Oct 21, 2020
There will always be haters, but how do we handle them… with Love! If you’ve ever wanted more peace and less conflict in your life, then do we have the How to Love the Haters, Everything is Here to Help You show for you.
Today I’ll be speaking again with Matt Kahn, one of my all-time favorite spiritual teachers and author of “Whatever Arises, Love that” and “Everything is Here to Help You”.
And that is just what I want to talk with him about today, about why everything is here to help you, even the haters, and challenging people in our lives.
Plus we'll talk about the flat earth theory and YouTube, oracle decks and pendulums, why you want to check both sides of your vision boards, and what in the world getting a thumbs down just when the video goes live, has to do with anything!
Everything is here to Serve Your Self-Improvement and Self-Help
Topics Include:
To find out more visit: https://mattkahn.org/
Additional Resources:
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