
Inspire Nation Show with Michael Sandler

Our Goal’s to Help Change the World by Helping YOU to Shine Bright! Now one of the top self-help & spirituality shows in 193 countries w/a new inspirational, motivational, spiritual, law of attraction or health-oriented guest DAILY! Plus guided meditations! After overcoming 2 near-death accidents, Host Michael Sandler felt a calling to start a life-changing show to help you live the life of your dreams! Guests Include John Gray, Bob Proctor, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Dr. Bernie Siegel, Anthony William, Arielle Ford, and countless more! Our goal is to leave you an ear-to-ear grin and an actionable plan to achieve your goals! Get ready to live your greatest life and to Shine Bright!
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Inspire Nation Show with Michael Sandler











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Now displaying: February, 2018
Feb 28, 2018

Today I’ll be talking with Daniel T. DeBaun, an internationally recognized expert in shielding electronic emissions and Electromagnetic Radiation (EMF) protection, and the author of a must-read book for your health, and your kids, RADIATION NATION.

And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, aobut the proven health risks of EMF and what you and your family can do about it!

That plus we’ll talk about glioblastomas, tablets and laptops, smart meters, pill bottles and silicone chips, newton’s inverse square law, specific anthropromorphic mannequins, and what in the world ET phoning home, has to do with anything.

EMF Safety Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. How did Daniel get into studying EMF?
  2. How did he begin making his first EMF shileds?
  3. What’s going on with EMF in the world now?
  4. What’s the challenge with upcoming 5G?
  5. What’s the real harm with EMF?
  6. How does EMF exposure harm the body?
  7. What are the potential dangers to pregnant women?
  8. What’s the science behind the dangers?
  9. What does this mean for our kids?
  10. Are children more susceptible?
  11. What can we do to help protect our kids?
  12. What is really going on with cell phones and emf?
  13. What are the three most important things to protect ourselves?
  14. What actions can we take today?
  15. What does a SAR rating really mean?
  16. What do we need to know about our routers?
  17. How many people are sensitive to EMF?
  18. What do we do if we’re extra-sensitive?
  19. What are the different health risks of EMF?
  20. How do we dial back the EMF in our environments?
  21. What’s the importance of distance from EMF?
  22. What is shielding and how does it work?
  23. For More Info visit:

Daniel DeBraun on The Science & Dangers of EMF and How We Can Protect Ourselves & Our Kids! Health | Fitness | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Meditation | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info Visit:

Feb 27, 2018

If you’ve ever with health challenges that just won’t go away, then do we have the Dirty Genes show for you!

Today I’ll be talking with Dr. Ben Lynch, naturopath extraordinaire, an expert in epigenetics and the author of a phenomenal new book on flipping on the good stuff, and flipping off the bad, Dirty Genes.

And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about a breakthrough program to treat the root cause of illness, and optimize your health.

Dirty Genes Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include:


  1. What are dirty genes?
  2. What does it mean that every day our genes are writing a document about our health?
  3. What are the genetic factors behind disease?
  4. Are these genetic factors unchangeable?
  5. What are the 7 dirtiest genes?
  6. How do we begin switching off our dirty genes?
  7. What does it mean to soak and scrub our genes?
  8. What is MTHFR and why is it so important?
  9. What do we need to know about pregnancy and dirty genes?
  10. Why is methylating so important?
  11. What do we need to know about our genetic profile?
  12. How can we tell which dirty genes are affecting us?
  13. What supplements/dietary changes can help?
  14. Can cleaning our children’s genes help with ADHD?
  15. What do histamines have to do with anything?
  16. What do we need to know about estrogen levels in women?
  17. What do we need to know about mold and allergy sensitivity?
  18. What do we need to know about glutathione?
  19. What do we need to know about dirty genes for our kids health?
  20. For more info visit:

Dr. Ben Lynch on Changing Your Health, Emotions & Mind plus Overcoming Genetic Causes of Disease Thru Epigenetics!!! Diet | Nutrition | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Meditation | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement

For More Info Visit:




Feb 26, 2018

Today I’ll be talking with the “Keeper of the Sea” Dr. Wallace J. Nichols, a visionary entrepreneurial scientist, reknown marine biologist, voracious Earth and idea explorer, wild water advocate, and the best-selling author of one of my favorite must-read books (and upcoming documentaries), Blue Mind. 

And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about the surprising science that shows how being near, in, on, or Under Water can make you happier, healthier, more connected, and better at what you do!

Today I’ll be talk with the keeper of the Sea, Dr. Wallace J. Nichols a visionary entrepreneurial scientist, renown marine biologist, voracious Earth and idea explorer wild water advocate the best-selling author of one of my favorite must-read books, and upcoming documentaries, Blue Mind.

  1. How did Dr. Nichols get interested in water?
  2. What does water mean to kids?
  3. How did he become interested in sea turtles?
  4. Why are we so drawn to water?
  5. What does water mean to us?
  6. What does the science behind water suggest?
  7. Why is water so great for our health?
  8. Why is water so great for our minds?
  9. What does neuroplasticity and Dr. Michael Merzencich have to do with water?
  10. Do we need to be in the water?
  11. Can seeing water help?
  12. Can being near water help?
  13. What does water do for the brain?
  14. What does water do for our emotions?
  15. How can water help calm us down or relieve tension?
  16. How can water prevent current behavioral problems?
  17. What can water do for our telomeres?
  18. What can water do for our longevity?
  19. What are some top life hacks with water?
  20. What did Michael J. Fox have to do with water?
  21. What’s our inner turtle?
  22. What should we do with our kids and water?
  23. What can we do to help the oceans of the world?
  24. What’s the blue marble project?
  25. To find out more visit:

Dr. Wallace “J” Nichols on the Health, Brain Benefits & Life Hacks of Being, On, In, Or Near Water! Blue Mind | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Meditation | Inspirational | Motivational | Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

For more info visit:

Feb 23, 2018

If you’ve ever wanted to leap ahead in life, and move from a frog to a prince, or even a princess, then do we have the transformation show for you!

Today we’ll talk about getting guidance from your intuition, how to know where you want to go, how to transform your life, and leap-frog to a new level!

Inner Guidance System Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include: 

  1. What can we learn from Julia Cameron and Morning Pages?
  2. How can Morning Pages help?
  3. What it means to tap into your creative self or creative source?
  4. What it means to get guidance from within?
  5. How can you start to tap into your inner guidance system?
  6. How to have Neale Donald Walsh Conversations with God conversations with yourself.
  7. What are non-dual tantric practices?
  8. What it means to surrender to Divine Will?
  9. What’s it mean to have Divine Will dictate to you?
  10. What does perspective and experience have to do with anything?
  11. What is automatic writing that Michael does?
  12. How does it help guide him?
  13. How can automatic writing be used for dream analysis?
  14. What does it mean to tap into your inner frog?
  15. What does it mean to leap frog ahead?
  16. What it means to get out of yourself or your mind to get in touch with your intuition?
  17. How can you use this on a daily basis?
  18. What can you learn from tapping into your internal guidance system.
  19. For more info visit: and

CJ Liu on How to Tap Into Your Inner Guidance System & Get Answers Fast For Happiness & Success!!! Health | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Automatic Writing | Meditation | Mindfulness | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement

For More Info Visit:

Feb 22, 2018

If you’ve wanted to live an inspired life and leave the fear behind, then do we have Inspired and Unstoppable show for you!

Today I’ll be speaking with Tama Kieves, visionary heroine, best-selling author, honors graduate of Harvard law school, best-selling author, and the author of an inspiring new book A Year Without Fear!

And that’s just what I want to talk with her about, about how to live an inspired life, leave your fear behind, and what we can do to become Inspired and Unstoppable.

That plus we’ll talk about the revelation vacations, the paradise café, playing it safe and law school, artistic spirit apartments, secret doctors and Chinese Restaurants, doodling in village inns, impulse shopped at the Tattered Cover, and what in the world serving chicken fingers and onion rings, has to do with anything!

  1. How do we get clarity on what we want to do?
  2. Why do we suffer until we live our dreams
  3. What’s it mean to relax and receive?
  4. What’s the importance of a slowdown?
  5. What’s an undoing process?
  6. What’s the importance of forgiving yourself?
  7. What’s the importance of patience?
  8. What does it mean to live an extraordinary life?
  9. What’s the importance of a daily journaling?
  10. What’s the importance of commitment or being true to ourselves?
  11. How do we get over fear?
  12. What are several key learning’s about A Course in Miracles
  13. What does it mean to go all in?
  14. What’s the danger of being “realistic”?
  15. What does it mean to live “unreasonably”?
  16. What’s it mean to show up with love no matter what?
  17. What does it mean to follow the breadcrumbs?
  18. How is self-love a brave act?
  19. How do we honor ourselves for being just where we are?
  20. What does it mean that love is at the wheel?
  21. To find out more:

How to Live an Inspired and Unstoppable Life – Living in Love over Fear!!! + Guided Meditation! Tama Kieves | Health | Career | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info Visit:

Feb 21, 2018

If you’ve ever wanted to find heaven on Earth, or simply a new perspective on life, then do we have the Already Here show for you!

Today I’ll be talking with Dr. Leo Galland, a world leader in integrative medicine and the best selling author of numerous books including The Fat Resistance Diet, Power Healing, Superimmunity for Kids, and the Allergy Sollution, and a beautiful new book that’ll bring tears to your eyes, and open your soul, Already Here.

And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about life lessons from his son on opposites, presence, timelessness, and opening your heart!

Already Here Self-Improvement & Self Help Topics Include:

  1. How long has it been since his son passed away?
  2. Has he always been spiritual?
  3. What was Dr. Galland’s take on consciousness before his son passed away?
  4. Who was Christopher and why was he different?
  5. What do you mean he tested everyone?
  6. What did he do with electronics and people’s emotions?
  7. How was he a teacher?
  8. What does it mean he was a push and pull of opposites
  9. What happened just before he passed away?
  10. What happened just after his death?
  11. What other experiences took place soon afterwards?
  12. What did he begin to teach Dr. Galland?
  13. What is the importance of the gift of opposites?
  14. What’s it meant to confront anger, hatred and pain and return love?
  15. What’s it mean God is with us and God is everywhere all at once?
  16. What’s the tyranny of place or the illusion of place?
  17. What’s a God Moment?
  18. What do cheeseburgers and ecstasy have to do with anything?
  19. What is sequential awareness vs. simultaneous awareness?
  20. What is the gift of timelessness?
  21. What is the gift of presence?
  22. What’s the importance of “Lightening up”

Dr. Leo Galland on 3 Special Gifts & Life Lessons to Change Your Life From His Departed Son! Health | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Mindfulness | Meditation | Parenting | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

For more info visit:

Feb 20, 2018

If you’ve ever wanted to make big changes in your life, then do we have the Liminal Thinking show for you.

Today I’ll be talking with Dave Gray, founder of Xplane, and the author of two previous books on design change and innoviation, Gamestorming, and The Connected Company, and his latest, liminal thinking.

And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about creating the change you want by changing the way you think.

That plus we’ll talk about lemonade and Somalia, what in the world’s falsifiability, the power of baking cookies, late night video games and routers, the power of a cup of tea, why you’d want to put crackers in a bed, and why in the world spitfire, wasn’t really doomed.

Life-Changing Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. What is xplane?
  2. What is the word liminal?
  3. What is visual problem-solving?
  4. What does it mean change happens at the boundary of things?
  5. What does it mean beliefs are constructions?
  6. What does it mean the obvious is not obious?
  7. What’s the danger of confusing beliefs with “reality”
  8. What does it mean beliefs cause behavior?
  9. What’s a doom loop?
  10. How do beliefs create blind-spots?
  11. What’s the importance of assuming we’re not objective?
  12. What is falsifiability?
  13. What’s the importance of triangulation?
  14. What does it mean to disrupt routines
  15. And what’s the importance of disruptors?
  16. Why would you want to put crackers in a bed?
  17. What’s the importance of taking a risk?

Dave Gray on How to Use Liminal Thinking to Challenge Your Belieefs & Make Great Changes! Health | Career | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Meditation | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info Visit:

Feb 19, 2018

If you’ve ever wanted true transformation your life, then do we have the Sacred Powers show for you.

Today I’ll be talking with best-selling author Davidji, stress management expert, meditation teacher, and the author of a brilliant new book on awakened transformation, Sacred Powers.

And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about discovering your sacred power & dive deep for awakened transformation, opening your heart, and connecting with the divine.

Discover Your Sacred Powers Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. How did Davidji blow up his life?
  2. What is a butterfly moment?
  3. How did he end up in India?
  4. What is a Nadi and how did he find one?
  5. How did his life change from then on?
  6. What are a few of the Five Divine Principles?
  7. What does it mean the universe is within us?
  8. What does it mean that alignment is everything?
  9. What does it mean to understand our oneness?
  10. What does it mean to accept ourselves in every moment?
  11. What is the sacred affirmation Aham Brahmasmi – I am the Universe?
  12. What is the divine principle of one?
  13. What is the sacred power of presence?
  14. What is the sacred power of your ripple?
  15. What is the sacred power of spirit?
  16. What is the divine principle of rebirth?
  17. And the divine principle of infinite flow?
  18. How do we expand our hearts more?
  19. To Find Out More visit

Davidji on How to Discover Your Sacred Powers & Open Your Heart for a Phenomenal Awakened Transformation!!! Health | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Inspirational | Motivational | Mindfulness | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info Visit:

Feb 16, 2018

Today I’ll be talking with Derek Rydall, the best-selling author of Emergence, the world’s leading excerpt on the Law of Emergence, and the author of a new book that’s abundantly overflowing with goodness, The Abundance Project.

And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about the top ways for more wealth, health, love and happiness!

That plus we’ll talk about rubber snakes and crimpled nozzles, the power of mac n cheese, KLUV and KRICH, adopting monks, and what in the world chasing white poodles has to do with anything!

The Abundance Project Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. Did Derek experience abundance in his early years?
  2. What did he learn about his dad trading time wealth for financial wealth?
  3. How did he end up living without running water and electricity?
  4. How did he end up living in a garage?
  5. What was the experience that changed his entire life?
  6. What was his showdown with God?
  7. How did he come up with the Abundance Principle?
  8. What is the abundance project?
  9. What does it mean that the current model of abundance is backwards?
  10. Where does abundance really come from?
  11. What is the law of circulation?
  12. What’s a consciousness of having?
  13. Is money really the root of all evil?
  14. What is the great reversal and the Big Betrayal?
  15. What does it mean that abundance is within each of us?
  16. What is real wealth?
  17. What does it mean to adapt to circumstances and expand in the face of contraction?
  18. How doe we know we have blind-spots to money?
  19. What are a few of the seven gifts that give you everything?
  20. What is giving the new getting?
  21. What’s the importance of giving to ourselves?
  22. What’s a grand vision?
  23. How do we bring about the abundance we desire?
  24. How do we teach children about abundance and money?
  25. To Find Out More Visit:

Derek Rydall on Eliminating Your Blocks to Abundance & Finding Greater Health, Wealth Love & Happiness! Guided Meditation | Law of Attraction | Inspirational | Motivational | Spiritual | Spirituality | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Parenting | Inspire

For more info visit:  

Feb 15, 2018

If you’ve ever wanted better people skills, to communicate better, work better, and have people on your side, whatever you’re trying to do, then do we have the special show for you.

Today I’ll be talking with Dave Kerpen, entrepreneur, speaker, and NYT Times Bes-selling author. He’s the founder and CEO of Likeable Local, a social media company, and the chairman and cofounder of Likeable Media. He is also the author of a fantastic new book, The Art of People, 11 simple people skills that will get you everything you want.

And that’s just what we’ll talk about today, simple tools and techniques to help you work, play, and communicate better with those around you for your greatest happiness and success.

That plus we’ll talk about first dates at 21, 29 pairs of orange sneakers- and counting, how to eat at French Laundry, who’s the president of table clearing, why it’s oops I got your voicemail again, and how to have a free ballpark wedding, nationally televised, of course.

Self-Help and Self-Improvement Questions and Topics Include:

  1. On Paradise Hotel Reality Show – Sexy Singles and One Nerdy Guy – Dave Kerpen
  2. How he didn’t get 125,000 for making it to the final.
  3. How he went on a reality TV show to find true love.
  4. How he ended up with his wife?
  5. How he taught math with oreo cookies
  6. What was Mr K’s Math Money Mania and what were Mr K Dollars?
  7. The importance of listening and understanding people’s need’s whether it’s in teaching, your career, sales, business or home.
  8. Why Myer’s Briggs means nothing and the enneagram mean’s everything.
  9. Who was Larry Benet and what are the 3 questions you have to ask – networking secrets
  10. Why it’s so important when you’re networking to switch your agenda from selling stuff to learning about people
  11. How he’s been raising funds for Likeable Local…and what orange shoes have to do with anything.
  12. Who is David McClure and what is 500 Startups in Silicone Valley?
  13. What’s the power of Snapchat?
  14. What’s the power of linkedin?
  15. What’s the importance of empowering people (as leaders).
  16. What Ooops I’ve Got Your Voicemail again – The Brenda Fuentes persistence, passion and creativity story.
  17. Why it’s important to act in the face of fear.
  18. What happiness means for Dave Kerpen
  19. Where to watch his baseball stadium wedding:
  20. also on google, snapchat, linkedin, google+, Instagram, pinterest and more.
  21. What’s the power of gratitude?
  22. How gratitude is helpful in more than just your business or career, but to help put yourself in a good mood…the #1 happiness drug of all time!

Dave Kerpen Shares the Art of Working With People & How to Listen, Relate & Get What You Want! Think Dale Carnegie How to Win Friends & Influence People | Business | Career | Entrepreneur | Relationships | Self-Help | Spirituality | Mindfulness | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info Visit:

Feb 14, 2018

If you’ve ever wanted a stronger, deeper, and more loving relationship, then do we have the show for you.

Today we’ll talk about dropping your shields, diving deep, healing your heart, and building the strongest, healthiest, most caring relationship you can.

  1. How Michael and Jessica met
  2. Why Jessica wasn’t dating before she met Michael.
  3. Why she didn’t want to date Michael
  4. What happened after they got married?
  5. Why things were so difficult?
  6. What they learned from their early years in their relationship?
  7. Why their relationship was so challenging?
  8. How they began shifting the relationship?
  9. What big changes did they make in the relationship?
  10. What did they learn (positives) from the difficulties?
  11. What it meant to become more heart opened?
  12. What it means to truly love and be in a relationship
  13. How do we break through to show our fears, move past our fears, and express ourselves?
  14. How do we feel truly safe in a relationship?
  15. What does it mean to really put yourself out there in a relationship?
  16. Why our partner may be our greatest button-pusher?
  17. What we can learn from Temple Grandin about soothing ourselves?
  18. How we can build a stronger relationship?
  19. What’s the leap of faith we want to do for our partner if they’re really upset?
  20. What we can do to find our partner if we’re single?
  21. Where do we look to find our partner?
  22. What work do we want to do if we’re single?

Jessica Lee & Michael Sandler on How They Met, Overcame Massive Difficulties & Found Love on the Other Side! Inspirational | Motivational | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Meditation | Mindfulness | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

To find out more visit: 

Feb 13, 2018

If you’ve ever wanted to understand your dreams, then do we have the Llewellyn’s Little Book of Dreams, show for you!

Today I’ll be talking with Dr. Michael Lennox, psychologist, astrologer and dream expert and the author of three phenomenal books on dreams including Llewellny’s Complete Dictionary of Dreams, and his latest Llewellyn’s Little book of dreams.

And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about how to understand and interpret our dreams for greater understanding and insight into our lives!

Dream Interpretation Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. What was Dr. Michael Lennox’s first (remembered dream)?
  2. How did he begin interpreting dreams?
  3. What did he learn about interpreting dreams while getting a doctorate in psychology?
  4. What are the distinct stages of sleep?
  5. What in the world is brain poop and what does it have to do with dreams?
  6. What are the different types of dreams and what are their purposes?
  7. What do we need to know about nightmares?
  8. What are compensatory dreams and what are their purposes?
  9. What do recurring dreams really mean?
  10. What is the purpose behind anxiety-filled dreams?
  11. What are different types of repeating dreams?
  12. What are pre-cognitive dreams?
  13. What are visitation dreams?
  14. What is lucid dreaming and how do we have lucid dreams?
  15. What’s the importance of mindfulness and dreaming?
  16. What are night terrors and dream paralysis?
  17. Is there anything that can help with dream paralysis?
  18. What’s the importance of remembering dreams?
  19. How do we help remember our dreams?
  20. What’s the best way to write down our dreams?
  21. What is the universality of dreams?
  22. What is the symbolism involved in our dreams?
  23. What do we want to do before going to bed?
  24. How do we begin interpreting our dreams?
  25. What’s a dream dictionary?
  26. What are themes we find in our dreams, and how do we find them?
  27. What do we want to tell kids about their dreams?
  28. For More Info Visit:

Dr. Michael Lennox on Remembering & Understanding the Meaning of Dreams & the Hidden Messages Behind Them! Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Inspirational | Motivational | Meditation | Mindfulness | Parenting | Self-Improvement

For More Info Visit: 

Feb 12, 2018

If you’ve ever wanted to understand & know your soul, then do we have the Things That Join The Sea and the Sky Show for you! 

Today I’ll be talking with Mark Nepo, the author of at least 19 books including the #1 New York Times Bestselling Author of The Book of Awakening, the author of The One Life We’re Given and one of the most profound beautiful books I’ve ever read on light and life, Things that join the sea and the sky.

And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about his field notes on living, and how you can learn to journal to touch your soul.

Journaling to Free Your Soul Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include: 

  1. How did Mark Nepo get to where he is today?
  2. Has he always been a “scribbler”
  3. What’s been the importance of journaling in his life?
  4. How did journaling help Mark Nepo?
  5. How has journaling helped him to overcome fear?
  6. How does journaling make us a student of the heart?
  7. How does journaling keep us in conversation with the Universe?
  8. What’s the difference between a journal and a diary?
  9. What is the importance of risk enhancement in how you lead your life?
  10. Is there such a thing as good or bad?
  11. What can you learn about yourself from journaling?
  12. How can it help us to heal?
  13. How often should we journal?
  14. What are the best practices?
  15. What’s the process of inquiry and why’s it so important?
  16. How do we choose our journal?
  17. Does a journal have to be organized, logical and clean?
  18. What’s the importance of questions?
  19. What’s the importance of suspending judgment?
  20. What are some of the top journaling guidelines?
  21. What’s the importance of not censoring your writing?
  22. What does it mean to allow form to follow content?
  23. What’s the importance of trusting whatever comes?
  24. For more info visit:

Mark Nepo on How To Use Journaling to Liberate Your Soul & Transform Your Life!!! Health | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Mindfulness | Inspirational | Motivational | Parenting | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire | Love

For More Info Visit: 

Feb 9, 2018

If you’ve ever struggled with family, emotions, time or being on top of your game, how to be okay with not being okay show for you.

Today we’ll talk about being extra-kind and gentle to yourself, even when you’re struggling, far from your best, or melting down with the super-moon.

How to Be Okay Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include: 

  1. What has happened to people from the Super Moon and after the Super Moon.
  2. What happens when negative emotions come up?
  3. What do we do when we internally berate ourselves?
  4. What do we do with negative self-talk?
  5. What does it look like to give yourself unconditional love?
  6. How can unconditional self-love help ourselves?
  7. What it means to focus on the connection of Heaven and Earth?
  8. How do we go looking for any internal work we have to do?
  9. What’s the importance of not judging yourself for the moment (even if you’ve melted down)
  10. What does it mean to be kinder and more loving to oneself?
  11. What is the stillpoint – and why does CJ want to learn more about it?
  12. What can we learn about heart openings – and dropping your shields.
  13. What happened with Michael and Jessica’s patreon backstage pass?
  14. For more info visit:
  15. How can you be okay with not being perfect – and move past perfectionism?
  16. How are you rewarded yourself for stepping out there?

CJ Liu on What to Do When You're Struggling & How to Be Extra Kind, Loving and Gentle to Yourself! Health | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Meditation | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info Visit: 

Feb 8, 2018

How To Build A Couple Bubble For Love and Happiness!!!

If you’ve ever struggled with love, particularly in your relationship or marriage, then do we have the couple-building show for you!

Today I’ll be talking with Stan Tatkin, clinican, researcher, teacher, and developer of the psychobiological approach to couple therapy. He’s also the author of four books including his latest, my new favorite couples book, Wired For Love.

Today we’ll be talking about building, protecting, and not-popping the couple bubble so you can defuse conflict and build a secure relationship.

That plus we’ll talk about the emote me game, the power of the insula, the orbitofrontal cortex, early birds and night owls, and why it’s okay to be annoying, just not threatening!

Self-Improvement and Self-Help Wired for Love Topics Include

  1. How’d Stan get into teaching vipassana?
  2. How he worked with John Bradshaw
  3. How’d he get into meditation
  4. What a sensory deprivation tank had to do with anything
  5. How he got interested in child and brain development while working with John Bradshaw
  6. How he got interested in preventing personality disorders
  7. How Jessica got interested in mindful pregnancy
  8. What is one of the most important premises in healthy child development?
  9. How do you support a mother raising her child
  10. What Thich Nhat Hanh says about caregivers and raising a child.
  11. What is a couple bubble?
  12. What chemistry takes place when we start dating.
  13. Why we make mistakes in relationships because our brains are relying on shortcuts
  14. What is normal in relationships
  15. Why a couple bubble has to do with secure functioning
  16. What’s the dumb vagus?
  17. What’s the insula
  18. What are the primitives?
  19. How do we bring in the ambassadors to prevent war?
  20. What does presence and attention have to do with preventing fights?
  21. What do islands, waves, and anchors have to do with anything?
  22. What are pleasing and soothing 101?
  23. What’s the importance of knowing your partner?
  24. How to prevent things from being long-term problems?
  25. What are morning and nighttime rituals, and early birds and night owls?
  26. Why most problems in relationships have to do with separations and reunions
  27. Why you want to wish your partner well dead or alive before going to bed
  28. How do we fight?
  29. How do we come up with a win/win situation?
  30. What’s it mean to wave the flag of friendliness?
  31. Why our brains are constantly filling in the blanks and why you shouldn’t leave things blank
  32. What are the perils of digital fighting?
  33. Why hugging with your bellies together is so important
  34. Do we all need touch?
  35. Words of wisdom for parents
  36. Shambhala Mountain Center Sept. 15th to 18th Wired for Love Couple’s event
  37. Go to and for counselor training
  38. Also see Wired for Love and Wired for Dating

Dr Stan Tatkin Shares Secrets to Improving & Protecting Your Romance & Relationship! Marriage | Mindfulness | Inspirational | Motivational | Spiritual | Spirituality | Guided Meditation | Sex | Self-Improvement | Happiness | Motivation | Self-Help

For More Info Visit:

Feb 7, 2018

If you’ve ever wanted a stronger, smarter, sharper mind, and at any age, then do we have the Soft-Wired show for you!

Today I’ll be talking with Dr. Michael Merzenich the undisputed heavyweight and father of brain plasticity, award winning neuroscientist, the co-founder and chief scientific officer of Posit-Science, and the author of a brilliant book on changing your mind, Soft-Wired.

And that's just what I want to talk with him about today, about how the new science of brain plasticity can change your life, and how do use it for happiness, success, and longevity.

Soft-Wired Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. What is brain plasticity?
  2. Can we truly change our brains?
  3. What in the world is going on with our brains?
  4. What is the latest science suggesting?
  5. How do we begin to change our brains?
  6. Are there any limits?
  7. What’s the importance of challenges?
  8. What’s the importance of getting uncomfortable?
  9. What does our “landscape” have to do with the brain?
  10. What’s the importance of nature when it comes to the mind?
  11. What’s the importance of presence – and what does it mean to truly observe the world around you?
  12. What does positivity have to do with the brain?
  13. How can helping your brain, help your mood?
  14. What brain challenges are our children facing today?
  15. What are brain games and how can they help?
  16. How often do you need to play brain games to see results?
  17. Can you change your brain without diet and exercise?
  18. What simple lifestyle changes are needed to change the brain?
  19. How can changing our brains affect our entire lives?
  20. What are the most important changes to begin making?
  21. What are the simplest changes to take beginning today?

The Father of Brain Plasticity, Dr. Michael Merzenich on Best Ways To Change Your Brain & Life At Any Age! Positivity | Happiness | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Mindfulness | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help

For More Info Visit: 

Feb 6, 2018

If you’ve ever wanted better time management and to declutter your life then do we have the show for you!

Today I’ll be talking with Ruth Soukup, the undisputed queen of declutter, blogger extraordinaire, and the author of several phenomenal books on decluttering your life including living well spending less, and her latest Unstuffed.

And that’s just what I want to talk with her about today, about uncluttering your home, mind and soul.

1. How do we declutter our lives?

2. How do we stop the flow of clutter coming into our lives?

3. How do we begin letting go of things that accumulate?

4. How did Ruth start her Living Well Spending Less Blog?

5. How did it become one of the top blogs out there?

6. How did Ruth move past the fear in starting her business?

7. How has Ruth built her business?

8. How did she start her first blog conference?

9. What does it mean there are no mistakes only lessons?

10. What it means to feel the fear and do it anyway?

11. How do we declutter in order to move?

12. How do you move when you're prioritizing your business?

13. How to reprioritize your time?

14. How do we get organized for our days?

15. What's a daily do-it? 

16. How do we time-block our day-timer?

17. How do we guard our time and prioritize?

18. How do we set boundaries and structures?

19. How do we make appointments with ourselves?

20. What's the importance of metrics for reaching your goals?

21. What's the importance of knowing your why?

22. How do we reach our goals?

23. What's the Crush It Formula to Reach Your Goals?

24. How to make a healthy chocolate cake?

25. For More Info Visit:

Ruth Soukup of Living Well Spending Less on De-Cluttering Your Day & Life! Health | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Meditation | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info Visit:  

Feb 5, 2018

If you’ve ever wanted more genuine, fulfilling life, then do we have the show for you!

Today I’ll be talking with Sandra Joseph, The Record-Holding, Phantom of the Opera’s longest leading lady and the author of a phenomenal new book on living your life, Unmasking What Matters.

And that’s just what I want to talk with her about 10 key life lessons, from 10 years on Broadway to unmask what matters most, and step into your field of power.

Unmasking What Matters Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. How did she become the longest running lead actress on Broadway?
  2. How did she get into acting?
  3. How did she overcome the fear of public speaking?
  4. What's the importance of facing fears to prevent regrets?
  5. What happened in her 5th grade performance that changed her life?
  6. What was her vow and what can we learn from it?
  7. What was her commitment she made after college and what does that mean for us?
  8. How do we move past the internal wiring that's holding us back?
  9. How did she move past her fears to get the lead role in the Phantom of the Opera?
  10. How do we move past Imposter Syndrome?
  11. How do we move past our wounds from the past?
  12. What's it mean to see behind the mask?
  13. What's the importance of starting a discussion with worthiness?
  14. What does it mean that we're truly enough? 
  15. How do we turn toward ourselves?
  16. How do we counteract our tendency to beat up on ourselves when things haven't gone well.
  17. What's the importance of presence? 
  18. How do we take a vow of ultimate kindness toward ourselves?
  19. What's it mean to let yourself be seen?
  20. What's the importance of choosing love over fear???
  21. How do we move past self-criticism? 
  22. What's the importance of self-compassion?
  23. What's it mean to stand in your field of power?
  24. What's it mean to value your role???
  25. What's the importance of unconditional love?
  26. Who is the Phantom of the Opera who didn't get away?
  27. For more info visit:

Phantom of the Opera's Longest Leading Lady Sandra Joseph On How to Move Past the Wiring That Holds Us Back!!! Health | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info Visit: 

Feb 2, 2018

If you’ve ever had surprising synchronicities, or coincidences in your life, then do we have the show for you.

Today we’ll talk about magical conicidences, what they mean, why they’re hear, and how you can use them to stear your life!

That plus we’ll talk about miracle journals, whoops phone calls, why it’s all about the horses, orange dragons, older poochies, smiling posing gators, happy water moccassins, and what in the world happens at the airport, when you’re dressed like an orange marshmallow, and you’re meditating.

Magic Universe Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include:

1. What synchroniticities mean?

2. How we bring about magic in our lives?

3. What's a miracle journal?

4. How to know you're living in a magical universe?

5. How to see into the fabric of the universe?

6. What horses have to do with synchronicities?

7. What smiling alligators have to do with anything? 

8. What are kundalini breaths? And kundalini swans? 

9. How we can move energy through our bodies?

10. What is the sound of the vibration of the earth?

11. What we can learn from Culadasa about awareness and attention?

12. What was the magical experience that happened with double grammy-award winner Robert Mirabal in Taos, New Mexico.

13. How to feel electricity or chi moving through your body?

14. How to jump in the flow of magic

15. Check out Robert Mirabal and John Tesh

16. For more info visit

CJ Liu On Coincidences, Synchronicities & Bringing Magic Into Your Life! + Law of Attraction | Health | Fitness | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Meditation | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info Visit: 



Feb 1, 2018

If you’ve ever wanted more Positivity in your life, especially during these interesting times, then do we have the Positive You Hypnosis show for you!

Today I’ll be talking with Dr. Steve G. Jones, author of at least 25 books and over 9,000 hypnosis audio recordings. He works extensively with Hollywood actors, writers, directors, and producers, helping them achieve their very best. And he’s the creator of a fantastic program on Positivity Jessica and I have just blissed out to A New Positive Attitude.

And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about how hypnosis can bring a new positive attitude, more happiness, and even unlimited wealth into your life!

That plus we’ll talk about a fear of bedwetting, smelly feet, a fear of birds, nail-biting and roaches, and what a fear of clowns has to do with anything!

Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. How was it being on the Millionaire Matchmaker?
  2. How did Dr. Steve G. Jones first get interested in hypnosis?
  3. What got him hooked?
  4. How can hypnosis help us with positivity?
  5. How can hypnosis help us overcome negative news in the world today?
  6. What kind of help do celebrities come to him for?
  7. What conditions does he typically work on?
  8. What are the different ways we can rewire the mind for positivity?
  9. How do we work past all the negativity around us today?
  10. How do we move past subconscious blocks?
  11. What’s the mechanism that goes on behind hypnotism?
  12. What are ways that we can hypnotize ourselves?
  13. How does connecting to nature help us overcome negativitiy?
  14. How often should you practice hypnotherapy
  15. How do we move past a ‘political flu’ and how can hypnosis help?
  16. What are other things we can do to boost our positivity?
  17. How can affirmations and mantras help?
  18. How can hypnosis help with wealth creation?
  19. How can we use hypnosis to move past blocks with the law of attraction?
  20. What’s a thermostat or set-point, and how can we move past it?
  21. What’s the number one thing we can change to change our set-point or income in our lives?
  22. How can hypnosis help kids?
  23. What’s the importance of self-love?
  24. Where does kindness and compassion fit in?
  25. For More Info visit:

Dr. Steve G. Jones on How to Get Positive Fast Thru Hypnosis! + Guided Meditation & Law of Attraction! Health | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Meditation | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Love

For More Info Visit: