
Inspire Nation Show with Michael Sandler

Our Goal’s to Help Change the World by Helping YOU to Shine Bright! Now one of the top self-help & spirituality shows in 193 countries w/a new inspirational, motivational, spiritual, law of attraction or health-oriented guest DAILY! Plus guided meditations! After overcoming 2 near-death accidents, Host Michael Sandler felt a calling to start a life-changing show to help you live the life of your dreams! Guests Include John Gray, Bob Proctor, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Dr. Bernie Siegel, Anthony William, Arielle Ford, and countless more! Our goal is to leave you an ear-to-ear grin and an actionable plan to achieve your goals! Get ready to live your greatest life and to Shine Bright!
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Inspire Nation Show with Michael Sandler











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Now displaying: September, 2016
Sep 30, 2016

If you’ve ever wondered where you were going in life, where you want to go, or how in the world to get there, then do we have the life direction show for you.

Today we’ll be talking about tapping into your heart, figuring out where you want to go, and the first few steps toward getting you there.

That plus we’ll talk about the power of equinox, fall swimming, world podcast day, dharma comics, the most beautiful town in America, and why you might want to move your car, before you fall asleep.

  1. What losing your keys has to do with anything and what’s the spiritual significance
  2. What a rebooting phone means for your life
  3. What’s the spiritual significance of equinox
  4. How to get light enough to pivot
  5. How do you put more space between each event to slow things down in your life
  6. What proper running stride looks like and what it has to do with life direction and spirituality
  7. Visualizations for proper walking and running tecniques
  8. What in the world the duck butt is
  9. Why you want to move like a spring when walking or running
  10. How to go fast without striving to do so?
  11. How to prevent running injuries
  12. What we can do to reframe our experiences (or view them with a new perspective)
  13. What we can do to make others (and ourselves) feel better on the subway
  14. High to vibrate at a higher frequency or at a higher state
  15. How to get higher vibration answers to your problems
  16. Why it’s so important to try and figure out what you like, and what you enjoy
  17. What’s the importance of asking ‘what would love do’?

CJ Liu On Raising Your Frequency & Finding Your Path & Success + Running, Walking & Meditation Tips! Motivation | Inspiration | Spiritual | Spirituality | Fitness | Health | Career | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info Visit:  

Sep 29, 2016

If you’ve ever felt stuck, plateaued, or like what you’re doing just isn’t working out, or you can’t figure out how to reach your dreams, then do we have the getting unstuck show for you!

Today we’ll be talking about getting focused, setting goals, and taking steps, to keep your dreams moving forward, and what to do if you feel you’ve hit the quicksand.

That plus we’ll talk about cold-water swimming, international podcast day, and why feeding the kitty love meter, always pays off!

Business, Career & Health Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include!

  1. Why when we think we’re stuck we’re likely not
  2. What a shift in perception has to do with our success
  3. What Dr. Joe Dispenza in the Placebo Effect talks about how your thoughts
  4. Why we don’t want to identify with our challenges or illness
  5. How our ‘presence’ comes on line
  6. Why things sometimes have to move slowly toward our success
  7. Why ‘slow’ is often necessary for business, career, or life sustainability
  8. What’s the importance of appreciating right where you are
  9. What’s the importance of going with the flow
  10. Why a ‘wind up’ or plateau can be so important – particularly for putting habits in place
  11. Why flip-flopping like a fish can be a good thing.
  12. Why it’s not necessary to know what you want – despite what the experts say!
  13. Why it’s so important to surrender
  14. What Pam Grout says about being open to the universe
  15. What it means to get clear with your higher self?
  16. What’s the goal of a Joe Dispenza conference
  17. What’s the danger of ‘one day it’d be nice’
  18. How to shift energetically
  19. What to do when an opportunity comes up?
  20. Why we don’t want to hold on too tightly
  21. What it takes to get light, let go, and be open to change
  22. What’s it mean to turn things on their heads, or upside down
  23. Whether business, spiritual, or personal, why it’s important to ‘front load’ your most important activities
  24. Why gratitude is such a gamechanger
  25. What Marie Kondo talks about with gratitude for your possessions
  26. How to prepare your mind to see more opportunities
  27. How to become an attractor magnet for positive people and events
  28. What Parkinson’s Law has to do with anything
  29. How would cleaning more shift the energy in our homes, work, career, and all that we do
  30. What Jessica Tracy says about pride, and how pride truly matters
  31. What is Pam Grout’s AA 2.0

Jessica Lee on Getting Unstuck, Moving Past Plateau’s & Shining Your Brightest Light! Health | Inspiration | Motivation | Fitness | Meditation | Mindfulness | Spiritual | Spirituality | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help

For More Info Visit:

Sep 28, 2016

If you’ve ever wanted more abundance, love, and happiness in your life, then do we have the Thank and Grow Rich Show for You!

Today I’ll be talking with Pam Grout, repeat guest, zombie movie extra, writer extraodinaire, and author of my favorite book I’m placing by my bed, Thank and Grow Rich.

And that’s just what I want to talk with her about today, about finding shameless gratitude, and unabashed joy.

That plus we’ll talk about Kevin Costner and Rumple Stilskin, Santa rules and Santa Hats, Mattel thing makers and creepy crawlers, AA 2.0, eating worm cuisine, walking a bassador, and what in the world Mrs. Trunchbull, has to do with anything.

Thank and Grow Rich Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. What happened with Buddy Biancalana
  2. What happened with E-squared and how did her 16th book take off.
  3. How she got a NY Times #1 best-seller
  4. What do you tell people who want to eat worms
  5. What God didn’t have bad hair days has to do with anything
  6. What is ferocious gratitude?
  7. How did she crank up the energy after a book flopped?
  8. Why the possibilities possee is so important
  9. What’s the most dangerous 4 letter word in the English language?
  10. What’s AA 2.0 - the 30 day experiment she recommends everyone does?
  11. Why something amazingly awesome is going to happen to you today.
  12. Why you see more stuff when you’re happy
  13. What is sloppy judgment?
  14. What can we learn from Mrs. Trunchbull?
  15. How do we move past the mad and angry inner critic?
  16. How meditation can help with the inner critic
  17. Why it’s so important to choose the thought that’s gonna make you happy
  18. What is FP
  19. What are different kinds of capital and which are most important?
  20. What are some of the cultural paradigms that are hard to see – and so important to notice
  21. What is Santa Con?
  22. What is creative capital?
  23. Why it’s so important to follow your dreams and do what you love to do
  24. Why our thoughts are our prayers
  25. How does gratitude and prayer work together?
  26. Why we’re all manifestors
  27. What we can learn from Amy Cuddy and Wonder Woman poses (and grinning like a lunatic)
  28. What we can learn from Marie Kondo (the life-changing magic of tidying up) and why we should thank our possessions
  29. What’s the Jimmy Fallon game?
  30. What’s a gratitude jar?
  31. What does it mean to spread contagious laughter? (Norman Cousins)
  32. Parenting tips and lessons of gratitude for our kids
  33. also Facebook fan page, twitter @pamgrout

Pam Grout on How to Attract Abundance, Happiness & Riches Thru Gratitude! The Secret Law of Attraction | Ted Talk | Career | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Meditation | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info Visit:

Sep 27, 2016

If you’ve ever wanted more to feel better and more confident about your success, and helping others, then do we have the pride-building show for you!

Today I’ll be talking with Jessica Tracy, psychology professor and researcher at the University of British Columbia, and author of a groundbreaking book, Take Pride.

Today we’ll talk about what pride is, it’s double-edged sword, how to get more of the good stuff, and what we really want to leave behind.

That plus we’ll talk about Arnold Schwazhenhegger, Donald Trump, Bill Clinton, Albert Einstein, Lance Armstrong, Stuart Smalley, spilled soup and two year olds, what we can learn from chimpanzees, what’s the difference between a captain and a waterboy, And what in the world a mean tuna bagel has to do with anything.

Take Pride Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. How she got into studying pride
  2. What post-impressionist Paul Gauguin has to do with pride?
  3. What does pride have to do with potential?
  4. Is ego also pride?
  5. What they found in people in remote villages in West Africa
  6. What’s the importance of the pride expression?
  7. What can we learn from knowing pride is a universal emotion (and not something just for Americans)
  8. What can we learn from Arnold Schwarzenegger?
  9. What is hubris, and what’s the down side (or the dark side) of pride?
  10. Is there a career (such as a leader or politician) where pride is important?
  11. What’s in-authentic vs. authentic pride?
  12. What can we learn from the Kalahari bushman (from anthropologist Christopher Bohm
  13. What can we learn from Judo athletes in the Olympics
  14. What is narcissism, and what’s the video game study behind it.
  15. How early do kids start to feel pride and what can parents do to cultivate authentic pride (and self-esteem)
  16. How pride comes from achievement
    1. What’s the importance of focusing on who we are, who we want to be, and how we want to get there – mindfulness and awareness
  17. What can we learn from chimps and pride
  18. What can we learn from Steve Jobs and Bill Gates (and what it has to do with each career and with pride)
  19. What can we learn in comparing Obama’s pride vs. Donald Trump’s pride
  20. What can we learn from the pride of Lance Armstrong?
  21. What’s the impostor phenomenon?
  22. What’s the dictator game?
  23. What we can learn from Carol Dweck and mindset
  24. What can we learn from Angela Duckworth and grit?
  25. What can we do to help teenagers develop their authentic pride?
  26. How mindfulness and awareness fits into authentic pride?
  27. or

Jessica Tracy on the Power of Authentic Pride for Sustainable Success in Business, Career, Parenting & Life! Inspiration | Motivation | Happiness | Mindfulness | Meditation Spiritual | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Health | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info Visit:

Sep 26, 2016

If you’ve wanted more time in your day, greater success, or to achieve dreams so big you’d scare yourself silly, then do we have the show for you!

Today we’ll be talking with Jay Papasan, vice-president and executive editor at Keller Realty, co-owner Papasan Properties Group (with his wife) and co-author of best-seller The One Thing, to me, one of the greatest business books of all time… right up there alongside Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich.

And so today, while I want to ask Jay questions about dozens of topics, we’re gonna focus on The ONE THING, and that one thing can make your days easier, help you build the life you desire, give you MORE time, and quite possibly greater success than you could ever imagine.

That plus we’ll talk about the power of dominos, going small, why big isn’t bad, why will power isn’t always on will-call, what in the world’s a time block, and why we almost all fail at the marshmallow test.

Questions and Topics Include:

  1. How Jay Papasan stopped writing a book on focus, and lost focus to write a different book.
  2. What it means to go small
  3. What is the key battle-cry of The One Thing
  4. What dominos have to do with the One Thing
  5. What it means that one thing can do many things, in business or in life.
  6. How Dominos can move exponentially.
  7. Why a plateau is not necessarily a plateau but a foundation for explosive future growth
  8. What the Six Big Lies in Life and Business are.
  9. Why all things are not equal.
  10. What does the Paredo effect have to do with our to-do lists
  11. Why we need a success list, not a to-do list.
  12. Why it’s not about what you do, but what you accomplish.
  13. A three minute technique to radically improve your to-do list and improve your time management.
  14. Why multi-tasking is a lie – Clifford Nass former Harvard then Stanford behavioral scientist who did a study on multitasking.
  15. Why you need to minimize your transition time
  16. What is time-blocking for time management
  17. Why it’s so important to use your morning’s for the One Thing
  18. Why it’s so important to have an assigned time for things in a calendar over your to do list
  19. Why success is not about your will power.
  20. Baba Shiv Stanford motivation study
  21. What was learned from an Israeli Parole board about motivation
  22. What’s the important of energy management.
  23. Why it’s never about motivation
  24. Why big is not bad
  25. Why successful people aren’t trading time for success
  26. Why it was said during a Greg Cardone by Jay “why wealthy people buy time, while poor people sell it.”
  27. What is the focus question, the one most important question to ask yourself.
  28. Why it’s better to say “I do” then to say “yes”
  29. The importance on learning how to say “no” how to protect your commitments, and say yes to yourself
  30. The importance of lining up your dominos
  31. What’s the importance of taking a mental health day
  32. One important tip on time management
  33. How Jay went from 240 to 199.
  34. Seinfeld’s secret to success
  35. How to use your calendar for success – and why you want to show it to others.
  36. Why you want to take 5 minutes a day for your One Thing.

Jay Papasan Shares The Secret to Success & Extraordinary Life, The One Thing! Inspiration | Motivation | Career | Entrepreneur | Spiritual | Spirituality | Mindfulness | Meditation | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info visit:

Sep 25, 2016

If you’ve ever looked for more inspiration and guidance in your life, then do we have the dharma show for you!

Today I’ll be talking with Linda Egenes, author of more than 500 articles and five books on the benefits of meditation, yoga and other vedic techniques for improving health, and co-author of an incredibly readable version of an ancient wisdom text, a book I can’t put down, though it’s a LOT of book, The Ramayana.

(Co-authored along with Kumuda Reddy)

And that’s just what I want to talk with her about today, about dharma, or our existence and the life lessons we can learn from the Ramayana, and how we can put them into place in our lives.

That plus we’ll talk about a golden deer, the power of a squirrel, getting swallowed up by mother earth, flying monkeys, rediscovering who we truly are, and why you might not want to date a demon.

Happiness, Compassion & Love Self-Improvement & Self-Help Spirituality Topics Include:

  1. What Maharishi Ayurveda has to do with the Ramayana
  2. What is the Ramayana and why is it read by over 1 billion people worldwide
  3. How the Ramayana influenced George Lucas and Star Wars
  4. Why do these myths always involve wars or tremendous battles
  5. What can we learn about kindness and compassion from this book
  6. What are some of the lessons we can learn here about the nature of our nature
  7. What Tony Nader has written about the Ramayana about how it takes place in our physiology “The Ramayana in Human Physiology”
  8. What can we learn from Hanuman
  9. What is a tapis, and what is a boon?
  10. What’s a severe version of meditation?
  11. What is this Romeo and Juliet story and what happened to the lovers
  12. What it means to spiritually remember your spiritual true nature
  13. What does nature have to do with our existence?
  14. Why everyone is viewed as an equal
  15. Why it’s important to embrace even our enemies
  16. What’s the importance of loyalty in the Ramayana?
  17. What it means to transcend struggle by going to your higher dharma.
  18. What it means to be true to dharma
  19. What in the world is car-horn dharma
  20. What kindness and compassion have to do with everything
  21. Why transcendental meditation works
  22. How the Ramayana can help our kids
  23. What the Ramayana teach children about treating others
  24. What our daughters can learn from Sita in the Ramayana
  25. How meditation is her ‘inner woo-hoo’!
  26. To find Linda Egenes’s blog:

Linda Egenes On Ancient Wisdom from the Ramayana for Love, Health, Happiness, Kindness & Compassion! Meditation | Spirituality | Spiritual | Ayurveda | Inspiration | Motivation | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info Visit:

Sep 24, 2016

If you’ve ever struggled with disease, illness, an auto-immune disorder or allergy, then do we have the super-organism show for you!

Today I’ll be talking with Rodney Dietert, professor of immunotxicology at Cornell University, and author of Strategies for Protecting Your Child’s Immune System and Immunotoxicity, Immune Dysfunction and Chronic Disease, and his latest book, which I couldn’t put down, The Human Superorganism.

And that’s just what we’ll be talking about today, what’s our microbiome and how it’s revolutionizing the pursuit of a healthy life.

That plus we’ll talk about giant-pouched rats, cliff the dog, the power of dark chocolate, why germ free mice are antisocial, the importance of a giraffe’s neck, and what a dog’s obsession with doves has to do with anything!

Microbiome Health, Self-Help, and Self-Improvement Topics Include:

  1. How he went from a dream to this book.
  2. How he ended up in the documentary microbirth
  3. What happened to him at a conference in Germany
  4. How he went from 30 years on antibiotics to years antibiotic free by addressing his gut and microbiome
  5. Why our microbes in our body have much control or influence over our biology than we think.
  6. What is a superorganism?
  7. What a fight on infectious diseases at now isn’t the problem
  8. What’s the problem with the ecology and diversity in our body
  9. What’s a non-communicable disease (NCD)
  10. Why does one non-communicable disease lead to the next disease?
  11. What NSAIDS including aspirin can harm our microbiome
  12. What it means to be deemed ‘safe’
  13. How much of us in made up of microbiomes?
  14. What’s the possible harm of GMO’s
  15. Why is the immune system really a junkyard dog
  16. Are infants born with a complete immune system?
  17. What do mom’s and parents need to know for pregnant women, pregnancy, and unborn children
  18. How do we prevent children from getting non-communicable diseases
  19. What do cravings have to do with your microbiome?
  20. What’s the new field of psychobiotics
  21. What’s the history behind caesarian section and what’s been happening with C-sections?
  22. What’s the obesity tree?
  23. How do we begin to heal our microbiome
  24. What it means to get a profile for your microbiome
  25. What’s the importance of fermented foods
  26. How do we test our microbiome
  27. What are prebiotics?
  28. What’s happening with sugar-free food and artificial sweeteners?
  29. Big foods to watch for:
    1. BPA
    2. Emulsifiers
  30. What’s the importance and danger of hand sanitizers
  31. Rodney Dietert’s rules for food shopping
  32. How important are organics
  33. How can meditation help calm our microbiome
  34. What’s a ‘gut instinct’
  35. What does spirituality, mindfulness and contemplative tools have to do with our microbiome
  36. How can swing dancing help your microbiome?
  37. Why exercise is so powerful for our microbiome?
  38. Why you don’t want to exercise too hard for your microbiome?
  39. Why stress-exercise is so bad for the microbiome
  40. How Mindful Running can help your microbiome
  41. Why dancing puts you in a state of coherence (think Heart Math and Howard Martin)
  42. Why it’s so important to get out of the fight or flight state
  43. Where can people go to find ‘the Human Superorganism’
  44. What people can learn about Cliff the microbiome searching dog
  45. Guided meditation to help with any problem or issue

Rodney Dietert, PhD on Transforming Your Health Thru Your Microbiome & Gut + Guided Meditation | Fitness | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Mindfulness | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info Visit:

Sep 23, 2016

If you’ve ever felt stressed, worried, freaked out, or burdened with concerns you just can’t let go of, or if it feels like a saber-tooth’s about to jump out at you, and there’s no where to hide, then do we have the destressifying show for you!

Today we’ll be talking with Davidji, a true expert in the field of stress management, and authors of the Secrets of Meditation and his best-selling book Destressifying: The Real-World Guide to Personal Empowerment, lasting fulfillment, and Peace of Mind.

Today we’ll be talking about destressifying your life, getting you out of the fight or flight, I’m about to be eating by a tiger-mode, and help you discover a path of de-stress, greater ease, and far more peace, no matter what you’re doing.

That plus destressifying at work, on the phone, on an airplane, and even before the TSA…

Questions and Topics Include:

  1. How he left Zen after only two weeks.
  2. What happened to Davidji after 9/11
  3. How he went to study with (and later work for) Deepak Chopra.
  4. Why it doesn’t take 20 years of meditation to reach a place of peace.
  5. Can stress be good for us?
  6. Can you combat stress?
  7. How Eureka moments can turn us into Super-rats, or super people!
  8. What is destressifying?
  9. What do you do when the saber-tooth tiger emails you?
  10. How Elizabeth Blackburn, 2009 Winner of Noble Prize discovered Telomeres
  11. How pattern interrupts can make us happier
  12. How Joe Montana saved the Superbowl with a Mind-stopper!!!
  13. What’s the importance of the presence moment
  14. Why a spanner may be in the works!
  15. What is “tactical breathing” or sixteen seconds
  16. A brief mindfulness meditation to stop your mind and give you an instant chance to breathe.
  17. How sixteen seconds can give us the time we need to defuse and step back before we make a decision.
  18. How do we bring pause to people in war zones, or countries with war?
  19. How fight or flight can serve you, and how to tone it down when you need to.
  20. How do we rewire for greater awareness and to stop the fight or flight response, and all of it’s negative (cortisol, high blood pressure, heart disease, etc…) challenges.
  21. How do we interrupt the patterns in our mind
  22. How we can practice RPM - rise, pee and then meditate!
  23. A second brief meditation you can practice anytime to help you quiet your mind.
  24. How can we help cultivate self love.
  25. How he brought Blue Courage Awareness Training BCAT training for police officers.
  26. How we transform the world by transforming ourselves.
  27. How to send love to the TSA, and what to do to stay relaxed with airport security – particularly if you’re ‘randomly selected’
  28. A meta-kindness meditation
  29. About Peaches the Buddha Princes, a rescued Mindful Morkie – who has over 3000 friends on Facebook.
  30. Several musicians who practice meditation.
  31. What’s a chocolate   tasting meditation? 
  32. com to join the sweetspot meditation community
  33. Why kindness matters.
  34. A kindness META guided meditation.

Davidji, Mindfulness Trainer to the Military & Former Deepak Chopra Center Dean on Instant Stress Reduction + Guided Meditation! Inspiration | Motivation | Career | Spiritual | Spirituality | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info visit:

Sep 22, 2016

Today we’ll be talking with relationship experts and past guests on our show Mali Apple and Joe Dunn the run-away best-selling authors of The Soulmate Experience , and The Soulmate Lover.

Today we’re going to talk about the sexy side of things, we’ll talk about feeling better about our bodies, allowing ourselves to open up, cultivating greater love in the bedroom, and how to spice things up for the big “O”.

We’ll also look at the real power of strawberries, why it’s sometimes good to be bad, whether size really matters, and the true importance of walking around naked.//

Questions and Topics Include:

  1. Why you’re probably not having as much sex as the Jones’s, but why they’re probably not having much sex either.
  2. Why great sex and love is cultivated from within.
  3. How do we cultivate sexiness as a state of mind.
  4. Why sensual and sexy are really the same thing.
  5. Why sensuality begins with the senses.
  6. The importance of embracing where you are, now.
  7. The secret of the “Magic Door” and what it has to do with power suits
  8. What is a sensual date, and what to really do in the theatre.
  9. Why the grocery store makes for a great date.
  10. The importance of getting into your centered place
  11. Who do we begin sexual healing – which can help our relationships and life.
  12. Since aging is inevitable, why attitude is everything
  13. The true meaning of “oral sex”
  14. Why talking about sex leads to more sex.
  15. The importance of working out for energy levels.
  16. The importance of naked time.
  17. Ask your partner, what do you like in my body, and can you help me to see that.
  18. How to we create and generate our own sexual energy?
  19. Why masturbation may be good for us.
  20. What’s the real purpose of masturbation?
  21. How getting into your own sensuality changes the energy you put out into the world.
  22. How to gain more confidence by getting back in your body.
  23. How to speed date and enjoy yourself!
  24. What are sexpectations and how do we free ourselves from them?
  25. Is it okay to fantasize about someone other than your partner?
  26. How to experiment in the bedroom?
  27. How to integrate your partners desires into your relationship?
  28. How to share and create fantasizes with your partner.
  29. Is it okay for a partner’s eyes to wander?
  30. How do we cultivate or keep the spark alive?
  31. Why remembering the anniversary isn’t as important as living each day as an anniversary!
  32. Why gratitude is huge…plus a ton of “oral sex”.
  33. The real importance of the toothpaste cap.
  34. How do we open ourselves up to our orgasmic potential.
  35. The importance of a date night and why we should keep having dates even if you’re married or with kids.
  36. What is the “O” zone?
  37. How to move past troubles having orgasms.
  38. How to move past an inability to have an orgasm.
  39. How to allow in the bedroom, orgasm or no orgasm for the most incredible love-filled time.
  40. How women can be multiple orgasmic and why there can be 100’s of kinds of orgasms.
  41. What is truly soulful sex?
  42. Why a sex weekend can bring you the greatest happiness.

Mali Apple, Joe Dunn on Improving Relationships, Sex, Intimacy & Feeling Better About Your Body! Health | Fitness | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Meditation | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info Visit:

Sep 21, 2016

If you’ve ever been stuck up late at night and wondered when to push through, vs. when to throw in the towel, then do we have the kind and gentle, yet striving show for you!

Today we’ll be talking about working hard, when to do it, when not to do it, and if you’re stuck doing it, how to be kind to yourself in the process!

That plus we’ll talk about the power of massage, lake time in the thick of things, taking yourself out, who just turned one year old, kitties and cribs, the power of curtains, and why rescuing a doctor and an accountant was the best thing in the world, particularly if you’re on a tandem!

Business, Career & Health Self-Improvement and Self-Topics Include:

  1. The power of gratitude – particularly when you’re on a tandem
  2. What’s the power of massage
  3. What we ‘get’ to do when we feel we’re short on side.
  4. What’s the self-help importance of sleep according to the author of Sleep Smarter, host of the Model Health Show by Shawn Stevenson
  5. Why it’s so important to get more sleep when you’re having to work hard
  6. What Dawson Church, author of the Genie in Your Dreams has to say about epigenetics and sleep
  7. Why self-care is so important especially when you feel you don’t have time for it
  8. What is Parkinson’s law and why does that matter?
  9. What does Paul Selig have to do with self-care, self-help, and your spirituality?
  10. What Dr. Joe Dispenza, author of You Are the Placebo has to do with your career
  11. Why having 4 jobs may not be best for your career
  12. Why taking yourself to spiritual events can be important for your spirituality and your path, particularly too when you’re short on time
  13. Why saying ‘no’ to opportunities we’re saying no to spirit or the spiritual.
  14. What’s the power of yes - Why playing it safe is saying no to your spirituality and is the least safe thing you can do
  15. Why feeling off ‘path’ is the path.
  16. When it’s time to actually give up
  17. Fear vs. love and how to know what’s driving you
  18. What’s a better way to help our children do their college applications
  19. A powerful phrase to help you get things done
  20. How you’re intention or frame of mind can shift everything in your life (from your career to home life, relationships, and everything) all by finding a new perspective
  21. How far Inspire Nation has come over the last year.
  22. To find out more about the Podcast Launch Accelerator –

CJ Liu & Michael Sandler on How to Get Thru the Hard Work In the Easiest Way Possible for Success!!! Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Meditation | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info Visit:

Sep 20, 2016

If you’ve ever wanted more excellence in your life, with a better outlook, health, and greater success, then do we have the easy steps show for you!

Today I’ll be talking with Dr. Robert Maurer, a faculty at the UCLA and the University of Washington Schools of Medicine, the director of Science of Excellence, author of One Small Step Can Change Your Life and a second book I am absolutely smitten with, The Spirit of Kaizen!

And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about creating lasting excellence, one small step at a time.

That plus radars and chocolate, tasting insecticide, why *

you don’t want left turns, lost wrenches and aircraft carriers, the secret to a good party, the power of a kids meal, why you might want to throw out, your first bite of food, and why it’s incredibly important to treat the Zappos van driver right!

Self-Improvement & Self-Help Life, Health & Career Topics Include:

  1. How did Robert get interested in Kaizen?
  2. What career / field was Robert using Kaizen in?
  3. What career was using Kaizen when Robert began studying it?
  4. Why big steps toward success may not be the answer
  5. What does the amygdala have to do with ‘big change’
  6. Why big steps tend to lead to big falls
  7. Why self-help big steps aren’t what we make them out to be
  8. What can we learn from Jim Collins and Good to Great?
  9. Where does morale come from?
  10. How we can improve the morale of those around you in your career or home?
  11. What we want to do to protect our relationship with our loved one?
  12. What can we learn about the van driver for Zappos (also for Southwest and other organizations)
  13. How do we work with difficult people?
  14. What’s neutrality
  15. What does Buddhism have to do with our response to others?
  16. What is the Buddhist idea surrounding the thoughts in our mind
  17. What is the kaizen technique called mind sculpture
  18. What we can learn from Michael Phelps and visualization and mind sculpture
  19. What’s the art of compliments?
  20. What can we learn from Carol Dwick and Mindset?
  21. Why giving it your best is most important
  22. Why big bonuses and rewards are not the answer?
  23. What does Toyota have to do with Kaizen?
  24. What’s the psychology of mistakes
  25. What are the results of the 15 year study ‘Managing the Unexpected’?
  26. What do left turns have to do with the UPS
  27. What do milkmaids and cowpox have to do with anything?
  28. What does throwing out the first bite of food have to do with anything?
  29. How do we lose weight with kaizen
  30. How do we get more nutrition with kaizen small steps
  31. What does data logging underwear (and green lizards) have to do with anything
  32. How can we lose weight by exercising just one minute a day?
  33. What we can learn from fear and anxiety and mindfulness breathing and our breath
  34. How meditation and controlling our breath can help
  35. What’s the power of calming our breathing down
  36. How do we move ourselves out of crisis
  37. How do we get rid of our harsh critical inner voice?
  38. What’s the importance of gratitude?
  39. Why is gratitude so elusive?
  40. Why are questions the best way to reprogram our brain
  41. What’s the danger of isolation?
  42. What is one of the most powerful predictors of future health?
  43. How importance is a spiritual practice or a sense of spirituality
  44. What’s the correlation between a spiritual practice and better physical health?
  45. What are the implications for parenting from kaizen?
  46. What’s the most important thing we can do for our kids
  47. A beautiful guided meditation

Robert Maurer – HOW TINY STEPS CAN IMPROVE YOUR LIFE & HEALTH! + Guided Meditation! Fitness | Career | Inspiration | Motivation | Mindfulness | Spiritual | Spirituality | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info Visit:

Sep 19, 2016

If you’ve ever wanted to feel healthier, more rested, sharper of mind, and get a fantastic night’s rest, then do we have the sleep smarter show for you! 

Today I’ll be talking with Shawn Stevenson, founder of the Model Health Show, and author of the best-seller Sleep Smarter.

And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about essential strategies to sleep your way to a better body, better health, and bigger success. 

That plus we’ll talk about madden football, why we want to sleep through the melatonin show, why we want to bring back cortisol and david hasselhoff, why it’s not cool to wear shades, the hormonal goodfellas, the power of the big O, why position matters, and you should beware the midnight strangler,

Health & Fitness Self-Improvement & Self-Help topics include:

  1. How do we make sleep sexy?
  2. How do we get more quality out of your sleep
  3. How to optimize your sleep
  4. Eric Thomas – had no idea was optimizing his sleep
  5. What in the world is twinkie sleep?
  6. How do you get more nutrition out of your sleep
  7. What’s pseudo sleep?
  8. Why do we need to get the light down?
  9. What’s going on in our brain when we sleep
  10. What’s going on with the hypothalamus
  11. What’s the glymphatic system?
  12. How do we move past the fear of missing out
  13. What is serotonin and what does it have to do with sleep?
  14. Why a twinkie can trash your sleep
  15. What does melatonin have to do with anything?
  16. Why is it important to walk first thing in the morning
  17. What’s the deal with cortisol, and why has it gotten a bad rap?
  18. Why is i.flux of f.lux?
  19. What can we learn about sleep and weight-loss
  20. What’s crucial to know about caffeine and sleep
  21. What does cold have to do with sleep
  22. What they do in Finland and Sweden for babies to sleep
  23. What’s it mean to sleep cool but rock socks
  24. What ayurvedic medicine has to do with sleep
  25. What’s the danger of the graveyard shift?
  26. What’s the connection between staying up late and high blood pressure
  27. What staying up late has to do with fat
  28. Why proper sleep is more impactful on health and appearance than diet and exercise combined
  29. What’s the importance of the big ‘o’ and sleep
  30. What are the benefits of meditation and sleep
  31. Why meditation makes such a big different with your sleep
  32. Why meditation breathing, or mindfulness and breathing improves your sleep
  33. Why is grounding or ‘earthing’ so important for your sleep – vitamin G (for ground)
  34. What advice for parents to help kids / children sleep at night
  35. Where can you find sleep smarter or includes free bonus 21 video series, and look up his The Model Health Show podcast

 Shawn Stevenson of The Model Health Show on The Power of Great Sleep & How to Get It! Weight Loss | Fitness | Diet | Nutrition | Inspiration | Inspirational | Spiritual | Spirituality | Meditation | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info Visit:

Sep 18, 2016

Have you ever prayed to angel, felt an angels presence, or wondered how in the world to call on an angel in a time of desperate need?

Well if so, then you are not alone…and do we have an angelic show for you!

Today we’ll be talking with Marie-Ange Faugerolas, best-selling author of over 13 different books, award-winning screenwriter, and an expert in the field of angels.

Today we’ll be talking about her new book Angels, The Definitive Guide to Angels from Around the World. We’ll discuss whether angels are real, and if so, how to feel one’s presence, call one too us, and how in the world we can ask them for help. Plus we’ll talk about feng-shui for angels, what clothes to wear and what not to wear, and how we can even take an angelic bath.

Questions and Topics Include:

  1. Is Los Angeles Really a City of Angels?
  2. Making a screenplay on Angels
  3. How Marie-Ange’s name came about “Marie Angel”
  4. How Marie-Ange first discovered Angels
  5. Why a child’s “imaginary friend” may not be so imaginary – and how to cultivate it!
  6. How to live from the magic that’s deep inside of each of us
  7. What are angels, where did they come from, what is their main purpose?
  8. Are angels spirits, ghosts, or departed loved ones?
  9. Can pets be angels?
  10. Why gut reactions can be angelic guidance.
  11. How do we feel or sense that angels are around us?
  12. Why angels may do things in our best interest that don’t appear as such in the moment.
  13. How do we call upon angels?
  14. Example prayer for connecting with angels
  15. How to call on angels for energy
  16. How to call on angels for peace
  17. What are the different type of angels, and what kind of angels are all around us?
  18. What is the main mission of angels?
  19. What’s the difference between a regular angel and an arch-angel
  20. What is a celestial hierarchy?
  21. Can angels visit many people at the same time?
  22. Do we need to call in a specific angel?
  23. Why calling on specific angels may be the quickest, best answer.
  24. What is an angelic Task Force?
  25. Is it okay to ask angels for money or to help with finances?
  26. How to get divine guidance to discover your purpose?
  27. How to clear space to allow in angels
  28. Why it’s so important to declutter for angels
  29. Why angels dance when you set up an altar
  30. The importance of angelic baths and angelic massages
  31. How to give back to angels
  32. What are the best ways to make requests of angels?
  33. Can we ask anything of angels?
  34. What’s an invocation we can make to send healing to someone far away?
  35. How to invoke angels for our kids and cultivate that relationship?

 Marie-Ange-Faugerolas on Angelic Help & How to Get It Fast For Health, Love & Abundance! + Guided Meditation! Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Religion | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

To Find Out More Visit:

Sep 17, 2016

If you’ve ever wanted to help your loved ones or others to heal, and wished there was something hands on you could do, then do we have the Healing show for you.

Today I’ll be talking with Richard Gordon, Best-selling Author of Your Healing Hands and author of one of our favorite books on healing, Quantum-Touch.

And that’s just what we’ll be talking about today, using the power of touch to heal.

That plus we’ll talk about JULIUS the Maine Coon, having fun with a stradavarius, charging wine, making grapefruit taste better, Teddy’s miraculous recovery, energy ball icons, and what we can all learn from Mr. Rabbit!

Alternative Healing and Medicine Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:

  • What is Your Healing Hands, The Polarity Experience
  • Who changed Richard’s life?
  • How Richard got into energy healing
  • What is the body’s self-healing mechanism
  • What does the placebo effect have to do with anything
  • What it means to run energy (and how did it save Michael Sandler’s life)
  • What it chi, qi, prana, energy or force?
  • What’s important about Dr. Imoto
  • How healing energy can be put into an object
  • Can anyone do energy healing?
  • What does moving energy feel like?
  • Brief guided meditation for feeling energy
  • What does moving energy have to do with sex?
  • What’s 4 x 4 breathing?
  • What does breathing have to do with moving energy?
  • What do different energy patterns mean?
  • What does the healing do to the healer?
  • Does this healing last forever?
  • Where illness comes from
  • What does suppressed anger have to do with anything?
  • What are human blockages that get in the way of our healing
  • What can help your zen meditation
  • What is energy healing 2.0
  • What’s the heart-to-heart objects
  • Do healers need to be unhealthy to heal?
  • How do we heal ourselves?

Richard Gordon Powerful Healing Technique for Yourself & Others! + Guided Meditation! Alternative Health | Fitness | Nutrition | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info Visit: 

Sep 16, 2016

If you ever felt stressed, or anxious and who hasn’t these days , then do we have the stress-relieving show for you!!!

Today we’ll be talking with Jeanne Ricks, Anti-Stress Expert, nutritional consultant, and best-selling author of The Biology of Beating Stress.

Today we’ll talk about the biology of stress…what it is, where it came from, and how in the world to outrun it…or to beat it at it’s own game. We’ll look at stopping stress, reducing stress, and eating our way to stress free.

Plus we’ll look at the momentum of the omemtum, dancing with elephants, the power of the inner scream, and why we might want to the cha-cha, with the circadian rhythm.

  1. What’s the benefit of chocolate?
  2. What’s the biological basis for stress?
  3. What’s the problem with stress?
  4. What’s the momentum of the omentum?
  5. What’s the danger of visceral fat? 
  6. What’s the stop technique?
  7. How can a smile help with stress? 
  8. Why the brain only knows what you tell it.
  9. What are techniques we can start on a biological level to turn stress around?
  10. How can breathing help to reduce stress?
  11. How can alternating nasal breathing help reduce stress?
  12. Why we want food with the greatest “information”
    1. Phytonutrients
    2. Plant Life
    3. Vitamins
    4. Minerals
  13. How food becomes medicine because of the quality of the information of your food.
  14. Why men who are almost 50% more likely to get diabetes because of stress
  15. The value of starting meals with 3 deep breaths
  16. What foods are calming?
  17. What foods should we take under stress?
  18. Why you want a very small amount of “clean” protein each month
  19. How she defines “clean” protein
  20. The dangers of processed foods
  21. What are considered processed foods?
  22. How can stretching help reduce our stress?
  23. Are people exercising too much?
  24. Why longer exercise movements can actually hurt you (and keep the weight on)
  25. Why you lose muscle each year, and what it means to your metabolism
  26. What’s the benefit of HIIT training
  27. Why Suzanne Somers gets HGH injections, but instead a NATURAL way to do it.
  28. What’s the benefit of glutathione?
  29. How exercise can slow your aging
  30. How you can fool the brain to burn more calories than it wants to. 
  31. How exercise can help prevent cancer or prevent you from getting sick
  32. How do we dance with the elephants?
  33. How can we let out stress?
  34. What’s an inner scream?
  35. What’s the benefit of wall push-ups
  36. How do we give people permission to heal and to feel better?
  37. How can meditation biologically help with stress?
  38. What’s the importance of our relationship with sleep?
  39. How you can sleep off fat
  40. How do we cultivate self-love?

Jeanne Ricks – Discover the Science and Biology of Beating Stress: How Changing Your Environment, Body, Nutrition, and Brain Can Help You Find Balance & Peace, Plus Meditation! Inspiration  | Motivation | Inspirational | Motivational | Spiritual | Spirituality | Diet | Exercise | Health | Self-Help

For More Info Visit:

Sep 15, 2016

If you have a child that’s struggling at home or at school, with discipline, academics, health, or getting along with other kids, then do we have the balanced and barefoot show for you.

Today I’ll be talking with Angela J. Hanscom, pediatric occupational therapist, founder of Timbernook, an award-winning development and nature based program, and the author of a fantastic new book, I couldn’t put down, Balanced and Barefoot.

And that’s just what we’ll be talking about today. About how unrestricted outdoor play makes for strong, confident, and capable children.

That plus we’ll talk about tummy time, spinning caurosels, climbing trees, getting lost, eating dirt, playing in the dark, the power of Alpacas, playing in the rain, why we might want to put our babies out in the cold, the power of spinning, loose parts, and why flying from swingsets, just may be the greatest thrill in the world!

Happy Healthy Children Self-Improvement and Self-Help Parenting Topics Include:

  1. What was happening with Angela’s daughter?
  2. Why our expectations for kids are not necessarily developmentally appropriate
  3. What’s going on with child development today
  4. What has happened to kids core strength and balance skills
  5. What is Tummy Time?
  6. Why do kids need floor time?
  7. What is active play for kids?
  8. What’s the importance of crossing the midline
  9. What’s container baby syndrome (and what do flat heads have to do with anything)?
  10. What’s the harm of restricting children’s movement?
  11. What’s the importance of the outdoors?
  12. What it means that nature is the ultimate sensory experience
  13. What’s wrong with bright colors and things on the wall in classrooms, nursery, and kindergarten
  14. What’s wrong with trying to ‘engage’ the child in school
  15. Why kids need to climb trees
  16. What’s wrong with putting ‘safety first’ for our kids
  17. What’s the importance of dirt and what’s the hygiene hypothesis?
  18. What we can learn from Lenore Skenazy author of Free Range Kids
  19. What’s developmentally appropriate freedom for kids at different ages
  20. How spinning improves attention (for students with ADD and ADHD too)
  21. What’s wrong with today’s playgrounds
  22. What are ‘loose parts’ for kids?
  23. What’s wrong with recesses today?
  24. What’s the challenge with organized sports for children today?
  25. How much outdoor time should parents give kids get at different ages – and how can it help a child’s development?
  26. What’s unique about what they do with children in Sweden and Finland?
  27. What you should look for in an environment to raise your children
  28. Is boredom okay for children
  29. What are some of the biggest fears of parents?
  30. What is Timbernook,

Angela Hanscom on the Importance of Nature for Kids Health, Happiness & Success! Parenting | ADHD | Inspiration | Inspirational | Motivation | Motivational | Spiritual | Spirituality | Meditation | Mindfulness | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info Visit:

Sep 14, 2016

If you’ve ever wondered how to fit it all in, get everything done, or take your ideas from the drawing board to the printing press, then do we have the actionable show for you!

Today we’ll be talking about getting things done, what it takes, how to do it, why it’s not all about discipline, and what are the most important steps you need to take.

That plus we’ll talk about the power of carrots, de-cluttering magic, shrinking bicycles, musical chairs, lake, lake, where is the lake, why less time is best, and the magical power of hammocks.

Getting Things Done Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. How do we change and appreciate what we have done vs. trying to cram some more in
  2. What we can learn from Scott Belsky on Making Things Happen
  3. What it means that everything is a project
  4. Whether we need to be task driven or love driven
  5. Why you want to balance your organization and creativity
  6. What Myers Briggs has to do with creativity and getting things done
  7. What’s the importance of mini-deadlines
  8. What’s the What-Is-Next WIN strategy
  9. Why parents need to step away from their kids to allow them to get things done.
  10. What’s the importance of structure, and when you do vs. don’t want it
  11. Why it’s dangerous to want too much ‘freedom’ when doing a project
  12. Why safeguards may be necessary.
  13. What Harvard Professor Brian Little says about Biogenics
  14. What your natural tendencies have to do with getting things done
  15. What a Jungian unclaimed part of yourself is
  16. What it means to get wholly in balance
  17. What our Ayurvedic body/mind state has to do with anything
  18. What are rewards and why are they important?
  19. What’s the importance of our inner nature
  20. What our environment has to do with getting things done
  21. What we can learn from Shaman Sandra Ingraman and whether an environment resonates with your soul
  22. What’s the importance of working step-by-step on things
  23. What it means to have your own personal zen zone?

CJ Liu & Michael Sandler on What You Need to Know to Get Things Done & Achieve Dreams Happiness & Success! Career | Inspiration | Motivation | Spirituality | Spiritual | Meditation | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info Visit:


Sep 13, 2016

If you’ve ever wanted to achieve your goals, get things done, or take your ideas from inception to reception, then do we have the happening show for you!

Today we’ll be talking with Scott Belsky, co-founder and former CEO of Behance, investor and author and the international best-selling author of Making Ideas Happen.

And that’s just what we’ll be talking about today, about overcoming the obstacles between vision and reality to turn your ideas into spectacular achievements, or at least get things done!

That plus we’ll talk about Zappos and cowbells, the dangers of brainstorming, killing ideas liberally, the benefits of fighting, the tao of follow-up, and why we all need a quieter lizard-brain.

Creativity, Career & Entrepreneurial Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include?

  1. What Scott learned at Goldman Sachs in Pine Street
  2. What he learned about creativity in business from Harvard Professor Teresa Amabile
    1. What he was learning about how to take extraordinary creative people and help them be more productive
  3. What is Behance?
    1. What’s the importance of organization in your career or entrepreneur
  4. What can we learn from the artist Thomas Kinkade
  5. What can we learn from James Paterson
  6. What is the creativity and impact formula and why is it important
  7. What’s the ‘creative’s compromise’
  8. What’s the Action Method and how do we get projects started?
  9. What’s the power in your career of sharing your ideas with others?
  10. What are our action steps?
  11. How do we keep from having a reactionary work-flow
  12. What do we do to manage our email
  13. What can we learn from David Allen’s Getting Things Done strategies
  14. What can we learn from Seth Godin and having a ‘quieter lizard brain’?
  15. What’s the tao of follow-up?
  16. What’s the importance of rituals in business, success and getting things done
  17. What can we learn from Zappos and cowbells?
  18. What can we learn from Chris Anderson and wired?
  19. What’s the importance of sharing your ideas liberally in your career and business?
  20. What are the benefits of fighting in your company and as an entrepreneur or team / career member?
  21. What it means for a team to have a really strong immune system
  22. How do we try to maximize happiness and what’s the benefit of play in the workplace?
  23. Where his ‘Positive Slope’ writing is: and on Twitter @scottbelsky

Scott Belsky Shares How to Make Ideas Happen & Turn Creativity Into Reality for Business, Career & Life Success! Ted Talk | Inspirational | Motivational | Entrepreneur | Entrepreneurial | Mindfulness | Health | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info Visit:

Sep 12, 2016

If you’ve ever wanted to be happier, more content, and more comfortable with who you are, and those around you, then do we have the personality revealing show for you!

Today I’ll be talking with Dr. Brian R. Little, researcher, author, and professor, voted the favorite professor by students at Harvard for three consecutive years! He’s also the author of a fascinating book on who in the world we are, and why we operate the way we do, Me, Myself, and Us.

And that’s what we’ll be talking about today, about the science of personality and the art of Well-Being, and how it can change our lives.

That plus we’ll talk about bathtub farts and lumberjacks, music that makes your hair stand on end, why the professor’s left shoe is an introvert, the dangers of caffeine after 3, what in the world is cyberia, what North Dakota has in spades, why you don’t want to follow the professor into the bathroom, the power of weisel words and why extroverted females, may be the most heroic of them all!

Happiness & Success Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. What we can learn from his Ted Talk (s) and how do we know he’s an introvert?
  2. How do we tell if someone is an introvert or an extrovert
  3. Can we shift from introvert to extrovert
  4. What are personal constructs?
  5. What can we learn from Jack and the lumberjack
  6. What can we learn from a Harvard Student who’d been in Army ROTC
  7. What’s it mean to be in your own cage?
  8. How you can grow resiliency
  9. What can we learn from the Myers Briggs test
  10. What are stand up chameleons
  11. What are the big five dimensions of personality
  12. How epigenetics and social powers can change aspects of our human genome and therefore our personality
  13. What happiness really is, means, and how important is it really
  14. Why introverts use weasel words
  15. What is hardiness or resiliency and can it be learned?
  16. What does hostility have to do with type A personalities
  17. What we can learn from play
  18. What’s the importance of play
  19. What do we need to know about personality and creativity
  20. What is the creative project?
  21. What’s the hero view of the creative personality
  22. How are geography and personality intertwined?

Dr. Brian R Little of Harvard Shares Secrets to Happiness & Success By Understanding Your Personality! Inspiration | Motivation | Meditation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Career | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info Visit:

Sep 11, 2016

Have you ever wanted to get out of your head, to have more trust, or faith in the intuition or the listen voice inside of you, that never steers you wrong, if only you’d listen more. We’ll if so, then do we have the intuitive show for you!

Today we’ll be talking with Penney Pierce, a gifted intuitive and author of the best-selling book, The Intuitive Way, The Definitive Guide to increasing your awareness.

Today we’ll talk about how to increase your intuition, learn how to trust your inner knowing, and why it’s so important these days.

Plus we’ll talk about love over fear, raising your vibrations, and Balfor and Luck Dragons.

Questions and Topics Include:

  1. How did Penney become an intuitive.
  2. Can anyone develop their intuition skills?
  3. What was her path to become a ‘spiritual teacher’
  4. What is intuition?
  5. How do you work on cultivating intuition?
  6. Why you need a balance of both hemispheres (spirituality/creative and linear).
  7. How kids are coming in differently today.
  8. How do we work to get more out of our heads and into our hearts
  9. Why we’re moving from the industrial to the information and now to the intuition age
  10. What’s coming for humanity and our transformation
  11. The new criteria we get to use for making decisions
  12. What do you do when you’re frustrated and don’t have a moment to take a deep breath (for instance if you have an angry boss)
  13. How does one begin to get unstuck?
  14. Words of wisdom for kids coming into the world today
  15. An exercise to help get into your intuitive side.
  16. How to shift from the left brain to the right brain

Penney Peirce Shares How to Tap In To Your Intuition & Hear It Loud & Clear! + Guided Meditation! Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Health | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info Visit:

Sep 10, 2016

Do you love your corn, potatoes, beans and rice, and wish that they just weren’t starches so you could eat them to your heart’s content?

Well if so, then do we have a myth-busting, turn-things-on-their-heads, no potato left unturned, starchy show for you!

Today we'll be talking with Dr. John McDougall, author of 12 National Best-Selling books, including The Starch Solution: Eat the Foods You Love, Regain Your Health, and Lose the Weight for Good!

Today we’ll be talking about starch, what it is, why it’s supposedly not good for us, what the studies show, why you’ve never heard this before, and perhaps the shocking truth.

For I want to get to the bottom of this, because I love my potatoes and with a bit of salt, but for years, wouldn’t touch a single one. I’ve been high ketone, high fat, high veggies, lots of green smoothies, but always, above and beyond everything else, LOW STARCH…and don’t even get me started about the glycemic index. But we’ll talk about all of it today in a mind-blowing, myth-busting show. Nothings sacred today, and especially not the potato.

Questions and Topics Include:

  1. What it’s like windsurfing in Bodega Bay.
  2. What Dr. McDougall’s health was like growing up
  3. How Dr. McDougall had a massive stroke that left him completely paralyzed at the age of 18.
  4. How Dr. McDougall became a sugar plantation doctor
  5. How he began to notice the older workers were healthier than the younger (first generation vs. second or third generation)
  6. Walter Kepner, Rice Diet, and 1939.
  7. How it became clear that diet was an effective healing solution.
  8. Why a diet high starch helped with healing
  9. Why a simple diet can be effective and nutritionally safe
  10. Why we need to look at early studies that weren’t backed by industry.
  11. How Dr. McDougall is in the process of suing the egg industry.
  12. Why there’s a conflict of interest with the USDA
  13. How industries started to buy there way in beginning in the 1980’s.
  14. Why studies were made to favorably affect industries
  15. How do we get unbiased information?
  16. Why there’s a protein myth and never a case of protein deficiency ever.
  17. Why people are being convinced to buy products they don’t need – it’s called ‘unique positioning’ – and what it means to you.
  18. How study’s are biased and slanted in favor of industry and particular results
  19. Why starches may actually be good for us.
  20. How can starch be good for us?
  21. Doesn’t starch turn into fat?
  22. Don’t starches hurt our blood sugar levels?
  23. Why fat paralyzes insulin causing blood-sugar problems
  24. Why you want 90% of your calories from basic starches
  25. Why Paleo would disagree with a high starch diet
  26. Why we’ve been starch eaters back before we were even humans
  27. What do we see from being on a 90% starch diet.
  28. Where you can find stories, studies, and over 600 recipes -
    1. Studies on curing type II diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis and more
    2. Look at colored book on food poisoning
      1. Animal foods
      2. Vegetable oil

Dr. John McDougall Shares The Myth-Busting Science Behind Health Benefits of Starches! Nutrition | Weight Loss | Inspiration | Inspirational | Motivation | Motivational | Fitness | Diet | Alternative | Diabetes | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info Visit:

Sep 9, 2016

If you’ve ever been short on time, not had enough time, or felt at wit’s end to find the time, then do we have the time finding show for you!

Today we’ll be talking about making time, finding time, getting more efficient with your time, plus finding the time to breathe.

That plus rolling research, dancing in the rain, schedule flips, trips to Taiwan, and what in the world podcast launch accelerators have to do with anything.

Making time, finding time, and finding the time to breathe

  1. What’s misplaced ‘doing’ energy look like and how does it affect our psyche, and our career
  2. What it means to change your schedule in your career or life
  3. What does a shift in the weather do to people
  4. What does a Podcast Launch Accelerator have to do with anything?
  5. What does changing your diet do to you – what’s the ripple effect?
  6. Why different locations – geographically, have different energies
  7. What we can learn from Tommy Rosa and Health Revelations on Heaven and Earth
  8. Why the woo-hoo works for some, and not for others.
  9. Why there are different shows that resonate with different people and why it’s all about the energy
  10. What’s the importance of understanding our filters
  11. What happened with the Cardiologist and the Accountant
  12. What heart-coherence has to do with anything
  13. What rain shadows in Sequim Washington has to do with anything
  14. Why people in Seattle don’t carry umbrellas
  15. What we can learn from Carl Honore, his Ted Talk and The Slow Fix
  16. Why self-care’s required when you get busy
  17. Why you need to take time to meditate when you get busy
  18. When you have to slow down

CJ Liu & Michael Sandler on Finding More Time & Understanding Your Energy for Happiness Health & Success! Inspirational | Motivational | Spiritual | Spirituality | Meditation | Fitness | Inspiration | Motivation | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info Visit: and

Sep 8, 2016

If you’ve ever struggled with heartbreak or loss, and who hasn’t, then do we have the show for you.

Today I’ll be talking with psychotherapist Susan Anderson, founder of the abandonment recovery movement, and the author of four trailblazing books including The Journey from Abandonment to Healing, Taming Your Outer Child, and her latest, The Abandonment Recovery Workbook.

And that’s just what we’ll talk about today, about overcoming heartbreak,

whether from a divorce, breakup, loss of a job friend health or dream, and helping build esteem, resolve issues, make better choices, and increase your capacity for love.

That plus we’ll talk about abandaholics, black swans, emotional splinters, truth nuggets, and what we can all learn from grief-stricken alpha bamboons.

Overcoming Heartbreak and Abandonment Relationship Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. What’s her abandonment challenge
  2. What it means to put one foot in front of the other
  3. What’s the importance of mindfulness or putting yourself in the moment
  4. What’s the significance of the black swan
  5. What is SWIRL
  6. What are the 5 Stages of Abandonment
  7. What we can learn about separation and stress from different animals
  8. What’s the harm of separating young from their parents, even for short periods of time
  9. What is post-traumatic growth?
  10. What does it mean we have to learn to accept the pain?
  11. How a shattering brings you to the center of yourself
  12. What is an abandoholic
  13. Can you rewire your abandoholic tendencies to be in love with someone who is good for us?
  14. Why do we elevate the one who hurts us?
  15. How do we remove the pain and remove the splinter
  16. What are truth nuggets?
  17. What’s the obsessive primal component to abandonment
  18. What do you do when someone tells you it’s your fault?
  19. Could the breakup be your fault?
  20. What’s the role of forgivenss?
  22. A guided visualization not for relaxation, but to use your imagination to heal

Susan Anderson Relationship Expert Shares Secrets to Overcoming Abandonment & Rebuilding Esteem! + Guided Meditation | Inspirational | Motivational | Spiritual | Spirituality | Inspiration | Motivation | Divorce | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info Visit:

Sep 7, 2016

If you’ve ever wanted to get more done, finally achieve your dreams or help lead your team toward your goals, then do we have the Coaching Habit show for you!

Today I’ll be talking with Michael Bungay Stanier, Rhodes Scholar, First Canadian Coach of the Year, author of numerous best-selling books, including a #2 book on Amazon, End Malaria, another great book, Do More Great Work, and a fantastic book to help you ask the most important questions of yourself and your team, The Coaching Habit.

And that’s just what we’ll be talking about today, saying less, asking more, and changing the way you lead and do things forever.

That plus we’ll talk about a glint of goldfish, the danger of advice, synchronized nude male modeling, why Pierce Brosnan jumped off a dam, the danger of shovels, when will rhetorical questions end, and what in the world happened in Budawang National Park!

Habit Building, Life-Changing Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include

  1. What you need to ask when you’re saying yes to things
  2. How does the universe help nudge us in a good direction
  3. What is Box of Crayons?
  4. What cyclists Greg Lemond and Laurent Fignon and the Tour De France has to do with anything
  5. What’s it mean to go around on auto-pilot
  6. How do we build a habit
  7. How to use structures to really help you
  8. Why Malcolm Gladwell’s 10,000 hour rule isn’t true
  9. What we can learn from Leo Babauta and Zen Habits
  10. What we can learn from Charles Duhigg and the Power of Habit
  11. What’s a 60 second habit?
  12. How to make meditation a habit, or how to meditate on a regular basis (or any other spiritual practice)
  13. What does it mean get mindful of a habit
  14. What’s it mean to step away from good work and step toward great work
  15. What can we learn from Debbie Ford and the Dark Side of the Light Chasers
  16. What we can learn about Practicing Deeply
  17. What we can learn from Daniel Coyle and The Talent Code
  18. Importance of getting out of your comfort zone
  19. What in the world barefoot running has to do with coaching and improving your life
  20. What’s the nature of feedback and Anders Ericcson
  21. What’s the importance of the question ‘what’s on your mind’
  22. What’s the importance of the question AWE – And what else?
  23. What’s the Columbo question?
  24. How do we focus on the real problem, not the first problem?
  25. Why Starting with Why (Simon Sinek) may not be the right way to go
  26. How do you determine the real challenge for yourself?
  27. What’s it mean to get comfortable with silence
  28. What’s a really important question to strategize for our lives?
  29. Why you need to ask what you really want?
  30. How meditation can help you get to a place of understanding oneself
  31. How mindfulness and meditation can help you put the spotlight on yourself
  32. What’s the importance of a mastermind group
  33. How morning pages and journaling can help
  34. The strategic importance of the learning question ‘what’s been most useful for you’
  35. Go to – ton of free resources

Michael B. Stanier on How to Build Habits for Success & Happiness! Business | Career | Fitness | Mindfulness | Meditation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Inspiration | Motivation | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

ichael Bungay Stanier Shares How to Build Habits & Set Yourself Up for Success to Lead an Inspired Life! Business | Career | Fitness | Health | Mindfulness | Meditation | Inspiration | Motivation | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement  | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info Visit:

Sep 6, 2016

If you’ve ever felt you can’t get ahead, reach your goals, or come up with the quick fix that gets you where you want to go, then do we have the slow fix show for you.

Today I’ll be talking with Carl Honore, one of my new favorite authors and guides, and the award winning writer of a fantastic read I’d consider candy for the brain…The Slow Fix, about a philosophy I’ve shared for years, though sometimes forget to implement.

Today we’ll talk about moving slowly and thinking long-term to solve problems, work smarter, and live in a world addicted to speed.

That plus we’ll talk about hot cupping, Brazilian witch doctors, Andon ropes, Barry Manilow t-shirts, Clinton daily moments, why there’ll never be brown m&m’s for Van Halen, the danger of targetitis, why Michael Johnson switched from running 400’s to changing tires, rush hour in Bogotá, the power of pill UK-92480, and what’s coming next for the Bennerley band.

The Slow Fix Self-Improvement and Self-Help (think mindfulness) topics include:

  1. Why quick fixes aren’t the answer – particularly for your health!
  2. What’s Toyota’s Andon rope for business?
  3. What are brain systems 1 and brain systems 2 and how does it affect our careers and decision making?
  4. What’s the einstellung effect?
  5. How is a slow fix being mindful, present or zen?
  6. How is moving slowly like a meditation?
  7. What does mindfulness and running and swimming have to do with one another
  8. What does fitness have to do with moving slowly?
  9. What the Royal Air Force has to do with moving slowly and what we can learn from dog fights and cotter pins
  10. What’s the importance of admitting mistakes?
  11. What’s the Clinton Rule?
  12. What’s the importance of thinking long and connecting the dots?
  13. Why do we want to beware of targetits?
  14. What does it really mean, whether career, business, or home that the devil is in the details?
  15. Why will there be no brown M&M’s for Van Halen?
  16. What’s the power of a checklist?
  17. What’s the power of sweating the small stuff?
  18. What can we learn from Grand Prix motorsports racing?
  19. What’s the importance of seeking ideas from everwhere?
  20. Why would you want to rent an office in a common space to benefit your career?
  21. What’s the importance of thinking alone and working together?
  22. What can we learn from rush our traffic in Bogota?
  23. What is Chore Wars and how do we make housework more fun?
  24. What’s the importance of turning the search for a fix into a game – and having fun?
  25. What’s the importance of trial and error?
  26. How do we embrace uncertainty?
  27. What can we learn from Chile and the Chagas?

Carl Honore Shares the Power of Going Slow to Go Fast for Health, Happiness, Career & Success! Mindfulness | Meditation | Motivation | Inspiration | Motivational | Spiritual | Spirituality | Business | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info Visit:

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