
Inspire Nation Show with Michael Sandler

Our Goal’s to Help Change the World by Helping YOU to Shine Bright! Now one of the top self-help & spirituality shows in 193 countries w/a new inspirational, motivational, spiritual, law of attraction or health-oriented guest DAILY! Plus guided meditations! After overcoming 2 near-death accidents, Host Michael Sandler felt a calling to start a life-changing show to help you live the life of your dreams! Guests Include John Gray, Bob Proctor, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Dr. Bernie Siegel, Anthony William, Arielle Ford, and countless more! Our goal is to leave you an ear-to-ear grin and an actionable plan to achieve your goals! Get ready to live your greatest life and to Shine Bright!
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Inspire Nation Show with Michael Sandler











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Now displaying: November, 2016
Nov 30, 2016

If you’ve ever wanted more magic and abundance in your life then do we have the Being You, Changing the World show for You!

Today we’ll talk with Dr. Dain heer, best-selling author, co-creator of Access Consciousness, and the genius rabble-rouser, behind one of my all-time favorite books on changing our energy, and leaping into our greatest selves, Being You, Changing The World!

And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about stepping our magic and our power, and finding the incredible abundance waiting for each one of us.

That plus we’ll talk about a monsters of magic, playboy the horse, 100 monkeys on an island, why we want to stay weird, and when in the world you want to feed random ducks rice-crispies!

Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. Why Money Isn’t Hard
  2. What it means to ask for money
  3. How to find where we’re stuck with money
  4. How do we clear emotional blocks to money
  5. What is a clearing statement?
  6. The importance of the question: “What’s right about me I’m not getting”
  7. Why there’s no such thing as a money issue, only what you’re willing to receive
  8. What’s the importance of “interesting point of view, I have this point of view”
  9. Why we have a hang-up around money
  10. Why joy doesn’t follow money, but money follows joy
  11. What it means to be willing to receive
  12. Why we have an addiction to being miserable
  13. What happens when we’re miserable
  14. Why we don’t want to put up walls to receiving
  15. What’s the 10% account?
  16. What it means your point of view creates your reality, your reality doesn’t create your point of view
  17. Why you don’t want to touch your ten percent
  18. When you want to say “What’s it gonna take to pay this without dipping into the ten percent…show me something new”
  19. Why we want to ask the universe “what’s it gonna take to change this”
  20. “If I was truly creating my life today, what would I chose, right away?”
  21. Why you want to actually ask the Universe for what you want, and why you need to ask yourself how much you need to create happiness in your life
  22. What’s the importance of “ask and you shall receive”
  23. also two free video series there
  24. Also

Dr. Dain Heer on How to Make Money Easy & Overcome Subconscious Blocks to Wealth & Abundance! + Meditation! Health | Career | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

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Nov 29, 2016

If you’ve ever struggled to get started or get things done, then do we have the Start Right Where You Are show for you.

Today I’ll be talking with Sam Bennett, the creator of the Organized Artist Company and the Author of Get It Done, and a fantastic new book Start Right Where You Are. 

And that’s just what I want to talk about today, how little changes can make a big difference for overwhelmed procrastinators, frustrated overachievers, and recovering perfectionists.

That plus we’ll talk about kissing wubbies, a benevolent hum, a 2000 honda accord, the groan zone, cantsayno syndrome, 3 jobs and pneumonia, why bronchitis pays a visit, and what in the world wringing hands and a one-eyed therapist has to do with anything,

How to Start Right Where You Are Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. What happened to her in 1988
  2. Who Joe was and why he was so influential
  3. How she realized she can’t wait to later to be happy
  4. Why being selfish is the least selfish thing we can do
  5. Why taking time on our creative projects is so important for ourselves
  6. What it means that everyone is a creative genius
  7. How to figure out what your creative genius is
  8. How do we learn how to “be more me”
  9. What’s a pattern interrupt
  10. What’s it mean to be 1 degree
  11. What was happening with her acting career
  12. How we’re often closed off to the possibility that things can be super-easy
  13. What’s the importance of delegation
  14. What did the book “Getting It Done” teach
  15. What are poems from “An Artist Talks To God”
  16. What’s the importance of creative tension, and how do you balance it?
  17. What it means to surf the wave
  18. What’s the creative dichotomy of rehearsing, and then letting it go
  19. What’s the Groan Zone?
  20. How we prevent self-sabotage?
  21. What we can learn from and about depression
  22. What is Happy Grown-Up Naked Time?
  23. and

Sam Benet on How to Little Changes Can Help You Reach Your Goals for Happiness & Success! + Meditation! | Health | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Mindfulness | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

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Nov 28, 2016

If you’ve ever struggled to keep your self-care going, when the going gets tough, or to take care of your greatest needs, then do we have the self-caring show for you.

Today we’ll talk about putting on the oxygen mask, and on yourself first and foremost. Well talk about when to do it, why to do it, and why it’s critically important to do it, even, or especially, when you don’t think you have the time.

That plus we’ll about the sweetness in life, from chocolate-chip pumpkin cake, to puff-eyed goldfish, fruit and oatmeal, the power of Beethoven, hugging trees daily, flowers on standby, and why everything good, looks like our cat Lumi!

Sweetness Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. How to work out on an airplane – and how to keep yourself warm!
  2. Why we don’t have to “earn” self-care
  3. What’s an old-school way of dealing with stress
  4. Why it’s so important to put self-care back into your life as quickly as you can
  5. Why it’s so dangerous to pull out the things that support you and make your heart sing
  6. Why there are times you can’t afford to be negative
  7. What’s an important decision you need to make
  8. What’s the importance of playing music
  9. What’s the power of baking
  10. What’s the importance of flowers
  11. Why we may need daily emotion-code from Dr. Bradley Nelson and what does that look like?
  12. Why we off turn away help when we need it most
  13. What’s the reprogramming over the “right to be negative”
  14. What Jonathan Balcombe from “What a Fish Knows” says about fish
  15. Why we want to talk with fish
  16. Why tree-hugging is in these days

Jessica Lee on How To Overcome Challenges & Put the Sweetness Back in Life For Health, Success, Peace & Happiness! Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Meditation | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

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Nov 27, 2016

If you’ve ever wanted a happier, more glowing and satisfying life then do we have the Power of Kindness Show for You.

Today I’ll be talking with Piero Ferrucci, psychotherapist, philosopher, and collaborator with Roberto Assagiolio the founder of psychosynthesis. He’s the author many beautiful, beautiful books, including the incredible best-seller, The Power of Kindness.

And that’s just what we’ll be talking about today, about the unexpected benefits of leading a compassionate life.

That plus we’ll talk about an ice age of the heart, chimpanzees and compassion, hippos and split pea soup, why in the world you’d put a herring in your pocket, why you can’t solve problems with French fries, and What in the world does a drunk, an airplane and a toad have to do with anything???

Kindness and Compassion Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. How he met his teacher Roberto Siggioli – founder of psychosynthesis
  2. Where does joy come from?
  3. How are beauty and kindness connected?
  4. What’s the importance of “space”
  5. What it means to have kindness and altruism?
  6. How altruism and giving affects the brain
  7. Can honesty and kindness co-exist?
  8. What’s the importance of harmlessness
  9. Why Ghandi says harmlessness is the highest law?
  10. What’s the Pygmalion effect?
  11. What’s the effect of thinking
  12. What’s the importance of forgiveness?
  13. Why forgiveness is a health issue
  14. Why his wife does if someone wrongs her – for instance cutting her off
  15. What’s the importance of taking risks and experimenting
  16. What’s the relationship between trust and surrender
  17. How trust is a form of giving and a way to
  18. What’s the importance of mindfulness
  19. What does technology have to do with mindfulness?
  20. What’s an ice-age of the heart that’s going on?
  21. What’s the power of a letter
  22. How do we cultivate more empathy?
  23. What’s the importance of gratitude?
  24. Piero Ferrucci’s book for children “What Children Teach Us”

Piero Ferrucci on the Life-Changing Power of Kindness & Compassion for Happiness & Success! + Meditation! Health | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Mindfulness | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

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Nov 26, 2016

If you’ve ever had emotional responses that were holding you back or causing you pain, or felt your subconscious was trip-wired against you, then do we have the Emotion Code show for you.

Today I’m talking with Dr. Bradley Nelson, holistic Chiropractic Physician and Medical Intuitive, and the creator of a phenomenal energy healing system,. He’s also the author of one of the most important books we’ve found in our lives, The Emotion Code. 

And that’s what I want to talk with him about today, how to release your trapped emotions for abundant health, love and happiness.

That plus we’ll talk about ranger the horse, twiggs and dognapping, boofy the paranoid cat, heart walls, quilts, flowers and diamonds, whats the real purpose of your refrigerator magnets, and why if you’re touching an electric fence, you want to grab a friend.

So welcome back to the show Dr. Brad, are you ready to shine?

Emotion Code Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. What he learned from Dr. Stan Flagg
  2. What it means to have a stuck emotion
  3. What are shared trapped emotions?
  4. What is an inherited trapped emotion?
  5. What we can learn from Mark Wolynn and inherited family trauma
  6. What science is shown with emotional trauma and multiple generations
  7. How emotion code works
  8. What is muscle testing
  9. What’s the sway test?
  10. What’s the easiest way to do muscle testing
  11. What is a heart wall?
  12. How we can use emotion code and muscle-testing to reprogram the subconscious mind for abundance – he has a program for abundance
  13. What is acting by proxy and how can we use it to help others, especially our loved ones
  14. Go to – get pdf for free or audiobook free
  15. How this can help your ancestors who have passed on
  16. How Dr. Brad discovered the emotion code works for animals too
  17. What we can learn from a bully chicken
  18. What you can do from bullying chicken -
  19. What’s the danger and problem of emotional baggage
  20. How Emotion Code can help with conception
  21. How trapped emotions, even inherited trapped emotions can prevent pregnancy
  22. How you can do emotion code in-vitro
  23. How you can even test for the sex of the baby, after the first trimester

HOW TO RELEASE TRAPPED EMOTIONS! Dr. Bradley Nelson | Health | Inspiration | Motivation | Spirituality | Self-Help | Inspire

Dr. Bradley Nelson On How to Release Trapped Emotions that Create Pain & Sabotage Our Lives! Health | Fitness | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Meditation | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info Visit:

Nov 25, 2016

If you’ve ever wanted to feel better, sleep better, or digest your food with grace and ease, then do we have the Divine Attunement show for you!

Today I’ll be talking with Dr. Richard Gold, one of the founders of the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine and the President and Executive Producer of Metta Music and Yuval Ron an Oscar Winning Composer, Grammy Nominated Musician, and Author of Divine Attunement, music as a path to wisdom.

And that’s just what we’ll be talking about today, how music and frequency change the way you think, act, feel, and even rest and digest.

That plus we’ll talk about bugs bunny, whirling dervishes, a mistake by moses, taking keyboards into MRI’S and why the bible’s been into music, for at least 3000 years!

Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. What Saturday morning cartoons has to do with music
  2. What is psycho-acoustic effects
  3. What is sound healing?
  4. How did the idea of music as a healing modality come about?
  5. What does it mean to tune an audience?
  6. How do we tune people?
  7. What it means to sync our heartbeats and motion to a pulse provided by music or our environment.
  8. Why our bodies want to be in harmony with pulsations around us.
  9. How music and sound can give us energy
  10. What is brain entrainment and how can music be used to help train the brain and put it itno different levels of meditative states
  11. How functional MRI’s show what’s going on with music and the brain.
  12. What we want to be careful about sound because it’s a powerful tool for good or harm
  13. What’s the importance of understanding how sound in our environments affects us
  14. Why we need to be conscious about the music that’s being played
  15. How do the Chinese elements work with music
  16. How do you evoke the different elements through the music
  17. What happened with music and the first king of Israel (a bible story from over 3000 years ago)
  18. How can we use music to heal from the inside-out
  19. Why music is so important for our office environment
  20. How sound can help the mind go quiet
  21. Why we want music that’s not digital
  22. What is good sound hygiene
  23. working closely with type in Yuval Ron.
  24. How kids learn to become aware of their music choices and how the music affects them
  25. What is “The Quiet Gardener”

Oscar Award Winner Yuval Ron & Dr. Richard Gold On How to Use Music to Shift Your Health & Life! + Guided Meditation | Health | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

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Nov 24, 2016

Whether you’re looking for greater happiness, inner peace, or to simply unshackle from the stress and anxiety of your life and to shine bright, then this is the interview for you!

Dr. Roger Teel, author of This Life is Joy helps you discover the secret to plugging in to inner happiness on a moments notice helping you rewire the mind, for a more joyous, richer experience.

Learn how to identify and move past limiting beliefs. And discover what’s really holding you back, from happiness, and from success in your life.

You’ll learn how to surrender to the moment, be happy in any experience, and get more of a “big picture” view, where everything does happen for a reason.

He discusses negative self-talk, screwing up, and how there’s really no such thing! And he talks about the importance of taking risks to truly live, and stepping outside our comfort zones.

He looks at how fear is a friend, and how miracles truly happen, if we put ourselves on our path. And he talks about how to discover our path and get into alignment with our highest purpose.

Plus self-love, opening your heart, living more heart-centered, and living from a place of joy.

If you’re looking for a handbook on happiness, or how to find peace, and live more fully in each and every moment, then this is the interview for you!

About Dr. Roger Teel:

As a global leader, Dr. Teel has served as Chairman of the International Board of Trustees for Centers for Spiritual Living, and is Co-founder of the Association for Global New Thought. In 1999, 2001 and 2004, Dr. Teel assisted in facilitating the Synthesis Dialogues with acclaimed global leaders including His Holiness, the Dalai Lama. He has served on the boards of the Interfaith Alliance of Colorado, the M.K. Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence, the Foundation for Affordable Housing, and the Community First Foundation.

Discover Greater Happiness and Joy Now with Dr. Roger Teel, a spiritual leader who's worked with the Dalai Lama. Learn how to get in alignment, find your purpose, tap into the bliss, leave your worries behind, and live your greatest life! Inspiration | Motivation | Spirituality | Self-Help | Mindfulness

To Find Out More Visit:

Nov 23, 2016

If you’ve ever wanted more love and happiness in your life, but don’t know how to crank up the inner flame, then do we have the gratitude show for you.

Today we’ll talk about having thanks, giving thanks, and how the power of gratitude, can literally transform your life. 

That plus we’ll talk about morning rituals, the power of prayer, running mantra’s, and when in the world you just want to put your head in the sand.

Thanksgiving Sanity Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. What’s the importance of awareness for thanksgiving
  2. What’s the importance of being able to receive
  3. Why perfection needs to be dropped for thanksgiving
  4. What it means that enough is enough
  5. What’s the importance of taking breaks and finding ourselves
  6. Why having a creative outlet is so important
  7. Why we need to carve time out for ourselves – to feed our soul
  8. The importance of prayer
  9. A powerful mantra from Paul Selig’s guides to overcome your subconscious
  10. A powerful automatic writing exercise and lessons
  11. Why we want to keep ‘serve’ at the front of the train
  12. What’s the importance of getting outside to get in sync
  13. Why morning gratitude is so important
  14. How to stay sane and grounded with family over Thanksgiving

CJ Liu on How to Stay Sane & At Peace Over Thanksgiving & With Family & Your Inner Child!!! Health | Fitness | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Meditation | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info visit or 

Nov 22, 2016

If you’ve ever wanted to run kick or flee from your inner critic, then do we have the Make Peace with Your Mind show for you.

Today I’ll be talking with Mark Coleman senior meditation teacher at Spirit Rock Meditation Center, founder of the Mindfulness Institute, and author of a fantastic book on taming your inner critic, Make Peace with Your Mind.

And that’s what we’ll be talking about today, about how mindfulenss and compassion can free you from your inner critic.

That plus we’ll talk about punk rock & anarchy, Velcro and Teflon, Einstein and invisible swindling, how to love your neighbors when you don’t like them, how mr. mindfulness wins the day, the power of ‘oh please’ and why even mindfulness teachers, sometimes can’t find their keys…or there cars…

Mindfulness Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. How he went from being a punk rocker to finding mindfulness
  2. What are the most important two tools he learned early on
  3. What were his early journals like
  4. What’s a negativity bias and how can that lead to a depressed state of mind?
  5. Why we don’t want to believe everything we think
  6. What it means to double-shame ourselves?
  7. What it means ‘I am not my thoughts’
  8. What’s the imposter syndrome
  9. Why even Einstein thought he was an ‘impostor’
  10. What does it mean you are not your fault?
  11. What’s the harm of self-judgment
  12. Where does the inner critic come from in childhood
  13. What is internal and external shaming when it comes to kids?
  14. What Cheryl Sandberg COO of Facebook has found with girls who display natural leadership qualities
  15. How can we express innate goodness, and why’s it important?
  16. What is the mantra of ‘not enough’
  17. What coulda-woulda-shoulda has to do with things
  18. What’s snooze-alarm syndrome
  19. What’s the importance in gratitude, particularly in relation to the not enough syndrome
  20. What’s important to understand about your inner critic
  21. What the inner critic does to our energy levels?
  22. What do we do when we catch our inner critic?
  23. What’s the power of good-enough
  24. What’s going on with cell phones and car accidents?
  25. Why people aren’t present nearly half of the day – or half of your life
  26. How do we start to train ourselves with mindfulness to be more present in each moment
  27. How do we recognize our inner critical and judging thoughts
  28. What’s a Teflon mind?
  29. What does it mean to get space in our minds?
  30. Why it’s not true that we need our internal critic to get anything done
  31. What does it mean to meet our pain with a kind-heart
  32. How much lighter we’ll be if we leave our inner-critic behind
  33. How do we foster self-forgiveness?
  34. How even the most successful and famous people treat failure as a learning opportunity
  35. What was his first book Awaken the Wild
  36. Go to for Mark’s book, teachings and the Spirit Rock meditation center

Mark Coleman on How to Use Mindfulness & Compassion to Free Yourself From Your Inner Critic! + Guided Meditation! Health | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info Visit:

Nov 21, 2016

If you’ve ever wanted to improve at a skill, sport or job or become the best at whatever you do, but have been told you’re not talented enough, didn’t start early enough, or that you don’t have 10,000 hours to spare, then do we have the show for you!

Today we’ll be talking with Anders Ericsson, a preeminent leader in new science of expertise, and the researcher behind Malcom Gladwell’s 10,000 hour rule from his book Outliers. He’s also the author of a brand-new paradigm shifting book I believe and hope will set the stage, for backbone of education and performance for decades to come.

Today we’ll talk about expertise, what it is, where it comes from, how you can achieve it, what we all can learn from others who have it, how to help develop it in ourselves and our children, and why we can almost all dramatically improve our performance in almost any area we put our minds and hearts too.

That plus we’ll look at homo erectus and homo exercens, Maverick, Viper, and Iceman, Blue Bunny Ice-Cream, Paganini and the Broken Strings, and What a Banana Monk and a Pot have to do with anything.

Questions and Topics Include:

  1. Expertise – how you can achieve
  2. How we can develop expertise in almost any area we put our hearts and minds in
  3. What does Mozart have to do with expertise
    1. Why Mozart wasn’t really ‘born’ with his music skills
    2. Why perfect pitch can be trained (particularly early on)
  4. How a study of Japanese children showed they were all able to learn perfect pitch
  5. What powerful lesson we can learn from the Sakihabara study
  6. How learning Mandarin as a first language can help you as a musician or singer
  7. What is the story of Steve Falloon
  8. What our memory can be expanded much more than we ever thought
  9. How we can improve our memory
  10. What is the new science of expertise?
  11. What’s the typical approach we take to practice or learning and why doesn’t it get us very far?
  12. What can we learn about Malcolm Gladwell's 10,000 hour rule (business, career) that came from Anders Ericsson's work.
  13. Why doing what you already know how to do is NOT very effective practice
  14. What is the right sort of practice?
  15. What’s the importance of getting outside of your comfort zone
  16. How to improve endurance running performance
  17. How to improve running speed
  18. How the right training helps the body to adapt tremendously
  19. What is purposeful practice and feedback?
  20. Why tasks require the “correct” action.
  21. Why the 10,000 hour rule needs to be corrected
  22. Why practice doesn’t make perfect
  23. Why experience is not necessarily an advantage or the answer
  24. Why feedback is so important for improvement
  25. How do we harness adaptability
  26. What do the brains of London Cabbies have to do with anything?
  27. What do Maverick, Viper and Iceman (and the Top Gun Program) have to do with anything?
  28. How to refine and entrench your new skills
  29. Why it’s so important to have a situation where you can make decisions and get immediate feedback
  30. How to simulate tests (such as GRE, LSAT, SAT or otherwise)
  31. Natalie Coughman Olympic Medalist – how she had a breakthrough moment in training by shifting her focus
  32. What’s wrong with the concept of “will power”
  33. How do you build your motivation up?
  34. What’s the importance of a teacher or a mentor?
  35. Why parents should find an activity they can do with their children
  36. Why having an expert on your side is so important
  37. Why having a parent who supports and helps the child is so important
  38. How important belief in your child is, even if they don’t display talent
  39. The story of Olympic Runner Gunder hagg
  40. Why belief that you can do something is so powerful
  41. Why we should all make the assumption we can do something (until really proven otherwise)
  42. Why giving children an early experience of what training can do for their performance is so important
  43. Laslo Polgar and Clara and their experiment with their kids
  44. Stages to improve our performance
  45. First improve the motivational aspect – get motivation first
  46. What does it mean to “get serious”
  47. Why a good parent wants to start with 15-30 minutes and gives good feedback
  48. Why the worst thing you can do is to push someone well beyond the point at which they can concentrate
  49. Why you do not want to burn someone (especially a child) out.
  50. What’s missing from Malcolm Gladwell’s 10,000 hour rule
  51. Why the Beetles 10,000 hours is inaccurate or doesn’t explain their composition.
  52. Why sleep and rest is so important – especially for experts
  53. Why napping is so important for performance
  54. Why shorter chunks are so much more valuable for training
  55. Why you’re never too old to change, but why having an advisor is so helpful to help you gradually make the change
    1. What are some of the things that would motivate someone to begin making the changes
    2. Why the age ceiling for change is a myth
  56. What we can learn from violinist Paganini playing on a single string
  57. Why childhood prodigy’s are not what we think
  58. What we can learn from the University of British Columbia and an experiment then did
  59. Why deliberate practice means deliberate improvement
  60. Why we should all have a goal or a project

World Expertise Expert Anders Ericsson Shares Secrets to Mastery and Peak Performance For Adults & Children, How to Improve at Anything, Why Talent’s a Myth & Why Malcolm Gladwell’s 10,000 Hour Rule Needs Updating. Business | Career | Psychology | Health | Fitness | Motivation | Self-Improvement | Self-Help

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Nov 20, 2016

If you’ve ever wanted more energy, and greater health in your life, then do we have the Living Bliss show for you!

Today I’ll be talking with Dr. Norman Shealy, health pioneer, founder of the American Holistic Medical Association, and the author of many visionary books including 90 Days to Self-Health, The Health Remedies Sourcebook, and Living Bliss, Major Discoveries Along the Holistic Path. 

Today we’ll talk about conscientious and energy. How to find more energy, generate more energy, and use it wisely for lifelong health, and vitality.

That plus we’ll talk about heart chakra openings, visits from guides, copper pyramids and tessla coils, and what in the world Usher’s Green Stripe Scotch and chocolate covered Grasshoppers has to do with anything

Energizing & Healing Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. How does Dr. Norman Shealy have so much energy at nearly age 84
  2. What he starts the day with
  3. How you can retrain the nervous system to overcome chronic pain
  4. What your unfinished emotional hang-ups have to do with pain
  5. Why must work on anger, guilt, anxiety and depression are interference with self control
  6. How autogenic training can help you with your emotions (and even with the election)
  7. How to bring more relaxation into your life
  8. What does conscientiousness mean?
  9. What’s the cause of at least 75 of human health challenges
  10. What are the healthiest foods to eat
  11. Why exercise gives you more energy, not less
  12. What we need to do for adequate sleep
  13. What texting does to your quality and depth of sleep
  14. What’s the danger health-wise, and society-wise of cell phones
  15. How he works with Caroline Myss
  16. What are the spiritual and health ‘knowings’ that Dr. Norman Shealy has received
  17. What can be done to regenerate telomeres
  18. How attitude makes all the difference in the world
  19. What’s the importance of doing something to help other people
  20. What he means ‘I didn’t have the courage this life to choose abusive parents’
  21. How do we shift our minds to move past fear
  22. How do relax and learn how to let go, of fears, pain, and more.
  23. Why it’s so important to surrender and give your challenges to God
  24. What’s the healing power of laughter (Norman Cousins and the Anatomy of an Illness)

Dr. Norman Shealy On How To Have More Energy, Find Your Greatest Health & Live Your Greatest Life! + Guided Meditation! Holistic Medicine | Inspirational | Motivational | Spiritual | Spirituality | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

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Nov 19, 2016

If you’ve ever wanted to feel better, improve your health, have more peace in your heart, and a greater connection to the natural world, then do we have the Plant Spirit Medicine show for you!

Today I’ll be talking with Eliot Cowan, a master practicioner of the Chinese 5 elements, a shaman in the Huichol tradition, and author of a ground-breaking, earth-connecting, plant-respecting book, Plant Spirit Medicine.

And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about the healing power of plants.

That plus we’ll talk about doing algebra in your sleep, frozen shoulders and santa Barbara, how to make a fence post, a goat named Eloise, flying on a jaguar and why in the world you want to be careful your pistol doesn’t fall off.

Plant Spirit Medicine Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. What’s back-to-the-land fever?
  2. Who was a cranky-old goat named Eloise
  3. How Eliot trained in the Chinese 5 Elements
  4. How plants can help us heal, and guide and even protect us.
  5. How the plants offered to help out
  6. How can plants help us?
  7. What is plant spirit medicine and how did he end up in Mexico?
  8. What he learned from healers in Mexico
  9. What it means to ‘dance you’?
  10. What’s the amazing awareness of plants
  11. How do we tap into plant medicine healing ourselves
  12. What are the basics of communicating with a plant
  13. What it means to leave an offering for a plant
  14. Why is tobacco a sacred plant
  15. What’s the importance of dreams
  16. How we can experience plant spirit medicine

Eliot Cowan Takes You Inside the Hidden World of Plant Spirit Medicine! Healing | Health | Alternative | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Meditation | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

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Nov 18, 2016

If you’ve ever wondered whether there’s more to thanksgiving than turkeys, shopping and football, then do we have the Thanksgiving Show for you!

Today I’ll be talking with Melanie Kirkpatrick, a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute, former deputy editor of the Wall Street Journal’s editorial page, and the award-winning author of Escape from North Korea, and her latest Thanksgiving.

And that’s just what I want to talk with her about today, what’s the true holiday at the heart of the American Experience.

That plus we’ll talk about Franksgiving, Unthanksgiving, Mary had a little lamb, why pumpkin pie’s a myth, why no one landed at Plymouth rock, and why in the world a writer in Hong Kong, might think thanksgiving is independence day,

Thanksgiving Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. What’s the worst turkey sound ever?
  2. Why a book on Thanksgiving?
  3. What happened in Newcomer’s High in Queens?
  4. What happened in 1621 to the Mayflower expedition?
  5. Why Plymouth Rock was a myth
  6. What happened during the first winter?
  7. What were the gratitude practices of people from the Mayflower?
  8. What was the first thanksgiving like?
  9. What was the miracle of Squanto’s life experiences?
  10. What was the original significance of thanksgivings
  11. What’s the history of thanksgiving and Native Americans
  12. What happened at Alcatraz?
  13. Who else claimed to have the first thanksgiving dinner?
  14. What did George Washing do for Thanksgiving?
  15. Why Lincoln had two Thanksgivings in one year?
  16. Where did Mary Had a Little Lamb come from?
  17. Who was the Godmother of Thanksgiving?
  18. Who was Sarah Josepha Hale?
  19. How did football and thanksgiving come together?
  20. What’s Franksgiving and what happened in 1939?
  21. What’s the connection between Thanksgiving and generosity?
  22. What’s the history of giving and Washington and Thanksgiving?
  23. What does over-eating have to do with thanksgiving?
  24. What pie wasn’t at the first thanksgiving dinner?
  25. When did Turkey’s get connected with Thanksgiving
  26. What does succotash have to do with thanksgiving?
  27. What’s the practice of five kernels of corn?
  28. Illustrated by Artist Kathryn Messenger on the book :o)
  29. and on facebook

Melanie Kirkpatrick on the Full Story, Meaning, Significance and Myths of America’s Greatest Holiday, Thanksgiving! Health | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

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Nov 17, 2016

If you’ve ever felt daunted challenged or depressed by the news, noise, or events around you, then do we have the possibility-making show for you! 

Today we’ll talking about seeing the shiny side of things, seeing possibilities, opportunities, and how nearly every challenge can be an opportunity in disguise, if we look hard enough.

That plus we’ll talk about fall foliage gone mad, returns from Taiwan, sugar-free pumpkin pie – almost, an end to swimming, and what in the world jump drives, genius and the holidays, have to do with each another.

Inspirational and Motivational Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. What is astro-cartography?
  2. What we can learn from astrologist Natasha Alter
  3. Knowing when you need to cut back on your activities
  4. Trail-running, gym time, and running in nature and the snow
  5. What’s going on with the trees and colors this year
  6. A different way to look at the national election
  7. What Paul Selig’s guides say about the light and the dark
  8. What we can learn from the elections and where we stand as a people
  9. What ‘it is what it is’ really means
  10. What’s the importance of non-judgment
  11. What’s the importance of gratitude

CJ Liu on How to See Amazing Possibilities from Even Your Most Challenging Situations! Health | Fitness | Career | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Meditation | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

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Nov 16, 2016

If you’ve ever felt uninspired, trapped, at a dead end, or just wondered whose life am I leading anyway, and my God, what have I done, then do we have the inspiring, life changing show for you!

Today I’ll be speaking with Jake Ducey, perhaps the first millennial we’ve had on the show, and the 3 times author of inspirational books including, Into the Wind and The Purpose Principles. He’s a future Tony Robbins, correct that, Jake Ducey in the making, and just got off an international book tour where he spoke on stages to 500,000 people and helped raised 345,000 pounds of food for homeless youth in America.

Today we’re going to talk about your life’s purpose, where it’s hiding, how to find it, and what in the world you NEED to do about it once you know you’ve found it.

That plus we’ll talk about self-actualizers, Steve Jobs, Jack Canfield, Jay Z, Dave Matthews, Abraham Lincoln, Sylvester Stallone, SW SW SW, and why in the world you want to take an entire summer or two, retyping the Great Gatsby…

Questions and Topics Include:

  1. How Jake Got Jack Canfield to Write the forward to his book
  2. How Jake Ducey was listening to “Dare to Win’ and followed Jack Canfields advice to write down 101 goals and what happened.
  3. What happened on November 20, 2010
  4. Why we’re all gambling on the biggest risk of all
  5. How Jake left school to chase his dreams of becoming a writer
  6. What happened with the Shaman in Guatemala (when he was not a very 'spiritual' person)
  7. Why “our lives are like onions and we want to live to live the tough flavorless part first”
  8. Why it’s a trap to wait until we get x,y or z (even spiritual or self-discover experiences) to find happiness.
  9. What happened to Vic Revezo and how his death affected Jake
  10. How he had a near-death fall in Indonesia, and how locals risked their lives to save him
  11. What is destination addiction
  12. What’s Jake’s take on the Law of Attraction & Bob Proctor, and what we have to do to get the unconscious to help us get our desires
  13. What we can learn from Bonnie Ware who studied top regrets of people who were dying
  14. What is risk-ability?
  15. Why lack of evidence is not evidence of lack
  16. The story of Steve Jobs and ‘not evidence of lack’
  17. Why most of our fears are just ‘monsters under our bed’
  18. The story of Sylvester Stallone and how he got his start
  19. What Martin Luther King tells us about finding our freedom
  20. Why JK Rowling (author of Harry Potter) once considered herself the biggest failure she knew
  21. What’s it mean from George Bernard Shaw to become ‘unreasonable’
  22. Why Martin Luther King knew he was going to be killed the next day (when he gave his I’ve been to the Mountaintop speech).
  23. Why most people are gambling on the biggest risk of all, that one day we’ll find the time to do what we want.
  24. Story of a friend who was stabbed by his father
  25. Why our childhoods can be blessings in disguise
  26. What we can learn from Jay Z (though not necessarily his content).
  27. What inspiring lesson we can learn from Arnold Schwarzenegger
  28. What inspiring lesson we can learn from Jim Carry – and how he used the Law of Attraction
  29. What’s the reoccurring theme between the world’s most successful people
  30. What’s Bob Marley’s inspirational story
  31. The inspiring story too of how Bob Marley put on a free concert for 300,000 and played the night after he got shot!
  32. What’s Jack Canfield’s Rule of Five?
  33. How he turned a self-published book into a best-seller
  34. What is Jack Canfield’s SW, SW, SW?
  35. Why you want to ask for what you want
  36. What’s the inner journey?
  37. What’s the importance of knowing yourself?
  38. New book coming out June 7th, Profit from Happiness: The Unity of Wealth, Worth and Personal fulfillment.
  39. (and check out his Ted Talk!)
  40. Plus Guided Meditation!!!

Jake Ducey Shares Life-Changing Stories from Jack Canfield, Jim Carrey, Sylvester Stallone, Steve Jobs, Jay Z, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bob Marley & Martin Luther King + Bob Proctor & The Law of Attraction! Spirituality | Inspiration | Motivation | Self-Help | Ted Talk | Inspire

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Nov 15, 2016

If you’ve ever wanted to live your greatest life, in balance, and on purpose, then do we have the Well Life show for you!

Today I’ll be talking with Dr. Peter and Briana Borten, health and wellness experts, founders of The Dragontree, and authors of the popular Rituals for Living Dreambook and a beautiful new book, The Well Life.

And that’s just what I want to talk with them about today, How to Use Structure, Sweetness and Space to Create Balance, Happiness, and Peace.

That plus we’ll talk about babies and spas, Salem and Witchcraft, construction nightmares in Boulder, following your bliss vs. following your blisters, making things out of wood, swimming in natural bodies of water, and why the price-per-ounce of soup, just doesn’t matter.

The Well Life Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. How they began to create a Well Life – and what that looked like
  2. What was the framework that developed
  3. How did they ‘manage’ things early on
  4. What were some of the foundational pieces they put in place early on
  5. How did they determine their ‘life purposes’
  6. What are the three elements for a Well Life
  7. What is “sweetness’ and why is it so important for your life
  8. What we can learn from Thich Nhat Hanh and washing dishes
  9. How do we relax into our work?
  10. What is the importance of ‘space’ and what does it mean?
  11. What’s the importance of ‘structure’ and what does it look like?
  12. How do we set up structures that are flexible for change
  13. What are the importance of habits and habitualizing
  14. What’s the biological importance to play and laughter
  15. What’s the importance of getting out in nature
  16. How important is breathing?
  17. What happened when they moved to Boulder?
  18. What we can learn from Muhammed Ali’s Rope a Dope?
  19. What is Jing and why it’s so important.
  20. How do we restore our Jing?
  21. Why it’s so important to work on our energy levels and protect our energy
  22. What’s the importance of surrender or saying ‘please help!’
  23. How do we stop ourselves enough in the frantic moments to receive help
  24. What’s the importance of gratitude
  25. How creative expression can help move you through trying times
  26. and
  27. What’s the importance of metta-kindness?
  28. Beautiful inner-smile guided meditation!

Dr. Peter & Briana Borten on How to Live An Exceptional Well Life + Guided Meditation! Health | Career | Entrepreneur | Inspiration | Motivational | Spiritual | Spirituality | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

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Nov 14, 2016

If you’ve ever wondered how whether positive thought works, or if focusing on happiness does more harm then good then do we have the New Thought show for you.

Today I’ll be talking with Mitch Horowitz, PEN Award-winning historian and one of the true behind-the-scenes leaders in the new thought movement today. He’s the author, co-author, and editor of too many books to mention, and a favorite of mine, One Simple Idea.

Today we’re going to talk about losing the war on unhappiness, what it means, what we can do about it, and how we can still use positive thinking to help transform our lives.

That plus we’ll talk about what’s wrong with the law of attraction, what in the world happened with the secret, challenging moves to Long Island, where to find pink heart-shaped buckets, and what in the world Norman Vincent Peale, has to do with today, literally.

Positivity Self-Improvement  and Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. Is positivity thinking dead?
  2. What does Norman Vincent Peale have to do with current events today
  3. What can we learn from Paul Selig
  4. What positive movement is for all of us
  5. Has the war against unhappiness been lost?
  6. What’s going on in the positive psychology movement?
  7. Is positive psychology dead?
  8. What’s going on in the positive psychology world?
  9. What are the latest studies showing?
  10. What’s the Dalai Lama effect?
  11. What can we learn from Emile Coue
  12. What do we do when we hit a wall in our subconscious?
  13. How do we move past the blocks of our subconscious?
  14. Tina Turner Chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo
  15. What does it mean we don’t really want what we think we want.
  16. What happened to Mitch’s family when he was a child – and how manifestation helped
  17. What can we learn from Roy Jarrett and the 3-step miracle
  18. What is ‘It Works’
  19. What’s the importance of Gratitude
  20. What’s a ‘morning connection’
  21. What’s the importance of a 3 PM prayer or meditation?
  22. What is the divine mercy devotion?
  23. What did Neville Goddard say about 3 PM?

Mitch Horowitz on Positive Thought & Bringing More Positivity To Your Life! + Guided Meditation! Health | Happiness | Law of Attraction | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Meditation | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help

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Nov 13, 2016

If you’ve ever wanted to discover your unique life’s purpose, and what you’re truly worth, the do we have the book of knowing and worth show for you.

Today I’ll be talking with Paul Selig, medium and author of I am the World, The Book of Love and Creation, The Book of Mastery, and the Book of Knowing and Worth.

And today we’ll talk about the Book of Knowing and Worth, finding our own purpose, worth and greatness.

Than plus stepping through doorways, leaving package at the door, and what to do when you discover your kingdom!

Before we dive right into things, I want to thank you so much for the beautiful interview last year, it was incredibly well received.

Spirituality, Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. How Paul began hearing voices
  2. How Paul’s books have come about
  3. How he left academia to help people
  4. How he left his job of 26 years at NYU
  5. How did this book, the book of Knowing and Worth come about?
  6. How did the book of Knowing and Worth
  7. What is ‘the word’
  8. What does ‘Christ’ mean to Paul’s guide in I Am the Word and his later books
  9. Who is our true authentic self?
  10. What does ‘agreement’ mean and what does ‘accord’ mean
  11. What is a vibrational ‘accord’
  12. What does it mean we’re in ‘agreement’ with everything around us
  13. How do we allow ourselves to be who we truly are?
  14. What’s the importance of: I know who I am. I know what I am. I know how I serve.
  15. What it means to let go of the attachment of what your life, or future, or path is supposed to look like.
  16. How do we move past our emotional blocks or subconscious blocks
  17. What it means that the small self cannot fix the small self
  18. How do we step to the side of the little self
  19. How do we align to bypass fear
  20. What it means to align with intent
  21. I know who I am in truth. I know what I am in truth. I know how I serve in truth.
  22. What it means you can’t be the light, and hold others in darkness
  23. What would guides say for kids today

Paul Selig On How to Discover & Claim Your True Purpose & Worth + Amazing Channeling from Guides! + Guided Meditation! Health | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

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Nov 12, 2016

If you’ve ever wanted to heal from illness, or feel better about your life, then do we have the Art of Healing show for you.

Today I’ll be talking with Dr. Bernie Siegel, revolutionary doctor and the best selling author of numerous books including Love, Medicine and Miracles, Love Animals and Miracles, and a book that’s dropped my jaw to the floor, The Art of Healing.

And that’s just what I want to talk with Bernie about today, about how to uncover your hidden wisdom and potential for self-healing, and for happiness.

That plus we’ll talk about a Boo-Boo rescue from 3000 miles away, love me teddy bears and cemeteries, why a heart transplant patient would be dying for a beer, What do a box of crayons, a water gun, a noise-maker, and a magic marker have in common? What Buddy the dog said about riding in cars, why a case of amnesia, may be the greatest gift in the world, flipping coins and first dates nd what in the world, hope, miracle and sex have to do with one another.

The Art of Self-Healing Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. What happened to Bernie at age 4
  2. Bernie Siegel on near death experiences
  3. What’s an Jungian surgeon?
  4. What it truly means to surrender and give our challenges to a higher power
  5. What’s the healing importance of drawing
  6. What can parents learn from their children’s drawing
  7. What we can learn from Buddy his dog
  8. What can happen when we’re out running
  9. What was the book Buddy’s Candle (and why your tears put out your loved-one’s cancer)
  10. How dreams can help us with healing
  11. What does it mean ‘people choosing to live’
  12. How do we use this information for healing
  13. How do we learn to love ourselves – and what’s the importance of self-love?
  15. Recommended Book: The Time of Your Life by William Saroyan, also ‘The Human Comedy’

Dr Bernie Siegel on The Art of Healing, Uncovering Your Inner Wisdom & Potential for Self-Healing! Health | Inspiration | Alternative Medicine | Motivation | Spiritual | Meditation | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

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Nov 11, 2016

If you’ve ever found yourself negative, chastising, berating, or picking on YOURSELF and getting in your own way, then do we have the 180 show for you!

Today we’ll be talking with Melissa Ambrosini, TV Star, Dancer, Model, and Author of Mastering Your Mean Girl and silencing your inner critic, and becoming wildly wealthy, fabulously healthy, and bursting with love.

And that’s just what we’ll talk about, the mean girl and mean boy inside of each one of us, how we can silence them, kick them out of our lives, and generate the success, happiness, and love we desire.

That plus we’ll talk about your internal GPS, meeting your soulmate, bunjee jumps and bikinis, why you want to ban the B word, and why caterers cancelling at the last minute, may be the greatest wedding gift in the world!

Questions and Topics Include:

  1. How did you end up dancing at the Moulin Rouge in Paris?
  2. What is Operation Self-Destruct?
  3. How she heard about Self-Love from Louise Hay
  4. What was Melissa’s first step to heal the mean girl or mean boy inside of ourselves
  5. What a mean girl or mean guy is and where it comes from
  6. What is an internal GPS?
  7. “What would love do right now?”
  8. How do you heal a sense of worthiness?
  9. What is a worthy-ometer?
  10. What’s the 3-step mastering your mean girl process?
  11. How do we love our body and begin to get a super-healthy body.
  12. What it means to ‘come from your why’.
  13. What is an easy practice in self-love we can all do?
  14. How do we begin to find our passion and purpose in life?
  15. How fear is a sign you’re on track
  16. What’s an abundance mindset?
  17. What does a mean girl or mean guy have to do with spirituality?
  18. How do we cultivate a deeper relationship with yourself?
  19. A simple way to find some time to meditate?
  20. Go to can also get the Mastering Your Mean Girl ten week activation program and find 10 Mastering Your Mean Girl meditations

Melissa Ambrosini on Becoming Healthy Wealthy & Overflowing with Love by Mastering Inner Critic! + Guided Meditation! Inspiration | Motivation | Law of Attraction | Spiritual | Spirituality | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help

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Nov 10, 2016

If you’ve ever wanted more peace, happiness, or sanity in your life, then do we have the peaceful show for you.

Today we’ll be talking about getting grounded, finding peace, and when necessary, how to be the eye of the storm.

That plus we’ll talk about white deer, lawn lunches, delorean time machines, and what to do, when your kitties are in charge.

Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. How to bring peace to difficult situations
  2. Why sometimes less is more
  3. What’s the power of being 1 percent better (or less) each day
  4. What’s the power of focusing on one thing at a time
  5. Why pushing and creativity may not go hand in hand
  6. What’s the importance of stepping away – or the creative pause for getting things done
  7. What it means to really go with the flow
  8. What’s the shred zone, and why you need to stay away from it.
  9. What to do when the doors keep on closing
  10. Why you want to take ‘lawn lunches’ and what in the world is that?
  11. Why being a martyr may not be the answer
  12. What we can learn from Tom Sterner and ‘The Practicing Mind’
  13. Why we cannot pick on ourselves for our past
  14. Why it’s important to listen to your heart when making big decisions
  15. What does a mythical white deer have to do with anything?
  16. What it means to go back to the future to move forwards?

CJ Liu on Finding Peace, Happiness & Sanity Even When Things Are Out of Control! Health | Career | Fitness | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Meditation | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

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Nov 9, 2016

If you’ve ever wanted more courage and bravery in your everyday life then do we have the BRAVE show for you!

Today I’ll be talking with Margie Warrell,. Forbes and Huffington Post Columnist, TV host of RawCourage TV and The best-selling author of Stop Playing Safe, and one of my all-time favorite inspirational and motivational books, BRAVE!

And that’s just what I want to talk with her about today, about every acts of courage we can take to THRIVE in work, love and life.

That plus we’ll talk about sky-diving 13 year olds, winning horses in raffles, plumber vans and breakdowns, why you can take the girl out of the country, but can’t take the country out of the girl, Maddie and diamante tiarra’s, climbing Kilimanjaro—family style, and what I see great things for you and becoming a nun have to do with each other.

Brave Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. How’d she end up on a private island with Sir Richard Branson for a week?
  2. What did she learn from Richard Branson?
  3. What did she learn from Marianne Williamson
  4. How do we strengthen our courage muscles
  5. How to win a horse
  6. What it means to trust others, trust your intuition, and trust your kids – particularly your 13 year old!
  7. How her entire family (4 kids) climbed Kilimanjaro?
  8. What it means to stand for a collective goal?
  9. How do we find courage?
  10. What’s it really mean to decide what you stand for?
  11. What it means to live your life with purpose and intention
  12. How do you let go of other people’s opinions (of you)
  13. What’s the importance of handing things over to God?
  14. How surrender helped get her through an eating disorder?
  15. How small rituals can change your life
  16. What’s the power of gratitude?
  17. What happened to her big-brother Frank, and how he’s doing
  18. How do we help our kids be more courageous
  19. How do we help raise brave kids and brave girls
  20. How to help kids handle failure

Margie Warrell on How To Be Brave & Find Courage to | Thrive In Work, Love & Life! + Meditation! Health | Fitness | Career | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

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Nov 8, 2016

If you’ve ever felt your life, work, or business, has gotten way too complex, then do we have the Why Simple Wins show for you.

Today I’ll be talking with Lisa Bodell, founder and CEO of Futurethink, business consult to organizations such as Google, and the best-selling uahtor of Kill the Company and her latest, Why Simple Wins.

And that’s just what I want to talk with her about today, about how to escape the complexity trap and get to work that matters.

That plus we’ll talk about large banks and newsletters, what in the world’s a laundry decree, multi-tasking at kids sporting events, what a cut the crap committee, when you want to take the air out of the tires, why you don’t need 283 types of coffee beans, and 98 types of rice, and why in the world every Ikea purchase should come with marriage counseling?

Why Simple Wins Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. Why’d she write Kill the Company
    1. What were the roadblocks to change and innovation
  2. What it means in business and personal life to have the space to innovate
  3. What does ‘More is Less’ start to look like?
  4. What’s our addiction to ‘more’
  5. What the secret to Southwest Airlines
  6. Why should Ikea purchases come with marriage counseling
  7. What exactly is simplicity?
  8. What does M.U.R.A. stand for?
  9. What’s the importance of autopilot?
  10. What’s going on with Millennials today?
  11. If we’re looking for a job, how can we tell what a simple work environment or corporate culture looks like?
  12. What happened at Life is Good when it comes to email
  13. What’s a time-box with no email
  14. What’s the importance of saying no to things
  15. What it means to chunk your time
  16. What’s the cutting the crap committee?
  17. What we can learn from Nancy Colier, today’s guest and the power of off
  18. How meditation and transcendental meditation can help?
  19. What are conscious decisions we can make to help bring simplicity into our lives?
  20. What’s a simplicity toolkit look like?
  21. What we can learn from Google’s email rules and meeting rules
  22. What’s a time inventory?
  23. What is ‘Practice Two Today’?
  24. What’s the practice of ‘what if I didn’t’
  25. What’s the importance of throwing things out?
  26. What’s a simplicity statement?
  27. What does worth have to do with value and busyness
  28. What advice would we give to parents to give them more time with their kids?
  29. What it means ‘the first step to realize your dreams is to wake up’

Lisa Bodell on How to Succeed in Business, Home, And Life Thru Simplification! Ted Talk | Career | Entrepreneur | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Meditation | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info Visit:

Nov 7, 2016

If you’ve ever struggled to reduce your anxiety, get off your smartphone, or to step away from the Facebook, then do we have the Power of Off show for you.

Today I’ll be talking with Nancy Colier, psychoterapist, interfaith minster, veteran meditator, and author of Inviting a Monkey to Tea, and a fantastic new book on getting unplugged, The Power of Off.

And that’s just what I want to talk with Nancy about today, about a mindful way to stay sane in a virtual world.

That plus we’ll talk about smart houses and dumb humans, who in the world is wikiman, what you don’t want to do on a jeep tour, how to give a house a lobotomy, the importance of being nobody, why in the world we need a piece of chicken, when all we want is a plain salad? And the danger of texting cover rear, or thank you douche for last night,

The Power of Off Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. How has technology been creating overwhelm and ‘twiredness’
  2. What’s a new challenge people have when they go to sleep
  3. Why people are afraid of going to sleep
  4. What is a lottery brain?
  5. Why technology’s become an addiction
  6. What’s the paradox today of social media
  7. How sharing our lives takes us further away from our lives?
  8. How technology is affecting anxiety and depression
  9. What happened to her first daughter when she got her first smart-phone
  10. What the immediacy of the device is causing us
  11. What this growing ‘neural network’ is really headed and doing for us
  12. What’s a more mindful approach she took with her second daughter
  13. How do we do a digital detox
  14. What questions do we need to ask to understand our cravings
  15. How do we pull ourselves back into the here and now
  16. What’s the importance of a morning practice?
  17. What’s the power of silence?
  18. How do we get past the fear of silence?
  19. What’s the power of prayer in moving beyond our addiction with our technology
  20. What it means to become ‘nobody’ (what she learned from Sri Mooji)
  21. How do we bring more compassion into our lives, and into ourselves
  22. How do we bring true self-love into our lives
  23. What do we do to help our kids with technology?
  24. To find out more and the book The Power of Off.

Nancy Colier on Getting Un-Twired, Staying Sane & Feeling Better in a Virtual Overwhelm World! Health | Fitness | Technology | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

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Nov 6, 2016

If you’ve wondered how to tap into your soul, get inner guidance or wisdom, or connect with your higher self, then do we have the show for you!

Today I’ll be talking with John Holland, best-selling author, radio-show host, and one of the top psychic mediums and spiritual teachers in the country. He’s also the creator of some of the most interesting or accurate sets of tarot cards we’ve ever worked with.

Today we’ll talk about psychic tarot, plus tapping in to your own inner guidance, for greater peace, happiness, and love in your life, plus growing your own intuitive gifts.

That plus we’ll talk about unsolved mysteries, falling out of trees, and what in the world is spiritual book camp.

Questions and Topics Include:

  1. Why John was always the different one or the sensitive one in the family
  2. How John began to see things
  3. What happened at a janitor’s cave when John was a child
  4. What was unusual about Grandma Rose and Aunt Shirley
  5. How Aunt Shirley would win horse races with her gifts
  6. How John had to keep his abilities quiet
  7. How the family’s home was miraculously spared when an entire block of apartment buildings burned
  8. What happened as a boy when he fell out of a tree
  9. The miraculously occurrence while driving on the 10 in LA
  10. How our soul tries to talk with us.
  11. What was John’s wake-up call just after 30
  12. Why John is so thankful for his wake-up call
  13. What was the Arthur Findley college or ‘spiritual boot camp’
  14. What’s the difference between a psychic and a medium
  15. Can we all raise our vibes to touch on mediumship?
  16. How John can teach mediumship
  17. What’s a development circle
  18. What is spiritualism and what happened to John in England (and how synchronistic events took place)
  19. What is Psychic Tarot and how did it come about?
  20. How did John make his tarot cards
  21. A tarot card reading to show how it works.
  22. How to trust your feelings
  23. How to move past the fear or resistance when you’re using your intuition
  24. What’s the most important question to ask when it comes to intuition
  25. What’s the importance of asking “is it coming from me or to me”
  26. How do you know it’s not you?
  27. How to tell the difference between intuition and imagination
  28. How to tell if you’re clairsentient, clairvoyant, or clairaudience (which is the hardest to develop)
  29. Can a husband and wife develop their clairaudience to ‘walkie talkie’ between the two of them?
  30. What are the keys to developing your skills:
    1. Meditation
    2. Chakra
    3. Aura
    4. Breath
  31. Why you want to stay grounded as you develop your spiritual gifts
  32. What you need to do for mediumship
  33. What meditation helps, and how it helps for practicing readings
  34. How John works with the SPCA and the CODA fund under donations see a whole page on the CODA fund
  35. Why you want to do something nice this week for someone out of the blue
  36. What’s the ‘ripple effect’
  37. com – can even choose a card on the website (and check out the frequently asked questions), recommends checking out the newsletter as well
    1. On Hay House Radio live every Monday
  38. Coming to Mexico (and elsewhere) as well!
  39. Why it’s so important to know you are a soul that comes with a body
  40. A short “Raising the Power” meditation

John Holland on How to Develop & Strengthen Your Intuition & Psychic Abilities Plus Use Tarot! + Guided Meditation! Health | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info Visit: 

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