
Inspire Nation Show with Michael Sandler

Our Goal’s to Help Change the World by Helping YOU to Shine Bright! Now one of the top self-help & spirituality shows in 193 countries w/a new inspirational, motivational, spiritual, law of attraction or health-oriented guest DAILY! Plus guided meditations! After overcoming 2 near-death accidents, Host Michael Sandler felt a calling to start a life-changing show to help you live the life of your dreams! Guests Include John Gray, Bob Proctor, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Dr. Bernie Siegel, Anthony William, Arielle Ford, and countless more! Our goal is to leave you an ear-to-ear grin and an actionable plan to achieve your goals! Get ready to live your greatest life and to Shine Bright!
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Inspire Nation Show with Michael Sandler











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Now displaying: November, 2015
Nov 30, 2015

Did you ever feel there’s a leader inside of you, someone destined for greatness, or at least much more than the mundane or mediocrity, just dying to come out!

Well if this sounds even remotely like you, then do we have the show for you!

Today we’ll be speaking with a mentor of mine, although he doesn’t know it yet. His name is Robin Sharma, he’s a best-selling author, and one of premier thinkers when it comes to leadership in business and in life. His book, The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari, was the catalyst for many of the great life-changes I made over a decade ago, that helped me become a best-selling author, a championship athlete, a leading coach and instilled many of the habits that have helped make me the success I am today.

And to me, his inspiring new book, The Leader Who Has No Title, takes things even further!

Today we’ll talk about flipping the leadership switch and turning on the inner-potential inside each and every one of us to bring out the brilliance we all have to offer, no matter our past, our situation, our job, finances, lot in life or anything else. We’ll talk about bringing out the world-class leader, visionary, and human being that’s inside of each and every one of us.

That plus THE BIW< SEW, FMOB, IMAGE and why being uncomfortable or dangling over a cliff, just may be the greatest thing in the world.


Robin Sharma Notes and Questions:

  1. How did you bring so many great ideas from the masters together in one book?
  2. Why reading books from great minds and successful individuals is so important.
  3. Why ideas without execution is nothing but delusion
  4. How to get your habits right.
  5. What does it mean to be a “leader”
    1. Why the old model of leadership is broken
    2. Why the democratization of leadership is so important
      1. Why being a leader is not about a title, it’s a way of being
      2. How to shift from victim-hood to becoming a leader in your life
    3. How to reach a million people over a lifetime
    4. Mother Theresa – why the world would be a better place if we swept our own doorstep
    5. How do you define success?
      1. The secret according to Warren Buffet.
      2. Why success is being in instrument of service.
    6. How to have a leader’s mindset
      1. How to see the world as a leader rather than a victim.
      2. Why every day is an opportunity to make a choice for a new way of living
      3. Why we don’t see the world how it is
      4. Why the person who learns the most wins
    7. What’s the 20/20/20 formula?
    8. Why 5 AM is so important for you?
    9. What’s the 2 massage protocol and why it more than pays for itself?
    10. Why game-changers don’t think of the cost, but the value they receive.
    11. Why getting past distractions is the most important thing in the world
    12. How to become world-class at anything
    13. The importance of doing something for 66 days straight.
    14. What’s the 90/90/1 rule
    15. Why the problem is often having too many possibilities
    16. The secret to genius is not complexity, but simplicity
    17. How to strip away the noise and distraction
    18. Have the bravery, discipline, and acumen by building my career on top priorities
    19. Why you should dance on the edge of a cliff
    20. How to move into the fall line, and ski past fear
    21. Why you need to do what terrifies you
    22. Why GRIT is the single most important factor in success
    23. What KMF has to do with grit!
    24. Why failure is the price of mastery
      1. Why you need to fail a lot.
    25. What’s the lie of safety?
    26. What Seneca means by “Life is Long if We Knew How to Use it”
    27. How to move past the negativity and stuckidness and get your game back.
    28. Why choice and remembering are so important.
    29. How to move past your excuses and become a leader.
    30. Never doubt that a small group of people can change the world ~Margaret Mead

For More Info:

Learn How to Build & Live a Legendary Life, No Matter Your Circumstances, Through Key Easy-To-Implement Strategies from Robin Sharma – One of the Top 5 Leaders in Personal & Business Development in the World

Inspiration | Motivation | Life Transformative | Spiritual | Spirituality | Leadership | Success | Health | Wealth | Mindfulness | Serving Others | Law of Attraction | The Secret

Nov 29, 2015

Want to make better decisions, feel more on track, and finally trust your gut, without a second guess? Then do we have the show for you!

We interview Aleya Dao Author of Seven Cups of Consciousness. You’ll learn how to anchor, plug in, and listen to your higher self in a moment’s notice, helping you find greater, health, happiness, and success in life!

She also shares easy steps to release stress, anxiety and fear, feeling better almost instantly!

You’ll also learn how to connect with your body to keep you injury and disease free, to help you heal and get the body you desire!

And you’ll discover how to get the support and assistance you need to overcome any challenges and obstacles, without feeling exhausted or drained.

If you’re a parent, you’ll find out how your child can use these tools too. And if you’re conceiving, how you can communicate with your unborn child!

Like the Law of Attraction, you’ll learn how to truly attract and manifest anything in your life you desire.

This life-changing interview is chock full of powerful advice to getting the support, love, and strength you need, all by journeying on the inside.

Plus powerful easy meditation techniques!

Aleya Dao – Seven Cups of Consciousness – Questions Include

  1. How do we cultivate a deeper level of inner connection?
  2. How to connect with your breathe to ground in the present
  3. What is your higher self?
  4. Why the physical dimension is a reflection of your higher realms
  5. How do you name your higher self?
  6. How to pull yourself into your divine line
  7. How to ask your higher self for anything
  8. How to see it and believe it on a higher realm and reflect it on the water of this existence.
  9. What is “the team”
  10. What it means to be in a positive, supportive energy field or environment
  11. How do we tell what’s our voice, our higher self’s voice, and our team’s voice?
  12. How to unplug and respond more slowly via email.
  13. How to activate self-love
  14. Why it’s so important and how to reconnect with our bodies
  15. How to learn how to value ourselves on a soul level
  16. How valuing our soul can bring us greater prosperity
  17. Commit to yourself and your light (like an oxygen mask) before you help someone else
  18. How do we improve our finances through our higher self.

For more info visit:

Learn How to Connect To Your Higher Self, Call In Help & Get Spiritual Guidance to Heal, Manifest & Make It Through the Day - Experience Greater Happiness & Lead Your Greatest Life! Aleya Dao | Inspiration | Spirituality | Meditation | Self-Help

Nov 29, 2015

Today we have a beautiful meditation to help with increasing peace, calm, inner connection and decreasing anxiety. This meditation is led by our recent guest Aleya Dao, author of 7 Cups of Consciousness.

To hear her interview, or more meditations from me, or our guests, visit our Inspire Nation Show, or

And if you like this meditation, please do us a HUGE favor and Rate and Review our Show. It’s the #1 way to help support the show, and help others to find the show. Thank you so much!

I Send Love. I send Light. And many many blessings your way. Namaste.

For More Info Visit:

Beautiful Meditation For Increasing Peace, Calm, Inner Connection & Decreasing Anxiety by Aleya Dao, Author of 7 Cups of Consciousness. Connect to Your Higher Self & Higher Realms for Guidance, Support, Health and Relaxation | Spirituality | Self-Help

Nov 28, 2015

Are you or you’re loved one tired, weak, foggy brained, or have a long-term illness or condition that’s been diagnosed, misdiagnosed, or that you just can’t a straight answer about?

Well if so, then do we have the show for you!

Today we’ll be talking with Anthony William, The Medical Medium, and author of what I am sure will be a New York Times runaway best-seller Medical Medium.

We’ll talk about healing others, his path, and most importantly, why modern medicine may have it wrong when it comes to so many conditions. We’ll discuss everything from ADHD to Autism, Adrenal Fatigue to Hypothyroidism, Chronic Illness, Leaky Gut Syndrome, Lupus, Lyme Disease, Digestive Disorder, Menapause and Migraines, Diabetes and so much more.

On top of that we’ll talk about what car repair and healing have in common, why going to the movies can REALLY be scary, the unique benefit of cemeteries, and how August was saved from the Icy Cold!

Anthony William – Medical Medium Questions and Topics Include:

  1. Who was the mysterious visitor at 4 years of age?
  2. What he had to do at gravesites at 8.
  3. What being a caddy and a stock boy had to do with anything.
  4. How to know you’re working for a higher power.
  5. Why are mystery illnesses so prevalent today?
  6. Why there’s no such thing as an “auto-immune” disorder, but hidden illness
  7. Why Epstein-Barr is the hidden illness behind so many auto-immune disorders.
  8. How to help your thyroid and why it’s often misdiagnosed
  9. The healing power of many foods
  10. Why diet fads don’t work
    1. Atkins
    2. High Fat / Low Carb
  11. The best way to heal from Type 1, Type 2 Diabetes, and Hypoglycemia
  12. Adrenal Fatigue
  13. Attention Deficit Disorder & Autism
    1. Heavy metals in the canal in our brain (between the hemispheres)
  14. The Danger of Fish Oils

For More Info Visit:

Learn How to Heal from Mystery Illnesses, Chronic Conditions & Auto-Immune Disorders! Runaway Best-Selling Author Anthony William, Medical Medium | Hypothyroidism, Diabetes, Lupus, MS, Leaky Gut, Migraines & More! Health | Spirituality | Self-Help

Nov 28, 2015

This is part two of our interview with Anthony William, the Medical Medium.

Today we’ll be talking about Candia, Migranes, PTSD, Depression, the Truth about Menopause, the most important foods to eat, how to heal your gut, remove heavy metals, why fruit’s got a bad rap, and much, much more!

So sit back, have fun, enjoy the show, and shine bright!

Anthony William – Medical Medium – Part 2 – Questions & Topics Include:

  1. Where the candida craze came from
  2. Why we shouldn’t be afraid of candida
  3. Why streptococcus, e-coli, and c-dif that are responsible for many health problems
  4. The different paths which lead to Migraines and what to do about it.
  5. Healing from PTSD, Depression, and other Micro-Trauma’s to our minds
  6. The truth behind Menopause
  7. How pesticides and radiation led to a health crisis in women
  8. Healing your Gut
  9. Micronutrients on fresh farm picked or wild-picked vegetables
  10. How do we start to get toxins and metals out of the body
  11. Why Chlorella is an “irresponsible algae” and not the solution to remove metals.
  12. Why frozen wild blueberries are so good at removing heavy metals
  13. Why main atlantic Dulse is so good at removing metals.
  14. Why Hawaiian Spirulina is so important
  15. Plus why cilantro is so important in removing heavy metals
  16. Where fruit fear came from and why fruit isn’t the danger we think it is.
  17. Why Fruit is Your Friend
  18. The danger of “natural flavors”
  19. What’s lurking naturally in eggs, even organic eggs.
  20. Why you should be cautious about eating seasonal.
  21. Why we want to give our kids more fruits, veggies, and especially leafy greens.
  22. What are soul-healing meditations?

Learn How to Heal from Mystery Illnesses, Chronic Conditions & Auto-Immune Disorders! Runaway Best-Selling Author Anthony William, Medical Medium | Hypothyroidism, Diabetes, Lupus, MS, Leaky Gut, Migraines & More! Health | Spirituality | Self-Help

Nov 28, 2015

Today we have a very short sunset meditation led by Anthony William our recent guest and best-selling author of Medical Medium. This is a fantastic practice to restore faith, trust, to help you sleep easier at night, and help you relax during your evening hours. I’ve done this practice for years and have found it incredibly empowering…I call the sunset my vitamin time, and whether I’m watching the sunset, or far removed, when I feel the sun is setting I stop and take pause.

If you like this meditation, please do us a huge favor and rate and review our show on iTunes. It’s the number one way to show your support, and it helps others to find the show. Of course, please also share the show with your friends and help spread the word. Thank you so much!

To hear our recent interview with Anthony William or more meditations from me, or our guests, please visit our Inspire Nation Show or

I send love. I send light. And many, many blessings your way.


Fantastic Short Meditation & Practice You Can Do Daily to Feel Grounded, Restore Trust & Faith in the World, Relax & Get Your Bearings - A perfect meditation to catch your breath daily! Anthony William | Inspiration | Spirituality | Healing | Self-Help


Nov 27, 2015

Do you want to bring more positivity to the world, to help your friends, co-workers, or even husband or wife to shine bright?

Well if so, or if you ever wished the world was a brighter place, then do we have the show for you!

Today we’ll be talking with Michelle Gielan, national CBS News anchor turned positive psychology researcher, and the bestselling author of Broadcasting Happiness.

Michelle is the Founder of the Institute for Applied Positive Research and is partnered with Arianna Huffington to study how transformative stories fuel success.

She is an Executive Producer of "The Happiness Advantage" Special on PBS and a featured professor in Oprah's Happiness course.

Today we’ll talk about the positive side of the news, and the power we all have to ignite and create positive change and how we can all broadcast happiness.

We’ll look at power leads, digging for gold, how to go viral, why optimists do it better, the importance of a one-handed clap, why you CAN get pregnant after age 35 and how Dolly the Llama can help you land your dream job.

Topics and Questions for Michelle Gielan Include:

  1. What do orange frogs have to do with optimism?
  2. Why interviewing the Dalai Lama…or Dolly the Lama is so important.
  3. Why we’re all broadcasters and the importance of the messages we chose to broadcast
  4. How our communication and what we broadcast affects others.
  5. Is negative news harmful?
  6. Why it’s the quantity of negative stories that makes us feel helpless.
  7. Study with Arianna Huffington and Researcher Shawn Achor highlights the danger of just 3 minutes of negative news
  8. Why being ostrich-ized isn’t the way to go!
  9. How to get a solutions focused mindset
  10. How stress can be a positive
  11. The importance of being empowered in your position, such as what was recently discussed by Robin Sharma and Jon Gordon
  12. What is a Power Lead?
  13. Who is the happiest woman in the world?
  14. Why optimists have more fun
  15. The miraculous turn-around of Sunny-Side High School
  16. How to change your negative thinking
  17. What are ways to get great conversations going?
    1. What does “digging for gold” mean?
    2. What is “shifting your focus”?
    3. Using the “next best”
    4. The “what else” or “Columbo” question
  18. The power of fact checking
    1. The inspiring story of Joe Stone
  19. Why stories don’t always serve and empower us
  20. The reality of pregnancy after 35
  21. How to habitualize the fact-checking process
  22. Who was negative Norm and why does he call us 500 billion dollars?
  23. What are three positive habits you can do at work?
    1. The power of the 2 minute email
    2. The power of the smiling initiative
  24. The power of the word “together”
  25. The power of celebrating and reliving the big and small stuff with everyone
  26. Transformational Journalism and a Project with Arianna Huffington and her book Thrive
  27. How studies show the world is not nearly as negative as we hear from the news
  28. Why more positive content is better for advertisers!
  29. Why future advertisers need to seek out Inspire Nation!

Discover the Power of Positivity to Quickly Transform Your Life Business & Career from Former CBS News Anchor & Positivity Researcher Michelle Gielan Who’s Partnered With Oprah, The White House & Top Companies Around the Globe! Inspiration | Self-Help 

Nov 27, 2015

Today we have a very simple, short, positivity meditation, to help you rewire your mind and transform your day. You can do this anytime of the day, but I recommend it first thing in the morning, and first thing after you get in the office at work. You can also do this first thing after you come home from work, or any time of the day!

This meditation goes great with today’s guest Michelle Gielan, former CBS News Anchor, Positivity Researcher and a Partner on a Positivity Program with Oprah.

To hear Michelle’s interview or more meditations from me, or our guests, visit our Inspire Nation Show or

They say gratitude and fear, or for that matter gratitude and unhappiness, cannot co-exist together, it’s called cognitive dissonance, a fancy way to say you can’t love and hate at the same time.

So we’re going to pump up your cognitive dissonace to push aware fear, dis-ease, anxiety, unhappiness, or any other negative emotions and quickly replace them with positive ones.

In essence, we’re going to scan our current environment, our lives at this very time and place, and find at least ten things to be grateful for in the present. For instance, I might say I’m grateful for being healthy today. That’s perfect. Or I’m grateful for my job today. Perfect too. But not, I’m grateful for the promotion I got last year. Nope. You want it to be something that’s occurring in this present moment or that’s just taken place…

Perfect Daily Gratitude Meditation to Help You Rewire Your Mind for Greater Relaxation & Positivity in All Circumstances. Helps Replace AM Negativity With Positive Energy for Your Day! Mindfulness | Inspiration | Motivation | Spirituality | Self-Help

For More Info Visit:

Nov 26, 2015

Tis the season now, for shopping, parties, family, loved-ones and sometimes long-lines, unhappy campers, sometimes, overwhelming stress.

If this sounds like your life right now, don’t worry, you’re not alone, but do we have the show for you!

Today we’ll be talking with Mindfulness Expert and Podcaster Bruce Langford, who has the Mindfulness Mode Podcast and co-authored a chapter of the Success Code with Brian Tracy.

We’ll talk about breathing into your days, staying in the now, and how you can use mindfulness to move past the chaos and stress this time of the year often brings.

Plus we’ll talk a bit about bullying, what really happened to Rudolph, and how Santa stood up for his elves!

Topics and Questions Include:

  1. How do you stay sane during the holiday season?
  2. How did you get into Mindfulness?
  3. How did you start the Mindfulness Mode podcast?
  4. How can one use mindfulness for stressful situations –or as a child to prevent bullying?
  5. How do you bring gratitude into your day?
  6. Why gratitude and fear can not co-exist in the same place at the same time.
  7. How to build up the confidence muscle or build your success gene.
  8. Why is the breath so important?
  9. Why are mantras so important?
  10. The power of brainwashing yourself!
  11. How do you stay centered ---the eye of the storm--- even when there’s craziness around?
  12. What’s the power of a staircase?
  13. How Pat Flynn, smartpassiveincome makes every moment count
  14. Why Wayne Dyer’s words mean so much.
  15. The importance of embracing our humanity
  16. Mindfulness tips for parents and their kids
  17. Why experiences with our kids matter more than gifts
  18. What it means to go Gazunga!
  19. The power of a kind word
  20. The power of a lead in.
  21. The power of laughter

For More Info Visit:

Discover How to Stay Happy, Joyful & Sane, Over the Hectic & Crazy Holiday Season Through Simple Mindfulness Tips! Bruce Langford, Host Mindfulness Mode Podcast | Inspiration | Motivation | Career | Meditation | Spirituality | Thanksgiving | Self-Help

Nov 26, 2015

Today we have a very special relaxation and gratitude meditation, which is so important during this holiday time of year. This meditation is led by Bruce Langford, Host of the Mindfulness Mode Podcast, and today’s guest on our shoe.

To hear Bruce’s interview, or more meditations from me, or our guests, Visit our Inspire Nation Show or

And if you like this meditation please do us a HUGE holiday favor, and rate and review our show on iTunes. It’s the #1 way to send your love our way, and to help others to find the show! Thank you so much!!!

I send love. I send light. I send patience. And many, many blessings your way. Namaste.

Peaceful Guided Gratitude Meditation To Help You Stay in a Place of Gratitude & Happiness Even Over the Holidays | Bruce Langford - Mindfulness Mode Podcast | Inspiration | Spirituality | Spiritual | Self-Help

Nov 25, 2015

Have you ever wanted to build, carve and sculpt, your greatest life? To recognize your inner potential, then pull out that hammer and get busy creating the artwork you know is inside. And have you ever wanted to sculpt something that would help others realize there greatest potential as well.

Well if so, then do we have the show for you!

Today we’ll be talking with Jon Gordon, best-selling author, inspirational speaker, a craftsman and a builder of dreams.

Today we’ll discuss The Carpenter an inspiration story that has me on fire!

For it’s a story about achieving our greatest success, and that success comes from helping others achieve theirs!

So today we’ll talk about become craftsman of our lives, about learning the true meaning behind the words love, serve, and care, and how we can work toward mastery that includes helping others.

That plus what it means to be be a servant leader and how we can each be a CCO or a Chief Caring Officer of our own company!

Topics and Questions Include:

Jon Gordon

  1. How do you lead a life by design, while still letting go for a higher power to guide you?
  2. Why sometimes you have to lose a goal to find your destiny.
  3. What guides you toward your passion?
  4. How do you step back to be open for miracles?
  5. What’s the importance of walks of gratitude and prayer?
  6. How to find calm and peace amidst the chaos.
  7. Why pioneers seem crazy.
  8. How to live from the soul and live from a place of power.
  9. Why you should never live from outside in, but live inside out.
  10. What is “The Way”
  11. What does it mean to love, serve, and care.
  12. Why building a business by focusing on loving, serving, and caring one person at a time builds a more successful business—and can help change the world!
  13. Why success is about collaboration.
  14. “If you could live your life over again, what would you do differently?”
  15. Why touching others is truly living a legacy?
  16. Can fear be pushed out by being focused on others?
  17. Why you can love fear for helping you get back on track.
  18. Circumstances do not determine how you feel, your feelings come from your thoughts.
  19. Why failure is not meant to define you, but to refine you – and how failure can be a gift.
  20. Why love, serve, and care is really the key to grit.
  21. Why you aren’t a true success unless you’re helping others be successful.
  22. What is the power of generosity?
  23. Why life is not about what you get but about what you give.
  24. Why you can never out give God or the Universe?
  25. Law of Abundance in Giving to Others – The Secret is becoming a conduit to give away.
  26. How to help kids discover their unique gifts and talents for what they were meant to be, not what we want them to be.
  27. Don’t chase success, decide to make a difference and success will chase after you.
  28. Focus on your why.
  29. Discover your ultimate core and live from there, which is living from true power.

For more info visit

Timeless Principles to Help You Standout, Excel & Make an Impact on People & In the World. And Why Helping Others Drives Your Success! Jon Gordon | Inspiration | Motivation | Spirituality | Business | Career | Law of Attraction | The Secret | Self-Help

Nov 25, 2015

Tomorrow’s Thanksgiving in the US and many countries around the globe. Which means today is one of the craziest travel days of the year! So to help people get through this crazy day, we have a super-simple and relaxing GROUNDING meditation. This meditation can be done anytime of the day, anywhere you’re at, though I wouldn’t recommend it while driving or operating heavy machinery. But it’ll help you get grounded, stop the world from spinning, and bring the craziness down, to a much saner level. That, and it’ll give you a giant AHHHHHH of relief.

If you like this meditation please do us a HUGE favor and rate it and review it on iTunes. It’s the number one way to send your love and help others to find the show! Of course, we also love your feedback, so please send us emails at It helps keep us going in the middle of the night!

To hear more meditations from me, or our guests, visit our Inspire Nation Show or

We send love. We send light. And many many blessings your way. Namaste!

Okay, you can do this meditation, sitting, standing, or laying down, though I prefer sitting for this one.

I want to take you to a very special place, either you own special place, or one of mine. We’re going to keep it really simple. Is there a tree in your home town, or where you’re at, perhaps at a local park, or in your yard, where you like to sit down, relax, and catch your breath for a minute or two?

Maybe it’s a tree from your schoolyard in childhood, or in college, or one you see people hanging at while walking on your way to work.

For me, there’s a local tree in a park nearby. I call it the tree spirit, because maybe thirty years ago, someone tacked two eyes and a nose on the tree with some nails. So it looks like a wise old elf, has grown right out of the tree.

I visit it every chance I can, sit under the tree spirit, and just breathe.

There’s so much wisdom in the tree. So much patience. So much strength. And so much grounding force.

Okay, do you have a favorite tree in mind.

So what I’d like you to do is go to that tree now in your minds eye.

Sit under it, or lay under it. Feel the ground beneath you, maybe the bark against your back. Put your hands in your lap, or better still, put your hands directly on the earth, and breathe in, nice, and slow and deep, through the nose...

Beautiful Simple Relaxing and Grounding Guided Meditation to Help Keep You Calm & Centered During this Stressful & Travel Time of the Year. Feel the Bliss & the Ahhhhhh. Michael Sandler | Inspiration | Inner-Peace | Mindfulness | Health | Self-Help

Nov 24, 2015

Today we have a very short, sweet, and incredibly relaxing meditation. This is one I use frequently in my life, for I’m often stuck up late at night in edits, making meditations, and getting things uploaded. This means I need to get into the most relaxed, rested place I can to get the most quality rest out of my sleep, and any down time I have. And that’s Why I Came up with the Rest and Relax Meditation.

It’s super simple, you can do it anytime of the day, and I like it best, while in bed before dozing off, and first thing in the morning to set the tone for the day.

If you like this meditation please do us a favor, and Rate and Review our show on iTunes. It’s the #1 to show your love, and support the show. And most importantly, it helps others to find the show…which earns you HUGE great karma points!

To hear more meditations from me, or our guests, visit our Inspire Nation Show, or

Okay, this is one of those very simple, yet super powerful meditations. I’ve been using it quite frequently lately, and after recording, editing, and uploading it here tonight, I’ll be using it myself as I’m going to sleep. This one’s great for programming body, mind and soul for a great night’s rest, or for a soothing morning, even if you’re a bit short on sleep. And it’s fantastic for calming the nervous system, any time of the day.

I think this is the simplest meditation I’ve shared so far on Inspire Nation.

You’ll simply breathe nice, slow, and deep, down to the belly, in and out through the nose, while repeating the simplest of mantra’s, out loud, or in your head. For myself, last night for example. I practiced this in my head until I feel asleep, and then I awoke way too early for a long day ahead, I was still repeating the mantra, and I felt great, and refreshed. That’s the power of the word, the power of meditation, and the power of a fantastic mantra….oh yeah, it’s also, quite literally the power of love.

And so, as you’re breathing deep, silently or out loud, I want you to repeat, relax….love. Relax…love.Relax Love.

So I’ll do this with you for a few short minutes, but of course, feel free to continue as long as you’d like.

I send love. I send light. And many, many blessings your way. Namaste.

Beautiful Relaxation Meditation to Help You Relax, Recharge, or Even Fall Asleep - Perfect After A Long Day, A Short Night, or Anywhere In-Between. Soothing & Recharging. Michael Sandler | Mindfulness | Spritiuality | Inspiration | Love | Self-Help

Nov 23, 2015

Hi Everyone, Jessica Lee here, your co-host on Inspire Nation!

If you’ve ever needed more courage or determination to get through the tough stuff, start a new venture, or simply to let your inner spirit shine, then do we have the show for you.

Today I’ll be interviewing my co-host, loving husband and courageous Inspire Nation Leader for ou our show.

If you caught last weeks show you heard us talk a bit about us starting Inspire Nation. Well today we’re going to dive more into the nitty-gritty side of things. How you keep going when the going’s tough. How to know when to say when, and how in the world you can summon the courage to climb your own Everest, literally or figuratively.

That, plus the importance of signs, and synchronicities, and knowing when to get out of your own way!

Show Notes and Questions:

  1. Michael have you always been courageous?
  2. What’s the importance of going after things and sticking with them?
  3. Learning to trust your own inner voice or inner belief rather than what others teach you.
  4. Learning that other people’s opinions are not the opinions that mattered
  5. How to move past your internal wiring or a lack of self-confidence
  6. Childhood Theme: Unwilling to Believe that I couldn’t.
  7. What is the definition of Courage?
  8. Why Yoda does NOT have all the answers.
  9. Why trying is much harder than doing.
  10. Why it’s so important to let others know what you’re going to do.
  11. Having the faith to step into the ambiguity
  12. Anita Moorjani – Dying to Be Me – Allowance Over Law of Attraction
  13. The Secret and taking steps into the unknown
  14. Why it’s so important to opening up to possibilities
  15. Why you should never say “let’s blow things out.”
  16. Derek Rydall – be open to possibilities that are greater than you could ever have imagined.
  17. Why pushing ahead at all costs (being the locomotive) is NOT being courageous, but may just be insanity.
  18. Why other people’s opinions are none of your business
  19. Why telling your parents may not be the best idea!
  20. Why the answers come from sudden insights, rather than intellect.
  21. How to follow your heart, but listen to your mind!!! Particularly when it comes to crossing the road.
  1. Would you say courage is something you’re born with, like a talent, or can we develop it?
    1. It’s like a muscle the more you use it, the stronger it gets!
      1. It’s the small steps toward confidence, trying things out, doing, and achieving in little ways that help you develop courage.
      2. So in many ways it’s the small steps that are most important!
    2. What do you mean by have both feet in or being fully committed?
      1. Courage only comes when we’re firmly committed to outcome
      2. Example? one foot in – Barefoot Walking Book Tour – never had full belief in it if I was honest with myself. Wanted it to work. Head was in on the game, but gut was doing flip-flops. So never fully set myself up for success.
      3. How is Inspire Nation Different?
        1. Full in 100%
      4. Where does passion come into play with this?
        1. Can you give an example where you need passion to keep you going?
      5. Why is passion so important?
        1. Example of passion helping you through?
        2. What’s the difference between extrinsic and intrinsic goals.
          1. Wanting a car, accolades, or even money in the bank isn’t true passion, that’s an extrinsic goal, or something outside of yourself. When you’re exhausted in the middle of the night, it’s never about the toys.
          2. But how it makes you feel, or how it’d make you feel to take care of your family, or make your heart sing…the emotions it brings out, that’s more of an intrinsic reason and that can get you through your darkest hours.
        3. Where does passion come from?
          1. Heart in alignment with highest power
            1. Alignment – alignment with your highest potential, using your talents and gifts, alignment with God, with positivity, with positive emotions, with your higher self, with what you hear in your quietest moments.
          2. Being in the flow and using your gifts

For more info visit

For More HOW TO'S on Courage, be sure to check out Part Two!!!

Inspiration | Motivation | Courage | Spirituality | Spiritual | Inspire Nation | Health | Self-Help

Nov 23, 2015

Hi Everyone, Welcome back, I’m your co-host Jessica Lee. Today we’re talking about courage, what it is, how to get it, and when to use it. In part one my co-host and loving husband Michael Sandler and I talked about what is Courage. Now we’ll talk about how get some, and how to go for it!!!

Get ready to get courageous!

Well welcome to the show Michael, are you ready to shine???

Questions / Topics Include:

  1. Would you say courage is something you’re born with, like a talent, or can we develop it?
    1. It’s like a muscle the more you use it, the stronger it gets!
      1. It’s the small steps toward confidence, trying things out, doing, and achieving in little ways that help you develop courage.
      2. So in many ways it’s the small steps that are most important!
    2. What do you mean by have both feet in or being fully committed?
      1. Courage only comes when we’re firmly committed to outcome
      2. Example? one foot in – Barefoot Walking Book Tour – never had full belief in it if I was honest with myself. Wanted it to work. Head was in on the game, but gut was doing flip-flops. So never fully set myself up for success.
      3. How is Inspire Nation Different?
        1. Full in 100%
      4. Where does passion come into play with this?
        1. Can you give an example where you need passion to keep you going?
      5. Why is passion so important?
        1. Example of passion helping you through?
        2. What’s the difference between extrinsic and intrinsic goals.
          1. Wanting a car, accolades, or even money in the bank isn’t true passion, that’s an extrinsic goal, or something outside of yourself. When you’re exhausted in the middle of the night, it’s never about the toys.
          2. But how it makes you feel, or how it’d make you feel to take care of your family, or make your heart sing…the emotions it brings out, that’s more of an intrinsic reason and that can get you through your darkest hours.
        3. Where does passion come from?
          1. Heart in alignment with highest power
            1. Alignment – alignment with your highest potential, using your talents and gifts, alignment with God, with positivity, with positive emotions, with your higher self, with what you hear in your quietest moments.
          2. Being in the flow and using your gifts
        4. How important is believing in the project or what you’re doing?
          1. It’s almost a non-question, if you don’t believe in it, then no matter how much money it may bring you (like Mike Stemple and his Wet T-Shirt in a bottle) there’s NO point in starting.
        5. Do you need skills to follow your passion?
          1. Skills can be learned, if willing to put in the time…again comes back to passion.
          2. Do you focus on your weaknesses or your strengths?
        6. Did you always have great speaking abilities or abilities on the mic?
        7. How does focus help you be courageous?
        8. How important to you is faith?
        9. Would you consider courage a spiritual act?
          1. Can you use the example of Inspire Nation?
          2. What’s the current challenge with Inspire Nation?
        10. How do you move past the fear?
          1. Keep doing the real “work”
          2. What’s the real work?
            1. Meditation and mindfulness
            2. Prayer
  • Gratitude
  1. Affirmations
  1. How do you know when to say when?
    1. When you’re pushing through not out of courage, but out of fear…courage and fear are very distinct…one’s head, one’s heart. Heart knows if what you’re doing is right nor not, but the head, that’ll keep us pushing through, even into a brick wall.
  2. What do you mean by do something that’s greater than yourself
  3. What does it mean to let go, and why is it so important for courage?
  4. How does love play a role in courage
    1. Relationships
    2. Family
    3. Self-Love
  5. What do you do when you’re stuck, panicked or running short of courage?
  6. Where does humor come into the equation?
  7. You talk about diet affecting courage, what do you mean by this?
  8. How important are affirmations or mantras?
    1. Can you give an example?
  9. In the intro you mentioned signs and synchronicities, how does that fit into the equation (or how do signs and synchronicities give you courage???)
  10. Any last Thoughts?
  11. Don’t listen to others,
  12. Be true to yourself, no matter what, that’s where the real courage comes from.
  13. Don’t take things too seriously,

Be Inspired & Learn How to Cultivate Courage Beginning Today to Make BIG Changes & Lead the Life of Your Dreams! We All Have Greatness Inside - Now You’ll Bring it Out! Michael Sandler & Jessica Lee | Inspiration | Motivation | Spirituality | Self-Help

Nov 23, 2015

This is a great meditation to do before you walk, run, or as a reset-button in the middle of the day. It’s a great way to get back into your body, to feel how you’re doing, and to shut off a racing monkey-mind. It helps you become more present, more aware of your thoughts, and to start to strengthen your mental muscles to control the incessant chatter. You’ll become more aware of thoughts, and better able to let them go.

And focusing on the breath, you’ll feel more energy and more at peace.

Relax as you learn to connect with your breath as you quiet your mind. You’ll feel greater energy, more at peace, and more centered in your body.


For more guided meditations check out our Inspire Nation Show and

Beautiful Relaxing Mindfulness Meditation Following the Breathe, Cultivating Awareness & Helping the Mind Go Silent - Perfect anytime of the day | Inspiration | Motivation | Spirituality | Healing | Health | Self-Help

Nov 22, 2015

Today we’ll be talking with Dr. Sue Johnson, ground-breaking researcher, author, clinical psychologist, and leading innovator in the field of couple therapy. She is the primary developer of Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy (EFT) and the best-selling author of Hold Me Tight, and her latest book Love Sense: The Revolutionary New Science of Romantic Relationships.

Today we’re going to get down and dirty, talk about the tough stuff, what love is, what it isn’t, how to cultivate love, and what to do when love’s gone wrong. That plus survival of the nurtured over survival of the fittest, why attachments a GOOD thing, oxytocin, the cuddle hormone, why happy rats do the backstroke, and why we have things backwards when it comes to sex.

Well welcome to the show Sue, are you ready to shine?

Okay, before we dive right in, I’ve got to ask, is it great sex that builds strong relationships, or strong relationships that build great sex?

Topics and Questions Include:

  1. Is it sex that makes great love, or love that makes great sex?
  2. Why Love Sense is a warning, a revelation, and a promise
  3. How the “Code of Love” has been cracked
  4. Why Facebook’s killing romance!
  5. Why Love is not a mixture of sex and sentimentality, but an ancient wired-in survival code.
  6. Why society has it wrong when it comes to standing on your own two feet.
  7. Why Gorillas don’t hang out alone
  8. And why intelligent Gorillas check out things TOGETHER.
    1. And why only the idiot Gorilla’s go it on their own!
  9. The science behind love and humans as social beings
  10. Why Darwin never said it’s “survival of the species”
  11. Why it’s instead Survival of the Most Nurtured
  12. Why women getting shocked is a good thing!
  13. What in the world is the Cuddle Hormone?
    1. Why you have a direct connection between sex and your nervous system
  14. Why adult love and attachment is really just an adult version of the bond between mother and child
  15. How a mountain becomes a molehill through love and attachment
  16. How Winston Churchill found true love and how that helped the world!
  17. Why we need others to give us safe haven and a secure base to go out from into the world – and how this makes us stronger!
    1. How this affects women with careers
  18. Why long-term relationships are the exception rather than the world – and what in the world we can do about it?
  19. Why big fights are never about what you think they “ARE”.
  20. What is a Hold Me Tight conversation?
  21. Why James Bond does NOT have it going on!
  22. Why we’ve got things backwards when it comes to sex!
  23. Why Wailing Monkey Clasping Tree isn’t quite the way for optimal sex!
  24. Why sex novelties aren’t always the answer.
  25. What dramatically helps you for the bedroom!
  26. How tuning in and safety and tuning in leads to erotic play
  27. Why good sex is an enormous act of coordination!
  28. What assembling Ikea furniture and great sex have in common!
  29. How to find passion again and again – rather than keep it on ice!
  30. Online Pornography, the “porn trap” and sex addiction.
  31. To save the World read Hold Me Tight and Love Sense!


Nov 22, 2015

Today we have an exceptionally simple yet all-powerful meditation designed to help you relax and bring more love into your life. This meditation goes great with today’s guest, Dr. Sue Johnson, one of the world’s leading authorities on love, romance, and happy couples.

You can do this meditation anytime of the day, and I recommend doing it as much as you possibly can. This has been a very powerful healing meditation and mantra in my life, particularly whenever the going has been tough. For I haven’t always been the positive guy you see here, and I needed a lot of rewiring work myself.
And this meditation, is all about positive rewiring!

If you like this meditation, please do us a HUGE favor, and share your love, by rating and reviewing our show on iTunes. It’s the #1 way to help us, and to help more people to find the show. Thank YOU so much.

And to listen to Dr. Sue Johnson’s interview, or more meditations by me or our guests, visit our inspire nation show or

I send love. I send light. And many, many blessings your way. Namaste.

Okay, this is perhaps the simplest meditation I’ll be leading so far, but it’s also quite likely the most powerful. For this is the one where it all begins. To bring more love into our lives, we need to love ourselves more first.

This requires burning new messages into our minds, or pressing new grooves into the record that plays over and over again in our heads.

Unless you’ve ascended, chances are there are still some negative messages rolling around like marbles. I know for myself, I had a TON of them, and like you still have some to work on myself.

But where it all begins is self love. When we truly love ourselves, we can love another, we attract more love into our lives, and attract incredible positive experiences and outcomes.

It all comes from the love.

So today we’ll be burning a new self-love record.

We’ll be repeating a very simple self-love mantra over and over again.

Now you don’t need to believe what you’re saying, in order for positive benefits to take place.

Let me repeat that. You don’t have to believe it. Just keep repeating the mantra. It’ll raise your energy levels, raise your vibrations, and over time, you can’t help but begin to believe it!

I recommend doing this every day for at least a month. Commit to it for yourself. Wake up, roll over, and practice 3 to 5 minutes of this I Love Myself Meditation.

So how do you do it? Well, I’ll have you repeat along with me, the simple words I Love Myself. At the same time, you’ll breath nice and slow as your right hand massages your chest in a circular motion clockwise (up inside, down outside) on your chest, or tapping your chest right above the heart with your first and second finger. It’ super-simple, looks pretty silly, and amazingly effective. I swear by it, and it’s dramatically helped me rewrite some toxic wiring in my mind...

Incredibly Powerful Relaxation & Self-Love Guided Meditation Designed to Help Rewire the Mind for Positivity, Love, Happiness & Courage! This One is a Life-Changer!!! Michael Sandler | Inspiration | Motivation | Spirituality | Spiritual | Self-Help

Nov 21, 2015

If you’ve ever wondered what detoxing’s all about, or why so many people are doing it, talking about it, or even running kicking and screaming from it, then do we have the show for you!

Today we’re airing an interview from last year’s Mindful Running Program with Dr. Kalpna Ranadive talking about all things detox, from the air, food, water, the skin, the mouth, and, well, everywhere else. Plus she’ll talk about tooth health, ozone therapy ayurvedic nutrition, the safest water to drink, plus key food ingredients you can’t live without!

If you’re looking to upgrade your health, overcome injury or illness, or keep your teeth healthy for life, then this is the show for you!

So be well, have fun, enjoy the show, and above all else, shine bright!!!

Topics Include:

1. Detoxing through the Breath

2. Detoxing through the Mouth

3. Detoxing through your Skin

4. Oil Pulling

5. Sweat

6. The Power of Ohm, Breath Counts & Ancient Meditation

7. Breath work for detox purposes

8. Alkaline Water

9. Pesticides

10. Organic Foods

For More Info:

Learn How To Detox Through Your Breath, Body, Food & Skin For Total Health With Ancient Ayurvedic Wisdom - Plus the Best Way to Keep Your Teeth Healthy for a Lifetime!!! Dr. Kalpna Ranadive | Medicine | Healing | Inspiration | Spirituality | Self-Help | Inspire Nation


Nov 21, 2015

This is Part 2 of our fascinating interview with Dr. Kalpna Ranadive on all things detox, dental, and ayurvedic nutrition and health related. Yes, that’s a lot of health topics for one show!

So welcome back, enjoy the show, and above all else, Shine Bright!

If you’ve ever wondered what de-toxing’s all about, or why so many people are doing it, talking about it, or even running kicking and screaming from it, then do we have the show for you!

Today we’re airing an interview from last year’s Mindful Running Program with Dr. Kalpna Ranadive talking about all things detox, from the air, food, water, the skin, the mouth, and, well, everywhere else. Plus she’ll talk about tooth health, ozone therapy ayurvedic nutrition, the safest water to drink, plus key food ingredients you can’t live without!

If you’re looking to upgrade your health, overcome injury or illness, or keep your teeth healthy for life, then this is the show for you!

So be well, have fun, enjoy the show, and above all else, shine bright!!!

Topics Include:

1. Detoxing through the Breath

2. Detoxing through the Mouth

3. Detoxing through your Skin

4. Oil Pulling

5. Sweat

6. The Power of Ohm, Breath Counts & Ancient Meditation

7. Breath work for detox purposes

8. Alkaline Water

9. Pesticides

10. Organic Foods

For More Info:

Learn How To Detox Through Your Breath, Body, Food & Skin For Total Health With Ancient Ayurvedic Wisdom - Plus the Best Way to Keep Your Teeth Healthy for a Lifetime!!! Dr. Kalpna Ranadive | Medicine | Healing | Inspiration | Spirituality | Self-Help | Inspire Nation

Nov 21, 2015

Today we have a very relaxing, healing, and detoxing Pranayama meditation that goes great with today’s interview with Dr. Kalpna Ranadive on Detoxing and Ayurvedic Medicine and Healing Wisdom.

You can do this meditation anytime of the day, and virtually anywhere, it helps promote greater concentration, boosts your energy levels, and at the same quiets the mind.

You can start with as little as one minute of this meditation and gradually build up from there. You can even work to extend your breath, holding longer, and releasing longer over time.

If you like this meditation, please do us a huge favor and rate and review our show on Itunes. It’s the #1 way you can show your support. Of course, we also LOVE getting your emails, particularly late at night when we’re burning the midnight oil to get out the shows for the new day.

Thanks so much for your love and support!

To check out Dr. Ranadive’s interview or hear more great meditations from me, or our guests, visit our inspire nation show or

I send love. I send light. And many, many blessings your way. Namaste. Woo Hoo!

Alright, this is a very simple yet powerful meditation. I’ve been doing pranayama breathing exercises for years with dramatic results for my health, and quieting my mind.

For this exercise, you’ll simply follow along with my count. To summarize, you’ll breath in for a count of four, hold for a count of seven, and release for a count of 8. Then you’ll repeat. Like I said, it’s super, super simple. Yet surprisingly effective...

Nov 20, 2015

Did you ever wish you could talk with God, that you could ask questions, and have your queries answered!

Then if so, do we have the show for you!

No, today we’re not going to be talking with God, but boy would that be a show.

We are however, going to be talking with Beth Banning, best-selling author of Interviewed by God: A Journey to Freedom.

We’ll talk about communicating with God, or how to turn inwards, and listen to our own inner wisdom. And we’ll talk about the incredible inspiration and freedom one can find, by taking a journey on the inside.

Of course, we’ll also talk about turtles, crows, kundalini rising, and what in the world Pizza Chicken and unicorns have to do with enlightenment!

Beth Banning Show Notes

  1. What do Unicorns and Synchronicities Have in Common?
  2. Did you have a close encounter with a dolphin?
  3. What was life like before you had an inner knowing?
    1. Everything we’re seeking is right here within
  4. What is this underlying tension that’s got us in knots?
  5. The importance of being willing to be uncomfortable
    1. Emotions are like the weather – they come and they go
    2. It just moves when we feel it – doesn’t stagnate or push buttons
      1. Buttons are just stagnant trapped energy
    3. Awareness of Freedom channels (body, mind, spirit)
      1. Are access points
      2. We are all looking for internal guidance
    4. The party is never in the cave
    5. Process of Active Imagination – Neale Donald Walsch does this – simple, beautiful process of communicating with your higher knowing.
      1. If it’s a negative thought, that’s not God or the Higher Knowing Voice
    6. Started writing book – “send me someone to interview me…”
    7. There’s nothing to learn, just being aware of what’s always already been there
    8. How do you help people to cultivate their own awareness?
    9. There’s no such thing as a right foot in front of you, just keep going
    10. Spiritual myth: guidance will give me an end-result or the guidance isn’t working
    11. Know that you can’t know in the moment the value of the step you’ve just taken
    12. Marshal Rosenberg’s work – Non Violent Communication (NVC)
    13. What to do when your mind goes nuts
      1. Do values exercise
      2. Use discomfort as an alarm to wake you up
    14. What can I do right now to feel more peaceful, or help a person with me to feel more peaceful
    15. Everything you need, every question you have, it is all within you.

Inspire | Inspiration | Spirituality | Spiritual | Meditation | Buddhism | Non Violent Communication | Motivation | Health | Self-Help


Nov 20, 2015

Today we have a very simple, relaxing mindfulness meditation to help you clear your mind and drop your thoughts.

You can do this meditation almost any time of the day and for any length of time.

You can do it at your desk, walking, laying down, almost anything, though I wouldn’t recommend doing it while driving or operating heavy machinery.

This meditation goes well with today’s guest, Beth Banning, talking about connecting to your higher self or your inner wisdom.

To check out her interview, or hear more meditations from me or our guests, visit our inspire nation show or

And if you like this meditation, please do us a mondo-big favor and please rate and review our show on iTunes. It’s the #1 way to show your support and help people to find the show. Thank you so much!

I send love. I send light. And many, many blessings your way.

This is a super-simple four count meditation. It doesn’t get much simpler than this.

Of course, in its simplicity lies it’s beauty.

All you’re going to do is inhale for a count of four, hold for a count of four, exhale for a count of four, and hold for a count of four.

Of course, I always want you to inhale in and out through the nose, which has great health benefits, and dramatically helps relax the body.

Rather than trying to quiet the mind, try to just keep focusing on the breath. If a thought comes up, and it will, notice you’re thinking, then go right back to your breath. It’s like you’re out on a date, someone may stop by to say hi, but you’ve got you’re date, so you probably won’t invite them to the table.

Now I don’t want you to be rude, but if a thought comes up, you don’t have to it to the table either, simply go back to your date, which in this case is your breath.

Alright, are you ready to begin? I’ll give you the count, and we’ll just go for a few short minutes. Of course, feel free to continue after I stop, for as long as you’d like. The more you do this, the easier it gets, the more you’re pressing new grooves into the record of your mind, and the more relaxed, and resilient your mind becomes...

Super-Simple Relaxing Guided Mindfulness Meditation to Help You Relax, Rewire, De-Stress & Quiet the Mind. Perfect for Anytime of the Day & Almost Anywhere, Even at Work! | Inspiration | Career | Spirituality | Focus | Relaxation | Inspire | Self-Help


Nov 19, 2015

Ever wish you could upgrade your relationships…not meaning drop the one you’re with, but bring more love, kindness, compassion, and even a bit of spirituality to the table, or to the bedroom for that matter.

Well, if this sounds exciting, then do we have the show for you!

Today we’ll be talking with Best-Selling Author Lodro Rinzler, Author of The Buddha Walks Into a Bar, and co-author of How to Love Yourself…and Sometimes Other People.

Today we’ll talk about loving yourself, loving another, and spiritual advice for modern relationships, that plus slaying sharks, and what in the world bow ties and sex have to do with one another!

Interview Topics and Questions Include:

  1. What is an Open-Hearted Warrior
    1. What is a Bodhisattva
  2. What is wrong with “You Complete Me” from Jerry McGuire?
    1. We are inanately whole, just need to go down a process of discovering that
  3. How do we start loving ourselves?
    1. Gom – the process of becoming familiar
    2. Meditation – the process of becoming familiar with all that we are
      1. Helps us become familiar with our own minds, befriend ourselves, and then offer ourselves a bit of love and kindness
      2. Meditation is like taking yourself for a date.
    3. “The essence of who we are is truly loveable – what does this mean?
    4. Buddha woke up through meditation that we are innately whole as is – kind, worthy of love, brilliant, we have everything we need within us
      1. Starts with us, then we can offer our love to others
    5. How shamatha meditation helps
      1. Step by Step how to do this
    6. Why meditation is a practice
    7. Declaring we won’t date – and then the hottest people come into ourselves
      1. Coming into a place w/out neediness people show up
    8. Dating train wrecks
    9. How do we get more comfortable with ourselves?
      1. Can relax into the present moment – can just be with ourselves
      2. How we can learn to relax and be comfortable with ourselves
    10. How to let go of expectations
    11. Learn how to just be with the other person – without expectations, just enjoying the present moment with them
    12. How do we fall in love without losing ourselves?
      1. Must build a strong foundation of love so we have something to ofter
    13. What does it mean for me to be happy?
      1. Loving Kindness Practice
    14. The importance of friendship and loving your friends
    15. “Where has my love not yet reached?”
    16. Loving because we want to love
      1. Teacher Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche in his book Ruling Your World
    17. What does it mean today to get bigger with my love?
      1. Growing the ability to love, like going to the gym and building muscles
    18. What’s the difference between love, kindness, and compassion?
    19. How children crack open our love
    20. Willingness to go beyond our comfort level
    21. What do bow ties and sex have in common?
    22. Moving past how sex is portrayed in the media
    23. What the author’s friend means by “I’m okay with sluttiness, as long as it’s ethical”
      1. Work to help people or at least not hurt them
    24. What is a safe container for sex?
      1. Must be open and communicate
      2. At the base of it all, examine our intention
    25. What does it mean to love with a broken heart?
      1. His next book is around heart-break
      2. Losing someone is a very human emotion
    26. Why it’s ego-breaking instead of heart-breaking
    27. Meditation practice is a training in love

For More Information Visit:

Inspire | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Religion | Buddhism | Meditation | Mindfulness | Kindness | Compassion | Shambhala | Sex | Love | Self-Help

Nov 19, 2015

Today we have a very relaxation guided meditation to take you on a beautiful Hawaiian sea canoe adventure.

My wife Jessica and I lived in Hawaii for the last few years, and this was a treasured event I would do each Saturday morning. It was pure bliss, and a LOT of sweat.

Today you’ll get all the bliss, but not of the sweat!

If you like this meditation, please do us a HUGE favor and rate and review our show. It’s the #1 way to show your love AND help others to find the show!

To check out more meditations from me, or our guests, visit our Inspire Nation Show, or

I send love. I send light. And many, many blessings your way. Namaste.

Okay, for this meditation you can either be sitting comfortable, or laying down on your back. It’s very relaxing so we don’t want you driving, operating heavy machinery, or even a bicycle while doing this one.

Before you begin, in your mind’s eye, I’d like you to head over to the supplies shack. It’s just past the coconut tree, and pick out your favorite paddle. The t-shaped handle should be about chest high, when the paddle is touching the ground…

Beautiful, Relaxing, Hawaiian Tropical Canoeing Adventure Guided Meditation to Quiet Your Mind, Remove Your Worries, and Leave You in a Blissful State of Perfect Inner Peace - Plus Sea Turtles! Inspiration | Spirituality | Spiritual | Self-Help

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