Dec 20, 2021
Your angels have special messages for you, specifically for this time of the year.
Did you know WHY your angels have wings? It’s for one very specific important reason – to help you rise above the darkness, rise above the challenges, and to survive and thrive no matter what comes your way.
Angels’ wings...
Dec 17, 2021
If you've ever wanted to discover the potential within then do we have the Great Shift show for you.
Today we'll talk all about creating a shift in your life, discovering your newest self and how to empower yourself for the greatest changes in your life.
That plus we'll talk all things about identical twins,...
Dec 15, 2021
Did you know you’re surrounded by thousands upon thousands of angels?
Today I'm speaking with the world-renowned lady who sees angels, Lorna Byrne, who shows you how your angels are always by your side always, and at your fingertips, just waiting to lend a guiding hand... and always speaking to you.
You have...
Dec 13, 2021
Your angels have special messages for you, specifically for this time of the year. This is a unique time with unique stressors, concerns, and challenges.
But your angels want you to know how you can rise above these, shift those energies, and use this time for powerful positive transformation.
In essence, this is a...
Dec 10, 2021
If you’ve ever wanted to make a request of the universe and have her deliver, then do we have the Just Ask the Universe show for you.
Today I’ll be talking with Michael Okon also known Michael Samuels, entrepreneur, author, the first guest on our show, 1,400 audio shows, and hundreds of videos, yes, that's about...