
Inspire Nation Show with Michael Sandler

Our Goal’s to Help Change the World by Helping YOU to Shine Bright! Now one of the top self-help & spirituality shows in 193 countries w/a new inspirational, motivational, spiritual, law of attraction or health-oriented guest DAILY! Plus guided meditations! After overcoming 2 near-death accidents, Host Michael Sandler felt a calling to start a life-changing show to help you live the life of your dreams! Guests Include John Gray, Bob Proctor, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Dr. Bernie Siegel, Anthony William, Arielle Ford, and countless more! Our goal is to leave you an ear-to-ear grin and an actionable plan to achieve your goals! Get ready to live your greatest life and to Shine Bright!
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Inspire Nation Show with Michael Sandler











All Episodes
Now displaying: October, 2016
Oct 31, 2016

If you’ve ever thought ANYTHING was impossible, or the challenge was too great, then do we have the Sometimes Brilliant Show for You.

Today I’ll be talking with Larry Brilliant, pioneering physician, global philanthropist, and one of the key players in the eradication of smallpox, which has saved millions, of not a billion lives to come. He’s also the best-selling author of a brilliant new book, and a MUST read about faith or courage, Sometimes Brilliant.

And that’s just what we’ll be talking about today, about the impossible adventure of a spiritual seeker and visionary physician who helped conquer the worst disease in history.

That plus we’ll talk about the importance of juke boxes, Wavy Gravy and the Hog Farm Bus, the power of a pomegranate Ben Spock, Martin Luther King, Ram Das, time off for bad behavior, what in the world 420 and the Bhagavad-Gita Gita have to do with anything, who’s the world’s tallest white monkey, eating car tires, and what Grandma Ida and Electric punch have to do with anything.

Larry Brilliant Notes

  1. What happened with his dad and the mafia
  2. What ancient coins taught him about India
  3. How did he meet Martin Luther King Jr, and how’d he change Larry’s life
  4. What does a motorcycle ride and nitrous oxide have to do with anything
  5. Who he miraculously got into medical school
  6. What was a rescue mission to Alcatraz and who was Wovoca?
  7. What happened with Larry and Warner Brothers?
  8. Who’s Wavy Gravy and the Hog Farm Commune Bus and the Sterling Hog – and touring on the Silk Road
  9. What happened with Ram Das and Be Here Now?
  10. What was it like meeting Neem Karoli Baba – aka Mahara-ji
  11. What is the opposite of faith, and what does doubt have to do with faith

Dr Larry Brilliant Who Helped Eradicate Small Pox On Empowering Your Life To Make a Difference! TED Talk | Health | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Meditation | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

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Oct 30, 2016

If you’ve ever wondered if the answer’s in the stars, and what in the world that means anyway, then do we have the show for you.

Today I’ll be talking with astrologer Natasha Alter, about astrology 101 and discovering our path through astrology.

That plus we’ll talk about planets rising, presidential inaugurations, psychology in Stockholm, and why in the world mercury is always in retrograde.

Astrology Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. How Natasha was introduced to metaphysics & astrology
  2. What synchronicities have to do with anything?
  3. What it means to embrace the moment and trust in the experience?
  4. What’s a natal chart and why does our birth date or time matter?
  5. How long has astrology been practiced?
  6. What does timing have to do with astrology?
  7. How chart astrology is a fantastic tool for learning the power of surrender
  8. What is astro-cartography – of finding your matches to live
  9. What does activation mean?
  10. What it means to be connected
  11. What astrology has to do with time?
  12. How astrology helps you know yourself and be in alignment with you are?
  13. What’s wrong with newspaper astrology?
  14. What is mercury in retrograde and what does it mean?
  15. How does astrology help parents in general?
  16. Why chart-reading is so important for a child – and for the parents
  17. and
  18. What is the shifting of the Ages into Aquarius - what does that mean?

Natasha Alter - How Astrology Affects Our Lives, What Our Charts Mean & Even Where to Live!  Health | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Meditation | Inspirational | Motivational | Parenting | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire  

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Oct 29, 2016

If you’ve ever struggled to get healthy, lose weight, or with chronic illness or inflammation, then do we have the Healthiest Diet on the Planet, show for you.

Today I’ll be talking with Dr. John McDougall, fearless pioneer, author of several nationally best-selling books, and author of one of my new favorite diet-for-life books out there…The Healthiest Diet on the Planet.

And that’s what we’ll talk about today, why the foods you love, pizza, pancakes, potatoes and more, are the solution to preventing disease and looking and feeling at your best!

That plus we’ll talk about the protein myth, the calcium myth, why grains may be the ultimate paleo, miracle men and starchivores, natural Viagra, why the gladiators were barley men, and the irony of learning the greatest health secret in the world, from the sugar cane fields.

Health and Nutrition Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. What did the AMA do in 2015?
  2. What was going on in the food world in the mid 1960’s and how is it affecting us today?
  3. What’s the leading cause of tonsillitis?
  4. How Dr. McDougall had a stroke when he was young
  5. What he learned when doctoring multigenerational sugar-cane workers
  6. What’s the concept of ‘food poisoning’
  7. What is the ‘healthiest diet on the planet’?
  8. Why are animal products poisons?
  9. What in the world you do not want to do with your kitty cat
  10. What’s wrong with ghee or clarified butter?
  11. What’s the truth about omega fatty acids?
  12. Why there’s no such thing as a protein deficiency?
  13. Why there’s also no such thing as a calcium deficiency on a natural diet.
  14. What unique qualities have to do with business and marketing foods
  15. What is the cause of many auto-immune disorders including lupus.
  16. What’s an ideal diet for kids?
  17. What’s the recommendation for B-12 in kids and for adults?
  18. What’s the Mcdougall mobile cookbook app
  19. How you can still eat your brownies
  21. Why eating livestock is one of the best ways to help save the planet

Dr. John McDougall on The Healthiest Diet on the Planet. Get Healthy, Lose Weight Heal Illness! Health | Fitness | Nutrition | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Mindfulness | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

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Oct 28, 2016

If you’ve ever wanted to find more purpose, meaning, or direction in your life, or to live a life in full bloom, then do we have the purposeful show for you!

Today we’ll be talking with Elizabeth Murray, best know for her work tending Monet’s gardens for over 30 years and for the beautiful book Living Life in Full Bloom.

Today we’ll be talking with her about Life Mapping the process of matching your passions with your skills and talents to help you get on track and make a difference in your life, your families life, and in the world!

So today she’ll take you through the process, help you uncover your dreams, reignite your passions, and begin to see how you can get where you want to be!

That plus we’ll talk about bird feeders, binoculars, feather collections (yup, I’ve got one) and how in the world you might make bird-watching, or any other feathery habit a colorful part of your life!

Questions and Topics Include

  1. What is life-mapping?
  2. How do we live on purpose?
  3. Why working “hard” isn’t the answer
  4. What is life-mapping 101
  5. What are supplies for life-mapping?
  6. How do we discover our passions – and our talents
  7. What are the benefits of looking back at your childhood.
  8. Why you want to look at your skills and talents
  9. How you want to see how you can contribute in the world.
  10. What are some tips for introverts
  11. How to begin making a life-map
  12. What is your north star or your heart compass?
  13. Can life-mapping be done with teens or kids coming out of college?
  14. How to literally listen to our dreams to live the lives of our dreams
  15. How the Achuar in the Amazonian Jungle are a ‘dream people’

Elizabeth Murray On How To Use Life-Mapping for a Passion-Filled Purpose Driven Life! + Guided Meditation! Health | Career | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

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Oct 27, 2016
f you’ve ever felt, spun, blendered, of tipped upside down, then do we have the unblenderizing show for you!
Today we’ll be talking about what to do when things are spinning out of control, how to get them back under control, how to recognize what’s going on, when to runout, and when to duck for cover.
That plus we’ll talk about a day made heaven, youtube milestones, intimidating
weight-lifters, what to do when you’ve just got to BREATHE and what to do, when
your ego goes mad!

Inspiring Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. What’s a day made in heaven?
  2. Why the answer’s often just around the next corner
  3. Why it’s so important to take a vacation
  4. What we can learn from group challenges
  5. Why things are not always under our control
  6. What to do when things are spinning out of control
  7. What are CJ’s coping mechanisms when things are out of control
  8. What does collective energy mean for each of us?
  9. Why we make panicked decision when the collective energy is nervous
  10. How to keep from getting sucked into the nervous energy all around me
  11. What it means for your ego to go mad
  12. Why you want to throw yourself outside, and when
  13. What are your inner-child landmines, and what to do when you hit one
  14. Why our electronics tend to go, when we’re falling apart
  15. What’s the importance of coming from a place of heart
  16. What’s the importance of taking care of others and yourself during trying times
  17. What does gentle, tender, and kind have to do with anything
  18. What’s the importance of stretching in your life
  19. Who is the Body Language Guy?
  20. What to do when your body wants to hide
  21. What gestures mean about lifting, opening, and boosting your confidence and what we can learn from Amy Cuddy
  22. What happened to Jessica at the gym
  23. How to become mindful and aware of becoming small, and how to keep from going small
  24. What’s the importance of coming from the core?
  25. What it means to be the eye of the storm?
  26. What’s the total life benefit of starting with the core?
  27. What it means to go slow to go fast
  28. Why are women and girls often such amazing swimmers
  29. How to go farther and faster by doing less!
  30. For More on CJ visit

CJ Liu on Turning Days Around & Flipping Challenges Into Positives! Health & Fitness | Career | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Meditation & Mindfulness | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

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Oct 26, 2016

If you’ve ever wondered if you’re gonna make it, how you’re gonna make it, or how in the world to vault past your hurdles, then do we have the Everything Is Possible Show for you.

Today I’ll be talking with Jen Bricker, one of the most energized and inspiring people I’ve ever met, and I haven’t even met her yet! She’s an incredible athlete, gymnast, areal artist (she’s even toured with Britney Spears) and much more, and the author of an incredibly inspiring read, Everything is Possible.

And that’s just what we’ll be talking about today, about finding the faith & courage to follow your dreams.

That plus we’ll talk about pink power rangers, the power of Alf, a trampoline and popcorn, the importance of the Lion King, lifeguard rescues by Robie , the importance of Hardees ham and cheese sandwiches with the white cheese instead of the yucky orange, and why in the world you don’t want to leave your legs in the bathroom.

Inspiring Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. Why Can’t is not in her family’s vocabulary
  2. What are words without actions?
  3. What’s the importance of the little red wagon?
  4. How she went on intuition as a 5 year old girl
  5. How her trampoline work helped her in life
  6. Why she couldn’t even comprehend disabled sports
  7. How she went to championships and the junior Olympics in tumbling
  8. What’s the importance of the apple-tree in her back yard.
  9. How she has an external gear and an internal, more contemplative or spiritual gear
  10. What’s the significance of hot ham sandwiches
  11. Why you don’t want to get hard on yourself, but where it can come from
  12. What we can learn from Mark Woylnn and Inherited Family Trauma, called It Didn’t Start with You
  13. How she ended up at Disney
  14. How did she prepare to put herself into the zone for shows performing with Britney Spears
  15. How she found her adoptive family and the Olympian who was her sister
  16. What are faiths and gifts
  17. Can everyone cultivate a level of greatness inside of yourself
  18. What it takes for greatness
  19. What a happy life really means?
  20. What it means to love yourself, and how has love changed her life?
  21. What does intuition and spirituality look like to her?
  22. How can you surrender from a place of strength?
  23. How has she dealt with fear?
  24. What does mind over matter mean to her? Aka mindfulness and mental strengthening
  25. What does prayer and meditation look like for her (what’s her spiritual practice)?
  26. Advice for parents and children?
  27. and her book Everything is Possible
  28. What it means that everything is possible???

Jen Bricker, Why Everything is Possible, Finding Faith & Courage to Follow Your Dreams! Health | Career | Fitness | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Meditation | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

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Oct 25, 2016

If you’ve ever struggled with wealth, and wondered why in the world others can get it, but no matter how hard you try or focus on it, it just doesn’t come your way, then do we have the show for you!

Today I’ll be talking with Mitch Horowitz, Editor of one of my new all-time favorite books, by one of my favorite authors. It’s The Miracle Power of Your Mind: The Joseph Murphy Treasury a compilation of 24 all-time favorites by Joseph Campbell, including The Power of Your Subsconscious Mind, Believe in Yourself, Fear Not, and Riches Are Your Right.

Today we’ll talk about the power of the mind, and your subconscious to create anything you desire. We’ll look at how it works, how to use it, what you don’t want to do, and even the best ways to pray!

That plus we’ll talk about surgery without anesthesia, the power of magnetized steel, and why in the world, you want to daydream while you’re in a sleepy state!

Questions and Topics Include:

  1. Why physical books are not dead
  2. How did Mitch get interested in Joseph Murphy’s work
  3. What one concept from Joseph Murphy does Mitch keep coming back to?
  4. How Joseph Murphy came to metaphysical philosophy and the positive thinking movement nearly a century ago
  5. How the Power of Your Subconscious Mind sold 20 million copies
  6. What is a good way to prayer (or ignite the energies of your own mind)
    1. Why “Mind” and God may be seen as synonymous
  7. What is the power and importance of “faith”
  8. What is the importance of “confidence”
  9. What ethics has to do with confidence
  10. Why it’s so important to cultivate a ‘sense of success’ and why it’s so important to consort with people who build your success
  11. A powerful piece of advice Olivia Newton John once had for young artists
  12. What’s the importance of the subconscious mind
  13. What’s the difference between the conscious objective mind and the much deeper engine
  14. Is there a difference between Joseph Murphy’s view of the Universe and The Secret
  15. What Mitch’s differences are with Rhonda Byrne about the Secret, and why Mitch applauds her for making it.
  16. Why choice is so important and powerful in our lives
  17. How do we turn things over to the subconscious?
  18. What makes an effective affirmation?
  19. What’s the power of the placebo effect, and the mind-blowing results Harvard researchers found in 2010.
  20. Why does Joseph Murphy believe Wealth is a state of mind.
  21. Why Joseph Murphy says it’s ‘appropriate to pray for money’
  22. How life is a kind of circuit and why you need the ‘circuit to be complete’
  23. What Joseph Campbell mean by “it’s your right to be rich”
  24. What are positive ways to affirm money
  25. Why is it so important to cultivate your feelings?
  26. Why it’s so helpful to find ways to benefit all people
  27. Why nothing is wrong with manifesting Mercedes
  28. What does Joseph Murphy mean by “easy does it” which may have come from Alcoholics Anonymous’s Bill Wilson
  29. What is napitation and how naps can help for meditation
  30. The importance of not straining
  31. What does Joseph Murphy have to say about imagination (which is a term he got from Neville Goddard – who is perhaps Mitch Horowitz’s favorite Positive Mind hero!)
  32. Why “imagination is the engine of creation”
  33. When do we start introducing this literature (New Thought Literature) to children
  34. Find him at
  35. “What Do I Really Want” guided meditation

Mitch Horowitz on Using The Miracle Power of Your Mind by Joseph Campbell for Health, Wealth & Happiness | Secret | Career | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

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Oct 24, 2016

If you’ve ever struggled to find your path, your purpose, or the meaning in your life, then do we have the You Are The One show for you. 

Today I’ll be talking with Kute Blackson, revolutionary teacher, speaker, and entrepreneur, and author of a life-transformative new book, I couldn’t put down, You Are the One.

And that’s just what we’ll be talking about today, about a bold adventure in finding purpose, discovering the real you, and loving fully.

That plus we’ll talk about, the importance of La La Land, a train in Bihar, stalking Spielberg, cliff jumping, turning down Hollywood, traveling on the camino, clark and the cow, making love to a post, the real power of giving bananas, and why in the world you need to chew your food 33 times.

Inspirational & Motivational Self-Help and Self-Improvement Topics Include:

  1. How his parents met and got engaged thousands of miles away, sight unseen!
  2. How he ended up smuggled out of a coup to London
  3. How Kute got obsessed by the purpose of life.
  4. How he lost weight at 10 years old and began running every day
  5. How we can start to bring out our inner greatness
  6. Why we can all be great
  7. How do we bring out our own potentiality?
  8. How did Kute win a lottery for a green card to the United States
  9. What’s it mean to honor yourself and honor the vision
  10. How he got to the US
  11. How’d he end up going to India
  12. How did he turn down Hollywood for a TV show?
  13. How did he stalk Steven Spielberg?
  14. What happened to him in a train station in Bihar, India
  15. What’s a liberation experience, and what happened with Clark in India
  16. What’s it mean to be a lion, looking like a mouse
  17. Why do we play it small?
  18. What happened with Clark and a Cow
  19. What’s it mean to learn our lessons and evolve
  20. What can we learn about love?
  21. and find out about

Kute Blackson on Why You Are The One – Discovering Your Greatness, Path & Awesomeness!!! Health | Career | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Meditation | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

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Oct 23, 2016

If you’ve ever wanted more long-term, genuine happiness, and positivity in your life, then do we have the Blue Sky show for you!

Today I’ll be talking with Zen Master Joseph Emet, who’s trained under Thich Nhat Hanh, has a doctorate in Music from BU, and is the author of Buddha’s Book of Sleep, along with several beautiful others, and a new favorite mindfulness book of mine, Finding the Blue Sky.

And that’s just what we’ll be talking about today, a mindful approach to choosing happiness here and how.

That plus we’ll talk about practicing Laziness, a BEEing meditation, becoming a professional smiler, the difference between thinking and meditating, where in the world are the happiness police, and why in the world you don’t want to keep poison ivy, thorns or crabgrass in your house.

Mindfulness & Happiness Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. Who is a professional smiler?
  2. What can we learn from the Dalai Lama
  3. What can we learn about smiling from Thich Nhat Hanh
  4. How physical activity can help you be mindful and in the moment
  5. Why happiness does not depend on your parents
  6. How does mindfulness help us with disappointment and our expectations
  7. How is freedom a Buddhist virtue and what does it mean
  8. What the Buddha means about the sense of self that’s more like a prison
  9. How do we self-soothe with prayer or meditation?
  10. What’s it mean to go for the honey?
  11. What does it mean to cultivate the garden of your heart and how is the Buddha doing so
  12. Why you can’t meditate with negative emotions – and why you need to be in a positive state of mind
  13. Why Buddhist meditation is biased to positivity
  14. How do we get to a place of contentment
  15. What’s the difference between being positive and positively annoying?
  16. What’s wrong with the rah-rah positivity books
  17. How do we water the seeds of happiness?
  18. How music helps exalt the mind
  19. What is 2 weeks of compliments?
  20. How do we stop driving with the brakes on?
  21. What’s it mean to become need smart?
  22. What’s it mean to practice ‘laziness’
  23. How does Thich Nhat Hanh promote laziness?
  24. What are some of the do’s and don’ts of meditation?
  25. What’s the power of the word yes?
  26. What’s the global world calculator?
  27. To find more from Joseph Emet
  28. What’s the value of a 3 minute meditation or meditation practice song break

Joseph Emet on Finding Happiness Here & Now Thru Mindfulness & Thich Nhat Hanh Wisdom! + Guided Meditation! Health | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Inspiration | Buddhism | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

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Oct 22, 2016

If you’ve ever experienced chronic pain, illness, or discomfort, then do we have the YOU ARE NOT YOUR PAIN show for you!

Today I’ll be talking with Vidyamala Burch, best-selling author of numerous books including Living Well with Pain and Illness, and the co-author of a very special new book, You Are Not Your Pain.

And that’s just what we’ll be talking about today. About using mindfulness to relieve pain, reduce stress, and restore well-being.

That plus we’ll talk about being why you want to be a yacht, not a dinghy, taming the mustang of our mind, coffee meditations, what in the world happened to Roseto, the power of smiling, voluntary calf burning, and why more guys hit on the girls, when they’re swaying from a bridge.

Mindfulness Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. What’s happened in Vidyamala’s family recently
  2. What happened to Vidyamala at 17 in New Zealand
  3. What happened when she was in an intensive care ward?
  4. How’d she start working with Jon Kabat Zinn
  5. How mindfulness and meditation began to help with the pain
  6. How a Buddhist meditation retreat also began to help
  7. How she developed a Mindfulness Based Pain Management program through a company called Breathworks
  8. What was the significance of starting to help other people
  9. What was a body meditation that she teaches in her book
  10. What does gentle, kind, and tender have to do with meditation?
  11. Why doesn’t squashing pain or pushing it away work
  12. What is the story of the arrow or the dart – from the Buddha
  13. What’s it mean to take the mustang of your mind?
  14. What is secondary reactive pain?
  15. How do we stop our secondary reactive pain?
  16. What does pacing mean?
  17. What is inner-strength and what does it have to do with mindfulness?
  18. What’s a zen Buddhist yielding mind
  19. How do our brains automate for suffering?
  20. What’s a negativity bias?
  21. What’s a green zone and what is green zone 101?
  22. What’s the importance of nature and getting out into beauty?
  23. How important is it to have a daily meditation practice, or simply a daily practice?
  24. What are reminders to come back to the breath (and the power of the green dot)
  25. What’s the importance of non-judgment?
  26. What’s the balance between human beings and human doings?
  27. What can we learn from Roseto Pennsylvania
  28. and
  29. What’s the importance of making a random act of kindness
  30. How do we flex the self-love muscle
  31. What’s the importance of smiling?
  32. What is Mindfulness in Schools and what is .b?
  33. What is FOFBOC?
  34. What is a kindly breathing meditation?
  35. A short guided meditation

Vidyamala Burch on How To Relieve Chronic Pain and Illness & Reduce Stress Thru Mindfulness! + Guided Meditation | Health | Fitness | Inspirational | Motivational | Spiritual | Spirituality | Motivation | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

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Oct 21, 2016

If you’ve ever wanted to feel better about living, feel great about life, leaves worries, guilt and heart-aches behind, then do we have the show for you!

Today we’ll be talking with Alan Cohen a contributing writer for the Chicken Soup for the Soul series and the author of 24 popular inspirational books, including the best-selling The Dragon Doesn’t Live Here Anymore, the award-winning A Deep Breath of Life, and the classic Are You as Happy as Your Dog?

Today we’ll be talking about his latest book, A Course in Miracles Made Easy.

We’ll talk about moving from fear to love, how to go from a place of worry and concern, to one of joy, abundance, and happiness. And how to truly be at peace in the moment, no matter what arises.

That plus we’ll talk about, Pete the Duck, authority figurines, lifestyles of the rich in spirit, and why God has memory issues.

(Plus a Guided Meditation)

Questions and Topics Include:

  1. When was Alan first exposed to Course in Miracles?
  2. How A Dragon Doesn’t Live Here Anymore was written at the same time Alan was reading A Course in Miracles
  3. How A Dragon Doesn’t Live Here Anymore lifted and changed his mind of consciouisness?
  4. How did Alan Cohen feel when he was reading A Course in Miracles?
  5. How would Alan Cohen define A Course in Miracles
  6. Why Alan Cohen wrote A Course in Miracles Made Easy – to help people understand and sift through A Course in Miracles
  7. Where did A Course in Miracles come from and who scribed it?
  8. Who was Bill Setford and Hellen Suttman
  9. Was Hellen able to live A Course in Miracles after she scribed it?
  10. Why a lot of medium’s and channel’s lives don’t match their teachings
  11. How A Course in Miracles isn’t Christian, but is universal, even if written a bit in Christian language
  12. How the Lesson of A Course in Miracles is Love
  13. Why A Course in Miracles is not the ‘anti-Christ’
  14. How we are all love
  15. How we are all beloved
  16. How no one has truly sinned
  17. How everyone belongs to Heaven
  18. How we are all Children of God
  19. What happened with Cliff Kline and the robber
  20. How do we choose love over fear?
  21. How do we recognize we’re going into a place of fear?
  22. Who played the voice of God in Moses?
  23. Why you don’t want to play it small and choose to be little
  24. What’s the difference between the small self and the great self?
  25. Any exercises we can do on a moment to moment basis to cultivate our greatness
  26. A technique from Christian Almayrac – Dr. Happiness
  27. What does it mean to Get Real?
  28. Why the world we think is real is actually the inside-out, upside down world
  29. Why we don’t want to ‘get real’?
  30. Why the Wright Brothers were told to ‘get real’?
  31. Why Alan Cohen doesn’t work with realists, but instead visionaries.
  32. Why Anwar Sadat only works with miracles
  33. How the ego is scared bleepless by a change from the status-quo
  34. Why the unknown is where the advancement takes place.
  35. What Pete the Duck has to do with anything
  36. Why it’s ultimately important and extremely vigilant to watch our thoughts
  37. Why you want to watch out for going down the rabbit hole of dark thinking
  38. How Jersey Al used to still be alive and well
  39. What’s a great pattern breaker to let emotions go?
  40. How we are all one and how we always meet ourselves wherever we go
  41. What is an authority figurine?
  42. How Mother Teresa stopped a war to save kids in Beirut during the war
  43. How the only power is spirit
  44. What does A Course in Miracles say about guilt and sin
  45. Why there is no sin, only errors
  46. Why God has memory issues – and sees only our love!
  47. What are lifestyles of the rich in spirit?
  48. How John Robbins wrote the Pulitzer Prize nominated Diet for a New America
  49. What Steve Jobs said about the spiritual value vs. material value
  50. How do you be a miracle worker?
  51. What advice would you give for parents based on A Course in Miracles
  52. and now doing a life-coach training for people who want to become personal life coaches
  53. Beautiful short guided meditation

Alan Cohen Shares Secrets from A Course in Miracles to Find More Love, Peace & Happiness In Your Life! + Guided Meditation! Health Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Inspirational Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

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Oct 20, 2016

If you’ve ever felt disempowered or overwhelmed by the affirmations, afformations, meditations, law of attraction, journaling, chanting, automatic writing, tapping and more, when all you want to do is feel better, or head toward your dreams, then do we have the kind-and-easy self-help show for you!

Today we’ll talk about where to begin, how to start, and how to keep from getting on the self-help treadmill to nowhere, stuck chasing your cheese.

That plus we’ll talk about laying on the grass, enjoying the sun, the power of de-cluttering, little trips and dips, daily habits, and why Hawaii isn’t just a state of mind.

Empowering Self-Empowerment and Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. What anger may really mean
  2. What’s it mean to not trust the process
  3. Why you don’t want to give your power away
  4. What it means to give your power away to a medical practicioner and what Anita Moorjani has to say about it
  5. How can an inheritance be giving power away (or strings attached)
  6. What can you do to regain or retake your power
  7. What’s a prisoner mentality?
  8. What pain in the body, and in particular the back, can tell us
  9. What’s a redo or a reboot?
  10. Where do you go when you’re struggling or feel disempowered?
  11. What it means to step back and listen to the message
  12. What it means to slow down, and what it means to lay in the grass
  13. What running fast, or too fast, has to do with anything and how running can be a metaphor
  14. What’s the spiritual significance of ‘moving too fast’
  15. What we can learn from Mark Wolynn’s book, It Didn’t Start with You.
  16. What it means to have a lack of sensation in your body
  17. What affect traumas have epigenetically on you from your grandparents
  18. What uncontrollable tears can mean
  19. What we can learn about the Five Elements from Dondi Dahlin
  20. What’s the importance of getting yourself out into the sun
  21. What’s the power of the sun at sunrise and sunsets
  22. What’s the importance of SAD lamps
  23. What it means to bring the gentleness into the pace
  24. What’s the importance of self-care and spirituality of not taking things too seriously
  25. What’s the importance of decluttering
  26. What it means to change your Luna Sandals!
  27. What running with speed and flying along has to do with empowerment, spirituality, and our lives
  28. What we can learn from Joshua Becker, The More of Less
  29. Who is The Clutter Buster (Brooks Palmer)
  30. What’s the power of micro-habits
  31. What’s it mean to start with one – whether meditation, affirmation or anything else
  32. What’s a 29 day experiment and why is it important?

CJ Liu on How to Re-Empower Your Life, Take Control & Make Positive Changes! Health | Career | Fitness | Running | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Meditation | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

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Oct 19, 2016

If you’ve ever grown tired of the pushing, struggling or striving, whether to survive or get ahead, the do we have the Dropping the Struggle show for you. 

Today I’ll be talking with Roger Housden, acclaimed teacher and author of 22 books, including the best-selling Ten Poems series and his latest Dropping the Struggle.

And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about how to fully accept and love the life that you have.

That plus we’ll talk about Chinese teacups, spiritual materialism, Rocco and Athena, Poonja and Nanagaru, and what in the world two iranians in baggy suits have to do with anything.

Loving Your Life Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. What happened to him in 1998?
  2. What happened to all of his journals?
  3. What synchronicity and intelligence of the universe has to do with anything
  4. Why there’s no such thing as a failure
  5. What is surrender?
  6. What can we learn from Rick Hanson and what happened to him at 16
  7. Why we struggled with meaning and purpose early in his life
  8. What it means for each moment to be fulfilling and fulfilled
  9. What is trust
  10. Why we get to drop who we think we are
  11. What happened in 2009 when he was in Iran
  12. What happened with possible espionage, double-espionage, and 007???
  13. What it means to get lost for your greater good
  14. How do we drop the struggle with time?
  15. – writing class in Grenada Spain next year ‘writing your way home’.

Roger Housden on How to Drop The Struggle & Set Yourself Free to Love the Life You Have! Health | Inspiration | Motivation | Mindfulness | Spiritual | Spirituality | Meditation | Inspirational | Motivational | Career | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

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Oct 18, 2016

If you’ve ever wondered why you struggle with money, despite the law of attraction and guest after guest, then do we have the Worthy Show for you!

Today I’ll be talking with Nancy Levin, recovering superwoman and the best-selling author of an amazing book at taking the leap, Jump…and your life will Appear, and a book so incredibly worthy of praise, and filled with guidance I’m blown away, called WORTHY.

And that’s just what we’ll be talking about today, about how to BOOST YOUR SELF WORTH TO GROW YOUR NET WORTH.

That plus we’ll talk about superwoman-itis, banking by prayer, when to watch Nashville, spending and chanel suits, resistance and the 401K, 3 years without a car, Talenti Sea Salt Caramel Gelato, and the power of Donna Karan’s Urban Zen.

Law of Attraction & Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include

  1. What we can learn from Wayne Dyer and a briefcase
  2. How Wayne Dyer came to Colette Baron Reid
  3. What are the ways we’re consistently trying to prove our worth
  4. What we can learn from our patterns and our beliefs
  5. What’s a healing path to be on
  6. What’s the importance of crashing yourself, before the Universe has to crash you
  7. What was Nancy’s 8 year bomb
  8. How a financial advisor can help
  9. What’s it mean to set an intention
  10. Where Nancy differs with the Law of Attraction
  11. Why we need to take action on top of the law of attraction
  12. What are the limiting shadow beliefs, and the underlying commitments in our mind
  13. How we can always change
  14. What’s the root of our self-sabotage
  15. Where do excuses and beliefs fit in?
  16. Why we want to befriend our fear and honor our resistance
  17. What it means to be willing to be worthy
  18. What does unconditional love have to do with anything?
  19. Why truth-telling to self and taking off the blinders is always step #1
  20. What’s it mean to get our heads out of the sand
  21. What is a me fund
  22. What’s the importance of thinking beyond our means
  23. What is Petals for Parkinson’s?
  24. and events are on website and have free group coaching calls

Nancy Levin on How to Attract Wealth By Boosting Your Self Worth!!! + Guided Meditation! Law of Attraction | Health | Career | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

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Oct 17, 2016

If you’ve ever wanted more time, more money, less stress, less distraction, and more freedom, then do we have the Becoming Minimalist Show for You.

Today I’ll be talking with Joshua Becker, creator of and the author of an incredible book we could almost all benefit from, the More of Less.

And that’s just what we’ll be talking about today, about finding the life you want, under everything you own.

That plus we’ll talk about tents and skateboards, calm and a corolla, who in the world is Mr. Paper, scratched mini-vans and dud garage sales, kim and grandma Irene, Salem and Alexa, and what happened with the Jell-o molds, on August 22nd?

Minimalism Self-Improvement and Self-Help topics Include:

  1. How did they start down the minimalist path?
  2. What is minimalism?
  3. Does becoming minimalist require great organizational skills
  4. What’s the fog of consumerism?
  5. What happened to his 5 year old when he went into the toy store
  6. What we can learn about consumerism and different generations
  7. Why don’t we need to start with the hard stuff
  8. What’s the importance of having a why, and why’s it important to sticky-note it around your house.
  9. How’s the 80/20 rule relate to our possesions?
  10. What can we learn about calm and a corolla?
  11. How do we sort through, prioritize and remove things?
  12. How do we know what to keep, and what to sell?
  13. What does out of sight, out of mind, have to do with things?
  14. What do you do if you’re extremely sentimental?
  15. What do we do with paperwork?
  16. What do we do about the holidays?
  17. What do we do with gifts
  18. What do we teach our kids about minimalism?
  19. What does faith and spirituality have to do with minimalism?
  21. Find the book The More of Less

JOSHUA BECKER ON LIVING A BETTER LIFE WITH MORE TIME, HAPPINESS & MONEY THRU MINIMALISM & The Less of More! Inspiration |  Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Inspirational | Motivational | Business | Career | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

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Oct 16, 2016

If you’ve ever wanted to connect with your higher self for greater guidance, peace, and direction in life, then do we have the Spiritual Telepathy show for you!

Today I’ll be talking with Colleen Mauro founder of Intuition Magazine and author of one of the most incredibly researched books ever on intuition, Spiritual Telepathy.

And that’s just what I want to talk about today, about Ancient Techniques to Access the Wisdom of Your Soul…and to hear it loud and clear.

That plus we’ll talk about seed thoughts & soul alignment, Isaac Newton & Albert Einstein, Andy Mackie and harmonicas, wooden boxes in meditation rooms, a fox terrier named whitney, and why you might want to wake and read the newspaper, editorials, and dear abby, before you begin to meditate!

Spiritual Telepathy Self-Help and Self-Improvement Topics Include

  1. How did she start Intuition magazine?
  2. What is a soul-aligned human being?
  3. What’s the lower self and the higher self?
  4. Who is the perfect soul-aligned human being
  5. What can we learn from Adam and Eve
  6. What’s the spiritual significance of the number seven?
  7. Helen Loblasky’s book The Secret Doctrine
  8. What are the seven stages?
  9. What’s the subtle world and what does it have to do with indigo kids?
  10. What does the word apocalypse really mean?
  11. What is the opening of the heart
  12. What are the virtues of the heart – Buddhist teachings and many others
  13. What are we doing in a loving kindness metta meditation
  14. How much time do we need to put into this process
  15. What’s the true sixth sense
  16. What’s it mean to become a divine receiver?
  17. What’s the importance of meditation and making our minds quiet
  18. What are the different types of telepathy?
  19. What can we learn about telepathy from indigenous cultures?
  20. What’s the significance of the belly, and the chord from the belly
  21. How Dean Radin tested telepathy in couples
  22. What can we learn from animal telepathy (Sheldrake: Dog’s That Know When Their Owners Are Coming Home)
  23. What can we learn from a fox terrier named Whitey
  24. What is mental telepathy?
  25. What is instinctive telepathy?
  26. What is clairvoyance
  27. What is spiritual telepathy
  28. Willis Harmon’s “Higher Creativity”
  29. How does creativity come about
  30. What can we learn about diet and intuition
  31. What’s the importance of food grown with love
  32. How do we refine our emotional bodies
  33. What is the practice of harmlessness?
  34. What’s the importance of self-compassion
  35. How critically important is forgiveness
  36. What we can learn from “Forgiveness is a Choice” by Robert Enright
  37. What’s the practice of a nightly review?
  38. What’s a rainbow bridge?
  39. How is the rainbow bridge done through meditation?
  40. What happened to Mother Theresa?
  41. How to find the best way to meditate
  42. Why it’s important to do short doses of meditation in the beginning
  43. How long you want to meditate for when you start
  44. What’s a spiritual detox
  45. What’s the as-if technique
  46. What’s the importance of solitude and silence?
  47. Andy Mackie and harmonicas
  48. What’s the new group of world servers?

Colleen Mauro on How to Tap Into Your Soul & Inner Wisdom Thru Spiritual Telepathy! + Guided Meditation! Health | Inspiration | Inspirational | Spirituality | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info Visit:

Oct 15, 2016

If you’ve ever felt angry, afraid, or don’t understand why in the world you act, or re-act the way you do, then do we have the It Didn’t Start With You, show for you!

Today I’ll be talking with mark Wolynn, Founder and director of the Family Constellation Institute, and the author of what I consider a MUST READ BOOK, particularly if you have or are thinking about having children, It Didn’t Start with You.

And that’s just what I want to talk with Mark about today about how inherited family trauma shapes who we are and what we do, and how to end the cycle once and for all.

That plus we’ll talk about rats and traumas, mice and cherry blossoms gaining sight, and what in the world Hansel and Gretel have to do with anything.

Health & Emotion Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. How he started to go blind
  2. What was the real cause of his vision loss
  3. What are some of the challenges of being a forceps baby
  4. What happens with our words during trauma
  5. What can we learn from Rachel Yahuda at Mount Sinai Medical about PTSD
  6. Why we’re 3x more likely to have PTSD if one of our parents had PTSD – and to struggle with depression and anxiety
  7. Why pups separated from their moms for just 3 hours a day are so traumatized
  8. Why cherry blossoms and mice has to do with us
  9. What does Hansel and Gretel have to do with anything – and how can this help us heal from traumas
  10. What’s wrong with blaming our parents and why it’s so critical to heal these relationships
  11. What it means that our parents are our spiritual templates
  12. What happened when a boy started getting violent and stabbing his couch at age 9
  13. How do we begin to heal?
  14. How our spiritual, meditation, gratitude, or mindfulness practice can help us heal
  15. What Dr. Norman Doidge and the brain that changes itself (neuroplasticity) does to help us
  16. What’s Heps law of neuroplasticity has to do with healing from trauma
    1. What fires together, wires together
  17. What is core language and our core sentence
  18. What’s a genogram?
  19. How do we find our past hidden traumas
  20. What about for people who are adopted or don’t have family left
  21. What are personal healing sentences?
  22. How healing our traumas help us find spiritual inner peace
  23. What’s the language of success
  24. What it means when you say you barely have enough or are just surviving
  25. Is there a spiritual component or where does spirituality come into this?
  26. What’s the most important thing you can do to help your kids

 Mark Wolynn on How to Heal Inherited Family Trauma From Before You Were Born! Epigenetics | Psychology | Health | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Meditation | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info Visit: 

Oct 14, 2016

Today I’ll be talking with Dondi Dahlin, author, internationally acclaimed dancer, member of the Screen Actors Guild and the award winning speaker and co-author of The Little Book of Energy Medicine with her mother Donna Eden and a fantastic new book, The Five Elements.

And that’s just what we’ll be talking about today, How to understand yourself and enhance your relationships by understanding the wisdom of the world’s oldest personality type system

That plus we’ll talk about 13 women on a toiletless bus, leaving mexico city, belly dancing and cairo, a year of Marilyn Monroe, a hill-billy and the house of blues, Maddie and Marrakech, turbans and jimmy buffet, and what green hair and checkered vans, has to do with anything! 

Health, Self-Help and Self-Improvement Topics Include:

  1. How’d you get into belly dancing?
  2. How did Donna Eden – her mom, introduce the five elements to her?
  3. Why Donna Eden is an ‘angelic being from another planet’
  4. Why different pregnancies have such different personalities in the belly
  5. How do we determine our Chinese elements
  6. What’s the importance of muscle testing
  7. How do we keep from blaming an element for how we are (turning it into an excuse)
  8. What in the world are our ‘default settings’
  9. What it means to generate compassion for yourself
  10. What does Peter Fonda have to do with belly dancing?
  11. What does a year of Marilyn Monroe have to do with anything?
  12. What does a hillbilly and the house of blues have to do with a belly dancer – Dwight Yoakam
  13. What can we learn from green hair and checkered Vans sneakers?
  14. What sweets have to do with earth people?
  15. Why fire people are always looking for joy and positivity?
  16. How the Five Elements opens people up and allows you to relate better
  17. What are the top do’s and don’ts for each of the five elements
  18. Why Donna Eden is so happy
  19. What can we learn from 2008 and being happily pregnant
  20. Why woods feel they’re always right
  21. What does it mean that anger is an energy?
  22. What happened in Cairo and the pyramids of Giza
  23. How does anger jive with the positivity movement and the law of attraction
  24. What happened with Jimmy Buffet and a turban – and what is a Yin Fire?
  25. Who is the world’s handsomest earth?
  26. What does Robin Williams have to do with Earths?
  27. What does Ben Stein and Ferris Bueller have to do with Metal?
  28. Why are the five elements important for understanding relationships?
  29. What is bladder time – and why does it have such an effect on waters?
  30. What do we need to know about the 5 elements and children?

Donna Dahlin, Donna Eden’s Daughter on Improving Your Life and Enriching Relationships Thru The Chinese Five Elements! Health | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Meditation | Inspirational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

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Oct 13, 2016

If you’ve ever been anxious, afraid, or concerned, then do we have the fear-reducing show for you!

Today we’ll be talking about all things fear, where it comes from, why it’s hiding, and what to do when it’s about to strike.

That plus we’ll talk about instant manifestation swimming, a gut gone mad, iHeart Radio, and what in the world I’m not ready, has to do with anything!

Fear Reducing Self-Help & Self-Improvement Topics Include:

  1. What happened to CJ that began producing fear
  2. How CJ worked to be conscious of the fear and keep from going into a fear place
  3. What instant manifestation has to do with fear
  4. What wearing black has to do with our emotions
  5. What does EFT aka Dawson Church, tapping have to do with fear
  6. What does tapping have to do with dropping pain levels
  7. What’s the importance of not getting involved in our emotions
  8. How our gut works to get our attention
  9. Why it’s important to ask if the fear is your emotion, or someone else’s
  10. What the Podcast Launch Accelerator has to do with anything
  11. Why there’s a time to step forward, without thinking about it
  12. What’s the benefit of walking to overcome fear
  13. What CJ learned when preparing for her Ted talk
  14. What it means to be truly present for an event
  15. Sincerity preparation and authenticity and what that has to do with fear
  16. Why plateau’s aren’t what they appear to be
  17. What’s the importance of just showing up
  18. Why what you believe is often exactly what shows up
  19. What in the world is a conspiration?
  20. What’s the difference between conditional and unconditional love
  21. What one thought takes you out of a place of fear
  22. What you do when the world is swirling around you
  23. What it means to connect with your higher self
  24. What community has to do with fear
  25. What helping someone has to do with getting you out of fear
  26. What’s the power of gratitude to knock out fear
  27. What meditation has to do with fear
  28. What journaling can do to move you past fear
  29. What’s the importance of knowing yourself more and what that means (in meditation or otherwise)
  30. What it means to dive deep
  31. Why only you can be the expert of you
  32. Why you never want to give your power away to anyone (in medicine, in spirituality, or anywhere)

CJ Liu & Michael Sandler On How to Laugh at Fear & Leave Anxiety Behind! Fitness Health & Happiness | Inspiration | Motivation | Career | Spiritual | Spirituality | Meditation | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

Oct 12, 2016

If you’ve wondered whether there’s more to the world than meets the eye, or more than science is letting on, then do we have the One Mind Show for you.

Today I’ll be talking with Dr. Larry Dossey, an internal medicine physician and the former Chief-Of-Staff of Medical City Dallas Hospital. He’s the author of the NY Times best-seller Healing Words and 11 other books, and a new personal favorite mind, or consciousness of mine, One Mind.

And that’s what we’ll be talking about today, about how our individual mind is part of a greater consciousness, and why it matters.

That plus we’ll talk about coyotes and bobcats, MASH units and helicopter crashes, cosmic soup and frothy fractal boundaries, bison on the plains, bobby the collie, what in the world happened at Evans Corner Drug, and why god won’t drive flies away from a tailless cow.

Dr. Larry Dossey On How We’re All Connected to Consciousness & Why it Matters! Health | Medicine | Inspiration | Motivation | Meditation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

One Mind Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. What happened to him during his first year of practice of internal medicine
  2. What is non-local and what is consciousness research
  3. What do twins have to do with anything
  4. What is a telesomatic event?
  5. What do coyotes have to do with this book
  6. What happened with Wesley Autrey and how’d it change Larry Dossey
  7. What can we learn from Erwin Schrodinger (awarded Nobel Prize).
  8. What’s the concept of the One Mind
  9. What would Einstein say about Consciousness
  10. What’s it mean that there’s no ‘out there out there’?
  11. How would consciousness be defined?
  12. What does entanglement have to do with anything?
  13. What do coincidences mean
  14. What are thick frothy fractal boundaries in our mind
  15. What is the seventh sense and what does it have to do with hummingbirds?
  16. How connected are we to the animals
  17. What’s the rich experimental database behind staring – and what does it mean
  18. What’s love got to do with this (and what did Tina Turner mean)?
  19. Why ‘there will be no healing at this hospital’
  20. ‘What does cruelty and false hope mean’
  21. What can we learn from Dr. Eben Alexander and NDE’s
  22. What does empathy and kindness and compassion have to do with anything
  23. What can we learn about life after life, and what does Dean Radin say about it
  24. Why life after life should be part of the national conversation
  25. How many Americans say they’ve had a near-death experience
  26. Why the one mind essential for saving the planet
  27. What can we learn from Astronaut Edgar Mitchel
  28. What can we learn from Carl Sagan’s Pale Blue Dot
  29. An important lesson from Gandhi
  30. Why Ghandi is a an embodiment of the compassion of the One Mind
  31. What are the four rules of life from Angie Arian (sp?)
    1. Just show up
    2. Pay attention
    3. Tell the truth
    4. Just don’t be attached to results
  32. What’s the importance of exposure to nature?
  33. What’s the spiritual flu – and what’s the trippy flu
  34. Poem from 14th century poet Hafiz

Dr. Larry Dossey On How We’re All Connected to Consciousness & Why it Matters! Health | Medicine | Inspiration | Motivation | Meditation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info visit:

Oct 11, 2016

If you’ve ever struggled to get going, get ahead, reach your dreams, get fit, or be a better person, then do we have the 5 Percent More Show for You!

Today I’ll be talking with Michael Alden, the Bestelling Author of Ask More, Get More, CEO of Blue Vase marketing, and the author of a motivational new book 5 Percent More.

And that’s what we’ll talk about today, about what it takes to shift your life, and achieve extraordinary results.

That plus we’ll talk about Pontiacs in Danvers, Snowstorms in New England, Go FAS and Nascar, the power of magnum green fluorescent BMX wheels, lemonade franchises, carpe diem and daughters and what in the world a weed whacker, has to do with anything.

Motivational Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. Why there’s no such thing as a success gene or a failure gene
  2. How he made it out of a rough area and out of the hood
  3. What shoveling snow has to do with childhood
  4. How he got inspired to make money as a child
  5. How his dad changed his life at age 15
  6. What he realized that helped shift the direction of his life
  7. What he did with his friends and how it helped save him
  8. What happened with a murder-trial and how he was involved
  9. How’d he end up becoming a lawyer
  10. How in the world he got into college from the projects
  11. What are the different levels you play at in life
  12. What he learned in spin class
  13. How the concept of 5% more came up
  14. What’s the power of small steps
  15. What’s the power of meditation and how’s it helped his life
  16. How meditation has helped with panic attacks and anxiety
  17. What’s his practice of transcendental meditation
  18. What Dan Harris and 10% Happier has to do with Mike Arlen and 5%
  19. What we can all learn from Marshall Goldsmith
  20. How we can work toward our goals each day
  21. Why it’s okay to hide under the desk now and again
  22. What does 5% more have to do with love, self-love and gratitude

Michael Alden on How 5% More Can Bring Greater Health, Wealth, Peace & Happiness, Plus Fitness! Inspiration | Motivation | Business & Career | Meditation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

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Oct 10, 2016

If you’ve ever wanted to reinvent yourself, change things up, or bring out a new you or new career, then do we have the reinvention show for you.

Tomorrow’s our six year anniversary for Jessica and myself, married on 10/10/10. To celebrate we want to talk bout changing your life for the better, overcoming hardship, and never giving up.

That plus we’ll talk about two bike helmets and a bow, one elephant rock, a car rides to never-never land, sacred walks on the beach, why what you resist persists, and why having your butt on fire, just may be the greatest gift in the world.

Inspirational Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include

  1. What it means to hit the reset button
  2. What happened at the Shambhala Buddhist Meditation Center in Boulder
  3. What a Shambhala meditation is like
  4. Why you need to take action when intuition strikes
  5. How running transformed our lives
  6. And why Jessica never ever wanted to run
  7. How Jessica became a barefoot runner, on the cover of Barefoot Running, the book.
  8. Why what’s in your closet can change.
  9. Why particular people are brought together
  10. What wounded and scarred Jessica
  11. What’s a great way to find out if you belong with someone or not
  12. What’s the importance of shaking things up or flipping things on their head
  13. What’s the importance of heart over head
  14. What it means (from Robert Mirabal) to ‘live in a magical world’
  15. What it means to challenge ourselves
  16. What it means that you can change almost anything about you
  17. What’s the importance of a choice or a decision
  18. What’s the importance of going deep and check in on criticism (even from yourself)
  19. What’s the difference between ourselves and our programming
  20. What our consciousness has to do with change
  21. What’s the importance of standing up for yourself
  22. What’s the latest phase in Jessica’s reinvention project
  23. What’s the importance of honoring what happens and having gratitude
  24. What it means to let go of the need to be ‘productive’
  25. What’s the importance of being in a place of non-judgment
  26. Movie: School of Life – Ryan Reynolds
  27. What’s the importance of going inward and reflecting

Jessica Lee on How to Reinvent Yourself & Have A Break Through!!! Health | Fitness | Running | Business | Career | Inspiration | Inspirational | Motivation | Motivational | Spiritual | Spirituality | Meditation & Mindfulness | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

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Oct 9, 2016

If you’ve ever wondered where are we going and how in the world will we get there, then do we have the uncharted show for you! 

Today I’ll be talking with internationally acclaimed intuition expert, oracle expert, and host of the TV show Messages from Spirit, and the best-selling author of a life guiding book, Uncharted.

Today we’ll talk mastering the courage to step into the unknown, facing unfamiliar landscapes and answering the call to transform ourselves and our lives, and to reprogram our subconscious.

That plus we’ll talk about silver roads, spiritual narcolepsy, Wayne and Garth, George Burns and John Denver, a house full of pomeranians, dragon flies and shopping for houses, the importance of a beautiful beaming white heritage soft-tail Harley, and what in the world does FRED, has to do with anything.

Uncharted Spiritual Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. What happened when she did a particular TV show, Messages from Spirit, recording?
  2. What in the world’s a half-slobbery state?
  3. What’s the significance of the name Fred?
  4. How she’s a student of Dr. Joe Dispenza
  5. What is the great mind
  6. What’s humor have to do with this world?
  7. Why self-evolution is serious business, and why we don’t want to take it seriously
  8. What’s spiritual amnesia and spiritual
  9. How she was shown her path and her highest good
  10. How she wanted to play it safe and avoid criticism
  11. What happened with her Harley motorcycle
  12. What’s the danger of not being your authentic true self
  13. What is the non-self, and how do we move forward in life?
  14. How do we move past our subconscious and the internal blocks we have
  15. How do we reprogram our subconscious mind
  16. What’s the importance of by-passing the subconscious?
  17. What gives the opportunity for change
  18. An exercise to help reprogram the subconscious
  19. What dragons and birds have to do with the subconscious?
  20. How to drop the fear and have courage
  21. What’s one realm we get to work on first
  22. What’s the importance of training our dragons
  23. What do dragons and Avitar have to do with our happiness
  24. What’s the importance of being grateful in advance
  25. What we can learn from Pam Grout in Thank and Grow Rich.
  26. What’s the Uncharted Facegroup also
  27. What’s most important for kids these days

Colette Baron-Reid on How to Journey Through Uncertainty, Discover Infinite Possibilities & Reprogram Your Subconscious + Guided Meditation Exercise! Health | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

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Oct 8, 2016

If you’ve ever wondered why you’re struggling with your health, your emotions, or your mind, then do we have the Mind-Gut Connection Show for You.

Today I’ll be talking with Emeran Mayer, MD, who has studied brain-body interactions for the almost 40 years and is considered a pioneer and world leader in the area of brain-gut microbiome interactions and chronic pain. He’s the author of an astounding new book and look at our minds and our health, The Mind-Gut Connection.

And that’s just what we’ll talk about today, how the hidden conversation within our bodies impacts our mood, our choices, and our overall health, and what we can do about it.

That plus we’ll talk about exotic Bavarian chocolates, the dangers of eating mad, gut microbes and making Xanax, breast milk and valium, dietary lessons from the Yanomami, a bus-ride that shall forever live in digestive infamy, and what in the world rhesus monkeys have to do with going to college.

Gut Health & Microbiome Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. How he started listening to his gut and where it steered him
  2. What’s the power of journaling?
  3. How many microbes are in us and on us?
  4. What do microbes have to do with what we think, feel and say
  5. How to listen to your gut when you’re shopping for food
  6. What’s a new view of the human being or the human superorganism
  7. What are we really made of?
  8. What is the human microbiome?
  9. What is the language of the microbiome
  10. Who is driving the ship, or how are the micro-organisms controlling or talking to us
  11. How changing the microbiome changes whether we gain or lose weight
  12. Why we have to be careful which microbes we feed
  13. How our microbiome has developed for our modern poor diet
  14. What’s the danger of eating angry?
  15. What’s the power of prayer for your food
  16. What does your childhood has to do with your gut?
  17. How we can help our children’s guts
  18. How our guts and microbiome has been changed over multiple generations
  19. How to prevent our kids from getting obese
  20. What we can learn from Michael Pollan
  21. What the stress on the mother (during pregnancy too) does for the microbiome of the baby
  22. What’s the importance of breast-feeding
  23. What happiness and positivity have to do with your child’s microbiome
  24. What’s the French paradox?
  25. What are some of the healthiest diets in the world
  26. What’s the danger of emulsifiers and additives
  27. What does our food have to do with our mood
  28. How does meditation and mindfulness change the microbiome
  29. How does spirituality and spiritual practices change your microbes
  30. – find lots of interviews and video clips On The Mind Gut Connection
  31. What’s a Buddhist approach to our microbiome
  32. What has his meditation practice been like
  33. What focusing on our breath in meditation has to do with our microbiome

What Your Gut is Trying to Tell You For Health, Happiness, Immune System, Fitness & Weight Loss! Dr. Emeran Mayer | Inspiration | Motivation | Meditation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

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Oct 7, 2016

Today I’ll be talking with Ally Hamilton, yoga teacher, writer and life coach, and the founder of She’s also the author of a fantastic book on healing yourself from the inside out, Yoga’s Healing Power.

And that’s just what I want to talk about today, about looking inward for change, growth, and peace, on a path filled with forgiveness and LOTS of self-love.

That plus we’ll talk about posting dogs in downward dog, scorpions and frogs, vipassana, cushions and near-mental breakdowns, a spiritual experience under a sink, being a tall drink of water, And what in the world the cheese man has to do with anything

Yoga's Healing Power Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include

  1. How was her first Yoga class?
  2. How Yoga was a humbling experience
  3. Why the pose is not the point
  4. What a new toddler does to your life, your relationship, and business
  5. What the importance has been of a daily practice
  6. Why we replay the traumatic events in our lives
  7. How a Vipassana retreat changed her
  8. org for Vipassana retreats
  9. How her little kids do yoga and meditate (son 10, daughter 7)
  10. How do you work on attachment?
  11. What’s the importance of self-love
  12. What it means no mud, no lotus

Ally Hamilton on How to Find Happiness, Peace & Love thru the Yoga Practice of Life! + Guided Meditation! Health | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Inspirational | Motivational | Mindfulness | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

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