Dec 23, 2015
If you’ve ever wondered if your skin was too thin, if you feel other people’s emotions too much, or perhaps even wear your emotions on your sleeves, then do we have the show for you!
Today we’ll be talking with Karla McLaren, a pioneer in the field of empathy and emotions, and the author of The Language of Emotions: What Your Feelings Are Trying to Tell You and The Art of Empathy: A complete Guide to Life’s Most Essential Skill.
Today we’ll talk about the Art of Empathy, and it’s often overlooked importance ina world where we often hide our emotions. WE’ll look at how we’re all more empathetic than we could ever imagine, and how and why we should cultivate it, work with it, and sometimes even run from it.
That plus we’ll also look at goldfish and broccoli, dolls that make babies cry, and what it means to be einfulhung about einfulhung.
Questions and Topics Include:
Discover How the Art of Empathy & Learning How to Read Emotions Improves Your Relationships, Career & Every Aspect of Your Life - Important for Parents & Kids Too! Karl McLaren| Inspiration | Motivation | Spirituality | Meditation | Health | Self-Help
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