
  6. Why didn’t he tell his parents?
  7. How did he make it through and get back on his feet?
  8. How did he turn to real estate?
  9. What did he learn about learning from his mentor Gene Kullman?
  10. How did he begin a top real-estate agent and what can we learn form it?
  11. What’s the mindset of a successful emigrant?
  12. What are the seven traits of successful emigrants?
  13. What’s the importance of a voracious openness to learn?
  14. What’s a do whatever it takes mind set?
  15. What’s the importance of a willingess to outwork others – and what does it mean?
  16. What can we learn from Brian’s Wife Beverly and how she made it to the olympics?
  17. What’s the importance of a heartfelt spirit of gratitude?
  18. What’s the importance in a boldness to invest?
  19. What’s the importance of a commitment to delay gratification?
  20. What’s the importance of an appreciation of where you came from?
  21. What’s the importance of remembering where you came from?
  22. What’s it mean to put your name on that?
  23. What’s it mean to be an ungodly parent to your children?
  24. To Find Out More Visit:

And for free meditations, weekly tips, stories and similar shows visit: 

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Jul 5, 2019

If you’ve ever wanted to walk through a door, and magically transport yourself into your future, then do we have the energy shifting show for you!

Today we’ll talk about shifting your energy, clearing out the old, and stepping forward into the new!

Topics Include:

  1. What we can learn from Lori Morrison, author of Power Animals?
  2. Why Jessica left for California to empty a storage unit?
  3. What does shedding the old have to do with shifting your energy???
  4. Why do we want to listen to our intuition when it comes to letting things go?
  5. What it means to go through a portal in life?
  6. What does a head-bump have to do with great change in CJ’s life?
  7. How did CJ end up with a concussion?
  8. What a Garmin Vivoactive 3 and Garmin Forerunner has to do with tracking your stress?
  9. How you can use GarminConnect and what our resting heart-rate has to do with our energy (and our immune system)?
  10. What’s the importance of asking yourself what you were thinking if you trip or stumble?
  11. How walking and running barefoot can help your body?
  12. How working out can provide a powerful energy shift?
  13. What’s the extreme value of resistance training?
  14. How can balance work help you too?
  15. What’s the importance of small steps toward a big energetic shift?
  16. What are the changes coming for the Inspire Nation Show on YouTube?
  17. Why you don’t need massive fast changes for great energetic shifts?
  18. How did Jessica become “Super Pookie”?
  19. Why we want to try new things and challenge ourselves for shifts in our lives?
  20. The importance of asking yourself if you can do things differently and what does that look like???
  21. To find our more visit:

And for free meditations, weekly tips, stories and similar shows visit: 

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Jul 4, 2019

If you’ve ever wanted to overcome subconscious blocks, then do we have the Close Your Eyes, Get Free show for you!

Today I’ll be talking with Grace Smith, master hypnotherapist, hypnotherapy instructor, stress-relief expert, and the author of a brilliant must read for blasting past subconscious blocks, Close Your Eyes, Get Free.

And that’s just what I want to talk with her about, about using self-hypnosis to reduce stress, quit bad habits, and achieve greater relaxation, focus and success in all that you do. Plus of course, much greater happiness!!!

Close Your Eyes, Get Free Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. How did Grace Smith get introduced to hypno-therapy?
  2. How did she quit drinking?
  3. How did hypnosis help her quit smoking as well?
  4. What did she learn from reading Journey of Souls?
  5. How did she help her early clients, and what was the journey she took them on?
  6. What can we do through hypnosis?
  7. How can we stop negative or ruminating thoughts?
  8. How can we rewire or re-ignite our minds?
  9. What is the subconscious?
  10. Why can’t we alter the subconscious through our conscious minds?
  11. What is really running the show or our lives, and how do we change it?
  12. Why don’t affirmations work as well as we’d like?
  13. What are hypnoaffirmations?
  14. What’s important to know if we say “I want to stop but I can’t”?
  15. How can we access the subconscious minds?
  16. What’s the power of “every day in every way…”
  17. How much can self-hypnosis help?
  18. How quickly can self-hypnosis help?
  19. What were the results of a study done by Grace Smith on people who tried self-hypnosis for one week?
  20. Why can’t you work on peak performance until deeper issues have been addressed in the subconscious?
  21. What are the four steps to mental freedom???
  22. What is hypnobirthing???
  23. For More info visit:

And for free meditations, weekly tips, stories and similar shows visit: 

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Jul 3, 2019

If you’ve ever wanted to master your power within, then do we have The Three Questions show for you!

Today I’ll be talking with Don Miguel Ruiz, the world-famous author of The Four Ageements, along with Barbara Emrys, the author of The Red Clay of Burundi about their latest masterpiece The Three Questions.

And that’s what I want to talk with them about, about three questions to help you discover and master the power within you.

The Three Questions Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include: 

  1. How did Don Miguel Ruiz go from practicing neurosurgery to studying Toltec wisdom?
  2. What is Toltec wisdom?
  3. Where did Barbara Emrys grow up and how did she get involved with Toltec wisdom?
  4. How did they begin working together to change the world?
  5. What’s the difference between the ideal world and the world we live in?
  6. How do our minds become corrupted?
  7. What does IF have to do with love?
  8. What does conditional love have to do with our happiness?
  9. What does it mean that our kids become “domesticated”?
  10. What is the little government in our heads?
  11. Why do we need to look at who we are not?
  12. What is the trouble with “Me”?
  13. What does it mean that we are life and only life exists?
  14. What does it mean that we are the artist and we are also the painting?
  15. Why do we need to dare to look inwards?
  16. What does it mean (and how do we begin) looking inwards?
  17. How do we solve the mystery of who we are?
  18. Why do our principles taught to us by our family and culture often limit our joy???
  19. What does respect (and self-respect) really mean?
  20. What’s the importance of self-love and self-compassion?
  21. What’s the importance of a forgiving mind?
  22. How do we move past self-judgment and self-contempt?
  23. How do we eliminate the oppression of our minds?
  24. For More Info visit:

And for free meditations, weekly tips, stories and similar shows visit: 

And to support the show and get even more great tools, tips, and behind-the-scenes access, visit:  

Jul 2, 2019

If you’ve ever wanted to transform your fear, and live your greatest life, then do we have the Joy from Fear show for you.

Today I’ll be talking with Dr. Carla Marie Manly, clinical psychologist, fear-based disorder expert, and the author of a brilliant book on transforming your fear, Joy from Fear.

And that’s just what I want to talk with her about today, about creating the life of your dreams, by making fear your friend.

Topics Include: 

  1. Why was Dr. Manly’s life and health falling apart when she appeared to have everything?
  2. What can we learn from Don Miguel Ruiz of the Four Agreements about fear and the “government” of our mind?
  3. What’s the significance of Dr. Manly falling in love with the darkroom?
  4. Why don’t we trust ourselves???
  5. How did Dr. Manly begin to face her fears?
  6. What’s the “positive enlightening” side of fear?
  7. What is fear as a fire-breathing entity???
  8. What is the “Devil we know,” destructive fear?
  9. What is the “Messenger we want to know,” constructive fear?
  10. How is constructive fear our inner wisdom?
  11. Why is constructive fear really the voice of love???
  12. What’s going on with medications today, and why is it such a problem???
  13. What is anxiety?
  14. What’s a visualizing fear exercise?
  15. What’s the importance of what Dr. Anodea Judith calls “charge”?
  16. How do we get comfortable with being uncomfortable?
  17. What are some simple tools for balance, mindfulness, and letting go?
  18. What is feather-duster breathing?
  19. Why do we want to use a sticky-note to remember to breathe?
  20. What do we need to know about burnout???
  21. A beautiful guided meditation – with chimes!
  22. To find out more visit:

And for free meditations, weekly tips, stories and similar shows visit: 

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Jul 1, 2019

If you ever thought your more than just your genes, then do we have the Biology of Belief show for you.

Today I’ll be talking Bruce H. Lipton, PhD is an internationally recognized leader in bridging science and spirit, winner of the 2009 GOI Peace Award and the author of my new all-time favorite book, The Biology of Belief.

And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about how we’re more than our DNA, what really controls us, and how to change your life by changing your beliefs!

The Biology of Beliefs Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. How Bruce Lipton got into microscopy?
  2. What was Bruce’s first time with an electron microscope like?
  3. What happened to Bruce in 1985?
  4. How did he end up leaving a tenured position and why?
  5. Why was he struggling with such negativity?
  6. What happened when he began studying cell membranes?
  7. What’s the breakthrough he discovered?
  8. What did he learn about DNA in the process?
  9. What did he learn about the cell nucleus and why’s it important for all of us.
  10. Why Darwin was wrong and what it means for us?
  11. What is really going on with our genes?
  12. What is epigenetics and why does it matter?
  13. What is the new biology?
  14. What is the danger of Darwin’s theory and what does it mean for humanity?
  15. Where does humanity need to go from here?
  16. What are the blocks in our way to realizing our greatness?
  17. How do we begin to move past our subconscious blocks?
  18. How do we create a new generation of children?
  19. What is conscious conception and conscious parenting?
  20. What are some of the ways we can help kids to avoid creating limiting beliefs?
  21. How do we overcome our own limiting beliefs?
  22. What’s the importance of hypnosis, repetition, and energy psychology?
  23. What one homework assignment can we begin today to reprogram our subconscious minds?
  24. For More Info Visit:


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