Oct 19, 2020
Please note! - If you are trying this method, you must watch Wim Hof's free mini-class first: https://www.wimhofmethod.com/free-mini-class
Let’s talk science and secrets with Wim Hof, The Iceman, on breath control and cold training to reclaim your vitality, energy, and health. Join us in our The Way of The Ice Man show for you.
In this episode, I will be talking to Wim Hof, a Dutch daredevil who holds 20 world records for his ability to withstand extreme cold and the co-author of Becoming the Iceman and The Way of the Iceman. We are going to be talking about using the science and secrets of using breath control and cold training to reclaim your vitality, energy, and health.
Plus we’ll talk about avoiding space cake, diving into waterfalls, bike rides to Senegal, running in the Arctic, swimming under ice, and what in the world the police and swimming in canals has to do with anything.
Key Points Discussed:
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Additional Resources:
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