
Inspire Nation Show with Michael Sandler

Our Goal’s to Help Change the World by Helping YOU to Shine Bright! Now one of the top self-help & spirituality shows in 193 countries w/a new inspirational, motivational, spiritual, law of attraction or health-oriented guest DAILY! Plus guided meditations! After overcoming 2 near-death accidents, Host Michael Sandler felt a calling to start a life-changing show to help you live the life of your dreams! Guests Include John Gray, Bob Proctor, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Dr. Bernie Siegel, Anthony William, Arielle Ford, and countless more! Our goal is to leave you an ear-to-ear grin and an actionable plan to achieve your goals! Get ready to live your greatest life and to Shine Bright!
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Inspire Nation Show with Michael Sandler











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Now displaying: November, 2021
Nov 29, 2021

No matter how tired, exhausted, overwhelmed or in pain you may be, your angels are always waiting to lend a hand and give you the strength you need to feel better and get through this.


There’s a language your angels speak, a sacred language that helps you call in assistance anytime you desire.


You can call on strength, you can call in guidance, and you can call in support, particularly when you need it most.


In this special angels show, Michael Sandler shares how he’s calling on the angels for strength during this time.


You can do the same and even more. There’s no need to do it alone.


Angels have supernatural strength and are willing to give it to you anytime you ask; you must simply learn how to ask and to receive.


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Nov 26, 2021

If you’ve ever wanted to set yourself free, heal your past and discover your true purpose, then do we have the Four Sacred Gifts show for you.


Today I’ll be talking with Dr. Anita L. Sanchez, a powerful visionary of Mexican American and Aztec heritage, an Amazon rainforest guide with Pachamama Alliance, and the author of an incredibly beautiful and powerful book I consider a must-read for all of us, The Four Sacred Gifts: Indigenous Wisdom for Modern Times.


That is just what I want to talk with her about today, about indigenous wisdom for modern times and how it can bring us peace and set us free. 


Key Points Discussed: 

  • A piece of indigenous wisdom to begin changing our lives at this moment (03:07)
  • The prophecy of the sacred eagle hoop (03:22)
  • What is indigenous and did we all start out as indigenous (04:18)
  • The meaning of acting as if we have no relations (08:32)
  • What does it mean to be in right relation to nature? (09:20)
  • Honoring the sacredness of all things and remembering that everything we do is interconnected (13:11)
  • What happened on a hot mid-summer afternoon in 1967? (20:01)
  • The importance of truly forgiving even the unforgivable (26:13)
  • Standing Rock and its importance (36:38)
  • We are nature and the universe in human form (43:47)
  • What does it mean to listen with the softest part of your ear (45:57)
  • The fourth sacred gift: The power of hope in action (56:26)
  • What is the great mystery (1:14:25)


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Nov 24, 2021

You are the creator, not a program. Tune in to this show and rewrite YOUR programming through your biology and reprogram your subconscious mind, and life!


Today we have no better guest to talk about than biologist expert, author, and educator Dr. Bruce Lipton.


In this episode we’ll talk all about how your cells affect your everyday life, our hardwired biological programming and how we can start to rewire these patterns to align with our beliefs and truly start to manifest into reality.


Make sure to tune in through the whole episode as Bruce and I cover tons of ground on your biological makeup and how you can truly start to transform yourself TODAY.


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Nov 22, 2021

On Wednesday, November 10th, I was hit by a car and nearly killed. Yet angels saved my life. Listen into this special show on what happened and the lessons learned along the way!


Angels can do the same for you and more. When you learn how to call on your angels 24/7, you will always have protection and guidance. It’s really simple too. In this special event we’ll show you:


  1. How to call on your angels for protection
  2. How to surround yourself in a bubble of love and light
  3. How to be lifted up by your angels’ wings
  4. How to get healing, power, and strength from your angels
  5. How to call on your angels to look after you even when you sleep.


In this special and raw YouTube event, Michael Sandler will share what happened, how angels saved his life, and how angels can bless yours too.


This is one event you’re going to want to see. 


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Nov 19, 2021

If you’ve ever wondered whether there’s more to thanksgiving than turkeys, shopping and football, then do we have the Thanksgiving Show for you!


Today I’ll be talking with Melanie Kirkpatrick, a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute, former deputy editor of the Wall Street Journal’s editorial page, and the award-winning author of Escape from North Korea, and her latest Thanksgiving.


That is just what I want to talk with her about today, what’s the true holiday at the heart of the American Experience.


That plus we’ll talk about Franksgiving, Unthanksgiving, Mary had a little lamb, why pumpkin pie’s a myth, why no one landed at Plymouth rock, and why in the world a writer in Hong Kong, might think thanksgiving is Independence Day,


Thanksgiving Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. What’s the worst turkey sound ever?
  2. Why a book on Thanksgiving?
  3. What happened in Newcomer’s High in Queens?
  4. What happened in 1621 to the Mayflower expedition?
  5. Why Plymouth Rock was a myth
  6. What happened during the first winter?
  7. What were the gratitude practices of people from the Mayflower?
  8. What was the first thanksgiving like?
  9. What was the miracle of Squanto’s life experiences?
  10. What was the original significance of Thanksgiving
  11. What’s the history of thanksgiving and Native Americans
  12. What happened at Alcatraz?
  13. Who else claimed to have the first thanksgiving dinner?
  14. What did George Washing do for Thanksgiving?
  15. Why Lincoln had two Thanksgivings in one year?
  16. Where did Mary Had a Little Lamb come from?
  17. Who was the Godmother of Thanksgiving?
  18. Who was Sarah Josepha Hale?
  19. How did football and thanksgiving come together?
  20. What’s Franksgiving and what happened in 1939?
  21. What’s the connection between Thanksgiving and generosity?
  22. What’s the history of giving and Washington and Thanksgiving?
  23. What does over-eating have to do with thanksgiving?
  24. What pie wasn’t at the first thanksgiving dinner?
  25. When did Turkey’s get connected with Thanksgiving
  26. What does succotash have to do with thanksgiving?
  27. What’s the practice of five kernels of corn?
  28. Illustrated by Artist Kathryn Messenger on the book :o)


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Nov 17, 2021

Did you know, you can literally wake and fly in your dreams? Lucid dreaming is easier than you ever could imagine.


Shamanic Lucid Dreaming allows you to fly, travel to other times, and dimensions and completely rewrite your life. Learn new languages, meet alien races, and even hang out with long-lost loved ones.


There is a power in your dreams far greater than you can imagine, where you can do what you want to do, go where you want to go, and see who can literally transform your waking life.


Most importantly, you have the power to transform your entire waking life through your dreams.


In this fascinating interview with lucid dreaming expert extraordinaire, Robert Moss, you’ll learn the secrets to traveling in your dreams, reassembling your life from the other side, and unravelling the mysteries of who you are and why you are here.


It will help you create a life greater than you ever dare to dream. This is the power of shamanic lucid dreaming, perhaps the most powerful transformative tool ever.


Plus you'll learn how to fly like superman or an eagle anytime you want in the dream world. Stick around for a lucid dreaming meditation just before the end!


In this interview, you’ll learn:

  1. How to wake up in your dreams
  2. How to re-enter your dreams
  3. What to do about recurring dreams
  4. How to change your life from the other side
  5. What to do when you cannot recall your dreams


This is one of the most powerful, life-changing, and profound interviews you will ever watch. Robert Moss is the author of 12 of books on dreaming, like Growing Big Dreams and Dreaming True.


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Nov 15, 2021

If you’ve ever wanted more success in your life, then do we have The Believe to Achieve show for you!


Today I’ll be talking with Howard “H” White, a star in High School Basketball, and a stand-out point guard for the University of Maryland, now the senior VP of the Jordan Brand, at Nike, founder of the Believe to Achieve program, and the author of an incredibly fun, inspiring, and empowering read, Believe to Achieve.


Tune in this show and learn how to see the invisible and do the impossible! Plus more on MJ5, Michael Jordan, and a Ferrari!


Believe to Achieve Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. Where did Howard “H” White grow up?
  2. What was life like for him then?
  3. Who was his first mentor and what’s the importance of a mentor?
  4. What’s the power of “belief”?
  5. What’s the importance of remaining positive?
  6. Who was the “angel” that came into his life?
  7. How’d he end up changing schools?
  8. How’d he get into basketball and how did that change his life?
  9. What was his belief system like?
  10. How did he keep from a place of despair when strife came up?
  11. How did he end up working for Nike – and what were the “coincidences” that took place?
  12. How did he come up with the Nike Jordan Brand?
  13. What’s the importance of a vision?
  14. What’s the importance of writing it down?
  15. What is his formula for success?
  16. What does MJ5, Michael Jordan, and a Ferrari have to do with anything?
  17. What can we learn from Michael Jordan’s belief system?
  18. What does it truly mean to believe in yourself?
  19. What’s the importance of belief?
  20. What’s it really mean to face one’s fears?
  21. Is there a meaning behind everything that happens?


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Nov 12, 2021

Miracles far greater than you can imagine, are closer than you could ever realize, and yet seemingly, completely out of reach.


It's just that you don't know how to call in a miracle or call on your angels to deliver.


Well that all changes TONIGHT.


We'll show you how to call on your Angels for BIG miracles, especially when you need them... and we'll share the most personal and profound miracle, we've ever, EVER experienced.


We feel like we've won the lottery, and after tonight, you'll learn how to do just the same thing.


Work with your angels, to win your own personal lottery, especially when you need it most!


If you've ever followed Inspire Nation or Michael and Jessica, this will be our most profound show (and reveal) ever, so don't miss it!


And learn how you too can call on Angels, for the biggest miracles in your life!


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Nov 10, 2021

Luke, I am your father... Right? Mirror Mirror on the wall... NOPE! Movie quotes, global events and more recalled by millions of people are somehow inaccurate to what really ever happened.


Is it a glitch in the matrix? Bad memory? This event is what some may call The Mandela Effect.


We have no better guest to talk about this than Cynthia Sue Larson, bestselling author of books like Quantum Jumps: An Extraordinary Science of Happiness and Prosperity speaks on what it really could be - what she thinks may have taken place in an alternative universe.


We’ll chat all things shifting reality, quantum jumps and aligning ourselves with THE GOLDEN TIMELINE.


Make sure to tune in through the entire interview as we give you methods you can use today to further align yourself with the 1 - 9 dimensions, quantum tunneling and bringing ourselves to the center brain



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Nov 8, 2021

Do you want to live a longer heathier and happier life? Then do we have the Positive Shift show for you.


Today I’ll be talking with Dr. Catherine A. Sanderson, the Manwell Family Psychology Professor at Amherst College, and the author of a fascinating book that will positively change your mindset, The Positive Shift: Mastering Mindset to Improve Happiness, Health, and Longevity. 


That is just what I want to talk with her about today, about Mastering your Mindset to improve your happiness, health, and longevity.


Topics Include:

  1. How did Dr. Sanderson begin researching positive psychology?
  2. What is a positive mindset?
  3. What in the world are kittens and rainbow people?
  4. Why is Facebook making people lonelier?
  5. How do expectations create reality?
  6. What’s the impact of subtle triggers on our confidence?
  7. What’s a failure mindset?
  8. What’s the importance of adopting a “new label”?
  9. How much does the placebo effect, affect our mindset?
  10. Is there a way to reframe stress?
  11. What’s the importance of self-compassion?
  12. What can we learn from Professor Goodenough about the myths of aging?
  13. Will smiling help us live longer?
  14. What’s the importance of finding the silver lining and taking action?
  15. What’s the wealthy neighbourhood paradox?
  16. What’s the “Failing Well” program at Smith College?
  17. What’s the importance of expressing gratitude?
  18. What are some keyways to change your behavior and your mindset?
  19. The importance of sleep and mindset?
  20. How can sex affect your mindset?
  21. What’s the importance of meditation and your mindset?
  22. What do studies show is the importance of nature and the mind?
  23. How can helping others (and giving things away) help our mindset?


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Nov 5, 2021

When we’re feeling stressed it’s a sign that we’re out of alignment with our authentic self.

In today's episode we talk all about the mystic power of 'TE' from Lao Tzu and the Tao Te Ching, what it means, and how we can use it to align with our highest self.

We’ll cover the 3 sacred treasures that allow us to realign with ourselves, from covering kindness, simplicity, and humility.

Make sure to tune into the entire episode as we give some real time examples of how you can apply these 3 sacred treasures in your life.

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Nov 3, 2021

There's one simple way to call in miracles, and it doesn't require anything you've been taught, or even a faith, believing, or knowing.


For attracting miracles isn't about The Secret, or Law of Attraction, or pounding the Universe repeating mantra after mantra. It's about connecting to a future possibility, out of love, out of hope, and out of energy.


You see, it's the energy you feel that helps you call in ANY miracle you desire; it's all about the energy. That's why this interview with Richard Gordon, one of the world's leading energy healers (though he'd never say that about himself) and the creator of Quantum Touch is so powerful.


Because his simple technique to call in miracles works. It doesn't take faith, or belief, or even a sense of having it before you do --- for that's lying to your subconscious. And nothing comes when we're lying and out of alignment.


Instead, it's about learning how to send love to the future you desire, and have it send you love right back---it's as simple as that, and you'll learn the absolute easiest way to do this.


And yes, you CAN, and WILL call miracles into your life!


In today’s show we talk about ALL things MIRACLES, what a miracle REALLY is, the mindset we should have towards them and the formula we need to create them day by day.


We have no better guest to talk on this than Richard Gordon, best-selling author, and healer! We all know what a miracle is, but what is missed is how we REALLY attract them.


Make sure to tune into today’s episode as we go over things like DARK MIRACLES. How we make the BEST out of what may seem the WORSE. How to truly align ourselves with the law of attraction and truly FALL IN LOVE with our future; making it inevitable rather than a “what if”.


Make sure to stick around till the end as Richard takes us through a MIRACLE Method.


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Nov 1, 2021

If you ever wanted to manifest exactly what you want, then do we have The Millions Within show for you!


Today I’ll be talking with David Neagle, President of Life is Now, and the author of a brilliant book on transforming your life, The Millions Within: How to Manifest Exactly What You Want and Have an EPIC Life!


That’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about how to manifest exactly what you want and have a truly EPIC life. David Neagle knows how to help you achieve whatever dream your heart desires – no matter where you’re starting from.


Plus we’ll talk about the power of spicy food, the importance of coffee, lakes and boats, founding fathers and iPhones, cats and cold stoves, and what in the world a West Highland White Terrier (Westie) named Ferg has to do with anything!


The Millions Within Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include: 

  1. What happened to David when he was four?
  2. What big questions was he asking by age six?
  3. What was David’s big wake-up call?
  4. What was the manifestation card he wrote to himself afterwards?
  5. What was the demand he made, and what did he hear that began to change everything?
  6. What does it mean to have a good attitude?
  7. What were the three basic tenets he began living by?
  8. How did he triple his income in one year?
  9. What did it mean to change his paradigm, and what could he see once he did?
  10. What did Bob Proctor tell him when he got stuck?
  11. What did he learn from being coached by Bob Proctor?
  12. How did he challenge himself to get unstuck?
  13. How do we help our subconscious accept our biggest challenges?
  14. What does the first Universal Law of “More Life” mean for us?
  15. What’s the importance of our desires, and what does that realy mean?
  16. What’s wrong with hearing “oh come on!” and how do we move past this?
  17. What’s the difference between what we think we want and what we really want?
  18. How do we discern what we truly want?
  19. What’s the problem with WISHING for something?
  20. What’s the power of a conscious decision?
  21. What’s the importance of alignment?
  22. Why do unexamined beliefs often lash back out at us?
  23. What’s the importance of self-acceptance?
  24. What are three keys to self-acceptance and how can they liberate us?


In September of 1989, what was supposed to be a rare relaxing day with family cruising down the Illinois River in a roomy boat, quickly turned into a nightmare…


David Neagle was pulled deep into the gates of a dam that shredded his flesh, broke his back, and nearly drowned him. No one expected him to survive the accident, and rescue workers even told his family he was already dead. (Entire boats had been sucked into this same dam, without survivors.)


What happened instead is that David, a high-school dropout & dock worker, awakened to the potential previously untapped within him. He made a decision that day to begin the journey responsible for changing his entire life, and now the lives of thousands of others.


David Neagle knows how to help you achieve whatever dream your heart desires – no matter where you’re starting from.


After his brush with death, David began to study his own potential. In the 12 months following his accident ~ despite being unable to walk for more than a month ~ he tripled his income! By December of 2000, David had expanded to become an executive corporate manager, a stock investor, and a business owner!

David Neagle is the best selling author of The Millions Within and is known as one of the architects of the coaching and personal growth industry itself, having worked alongside other well-known mentors like Bob Proctor, Marianne Morrisey, Tony Robbins and the like for decades.


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