
Inspire Nation Show with Michael Sandler

Our Goal’s to Help Change the World by Helping YOU to Shine Bright! Now one of the top self-help & spirituality shows in 193 countries w/a new inspirational, motivational, spiritual, law of attraction or health-oriented guest DAILY! Plus guided meditations! After overcoming 2 near-death accidents, Host Michael Sandler felt a calling to start a life-changing show to help you live the life of your dreams! Guests Include John Gray, Bob Proctor, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Dr. Bernie Siegel, Anthony William, Arielle Ford, and countless more! Our goal is to leave you an ear-to-ear grin and an actionable plan to achieve your goals! Get ready to live your greatest life and to Shine Bright!
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Inspire Nation Show with Michael Sandler











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Now displaying: June, 2020
Jun 29, 2020

If you’ve ever wanted to change the future through the scientifically proven power of your mind, then do we have the Real Magic show for you.

Today I’ll be talking with Dr. Dean Radin, Chief Scientist at The Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), author/co-author of over 250 technical and popular articles, three dozen book chapters or more, three books, including the award-winning, “The Conscious Universe” and “Tangled Mind”, the 2014 Silver Nautilus Book Award winner, “Super Normal”, and his latest, another all-time favorite of mine, “Real Magic”

And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about the scientifically proven power of our minds to create our futures, our realities, and our planet.  

Key Points Discussed:

  • Are we creating the current pandemic with our minds? (03:32)
  • The mix of both coherence and chaos going on right now (05:15)
  • Using random number generators to prove that there is a tight correlation between focused minds and changes in the physical world (06:21)
  • The power of focusing a larger group of people on one idea or one intention (12:40)
  • Bending space and time to reverse engineer towards using intention to shift things where we want them to go (22:18)
  • The likelihood of something happening by chance being beyond a billion to one (24:07)
  • Espionage psychic spying and how remote viewing training takes place in the CIA and military (26:02)
  • What is resonance and how can we use it? (31:56)
  • How what we attend to is what we draw to us whether we like it or not (33:36)
  • Effortless striving: The goal in meditation and the power of asking entities for assistance (36:20)
  • Understanding the nature of consciousness and our relationship to it (39:54)
  • How do we start to use that “Real Magic” power that we’ve been proven to have? (46:33)
  • Fascinating study: Cooking in a happy state and serving blessed chocolate versus cooking in an angry state and serving unserved chocolate (48:51)
  • Can we change the outcome of the current Coronavirus pandemic with our minds? (51:11)
  • The pressure that comes with a crisis for the necessary evolution of humanity to take place (53:40)
  • Neurogenetic engineering and the potential to create a woke pill that could wake people up (59:06)
  • The second great rush of excitement about AI and potential singularity (01:00:43)
  • Being chronically optimistic and trying out a recumbent tricycle (01:05:23)

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Jun 26, 2020

If you’ve ever want to be more empowered and feel better about yourself, then do we have the I am Enough show for you!

Today I’ll be talking with best-selling author Marisa Peer, named Best British Therapist by Men’s Health Magazine, the creator of the Instant Transformational Therapy and the author of a brilliant new book, on reframing your mind, and your life, I am enough.

And that’s just what I want to talk with her about today, about marking your mirror, and changing your life!

Key Points Discussed:

  • How did Marissa Peer end up as Jane Fonda’s aerobic instructor?
  • What was Marissa’s early relationship with food – and how did she change it?
  • How did she get pregnant when she was told it was impossible?
  • What was Marissa’s gift of cancer and her two near-death experiences?
  • How does our mind respond to detailed instructions and what does this mean for us?
  • What is our birthright of confidence?
  • How do we move past limiting beliefs?
  • What does it mean that “I am enough”?
  • What’s the importance of the pictures in our heads and the words we tell ourselves?
  • What does it mean that if we use the wrong words we create the wrong reality?
  • How do we deal with the chatter in our minds?
  • How do we move past old patterns???
  • What can we learn from the Hollywood Star who thought he was never enough?
  • What can we learn from all of her successful clients about tackling problems?
  • What’s the importance of front-loading our day?
  • Why is our “dream job” so illusive, and what do we need to know about it?
  • What’s the power of repetition?
  • What’s the one thing we can do, today, to begin transforming our sense of ourselves, and realize that “I am enough”???

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Jun 24, 2020

If you’ve ever struggled with fear in your life, then do we have the UnAfraid show for you.

Today I’ll be talking with Reverend Adam Hamilton, the senior pastor of the 20,000 member Church of the Resurrection and the best-selling author of 25 books including his latest, a stunningly beautiful look at fear, UnAfraid.

And that’s just what I want to talk with him about, about how to live with courage and hope, in our uncertain times.

Key Points Discussed

  • Did Adam Hamilton grow up unfraid?
  • What saved him from the local bullies?
  • How scared was he leading the national prayer service?
  • What does a fear of preaching in boxers have to do with anything?
  • What’s the important of Saint Francis’s prayer?
  • How did he move past fears to start his own church – when he was told it would fail?
  • How do we move past fears of failure?
  • How do we move past panic and anxiety?
  • How is fear a real gift?
  • What is the real truth of fear?
  • How do we face down our giants?
  • What does fear really mean?
  • What does Ralph Waldo Emerson mean, “Do the thing we fear and the death of fear is certain”
  • What do fear and facts have to do with each other?
  • How do we begin to listen slowly – and why is it so important?
  • How do we move past the fear “But what if I fail”?
  • What’s the importance of meaning in our lives?
  • What can we learn from Dr. Victor Frankl and “Man’s Search for Meaning”
  • How do we move past feeling alone and unloved?
  • How do we retrain our minds for happiness?
  • How do we ask for help?

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Jun 22, 2020

If you’ve ever wanted to know what in the world is going on with the world, according to the stars, then do we have the show for you.

Today I’ll be talking with Dr. Michael Lennox, psychologist, dream expert, astrologer, and the creator of the Daily Astro Alert.

And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about what’s going on this summer, this fall, December 21st, this weekend, and why the chaos of today was all written in the stars. 

Key Points Discussed:

  • The doom of fearing change greatly and believing that challenging times are for our best interests (02:47)
  • The alignment of the planets and stars in relation to current occurrences in the United States (04:31)
  • Race in America through the lens of astrology and crisis we are in due to racial challenges (07:04)
  • The solar eclipse that’s coming up, its transformative nature, and the power of a new moon solar eclipse intention moment (08:25)
  • The moment when two sides of a very divisive issue will likely gather (12:08)
  • The rare occurrence of the personal planets going retrograde at the same time (14:00)
  • The danger of moving too fast and the value of learning to slow down (16:38)
  • Is there anything big that will happen after the solar eclipse? (20:51)
  • Mars and war: The energy from Mars that might make people more enraged, aggressive, and assertive (23:35)
  • What gives you optimism when you look at the charts? (27:18)
  • Being hypervigilant of what is going on inside before we take any action on the outside (30:35)
  • How to surf the current energy and knowing when to hide under the covers (33:37)
  • Living in the curiosity of what’s going to happen and the welcoming of November (35:59)
  • Mars being retrograde and how it relates to the way we embody our lives (37:46)
  • Honoring the change and transformation that’s going on by meditating, praying, doing our personal work, tuning into the teachers that inspire us, and other things (39:44)
  • Going through the growing pain in a way that is more in harmony, convergence, and coherence with each other, with ourselves, and with our previous ways (41:42)
  • Benefitting from the existence of a place where the heart and activism meet (43:58)
  • Is there anything that will come up at the end of the year from December 21st? (44:33)

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Jun 19, 2020

If you ever wanted great change but in a kind, gentle, easy, good fashion, then do we have the make great change incrementally show for you.

Today we’ll talk about making massive change, finding ways for it to stick, and how to step forward incrementally without being worn out, running out of patience, or feeling like you’re not making a difference or any headway. 

Key Points Discussed:

  • Doing classes with her gurus and trying out the master path (03:45)
  • Taking Shamanic journeys and getting out of the confusion borne out of doing too many things to move forward (07:28)
  • Having a lot of luck with sports and fitness by focusing on two things (08:28)
  • The value of having clarity of purpose and intent during these turbulent times (11:53)
  • Trying to drive a race car chassis with a bus frame: From the fancy hard boots to the soft boots (12:50)
  • Hedging yourself from being spun out and making change by being embodied and extra mindful (16:44)
  • Being hypervigilant and grounded, and moving more into music (18:20)
  • Michael’s perception of the power of CHAZ in Seattle (21:51)
  • Participating in a four-mile march and appreciating the challenges the police are facing (23:37)
  • The anger and rage that comes from being a victim of unjust behavior for a very long time (27:00)
  • Breaking hiking and running rules with some awesome Ninja poles (29:21)
  • The technique CJ used to keep going with her Camino when her knees were hurting (35:37)
  • Teaching their first mini master class and excited for their next Bootcamp on visualization (40:59)
  • How Covid-19 and George Floyd’s horrible death is amplifying the necessary energy that will bring necessary change (43:06)
  • The current energy that is allowing us to take the opportunity to create new habits (49:18)
  • Trying something new, being creative, and making soap from home (52:00)
  • Coaching the animals: The wonder kitty and helping him with playtime so he can start eating more (58:21)

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Jun 17, 2020

If you’ve ever wanted to understand what in the world is going on with the world through a Shamanic spiritual lense, then do we have the awakening to the spirit world show for you.

Today I’ll be talking with Sandra Ingerman, Shaman, therapist, podcaster, the award-winning author of at least 12 books, winner of the 2007 peace award from the Global Foundation for Integrative Medicine, one of the top ten spiritual leaders by Spirituality and Health Magazine, and the co-author along with Hank of a new book on Shamanism and awakening that has completely blown me away, “Awakening to the Spirit World”

And that’s just what I wanna talk with her about today, about the Shamanic path to a direct revelation, the awakening of humanity, and how to plug in and get guidance through this interesting time.

Key Points Discussed:

  • What do you see happening with Covid-19, the protests, and more, from a Shamanic point of view? (03:34)
  • Spiritual intrusion: One of the four different causes of illness in Shamanism (04:43)
  • How the universe called in the pandemic to awaken and serve us (08:32)
  • Going below the current violence to come up with new solutions (11:22)
  • The way nature becomes a helping spirit that has much to share with us about how to bring our lives back into harmony and balance (14:28)
  • Going into rituals or ceremonies with the earth by caring for the environment (23:25)
  • Living intentionally connected to the earth by using our words and choices as blessings (25:12)
  • The second Shamanic step to take us from the darkness so we can transmute to the light (30:35)
  • Letting go of all the old stuff that we’ve been dragging around with us that keep us from stepping into another part of evolution where we can have a different perspective on what’s going on in the world (32:00)
  • Understanding that we’re more than our body and mind and that we are a reflection of our creator (36:18)
  • What can you tell us about our ability to call in spirit and spirit animals? (39:11)
  • Meeting the ancient ones and learning about timing, the blink of the eye, and focusing more on staying very present and what she wants to do (44:06)
  • Can we live our work through our dreams? (49:09)
  • The Shamanic dismemberment that we’re in and how it can help us be reborn into a luminescent being (52:16)
  • The power in drumming sounds and how they enable us to travel into the unseen realms (55:54)
  • How important is diving into a spiritual practice, connecting to nature, or the spiritual realm during this time? (59:45)

Additional Resources:


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Jun 15, 2020

If you’ve ever wanted to see things differently and discover a brightness even in the seeming darkness all around, then do we have the Book of Soul show for you.

Today I’ll be talking with Mark Nepo, spiritual writer, poet, philosopher, spiritual artist, the author of the New York Times #1 Best Seller, “The Book of Awakening” and all-time favorite spiritual author of mine, and the author of a brilliant, beautiful new book, “The Book of Soul”

And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about Covid-19, protest, instability, apparent darkness, and what in the world it means for the evolution of our soul. 

Key Points Discussed:

  • What do you see going on in the world today with the pandemic and all the chaos everywhere? (03:33)
  • Getting unstuck  from grief and accepting that the world has changed (03:49)
  • The purpose of suffering in exhausting us of our differences and that of love in awakening us to how we are at heart the same (11:17)
  • Moving through our fear instead of obeying it so we can allow love to move us towards the miracle (15:27)
  • Overcoming fear and pain by enlarging our sense of things (19:00)
  • Wholeheartedness and inviting in our shadow at this time (20:32)
  • Listening to honest friends who can call us out when we’re wrong (24:00)
  • Liberating ourselves by wearing sandals instead of needlessly carpeting the earth (27:09)
  • The uselessness of our propensity to judge each other (31:01)
  • Looking with wonder and reverence at the incredibly positive opportunity for something greater at this time (34:58)
  • What in the world is a prison tree? (37:17)
  • Why he chooses every day whether to be known as a jew or not (45:20)
  • Truth and kindness and how they are our constant teachers (50:04)
  • Looking at hope as no matter how things turn out they will have meaning (52:27)
  • Avoiding the distancing of each other in our hearts despite having to practice caution and social distancing (01:01:02)
  • Being who we are completely with each other, not holding anything back, and making the most of our time together (01:02:43)

Additional Resources:


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Jun 12, 2020

If you’ve ever wanted great change for yourself, for the collective, your country, or all of humanity, then do we have the time is now great change show for you.

Today we’ll talk about Covid is amplifier, a year of reckoning, healing what’s under the carpet, and coming together to heal what matters most. Plus we’ll talk about the pressure cooker to awaken, dark knight to the soul, sleepless nights, college kids on the move, landscape paradise, breathing patterns, business changes, running PRs, clearing house, making space, holding extra shows, hair gone wild, boot camps galore, and what in the world a squirrel named Jefe has to do with anything.

Key Points Discussed:

  • Doing connected breathing classes to get rid of repressed anger, frustration, and sadness (03:25)
  • Being hopeful about things and the unifying nature of being able to speak our voice during this year of reckoning (05:23)
  • Finding the collective voice for anyone who cannot be heard and the inspiring solidarity going on right now (08:31)
  • Going through the current pandemic to find our voice and never be powerless again (12:00)
  • The wounds that are coming back, laughing at them, saying stupid, and having it all coming up to clear at a higher level and with so much energy  (17:26)
  • How change happens and the awesome process we’re all going through as we experience change (20:00)
  • Dealing with business changes, doing the delicious squirrel meditations, and breaking running records (25:27)
  • Cleaning house, the calling to get lighter and embracing the chaos instead of trying to eliminate it (29:25)
  • Stepping forward no matter what and not looking for perfection (31:24)
  • CJ’s landscape paradise and nature’s current widespread vibrance (36:45)
  • Jefe and the dozens of chipmunks and golden mountain squirrels that sit on Michael’s lap (39:53)
  • The one time of the day that Michael gets the lowest heart rate (45:06)
  • Being walking talking expressions of the earth and how that makes us snow white instead of grumpy (47:00)
  • The perfect metaphor in the constant changes of our hair (50:51)
  • Surfing the current energy of change that is here to help us all rise to a higher level (51:55)

Additional Resources:


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Jun 10, 2020

If you’ve ever wanted a smarter, healthier, more resilient brain, then do we have The Healthy Brain Book show for you.

Today I’ll be talking with Dr. William Sears, one of America’s leading and most famous health experts and best-selling authors, and the co-author of a brilliant new book on preserving your brain, “The Healthy Brain Book”

And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about eating your way to a smarter brain. 

Key Points Discussed:

  • What in the world is a brain garden? (02:58)
  • The way our brain does pruning automatically and neuroplasticity 101 (04:46)
  • How to stimulate your brain and keep it getting sharper and sharper (07:03)
  • The helpers high and holding the five keys to brain health in the palm of your hand (08:13)
  • Minding your cell membranes with a smart fat diet instead of a low-fat diet (08:44)
  • Can we tell how our brain is doing from our skin? (10:25)
  • Feeding our mighty mitochondria and growing healthier myelin (12:09)
  • Moving more to get neuroprotectins to the brain that will help us create more natural medicines in our bodies (13:59)
  • The language of the brain and the impact it has on our bodies (15:25)
  • The meaning of “The better your blood vessels, the better your brain” (18:47)
  • The importance of nourishing our fat heads and how a fulee of wild salmon can help (20:49)
  • Why the brain is now sicker than the heart in America (22:09)
  • How one can be a vegan and still have seafood (25:00)
  • When a mother should take high doses of Omega 3 to help build the baby’s brain (27:53)
  • Putting more color on our plates and why the blueberry is the brain berry (32:36)
  • The impact of greens and Vitamin D on our brains (34:50)
  • What do probiotics have to do with growing a smarter brain? (37:58)
  • The rule of twos: Eat twice as often, eat half as much, chew twice as long, and take twice the time to die (42:02)
  • The power of seeing and smelling food before we eat it (43:16)
  • A good carb (fat, protein, and fiber) versus a bad carb (46:50)
  • What we should do with a smoothie so it can benefit us the most (48:04)
  • The bitter the better: Reshaping your tastes and starting with 75% then going up 5% every week (50:00)
  • The brain benefits of organic green, red, and yellow peppers (53:50)
  • Getting rid of Monosodium glutamate (MSG) and anything with natural flavors (58:20)
  • The number one oil on the naughty list below hydrogenated oil (01:01:16)
  • MCT oil in addition to Omega 3, nothing on the naughty list, and a whole lot of grazing for pregnant moms (01:04:09)
  • The seven smart gut changes for brain health and what makes red meat bad for you (01:05:45)
  • Blending instead of juicing to improve our microbiome (01:10:08)
  • How we detox by just going to sleep and the one thing we can do right now to help our brains (01:12:00)

Additional Resources:


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Jun 8, 2020

If you’ve ever wanted to use metaphysics to change your life and change the world, then do we have the Magic of Believing Action Plan show for you.

Today I’ll be talking with Mitch Horowitz, a leader in the new thought movement, a 2020 writer and residence at the New York public library, PEN Award-Winning historian, the author of “The Miracle Club”, and the Napoleon Hill Success Course series including the “Secrets of Self-Mastery”, and the author of a powerful new treaty on mind as creator, “The Magic of Believing Action Plan”  

And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about how we create a new future for ourselves, our country, and the world, through the power of our mind. 

Key Points Discussed:

  • Owning your craft under challenging and difficult situations (04:26)
  • Does metaphysics and trust issues go hand in hand? (06:36)
  • Why it’s difficult to enter into the feeling state of having received despite having positive thoughts, trust and believing (08:27)
  • The embedded trigger deeply rooted in us that kills our ability to talk ourselves out of grief or fear (10:00)
  • Are we temporarily creating a collective nightmare within our minds? (16:11) 
  • Who was Claude M. Bristol? (17:00)
  • Simultaneously having a passionate and unshakeable aim with two different things as an individual and as a collective (22:00)
  • Having a specific vision for yourself and seeing how that fits into the whole framework of the collective outlook (25:33)
  • The beginner’s mind and its importance (28:40)
  • Telepathy: How the mind communicates in extra physical waves (35:02)
  • The concept of psychobiology fields and the existence of group instincts (39:27)
  • The Maharishi Effect and its relevance today (43:18) 
  • Some of the individual changes we can make for the benefit of all (44:27)
  • Quantum physics and how we choose the universe we want to play out (45:47)
  • How to shift our awareness in order to change the outcomes in our lives (45:50)
  • How our emotional beliefs influence our outcomes and how to positively persuade yourself in order to tip the scale in your favor (49:00)
  • Helping the subconscious accept the new reality by constructing an archetype of how you would function in the new state we are in (53:02)
  • Using Mantras and affirmations as a tool to staying in an intentional state of positivity (56:09)
  • Symbols, symbolic meanings, and beliefs (59:58)
  • The power of the written word (01:04:44)
  • What advice would Claude Bristol give us today for what we are going through? (01:07:43)

Additional Resources:


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Jun 5, 2020

If you've ever thought there's more to you than just your genes, then do we have the Biology of Belief show for you.

Today I’ll be talking Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D. is an internationally recognized leader in bridging science and spirit, winner of the 2009 GOI Peace Award, and the author of my new all-time favorite book, "The Biology of Belief"

And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about how we’re more than our DNA, what really controls us, and how to change your life by changing your beliefs!

Key Points Discussed:

  • How Bruce Lipton got into microscopy?
  • What was Bruce’s first time with an electron microscope like?
  • What happened to Bruce in 1985?
  • How did he end up leaving a tenured position and why?
  • Why was he struggling with such negativity?
  • What happened when he began studying cell membranes?
  • What’s the breakthrough he discovered?
  • What did he learn about DNA in the process?
  • What did he learn about the cell nucleus and why’s it important for all of us.
  • Why Darwin was wrong and what it means for us?
  • What is really going on with our genes?
  • What is epigenetics and why does it matter?
  • What is the new biology?
  • What is the danger of Darwin’s theory and what does it mean for humanity?
  • Where does humanity need to go from here?
  • What are the blocks in our way to realizing our greatness?
  • How do we begin to move past our subconscious blocks?
  • How do we create a new generation of children?
  • What is conscious conception and conscious parenting?
  • What are some of the ways we can help kids to avoid creating limiting beliefs?
  • How do we overcome our own limiting beliefs?
  • What’s the importance of hypnosis, repetition, and energy psychology?
  • What one homework assignment can we begin today to reprogram our subconscious minds?

Additional Resources:


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Jun 3, 2020

If you’ve ever wondered how in the world to get through this time and who in the world to trust, then do we have the How to Survive a Pandemic show for you.

Today I’ll be talking with Pulitzer Award Winning author, Charles Duhigg, the best-selling author of “The Power of Habit”, and “Smarter Faster Better”, who’s prescience has led him to write about pandemics before they’ve even happened, and what brought us here today. 

And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about how to sort through conflicting messages, stay safe, and figure out where in the world to go from here. 

Key Points Discussed:

  • How did you come to write an article for Slate last year on how to survive a pandemic? (02:54)
  • How Seattle leaders let the scientists take the lead unlike New York, and the impact that has had (04:52)
  • What happened on the East Coast in relation to the Coronavirus response where the CDC is concerned? (07:14)
  • The harm that our misunderstanding of timing and exponential growth causes us (12:06)
  • Tuning out the politicians and listening to the experts to avoid the confusion surrounding how to keep the virus at bay (13:52)
  • Sorting through whether economics is more important than health (15:44)
  • Some of the habits that are hurting us during this pandemic (20:01)
  • Are the fatality rates real, and how can we really protect ourselves from getting infected? (25:10)
  • The necessity of moving past the “American way” habit (27:40)
  • The opportunity we have to rethink things and what we want to do with our lives (29:17)
  • The fact that the pandemic will end okay and how we can change our lives (33:21)

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Jun 1, 2020

If you’ve ever wanted to understand the science of earthing and why people say you feel better when you’re connected to the earth, then do we have the Earthing Show for you.

Today I’ll be talking with Clint Ober, a revolutionary pioneer in the field of Earthing and Grounding, the co-author of a brilliant book on health called “Earthing”, and featured in a brilliant new documentary called “The Earthing Movie”

And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about the science behind how and why reconnecting to the earth is so important especially during a crisis, and why it will give you greater health, better sleep, reduced inflammation, and especially less stress for you and your kids.

To find out more visit:

Key Points Discussed:

  • What’s the number one reason we want to be connected to the earth during a crisis? (03:23)
  • What is earthing and what does it have to do with free electrons? (07:22)
  • Studies that show connecting the body to the earth changes it for the better (12:17)
  • Regulating or normalizing our hormone cascades and eliminating inflammation through earthing (17:14)
  • How to put out Cytokine storms and the way earthing might help with the Coronavirus (21:38)
  • Sticky blood and the way blood clots lead to strokes, heart attacks and other health problems (28:30)
  • Using grounding to overcome arthritis and end pain in the body (31:13)
  • The negative impact that exercise has on the body and how grounding can help (35:00)
  • Dealing with the emotional storms that are going on right now (38:34)
  • How can being grounded help us from falling into a depressed state? (50:28)
  • The truth around whether the environment is too noisy electronically for anyone to want to be grounded (57:58)
  • Retiring from grounding electronics in the cable industry to grounding people (01:02:30)
  • Incorporating enough carbon into furniture, flooring, or shoes so they can be natural conductors that will keep people’s immune systems stable (01:06:00)
  • The purpose that grounding kits serve (01:07:53)
  • Creating a universal earthing mat and selling more than a million units of it (01:14:00)
  • Having a grounding station in the house to lay down on when you start to lose it (01:18:09)
  • What have you been finding with kids where earthing is concerned? (01:20:54)
  • Using the earthing mat to help improve the health of prematurely born babies (01:30:09)
  • How does someone do grounding when they’re driving in an RV? (01:34:41)

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And to follow Inspire Nation on Tik Tok simply go to InspireNationShow on Tik Tok